Articles related to 10 Year Bond
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
WTF Bonds Sink, Gold Price Jumps
Valentine's Day leap in yields and interest rates sees gold price rise... OKAY, this is weird, writes Adrian Ash at BullionVault. "Increase in US inflation sparks bond sell-off," as the Financial Times reports. "Treasury yields hit 4-year highs," the FT goes on, referring to the interest rate no
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Bullion Vault
Gold Price -$10 on Strongest US Wage Inflation Since Jan '09 But Fed 'Behind the Curve'
GOLD PRICES sank $10 inside 30 minutes Friday lunchtime in London as new US data showed a stronger-than-expected rise in new jobs plus the largest annual rise in average wages since January 2009. The Dollar jumped on the FX market, extending an overnight rally begun as the Bank of Japan became the first central bank amid 2018's sell-off of government bonds to step into the market and buy in a bid to stem the resulting surge in longer-term intere
Friday, February 2, 2018
Profiting in 2018
DEEPCASTER LLCFORTRESS ASSETS PORTFOLIO | LETTERS, ALERTS & ARTICLESHIGH POTENTIAL SPECULATOR | HIGH YIELD PORTFOLIOPreserve & Enhance WealthInvestment & Geopolitical Intelligence(Part 1)Key Sector Bubbles Bursting and Mega-Moves Up in others are our forecast for 2018—and we expect the Bursting and one Mega-Spike UP to begin very soon. (See our latest Alerts and Letters for our Specific Forecasts and Buy Recommendations).The election of Donald Trump as President and then the December, 2017 passa
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
Gold and Silver Bullion Are Only “Safe Investments Left” – Stockman 
– Gold is the “ultimate and only real money” – Former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman – Trump tax cuts will lead to a ‘fiscal calamity of biblical proportions’ – China downgrades U.S. over political ‘deficiencies’– Expect a ‘huge reset in the bond market’ and a ‘massive drop in household wealth’– ‘People will flee the stock and bond markets in favour of gold and silver – Time to buy (gold and silver bullion) is ideal– “Only safe asset left is gold” Editor: Mark O’Byrne ‘There
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Jordan Roy Byrne - The Daily Gold
One Big, Potential Catalyst for Gold in 2018
The rebound in the precious metals sector continues. Friday, Gold pushed to another new high, near $1340/oz. Gold stocks led by the HUI Gold Bugs Index and GDX also made a new high with juniors and Silver right behind. The greatest traders say the move comes first and then the reason later. When it comes to Gold we are always analyzing the reason behind the moves so we can distinguish between reactions and reflex moves and those moves that are part of a real bull market. The market may be starti
Monday, January 15, 2018
Jordan Roy Byrne - The Daily Gold
Here’s 5 Reasons Gold Stocks Will Breakout in 2018
There are very few sellers leftThere were very few sellers left in January 2016 when the devastating “forever bear” was about to end. Six months later and a 150% rebound in the large caps and 200% rise in the juniors (GDXJ) provided sellers an opportunity. They drove the miners and juniors down by 40% to 45% in less than five months. However, both GDX and GDXJ have been able to hold above that low multiple times. GDX has held $21 four times! GDXJ has held $29.50 twice in solid fashion. The bears
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
2017, The Year of the Truth Bomb! (Part 1)
Here we are at the end of 2017 with more “truth bombs” released than I could have imagined!  In fact, I believe we probably received more “truth” in just one year than collectively in all of human history.  This is a sad statement because it also means we have lived behind more lies than at any time prior.  Also surprising is none individually have cracked the dam called “confidence”.  But do not be fooled as it looks as if the entire dam is moving, particularly in the last few weeks! As we have
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Financial Expert: ‘Phony Wealth Created Since The Last Crisis Is Going To Evaporate’
Former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman is warning that the wealth created since the 2008 financial crisis is “phony.”  He also wants everyone to know that they only safe asset right now, is gold or silver. David Stockman sat down with USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter, and plainly laid out the terrifying state of affairs our financial system is currently in. Stockman contends that record high stock and bond prices are flashing danger signs and that everyone should be aware of that.  H
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
The Cycle of Falling Interest
Over the past few weeks, we have looked at the effects of falling interest rates: falling discount applied to future cash flows (and hence rising stock and bond prices), and especially falling marginal productivity of debt (MPoD). Falling MPoD means that we get less and less GDP “juice” for each new dollar of borrowing “squeeze”. Last week, we proposed an economic law: if MPoD < 1 then the economy is unsustainable. MPoD has been falling since at least 1950, and is currently well under 0.4 (havin
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Bullion Vault
Gold Sets 13-Week Closing Low, Bitcoin +993 in 2017 as US Jobless Hits 'Tech Bubble' Low
GOLD PRICES gave back a $5 pop on new US jobs data Friday to near the weekend at $1269 per ounce – a 13-week closing low – as world stock markets slipped from new all-time highs. Crude oil rose but base metals eased back further from their 25% gains of the last 6 months. Major government bond prices ticked higher, pushing yields down, while crypto-currency Bitcoin set another fresh
Friday, November 3, 2017
Bullion Vault
Gold Price Slips as Catalan Crisis 'Goes International' in Belgium, Japan Cuts Inflation Forecast
GOLD PRICE gains of 0.5% evaporated in Dollar terms in London trade Tuesday as European stock markets rose with government bond prices despite the "internationalization" to Belgium of Catalonia's separatist push against Spain. With Dollar-gold trading down to last week's finish at $1272 per ounce -- the lowest Friday close since early August --  the gold price in Pounds per ounce flirted with 1-month lows for UK investors at £960, an
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
Falling Productivity of Debt
Last week, we discussed the ongoing fall of dividend, and especially earnings, yields. This Report is not a stock letter, and we make no stock market predictions. We talk about this phenomenon to make a different point. The discount rate has fallen to a very low level indeed. Discount in stocks is how you assess the present-day value of earnings to occur in the future. For example, if the discount rate is 10%, then a dollar of earnings per share at Acme Piping next year is worth $0.90 today. At
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Bullion Vault
Gold Bullion 'In Demand' as Dollar Slips, Fed Minutes Due, Madrid Faces Down Catalan Leader
GOLD BULLION held flat against a falling US Dollar on Wednesday, trading at $1290 per ounce as Madrid delayed taking control of breakaway Spanish region Catalonia after the governor in Barcelona delayed a formal proclamation of independence. New Japanese data showed strong growth in orders for both machinery and machine tools. Major government bond prices edged down with global stock markets, nu
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
N.Korea Gold Prices More About Real Rates Than Ever
So the daily correlation data say at least... SO APPARENTLY, the latest pop and retreat in gold prices has all been about the nuclear stand-off between the US and North Korea, writes Adrian Ash at BullionVault. "Gold falls on rising risk appetite as N.Korea tensions ease," says Reuters. And fair enough. Trum
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
GDXJ Sell Off is a Blessing in Disguise
I. The Bond Market Loses Confidence in the Fed After the Fed hiked rates and highlighted their balance sheet unwinding plans last week, bond yields further dropped. This means there is a significant lack of confidence in the economy and doubt in the Fed by bond investors. Why does this matter? Because bond investors are predicting a recession, so they buy bonds which pushes yields down. But the Fed is claiming that everything is going swell, so they are hiking rates. This is causing the yield cu
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Mark O'Byrne -
Most Overvalued Stock Market On Record — Worse Than 1929
Stock Market Most Overvalued On Record — Worse Than 1929? The US stock market today has never been more dangerous and overvalued, according to respected Wall Street market analyst John Hussman. Indeed, Hussman goes as far as to say that “this is the most dangerous and overvalued stock market on record — worse than 2007, worse than 2000, even worse than 1929” as reported by Marketwatch. For some months now, Hussman of Hussman Funds’ has been warning in his research that investors are ignoring ex
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Draghi’s Dilemma: Eurozone Inflation Hits 2 with Italy on Bond Life Support
Eurozone headline inflation hit two percent today, and that has the inflation hawks in Germany screaming. Yet, ECB president Mario Draghi has promised to maintain QE asset purchases, and Italy has no other real buyer for its bonds. What’s Draghi to do? Headline Inflation Hits Two Percent A milestone. Annual inflation in the eurozone accelerated to hit 2 per cent for the first time since January 2013 last month, underscoring a sharp rise in prices driven by higher energy costs in the single cur
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Another Greek WTF Showdown Moment Explained
The IMF has once again threatened to pull out of the Troika following a warning that Eurogroup Loan Measures Not Enough for Greek Debt. Greek debt yields had already been rising and spiked on the news. Let’s take a look at what’s happening, culminating with an explanation of seemingly preposterous positions from all involved. In the IMF’s baseline scenario, Greece’s government debt will reach 275 percent of its gross domestic product by 2060, when its financing needs will represent 62 percent o
Monday, January 30, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
2.5, Nuff Said
With each passing day – particularly, as we approach Trump’s inauguration – the confluence of “PM bullish, everything-else-bearish” headlines grows larger, and broader.  Consequently, the list of vital questions to be answered is as long, as it is broad.  Such as, will the outgoing Obama Administration’s last ditch attempt to sabotage the incoming Trump Administration succeed?  Will plunging currencies like the Euro, the UK Pound, the Mexican Peso, and the Turkish Lira find their footing – or co
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Michael Pento - Delta Global Advisors
Trumponomics Won't Trump the Bond Bust
Despite the millions of dollars Wall Street plowed into the Clinton campaign in vain, the financial industry has nevertheless now become downright giddy with the prospects of a Donald Trump presidency. The imperative question investors need to determine is will the Trump presidency be able to generate viable growth. And, if he cannot produce robust and sustainable growth imminently, are the markets now priced for perfection that simply may never arrive? Let's look at the President Elec
Thursday, January 5, 2017

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