Articles related to silicon valley
Gerard Jackson - Brookes News
How the Laffer curve really works 
Kennedy declared that “it is a paradoxical that tax rates are too high and tax revenues too low”. In other words, high taxes were depressing output. Acting on this belief — what so many today sneeringly call supply-side economics — he cut taxes in 1963 and investment surged ahead. In the four years preceding the Kennedy cuts only 27.8 per cent of what is termed investment went to business and 38.5 per cent to real estate.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
 Almost everyone that goes out to visit one of our major cities on the west coast has a similar reaction. Those that must live among the escalating decay are often numb to it, but most of those that are just in town for a visit are absolutely shocked by all of the trash, human defecation, crime and public drug use that they encounter. Once upon a time, our beautiful western cities were the envy of the rest of th
Friday, February 15, 2019 -
Bitcoin Was Only The Beginning…
Upset that you missed the boat on the bitcoin craze last year? Millionaires were minted overnight as bitcoin returned 1,700 percent in 2017, only to see prices crash by more than half since December. The bubble seems to have popped, and not everyone got out in time. While we may be past the peak temporarily, the cryptocurrency trend is just getting started, and investor enthusiasm is still growing by the day. (Click to enlarge)While the bitcoin investment boat may have already set sail, it’s lik
Thursday, February 15, 2018 -
Is This The No.1 Blockchain Stock For 2018
Cryptocurrencies are minting new millionaires faster than any other asset class in history have. Period. Blockchain, the backbone of cryptocurrency and expected to become the biggest market disrupter ever, is creating incredible wealth for some investors and generating massive returns. A $1,000 investment in Bitcoin in 2010 would have earned you $35 million by mid-2017, although that would have dropped back a bit since then. FOMO (fear of missing out) is an epidemic at this point, but most inves
Monday, February 12, 2018 -
The Blockchain Revolution Is Heading To Space
There is a new wave of coders and hackers looking to upend the entire internet, signaling the start of a brand new space race. No, this isn’t an episode of HBO’s Silicon Valley, this is actually happening. Currently, the internet is built by large centralized services including server owners, data managers, cloud providers, search engines, telecommunication companies, and social media websites. And these entities are beginning to expand their reach. Internet security and net neutrality are quick
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
The Year in Trump 
For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays There he is, our president, both immovable object and irresistible force, unsmiling with slitty eyes beneath that car-hood of a hair-doo, lumbering from one presidential prerogative to the next through squalls of opprobrium, perplexing leaders from foreign lands, punking congressmen and senators, inducing swoons of un-safeness among the zhes, theys, and thems on campus, provoking the op-ed bards of The Times to mouth-foaming hysterics, tweeting any
Friday, December 29, 2017
Lew Rockwell
Neocons Hate LRC
That’s nothing new, of course. It began with our first issue in 1999, and has gotten more intense ever since. Just recently, the despicable NY Times, Washington Post, and National Review have vented their spleens once again. You’d think big, establishment organs like the two newspapers wouldn’t care. But they do. LRC drives them crazy (crazier?).  They can’t stand the truth, especially as enunciated by Murray Rothbard and Rothbardians. Murray has more and more influence. Both NyTi and WaPo are n
Friday, December 29, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
How To Get Bitcoin In Your Stock Portfolio
This report is an ADVERTISEMENT from 2017 has undoubtedly been the year of bitcoin, breaking $1000 dollars on New Year’s Day before rocketing up to $15000 in early December. That’s a return of 1500 percent! And as market fascination grows, investors are beginning to understand the real secret behind bitcoin’s success – the blockchain. Blockchain is transforming markets with bitcoin, but that is only the beginning – it could soon change the world. To understand how, you must first u
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Silicone Valley’s ‘Working Homeless’ Shows How Hard Life Is In “Democrat’s Paradise”
Silicone Valley is the home to tech giants like Facebook, Apple, and Google. It’s also home to a surging working homeless population who live in dilapidated RV’s, tents, and their own cars, all thanks to the policies Democrats love to implement. The surging number of those working in Silicone Valley and still unable to afford adequate housing should be a warning about big government, but it sure doesn’t seem like anyone is taking notice as their taxes continue to rise. As governments creep towar
Sunday, December 10, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
Stranger Things 
The hidden agenda in the so-called tax reform bill is to act as stop-gap quantitative easing to plug the “liquidity” hole that is opening up as the Federal Reserve (America’s central bank) makes a few gestures to winding down its balance sheet and “normalizing” interest rates. Thus, the aim of the tax bill is to prop up capital markets, and the apprehension of this lately is what keeps stocks making daily record highs. Okay, sorry, a lot to unpack there. Primer: quantitative easing (QE) is a the
Friday, December 8, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
GM to Have Robotaxi Service by 2019: Can Uber Survive
GM claims it will have a fleet of robotaxis by 2019 and that will be its biggest profit-maker within a decade.Please consider GM Aims for Self-Driving Taxi Fleet by 2019. GM executives, speaking at an investor conference Thursday, said the company aims to run a large-scale fleet of driverless cars in big cities by 2019. GM is among the first major driverless-car developers to attach a timeline to the commercialization of autonomous vehicles, and the 109-year-old auto maker is racing big tech co
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Fed Concerned Bitcoin Will “Eviscerate” Big Banks No, Not Really!
A rumor is circulating that the Fed concerned Bitcoin will “eviscerate” big banks. Let's investigate the claim.Zerohedge writes As Bitcoin Nears $10,000 "Central Banks Kept Up At Night". Here is the line that caught my attention: "St. Louis Fed President James Bullard admitted to Reuters in a recent interview what the real concern was: '(We could) wake up one day and most of the big banks have been eviscerated and most of that activity has moved elsewhere.'" I tracked that that claim back to the
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
Falling Interest
Last week, we discussed the marginal productivity of debt. This is how much each newly-borrowed dollar adds to GDP. And ever since the interest rate began its falling trend in 1981, marginal productivity of debt has tightly correlated with interest. The lower the interest rate, the less productive additional borrowing has in fact become. Let’s look at a recent event: the Ikea acquisition of TaskRabbit. You might wonder, why does a home goods company need to own a freelance labor company? Superfi
Monday, October 23, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Amid Growing Risks And Diminishing Returns From Algos, Former Blackrock Elite Take On Mindless Robots
As ZeroHedge readers are keenly aware, 2008 kicked off the largest financial engineering experiment in history – namely, the beginning of 12.3 Trillion in QE and the lowest interest rates in 5,000 years. The plan, hatched by Bush-era Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, created a ‘Fed Put’ underneath the markets first made popular by Alan Greenspan – an implicit guarantee that no matter how bad things got, the Fed would actively combat financial disaster. As a result, m
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
#Take the Knee 
There’s a lot to complain about in this deranged Republic — if it even still is one — but the burdens of being a multimillionaire football player would not be at the top of my list. Personally, I find it a little peculiar that we have to play the national anthem before any sporting event. All it really shows is how insecure we are as a nation that we have to display our love of country in this obsessive manner. Same with congressmen and their stupid flag lapel pins, or the flag in front of Denny
Monday, September 25, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Latest Silicon Valley Breakthrough
I guess the rest of the nation might as well face it........we here in this part of the country are just so much smarter than everybody else. As for the business model, I guess they'll make it up in volume.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Jan Skoyles - GoldCore
Bitcoin Price Falls 40 In 3 Days Underlining Gold’s Safe Haven Credentials
– Bitcoin price action shows cryptos vulnerable to commentary and government policies – Bitcoin falls to low of $2,980, down by $1,000 in week as China flexes muscles – Volatility major issue: In 3 days btc fell 40% before bouncing 25% off lows – BIS state risks of cryptos cannot yet be fully assessed and says technology still unproven – Apple and Google developing a payment API for cryptos – may give governments full oversight – Bitcoin and cryptos current volatility and exposure to governments
Monday, September 18, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
Dreamers Dreaming Dreams
Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are so out of the news now that people not listening to the mold grow in their sweltering bedrooms probably think these events had something to do with the Confederate defeat. Both The New York Times and the WashPo are much more concerned this morning with doings on the planet Saturn, and the career moves of fashion icon Chelsea Manning, which is perhaps how things should be in Attention Deficit Nation. Standing by on developments there…. In the meantime, personally, I
Friday, September 15, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
“Vision for Safety”: New Federal Guidelines for Self-Driving Cars
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao will announce new autonomous vehicle guidelines later today. I will update this post when the guidelines are in, but one thing we know is automakers and testers will have an easier go of things under Trump than Obama. U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao will unveil on Tuesday streamlined safety guidelines for automakers that want to deploy self-driving vehicles, a person briefed on the matter said Monday, as members of Congress push their own proposal
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Jan Skoyles - GoldCore
  Bitcoin Falls 20 as Mobius and Chinese Regulators Warn
– Bitcoin falls 20% as Mobius and Chinese regulators warn – “Cryptocurrencies are beginning to get out of control” – warns respected investor Mark Mobius – Mobius believes governments will begin to clamp down on cryptocurrencies sparking rush to gold – Yesterday China’s PBOC ruled Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are illegal and all related activity to halt – China is home to majority of bitcoin miners – Paris Hilton latest celebrity to support an ICO – Gold’s return of 16% YTD look ‘dull’ or ‘stab
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

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