Articles related to Charlie Munger
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Bitcoin as Poison
The views on Bitcoin among various investors are quite polarized. The whole spectrum includes both people directly owning the cryptocurrency and those who seem to hate it. We have read analyses suggesting that a surprising percentage of hedge fund managers own digital coins. At the same time, Warren Buffett's investment chief, Charlie Munger, called Bitcoin “noxious poison.” Do such words mean that Bitcoin is doomed? In an article on the Guardian website, we read: Bitcoin is heading towards $10,
Friday, February 16, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
Buffett Sees Market Crash Coming His Cash Speaks Louder Than Words
The Sage of Omaha’s adage is “it’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” Editor: Mark O’Byrne But for Warren Buffett the current environment doesn’t appear to be offering up any wonderful companies at fair valuations. The situation is so bad that the cash stockpile of Berkshire Hathaway has more than doubled in the last four years, from under $40 billion to $100bn. The infamous investor is famed for his investment approach of pouncing
Monday, August 21, 2017
Happy New Year!
2017 Year of Hope and Change The day I began this blog, 8/23/08, was two days before the 2008 Democratic National Convention, which nominated then-senator Barack Obama on a platform of Hope and Change. (Coincidentally (and pretty funny now in hindsight), Obama won the most delegates, but Hillary won the popular vote!): Twenty days from now, on January 20th, we'll be done with Obama's version and, Michelle's opinion notwithstanding, we'll finally get to experience some real Hope and Change,
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Market Manipulation Goes Mainstream, As The Powers That Be Turn On Each Other
The war for $1,300/oz – which gold, aside from a Cartel-capped blip 16 months ago – hasn’t traded at for nearly two years – is ON!  The Cartel, fresh from having lost its 2½ month battle to defend its previous “line in the sand” at $1,250/oz – having taken their naked “commercial” short position to nearly a record high in the process – is sucking wind big time.  Let alone in silver; in which their short position is literally at an all-time high, as they try to figure out whether their next “batt
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Buffet’s Math Trumped by Gold
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” Richard P. Feynman Introduction Every year, I patiently await the release of Warren Buffet’s Annual Letter written to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. Though I have “evolved” when it comes to macroeconomics and my understanding of monetary history, I sti
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Investment Legends Are Warning of a Systemic Event
More and more insiders are warning of a potential systemic event. The first sign of real trouble concerned a number of investment legends choosing to close shop and return investors’ capital. The first real titan to bow out was Stanley Druckenmiller. Druckenmiller maintained average annual gains of nearly 30% for 30 years. He is arguably one of if not the greatest investor of the last three decades. In 2010, he chose to close shop, foregoing billions in management fees. Druckenmiller was not alo
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Chris Martenson
Rising Police Aggression A Telling Indicator Of Our Societal Decline
My first Uber lift was in South Carolina.  My driver was from Sudan originally, but had emigrated to the US 20 years ago.  Being the curious sort, I asked him about his life in Sudan and why he moved.  He said that he left when his country had crumbled too far, past the point where a reasonable person could have a reasonable expectation of personal safety, when all institutions had become corrupted making business increasingly difficult.  So he left.   Detecting a hitch in his delivery when he s
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Smart Money Is Selling the Farm
“Buy stocks! It’s a great opportunity! They present great value.” This is the non-stop mantra espoused on financial media. It’s simply astounding given that 1)   Everyone with a modicum of sense knows stocks are in a bubble 2)   Financial media viewership is plunging to multi-decade lows (you think they’d consider changing the content?) Here are a few thoughts no one  in the mainstream financial media seems to address. First of all, corporate insiders are dumping shares at a pace not seen si
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Ignore the Financial Media… Now is the Time to Prepare
“Buy stocks! It’s a great opportunity! They present great value.” This is the non-stop mantra espoused on financial media. It’s simply astounding given that 1)   Everyone with a modicum of sense knows stocks are in a bubble 2)   Financial media viewership is plunging to multi-decade lows (you think they’d consider changing the content?) Here are a few thoughts no one  in the mainstream financial media seems to address. First of all, corporate insiders are dumping shares at a pace not seen si
Friday, September 26, 2014
Dan Popescu - GoldBroker
  Is Gold the Anti-Dollar " United States’ Role in the Gold Market 
What role does the United States play in the gold market? The United States is, after the European Union, the largest holder of gold reserves, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Besides China, Russia, India and the European Union, the United States is one of the most important players in the gold market. It is, in my opinion, the most anti-gold country of all the major five players. A whole generation of economists has been indoctrinated to
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Energy Report
The Next Billion (Barrels of Oil): T. Boone Pickens Calls for Energy Plan at Stansberry Society Even
On making (and losing money): I moved to Dallas from West Texas in 1989 worth about $25 million ($25M). I ran that $25M up to $4 billion ($4B) in 2007. 2008 and 2009 were a disaster. I lost $2B. I've given away over $1B and have $1B left. On leveraging the oil and gas renaissance in the U.S.: I launched the Pickens Plan in 2008 because I felt that I was running out of time, and this country desperately needs an energy plan. We're the only country in the world without one. We use more oil than
Thursday, June 12, 2014
JS Kim - Smart Knowledge U
The One Chart That Explains the Massive Risk of Investing in Gold Gold Stocks 
Viewing the chart above, a six-year old child could tell you that investing in physical gold and gold mining stocks (as indicated by the AMEX HUI gold bugs index) yielded returns from 2001 to 2012 far superior to the returns of the US S&P 500 Index over the same time period. In fact, the truth of this statement is so self-evident, that if this same child was asked what asset classes he should have been invested in over the past decade by viewing the above chart, the simplicity of that q
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
Double Down: Vladimir’s Putin Billions Into Gold In Anticipation of Global Upheaval 
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says gold is not money. Berkshire Hathaway’s Charlie Munger claims it’s only for pre-holocaust Jews and that civilized people don’t buy it. The oracle of Omaha Warren Buffet scorned it as an unproductive asset and says he’ll neverinvest in it. Financial advisers rarely, if ever,recommend it forpersonal retirement portfolios and many people will argue that it’s not a worthy personal reserve because you can’t eat it.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Crisis Watch - Shtfplan
Double Down: Vladimir’s Putin Billions Into Gold In Anticipation of Global Upheaval

Monday, September 10, 2012
Egon Von Greyerz - Gold Switzerland
  Gold goes where The Money is 
In a follow-up interview related to his new gold report, commodity analyst RonaldStoeferle discusses with financial journalist LarsSchall for MATTERHORN ASSET MGMT some more crucial points for a better understanding of the action in the gold pits. This time around they talk about, inter alia: “Resource Nationalization”; Peak Gold; the “Asian love affair with gold; and the “aurophobia” of certain old men in finance.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
JS KIM - TheUndergroundInvestor
  The Criminal Banking Cartel’s End Game: A 100 Digital Monetary System 
There is no doubt that the elite have always sought to carefully manufacture news and to control the beliefs of the masses through their interests in funding education and in owning media distribution channels for centuries. There is a wealth of history that chronicles the elite’s desires to control and sway public opinion by manufacturing news versus the honorable journalism pursuit of reporting news in a fair and accurate manner.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Gold Report
Golden Days Ahead: Dave Kranzler
Savvy investors and central banks in Asia are accumulating physical gold, the most stable form of value.In an exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Dave Kranzler, founder of Golden Returns Capital, contrarian gold investor and newsletter writer, shares his investment outlook and explains what he looks for when investing in gold miners poised to profit from economic turbulence.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Adam Brochert - Gold Versus Paper
A New Cyclical Gold Stock Bull Market Is Born 
And it is about time! After a 40% bear market (the second worst of the secular Gold stock bull so far), the large majority of investors and speculators have been worn out or scared out.The mid-May bottom was THE bottom in my opinion and we have a long way to go on the upside.The metals will rise as well, but Gold stocks will outperform this time.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Gold - Gold Versus Paper
A New Cyclical Gold Stock Bull Market Is Born

Monday, June 4, 2012
Gary Tanashian - Biwii
Gold's GOR Fest

Friday, May 18, 2012

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