Articles related to Mythology
Sprott Money
The Secret of Wealth Preservation - Jeff Nielson
We have a failure to communicate. The vast majority of the investment public in the Western world has no understanding – at all – about how to preserve and protect their wealth. Of the minority of the investment community with some understanding of wealth preservation, almost invariably it is a flawed understanding. Understanding wealth preservation begins with having a detailed and correct understanding of “money”. Understanding money begins with correctly comprehending the difference betwe
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Lew Rockwell
  The Truth About War and the State 
Not long ago I was thinking about the legacy of Murray N. Rothbard, the brilliant scholar and the creator of the libertarian movement, as well as a dear friend to both Ron and me. Would that movement have come into existence without Murray? I don’t think so. And whatever might have developed in its place would undoubtedly have been less pro-peace, and more willing to reach an accord with the warfare st
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Adam Hamilton - Zealllc
Fed Hikes, Dollar, and Gold
The US dollar has fallen rather sharply over the past year or so, despite ongoing Fed rate hikes.  This persistent dollar weakness has really boosted gold.  There’s a fascinating interplay between these two currencies and futures speculators’ expectations for Fed rate hikes.  These traders hang on every word from top Fed officials, which greatly influences their trading.  So these relationships are important to understand. In late December 2016, the venerable U
Friday, March 2, 2018
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
In the old Greek mythology, the opening of Pandora’s box unleashed many evils on the world. Within the next few years, we will see a modern Pandora’s box being opened that will lead to events in the world which will be as devastating as when the ancient box was opened. The very big difference is that this time the consequences will not be part of historical mythology. Instead they will be real and catastrophic for the whole world on a scale never experienced in history. Pandora – the all giving
Friday, February 23, 2018
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Mars and Mercury Decide the Fate of the U.S. Dollar and Gold
The U.S. dollar has been bleeding recently, despite all the Fed’s tightening efforts and the passage of Trump’s tax cuts. An accelerating economy, rising interest rates and pro-growth reforms should logically drive the value of the American currency. But they didn’t. Given the strong negative correlation between the greenback and gold, finding the cause behind the dollar’s wounds is highly critical. The most common explanation among analysts is Trump the Destroyer. It shouldn’t be surprising, as
Friday, February 9, 2018
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
The world is now between Scylla and Charybdis or between two evils. Thus, there is no solution or positive outcome of the the present state of the world economy. Scylla is the rock or the six headed monster whilst Charybdis is a whirlpool or a black hole (a hard place). BETWEEN SCYLLA (a rock) and CHARYBDIS (a hard place) Since 2006-9, governments and central banks believe that they have got through the strait of Messina passing through Scylla and Charybdis but sadly they are mistaken. The world
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Will Chinese Dragon Boost or Devour Gold
China may slow down its U.S. debt buying. Will gold rally or plunge, then? Dragons Love Hoarding Gold and Not Only Dragons love gold. In Greek mythology, dragons were set by the gods to guard golden treasures. It makes perfect sense, since it would be rather difficult to find better guards. Everybody who watched The Hobbit series knows that this is true – the powerful Smaug hoarded a lot and was really obsessed with his shiny treasure. The Chinese dragon is also believed to hoard a lot of gold.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Perth Mint Blog - Perth Mint Blog.
Why India's gold sales shine
As the world’s second largest consumer of gold, India can exert a significant influence on the precious metals market. Indian demand is particularly robust for one of the country’s key festivals, Diwali, which starts this week. Perhaps the most important and widely celebrated Hindu festival, Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness and honours Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. This year could prove to be a bumper one following a decision by the Indian government to exc
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
In Memorium: Harvey Weinstein 
The Greeks and Romans had one up on us: their gods and goddesses were not so easy to impersonate. Their gods and goddesses acted at a remove from everyday life, out of reach, except in the popular imagination. Two thousand years later, along comes Hollywood with an industry designed to manufacture gods and goddesses, and churns them out in its “dream factories” like so many floor lamps. Movies, it turned out, with its close-up shots on the giant silver screen, were a much better vehicle for depi
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
  The Future (Not) 
I took myself to the new movie Blade Runner 2049 to see what kind of future the Hollywood dream-shop is serving up in these days. It was an excellent illustration of the over-investments in technology with diminishing returns that are dragging us into collapse and of the attendant techno-narcissism that afflicts the supposedly thinking class in this society, who absolutely don’t get what this collapse is about. The more computer magic Hollywood drags into the picture, the less coherent their sto
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
Hidden Forces of Economics, Gold Silver Report 27 Aug 2017
We have noticed a proliferation of pundits, newsletter hawkers, and even mainstream market analysts focusing on one aspect of the bitcoin market. Big money, institutional money, public markets money, is soon to flood into bitcoin. Or so they say. We will not offer our guess as to whether this is true. Instead, we want to point out something that should be self-evident. If big money is soon to come in, and presumably drive the price up to whatever new height—perhaps even the magic $1,000,000—what
Monday, August 28, 2017
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Stocks and Precious Metals Chart -
“Learn what is to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest.” Hermann Hesse "Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most measures, narcissism is one of the worst, if only because the narcissists themselves are so clueless." Jeffrey Kluger “Narcissistic personality disorder is named for Narcissus, from Greek mythology, who fell in love w
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Central Bank Hubris That Would Make Icarus Blanche
In Greek mythology, hubris is defined as excessive pride or self-confidence, in defiance of the gods, which ultimately brings about one’s demise.  Synonyms include arrogance, conceit, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, and superiority – with some of the most famous mythological examples being Phaethon, Narcissisus, Arachne, and Cassiopeia; and in modern times, Richard Nixon, Tiger Woods, and Mel Gibson.  However, the “poster child” of hubris, in my view, is Icarus; who, in de
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
by Egon von Greyerz The general public doesn’t like hearing what some of us who are Cassandras have to say. Because our message is does not fit in with the choir of propaganda and lies. We are predicting a future for the world which is unpleasant for most people and therefore few believe our predictions. It is part of human nature to believe that the current state of affairs will go on forever. And that is the case whether times are good or bad. In bad times, everyone believes that it will n
Friday, June 9, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Hundred Billion Dollar Man
Interested in precious metals investing or storage? Contact usHERE The Hundred Billion Dollar Man - Jeff Nielson Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL) Regular readers are familiar with Warren Buffett's activities over the past few years. He has been hoarding dollars – lots and lots of dollars. This was first brought to the attention of readers in August 2014. At that time, Buffett was already hoarding $50 billion. With U.S. markets already at bubble levels and the rapidly
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Stocks and Precious Metals Charts -
"For I behold the heavens, the works of your fingers: the moon and the stars which you have made. What is man that you are mindful of him? or the Son of Man that you dwell with him?  You have made us a little less than the angels, and you have crowned Him with glory and honour, And have set Him over all the works of your hands." Psalm 8:3-5 “Narcissistic personality disorder is named for Narcissus, from Greek mythology, who fell in love with his own reflection. Freud used the term to describe
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
  EU Buffoonery: Brexit Divorce Bill Upped to €100 Billion
The laugh of the day is a move by the EU to up Brexit divorce settlement to €100 billion from €60 billion. France and Poland want to include agricultural subsidies and Germany proposes the UK should get nothing for assets such as buildings. This is such a nonstarter that even the most diehard deal proponents ought to be shaking their heads. Some of this is tit-for-tat gamesmanship involves Brexit leaks in which EC president Jean-Claude Juncker informed Angela Merkel that “Theresa May Lives in
Friday, May 5, 2017
Chris Powell - GATA
Accurate account of Klondike Gold Rush turns mythology on its head
"All for the Greed of Gold: Will Woodin's Klondike Adventure." Edited by Catherine Holder Spude; Washington State University Press; 2016; 294 pages; $27.95 Nothing in northern history is as heavily romanticized as the Klondike Gold Rush. The era has been mythologized as the last great leap in westward expansion, when thousands flooded north and a culture of greed, gambling, and gunplay swept over the Last Frontier. The popular narrative makes for good novels and movies, but apart from the exploi
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Sprott Money
The NEW U.S. Economic Mythology - Jeff Nielson
The Corporate media lies to us, all of the time. This is not an assertion, merely an elementary observation. With a real “free press”, we see occasional moments where different media outlets may agree on the interpretation of particular events and/or the relative importance of events. All other times, we see a divergence of opinion between media outlets. This is what we would expect to see. Homo sapiens are a contrarian species. We all have our own ideas – or at least we used to. What do we
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Sprott Money
The Great Interest Rate Contradiction - Jeff Nielson
It is both one of the greatest contradictions and greatest frauds in the entire realm of markets: the U.S. interest rate contradiction. The facts are these. At the end of 2008; the Federal Reserve (with other Western central banks in tow) embarked upon the most-extreme monetary policies in Western monetary history: “quantitative easing” (monetizing debt), and 0% interest rates (i.e. free money). A so-called 0% interest rate is a prima facie fraud. By definition; an interest rate is a positive
Friday, December 16, 2016

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