Damang Project |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Southwestern ghana |
Près de |
Tarkwa |
Statut |
Superficie |
52 km² / 12 946 acres |
Latitude / Longitude |
5 N 11 / 1 W 57 |
Damang Gold Mine is approximately 300 kilometres by road west of the capital, Accra, and 140 kilometres by road from the port of Takoradi on the Atlantic coast. It is situated some 30 km north of the town of Tarkwa with good access roads and an established infrastructure.
The Damang property is covered by a mining lease granted to Abosso by the Government of Ghana on April 19, 1995. The mining lease was amended on April 4, 1996 and now covers 52.39 square kilometres. The mining lease was granted for a period of 30 years, expiring on April 19, 2025.
The orebodies of the Damang Gold Mine comprise stockwork sulphide deposits and Banket conglomerates. The Kwesie-Lima and Tomento deposits are characterized by mineralization hosted within Tarkwaian palaeoplacer deposits, present as individual tabular quartz pebble conglomerate units interlaminated within quartzites and argillaceous sandstone units.
Historique de production |
Métal | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
GOLD (oz) | 207 000 | 200 000 | 194 200 | 188 000 | 235 000 |
Conditions d'utilisation
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