Articles related to HYDROGEN
Mickey Fulp - Mercenary Geologist
Geological Catastrophes Waiting to Happen or TEOTWAWKI 
3rd Stone from the Sun (Jimi Hendrix and Chad Chandler, 1967): Hendrix: Star fleet to scout ship, please give your position. Over. Chandler: I am in orbit around the third planet of star known as Sun. Over. Hendrix: May this be Earth? Over. Chandler: Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent species. Over. Hendrix: I think we should take a look. Throughout its 4.5 billion year history, the geology of the Earth has created an environment that allows life to thrive or causes it to die.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Famous diamonds
Black diamonds come from outer space 
Outer space may also be the birthplace of the mysterious black diamonds known as carbonados. From the Portuguese word for burned or carbonized, carbonados were first found in Brazil in the 1800s and have since turned up elsewhere, most notably in central Africa. Unlike the clear diamonds of engagement rings, which are single crystals, black diamond consists of aggregations of individual crystals, which lend the gem its dark color.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Famous diamonds
The Anonymous Diamond, or the "Nameless" 
This is one of the most mysterious diamonds ever. No one knows exactly where it was found, nor when, not even its story or whereabouts and its owners still remain unknown. Everything around this black diamond is an enigma. As far as we know this diamond has never even been named. As a result it turned out usual to call it “the Anonymous” or “the Nameless”.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Perth Mint Blog
  Everyone Owns A Little Gold – Here’s How 
We all livewith gold –it’sliterally inour bodies. Whilehumans arecomposed ofoxygen,carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen, calcium,phosphorous and 19other ‘essential’elements,wealsocontain traces ofmany more,including gold andsilver. InNature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to theElement,award-winning sciencewriter JohnEmsleysays theweight of gold in theaveragepersonis about 7milligrams.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Doggie (Life) Style 
Disregard disease – Ebola, Zika and whatever else is cooking out there. Things like - rising sea levels, global shortages of fresh water, simmering religious tensions, the potential for wars over mineral resources and what a higher gold price means. Disregard financial calamity, malfunctioning governments and lying sleazebag politicians leading us down the garden path. Forget about climate change, somebody else can deal with it. Is it to be inflation, disinflation, deflation or stagflation?
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Imaginations of the Misguided The end of the world as we know it It’s Christmas 2017 and North Korean Dear Leader Kim Jong-un is facing a crisis. Recently the United States, with UN approval, imposed the harshest round of economic sanctions yet on his reclusive regime. While North Korea has been sanctioned since 2006 due to continuing attempts to develop nuclear weapons, this new provocation by its sworn nemesis is the last straw for Kim, who feels the great legacies of his father and grandfather, Kim
Friday, December 29, 2017
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Four Things We Learned About Gold in 2017
2017 is almost over. What did we learn about gold during this time? Gold May Prosper in Good Times First, gold may shine in unpleasant macroeconomic outlook. Generally, gold performs the best during economic slowdown or turmoil. In 2017, the economic conditions were far from recessionary climate. Global economic growth accelerated and became more synchronized among countries. The U.S. economy performed well, the unemployment rate achieved a record low, while inflation remained subdued. The Fed h
Friday, December 29, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
  A North Korean EMP Attack Can Create 90+ Fukushimas in the U.S.
First, a salute to All News Pipeline, where Stefan Stanford and Susan Duclos have been continuously releasing letters written by Dr. Peter V. Pry, the foremost American expert on the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) threat against the U.S. Please visit All News Pipeline and read the latest two articles by Dr. Pry regarding North Korea’s definitive nuclear threat to the U.S., a threat the Mainstream Media (MSM) are either ignoring or downplaying: the former due to narcissistic arrogance, and the latte
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Democrats Want To BAN Gas And Diesel Cars By 2040 To Make California More Like China
One California lawmaker is seeking to have the state ban all vehicles powered by fossil fuels by the year 2040.  Should the bill succeed in becoming a law, the state of California would not allow residents to register any vehicle that emits carbon dioxide. According to Bloomberg, California Assemblymember Phil Ting, a Democrat who is chairman of the chamber’s budget committee, said he plans to introduce a bill that, starting in 2040, would allow the state’s motor vehicles department to register
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Earthquake In North Korea Was Less Than TWO MILES From The Nuclear Test Site
An earthquake struck North Korea less than two miles away from the reclusive nation’s nuclear test site.  The regime’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons is heightening tensions globally that are set to snap at any moment. The 2.5-magnitude earthquake which shook North Korea early Saturday morning near its nuclear test site was initially picked up by Seoul’s weather agency. According to Newsweek, around 7:45 a.m. local time, the quake struck Kilju, a county in the North Hamgyeong Province, the
Monday, December 4, 2017
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Gold Comes from Neutron Star Collision
Gold comes from the merger of neutron stars. How cool is that? We always maintained that gold is a unique element and an investment. Its extraordinary features were the very reason why people chose the yellow metal as money. Just think about it: there are more than 100 elements, but it was gold that became a market medium of exchange used by people all over the world. Aurum is neither a gas (try to pay for dinner with helium!), nor radioactive, so it does not kill its users (it’s quite important
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Hugo Salinas Price -
  The Gold Worm on the Yuan Hook 
Once again, I turn over in my mind the Chinese plan regarding their imported oil, which consists in convincing their oil suppliers to accept yuan in payment (and thus re-directing their sales outside the orbit of the US dollar) with an additional sweetener in case the oil exporters do not wish to hold assets denominated in yuan: the sweetener consists in offering to exchange the yuan received by the oil exporters, for gold purchased on the world markets – and not out of C
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Will North Korea Boost Gold Prices Part II
The turn of 2012 to 2013 was a time of escalated tensions between North Korean and the U.S, comparable to recent strains. Hence, the analysis of that period should be valuable for gold investors curious whether (and how) the latest crisis on Korean Peninsula would affect the precious metals market. On December 12, 2012, North Korea successfully launched a long-range rocket, testing a banned ballistic missile and raising nuclear stakes. In response, the U.N. Security Council approved the broadeni
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Will North Korea Boost Gold Prices Part II
The turn of 2012 to 2013 was a time of escalated tensions between North Korean and the U.S, comparable to recent strains. Hence, the analysis of that period should be valuable for gold investors curious whether (and how) the latest crisis on Korean Peninsula would affect the precious metals market. On December 12, 2012, North Korea successfully launched a long-range rocket, testing a banned ballistic missile and raising nuclear stakes. In response, the U.N. Security Council approved the broadeni
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Simulation Of North Korean H-Bomb Test Warns: “Radiation Across Planet… Could Lead To Catastrophic Loss Of Life”
This report was originally published by Tyler Durden at Monitor Releases Simulation Of What Nuclear Explosion Near North Korea Would Look Like A scientist tasked with monitoring the proliferation of nuclear weapons has published what he described as a “rough simulation” of what would happen if North Korea follows through with threats to test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean. The upshot of the simulation – which was published by Lassina Zerbo, the head of the Comprehensive Nu
Monday, October 2, 2017
Jan Skoyles - GoldCore
Commodities King Gartman Says Gold Soon Reach $1,400 As Drums of War Grow Louder
– ‘Commodities King’ Gartman sees $1,400 gold surge in months – “Gold is the one currency that will do the best of all…” – Pullback below $1300 “is relatively inconsequential” – Use gold price weakness to be a buyer “no question” – Bullish on gold due to central banks and easy monetary policy and gold will be even higher in euro terms – Gold will be the best of all, as a result of QE and expansionary policies – Dalio reconfirms belief that ‘gold serves a purpose’ and portfolios should have expos
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
A Crash Course in Preparedness: Week 2: Medicine, Sanitation, and Surviving Disaster Diseases
This article was originally published by Tess Pennington at  Tess is the author of the widely popular and highly rated The Prepper’s Blueprint. This Crash Course To Preparedness guide is the second in a series of four. You can view Week 1 here: A Crash Course in Preparedness – Week 1 – The Survival Basics Welcome back to week 2 in our Crash Course into Preparedness. Last week we discussed the basics of survival and gear needed for a short-lived event. One of the comments from
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Rickards: “Next Financial Crisis 6-8 Months Away” Got Popcorn Gold
In a Daily Mail interview, Jim Rickards says the next financial crisis is eight months away, will be BIGGER than the last and triggered by war with North Korea. “It is inevitable, it will hit us in the next six to eight months,” claims Rickards. My Response Armchair pundits calling for Trump to take out North Korea do not remotely understand the risks.Think Seoul & China — Mike Mish Shedlock (@MishGEA) September 3, 2017 First time I've identified time & type of snow
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
6th North Korean Nuclear Test and Gold
On Sunday, North Korea conducted another nuclear test. What does it imply for the gold market? The crisis over the Korean Peninsula tightened again after a short period of calm. On August 15, Kim Jong-un said he was delaying a decision on firing missiles towards Guam to see what Trump does next, which helped to ease the tensions between North Korea and the U.S. However, the regime launched ballistic missile over Japan on August 29 (after firing a few Scud missiles on August 26). And three days a
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
The Daily Market Report
USAGOLD/Peter Grant/09-05-17 Gold rebounded from modest intraday downticks after filling the gap that was left yesterday. The yellow metal remains elevated by geopolitical tensions that continue to ratchet higher, as well political uncertainty here at home. Gold set another new high for the year yesterday at 1338.82 after North Korea tested a rather larger nuclear device. It was reportedly an order of magnitude greater than previous tests and there is speculation it may have been a hydrogen bomb
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

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