Articles related to Meltdown
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Recapitalize The Banks With Gold
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Edwin Vieira - GATA
Silver and Gold Guarantee Freedom 
Silver and gold are not merely valuable commodities, investments, and media of exchange. More importantly, they are key "checks and balances" in America's legal and political institutions. The fight against the use of silver and gold as money that has been waged by bankers and rogue politicians since the 1870s as to silver and the 1930s as to gold -- and will intensify as fiat currencies collapse throughout the world -- is ultimately directed against America's national independence, her constitutional government, and every common American's individual liberty and prosperity.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Market Dropped 3 Financial Media is ...
In this podcast, I offer the latest in my critically acclaimed* series, "Our Bullshit Economy". I berate the financial media and basically everyone else on Earth for how they handled today's 800 point sell off in the Dow. If you didn't see this coming - well, you haven't been listening to the QTR Podcast long enough. Score one for the bears today. QTR Podcasts are always free, but some people choose to make a small recurring donation, which is gratefully accepted:
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Chris Martenson
  Russia Did It!
This past week saw an enormous outpouring of respect and admiration for Stephen Hawking upon his passing. In contrast to his frail health in life, his contributions to our understanding of the universe were prodigious and robust. Hawking's elevation of rational and intellectual truth above all else, even his failing body, inspired a generation of science lovers. Perhaps, too, he represented something in desperately short supply in today's world: intellectual integrity. Our lives are now fraught
Friday, March 16, 2018
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
A Roman lesson on inflation
“While it is the duty of the citizen to support the state, it is not the duty of the state to support the citizen” – President Grover ClevelandThe point President Cleveland made back in the 1880s was that individuals and vested interests had no rights to preferential treatment by a government elected to represent all. For if preference is given, it is always at the expense of others.Those days are long gone, and the last president to take this stance was Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s. He was foll
Friday, February 23, 2018
Michael Ballanger
Large Speculators and the House of Pain
This week's COT report once again confirms that the Large Speculators are arguably the stupidest group of gold traders in existence. To be certain, as criminality is to the Commercials, brainlessness is to the Large Specs. They are constantly long massive positions at major turning points in gold and silver and are consistently on the wrong side of the trade. Pundits love to refer to the Small Speculators as "dumb retail" or the typically green, blindly optimistic newcomer piling into gold futur
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Michael Ballanger
What the Markets Have in Common with the Film 'Casablanca'
As I watched Wednesday's CPI (inflation) number reported by the Commerce Department, I was immediately reminded of that classic scene from legendary WWII flick "Casablanca," where Claude Rains, playing police Captain Renault, shuts down Humphrey Bogart's casino/nightclub with the immortal words, "I shocked—SHOCKED—to find out that gambling is going on in here!" The croupier hands him a wad of bills—"Your winnings, sir"—to which he says, "Oh thank you very much. Now everyone out of here!" Well,
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Stewart Thomson - Graceland Update
Gold Stocks: “V” Bottom Blast-off
Gold has staged a superb rebound from the $1310 support zone, but that was overshadowed by the truly spectacular reversals taking place in most of the Western world’s gold stocks! This is the gold chart. I like the technical action being displayed right now. Here’s why: First, $1370 is massive resistance. It’s understandable that gold would build a modest head and shoulders top pattern after arriving at this key price zone. What’s especially positive is that gold has only modestly declined
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Michael Ballanger
From the Heart: Own Precious Metals
One of the things from which I occasionally enjoy a good chuckle is the insecurity displayed by bloggers or newsletter writers who are constantly in need of positive reinforcement derived by reminding readers of their "incredible market calls." It is always readily-predictable because just before they ask you to buy something (like a subscription), they post a link to emphasize their brilliance with phrases like "as you know" or "back in 2017" providing breathtaking introductions to their most r
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
SRSrocco - SRSRocco Report
DANGER AHEAD FOR U.S. GOVT: Unable To Service Debt As Interest Rates Surge
The U.S. Government is in serious trouble when interest rates rise.  As interest rates rise, so will the amount of money the U.S. Government will have to pay out to service its rapidly rising debt.  Unfortunately, interest rates don’t have to increase all that much for the government’s interest expense to double.According to the website, which came back online after being down for nearly a month, reported that the average interest rate paid on U.S. Treasury Securities increase
Friday, February 2, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
Greatest Stock Bubble In History GoldNomics Podcast Transcript
Dave: Welcome to episode two of the Goldnomics podcast where we look at the developments in financial markets through the lens of precious metals. Before we start today, I just want to remind all our listeners to subscribe to the Goldnomics podcast on iTunes YouTube or SoundCloud. And you can also stay up to date with all of the developments in precious metals markets by subscribing for our market updates at And you can find a link in the show notes accompanying this podcast.
Monday, January 29, 2018
SRSrocco - SRSRocco Report
The Coming Market Crash Will Set Off The Biggest Gold Panic Buying In History
The leverage in the economic system has become so extreme; investors have no idea of the disaster that is going to take place during the next stock market crash.  The collapse of the U.S. Housing and Investment Banking Industry in 2008 and ensuing economic turmoil was a mere WARM-UP for STAGE 2 of the continued disintegration of the global financial and economic system.While the U.S. and the global economy have seemingly continued business as usual since the Fed and Central Banks stepped in and
Monday, January 29, 2018
Rory Hall - The Daily coin
F. William Engdahl: Breaking Away from the Tyranny of the Dollar ...
Over the past 3-4 years we have witnessed a mass awakening taking place on a global scale. This mass awakening actually began with the Occupy Wall Street movement that immediately, almost instantaneously, went global. It was also crushed about as quickly as it arose. People being fragmented without a common voice and common direction is a great way to kill an uprising. It doesn’t matter as the idea became part of the conversation, the everyday conversation. Movements come and go but ideas don’t
Friday, January 26, 2018
The Gold Report
Gold and Silver Major Breakout Alert as Dollar Crumbles
With the dollar sliding, technical analyst Clive Maund says the outlook for gold and silver could not be better. Today has been momentous because the dollar has finally broken down from its giant 3-year long Broadening Top pattern, and fundamental developments suggest that it will continue to weaken, and since it has now broken down decisively, the rate is decline is likely to accelerate. These fundamental developments include the imposition of tariffs,
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Central Banks Collusion: Global Debt Will Cause The Ultimate Destruction Of The System
Bestselling author Nomi Prins says the ultimate destruction of the economic system will be the global debt. Prins, who wrote the upcoming book titled Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World, says that one tiny interest rate hike could destroy everything. Prins says the debt is historically high, and that this will create untold problems whether governments want to admit it or not.  Politicians cannot keep spending imaginary money that they don’t have and neither can regular everyday Amer
Monday, January 22, 2018
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Digital School Days 
The biggest trend I see for the future is the meltdown of governments at all levels combined with a decentralizing, individual-empowering exponential growth in technology.States, in other words, will self-destruct while people get smarter, stronger, healthier, and freer — they will get a lot smarter, a lot stronger, a lot healthier and from this, freedom from the state will be a natural evolution. There will be efforts to resurrect states but the attempts will fail.   Too many people will rec
Sunday, January 21, 2018
SRSrocco - SRSRocco Report
WARNING: Markets Reaching Extreme Leverage
As investors’ bullish sentiment moves up to euphoric levels, the markets are reaching extreme leverage.  This is terrible news because a lot of people are going to lose one heck of a lot of money.  According to CNN Money’s Fear & Greed Index, the market is now at the “extreme greed” level and if we go by Yardeni Research on “Investor Intelligence Bull-Bear Ratio,” it’s also at the highest ratio in 30 years.But, of course… this time is different.  Or is it?  I continue to receive emails and comme
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
“Harry’s Dented logic” revisited
I believe I have written a couple of times in the past regarding Harry Dent’s “dented logic”. I did so after reading fearful e-mails from holders of gold and silver. Well, Harry Dent is at it again. He has advertisements everywhere, the latest posing as an “article” on Zerohedge where he says gold will be crushed to $700 in a market panic. He claims a financial and market meltdown is coming to which I wholeheartedly agree because the math not only supports this, it guarantees it at some point. T
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
SRSrocco - SRSRocco Report
The 2018 Stock Market Bubble vs. Gold and Silver
The U.S. Stock Market is reaching its biggest bubble in history.  When the price of the Dow Jones Index only moves in one direction… UP, it is setting up for one heck of a crash.  While market corrections aren’t fun for investors’ portfolios, they are NECESSARY.  However, it seems that corrections are no longer allowed to take place because if they did, then the tremendous leverage in the market might turn a normal correction into panic selling and a meltdown on the exchanges.So, we continue to
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
The 2018 Stock Market Bubble vs. Gold Silver
The U.S. Stock Market is reaching its biggest bubble in history.  When the price of the Dow Jones Index only moves in one direction… UP, it is setting up for one heck of a crash.  While market corrections aren’t fun for investors’ portfolios, they are NECESSARY.  However, it seems that corrections are no longer allowed to take place because if they did, then the tremendous leverage in the market might turn a normal correction into panic selling and a meltdown on the exchanges. So, we continue to
Friday, January 12, 2018

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