Articles related to Swamp
James Howard Kunstler
  Swamp Thang 
 Chuck and Nancy coming onto the TV audience as “Mommy and Daddy” Tuesday night was a nice gag, putting the “nanny” into the Nanny State, which is getting more and more like the Tranny State — the Deep State in drag. Will the supply of “undocumented” nannies be cut off to the Creative Classniks of Brooklyn and Pacific Heights? That is the question. Not this silly-ass debate over The Wall. Who is going to watch the kids while we’re
Friday, January 11, 2019
James Howard Kunstler
Fishtailing into the Future
The opening chapters of Michael Lewis’s new book, The Fifth Risk, detail the carelessness of the Trump transition team in the months leading up to his swearing-in as president. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie led the team, with its binders full of possible agency chiefs, before he was summarily canned by Steve Bannon, who would be dumped soon himself by the ascending Golden Golem of Greatness. There was, in fact, a set of rigorous protocols for managing the transition of power based on
Friday, October 5, 2018
Nelson Hultberg -
Pod People and the Matrix
The two greatest science fiction movies of the 20th century are Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and The Matrix (1999). Both are seminal cinematic efforts that portray big ideological truths about the dangers of modernity and tyranny, and they do so with relentless hammer blows of frightful eeriness. The Pod People Invasion of the Body Snatchers  involves an extraterrestrial invasion in which mysterious plant spores have settled onto earth and then hatch into sinister leafy pods that migrat
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Nelson Hultberg -
Ominous Musings on America – 2018
Decay and despotism invade our lives today like gangrene creeps up the limbs of a wounded soldier in the festering fields of war. Our Washington pols swagger through fulsome milieus of political putrescence and graft. Establishment pundits spew hysterical falsehoods on a daily basis. FOMC bureaucrats print fake money like mountebanks spin shell games to carnival dupes. Special counsel shysters conduct corrupted investigations to overturn the rightful will of the people. Political thuggery masque
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Michael Ballanger
Never Underestimate the Replacement Power of Equities Within a (HYPER) Inflationary Spiral 
Before I launch into one of my classic, bitter, vitriolic diatribes against all forms of modern-day interventionalist-type, fraudulent excuses for what use to be "free markets," have a gander at the chart below. Pay particular attention to the smiles on all of those beaming faces. . . Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, sidekick Hank Paulson, "Rescue Queen" Janet Yellen, and finally Donald "the Swamp Filler" Trump have all conspired and colluded to ensure that the world has perennially rising stock
Friday, January 19, 2018
Michael Pento - Delta Global Advisors
Interest Rates Walking On Narrow Ledge
There is a huge shock in store for those who have been lulled to sleep by a stock market that has become accustomed to no volatility and only an upward direction. And that alarm bell can be found in the price action of Bitcoin, which recently tumbled over 40% is less than a week. For the implosion within the cryptocurrency world foreshadows what will happen with the major averages as the Federal Reserve futilely attempts to stop monetizing the exploding mountain of U.S. debt. Interest Rates Walk
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Axel Merk - Merk Fund
Productivity: A Question of Focus, Health, Politics Money
Axel Merk, Merk Investments January 10, 2018  Follow @AxelMerk Tweet Last week, I asked, “What would make 2018 more productive for you? Please email me the first thing that comes to your mind.” Before I summarize the responses, a big thank you to the 800+ people who sent me personalized responses. Someone pointed out that asking the question itself already helped because it motivated her to review her plans and targe
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
  Fairy Tale 
Am I imagining that Oprah Winfrey launched her presidential campaign last night at the Golden Globes Awards? Well, why not? Unlike the Golden Golem of Greatness, skulking fiery and furious in his lonesome White House tweet chamber, Americans of all identity persuasions love Oprah. Unlike the president, who attained “stable [for now] genius” status without ever reading a book, Oprah displays real curiosity about this vexing and wondrous world, and an eagerness to engage with it. Unlike the maestr
Monday, January 8, 2018
Michael Ballanger
Melt-up, Up, and Away
While the moniker for this missive is "Gold and Gold Miners," I just sit back in absolute AWE as the global equity investors (otherwise known as "Stock jockeys") have decided that "cash is TRASH!" and despite a massive "miss" in the employment numbers this morning, within seconds of the release, the spin doctors manning the equity trading desks deemed that number "bullish" because it is less inflationary and may cause the Fed to "pause." So dollar-yen rallies, the USD index has a minor pop, gold
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Nelson Hultberg -
  Donald Trump – Modern Day Walpole 
“Hatred of Walpole was almost the only feeling which was common to them. On this one point they concentrated their whole strength. With gross ignorance, or gross dishonesty, they represented the Minister as the main grievance of the state. His dismissal, his punishment, would prove the certain cure for all the evils which the nation suffered. What was to be done after his fall, how misgovernment was to be prevented in the future, were questions to which there were as many answers as there were n
Sunday, January 7, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
  “Fire and Fury” 
It’s told that Richard Nixon, during the endgame weeks of Watergate, wandered the west wing hallways in the wee hours, fueled on scotch whiskey, conversing with portraits of notable Americans, including many of his predecessors. “Whaddaya say, Millard? Should I stay or should I go?” He was a trapped animal, after a long, grueling, hunt, and he knew the hounds were closing in. Perhaps he took some consolation in hearing that old Abe Lincoln was even more depressed in the final, victorious days of
Friday, January 5, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
Year-end Rate Hike Once Again Proves To Be Launchpad For Gold Price
Year-end rate hike once again proves to be launchpad for gold price – FOMC follows through on much anticipated rate-hike of 0.25%– Spot gold responds by heading for biggest gain in three weeks, rising by over 1%– Final meeting for Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen– Yellen does not expect Trump’s tax-cut package to result in significant, strong growth for US economy– No concern for bitcoin which ‘plays a very small role in the payment system’ There were few surprises yesterday when the Federal
Sunday, December 31, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
The Year in Trump 
For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays There he is, our president, both immovable object and irresistible force, unsmiling with slitty eyes beneath that car-hood of a hair-doo, lumbering from one presidential prerogative to the next through squalls of opprobrium, perplexing leaders from foreign lands, punking congressmen and senators, inducing swoons of un-safeness among the zhes, theys, and thems on campus, provoking the op-ed bards of The Times to mouth-foaming hysterics, tweeting any
Friday, December 29, 2017
Stewart Dougherty
Gold EFPs: Absolute Proof that the Paper Gold Price is a Fraud 
In recent months, the issuance of gold Exchange for Physical (EFP) contracts has surged. EFPs convert a physically deliverable Comex gold contract into an LBMA or LME contract supposedly deliverable at a later date ex London and/or Hong Kong. As an incentive for Comex contract holders to accept EFPs, a cash bonus reportedly is paid. EFPs in silver are also being issued in vast quantities, but we will focus on gold for brevity.Most gold market observers believe that EFPs are a Comex gimmick desig
Monday, December 18, 2017
Michael S. Rozeff - Mike Rozeff
Partners in Crime
startclickprintinclude clickprintexcludeimages       The 3-day New York City transit strike is a mere eddy in a noxious swamp that is asphyxiating taxpayers in many states and localities. Whil
Monday, December 18, 2017
Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Fake Tax Reform
After supposedly chomping on the bit for years to pass meaningful tax reform, Republicans are now set to blow an historic opportunity. Whatever version of the Bill that emerges from the House and Senate Conference Committee (which will be signed by President Trump faster than he can down a Filet o’Fish), will be far less than the Republicans envisioned when they finally captured the White House and both Congressional Chambers in 2016. But from what I have seen of the particulars, the revisions t
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Chris Martenson
You're Just Not Prepared For What’s Coming 
I hate to break it to you, but chances are you're just not prepared for what’s coming. Not even close.  Don't take it personally. I'm simply playing the odds. After spending more than a decade warning people all over the world about the futility of pursuing infinite exponential economic growth on a finite planet, I can tell you this: very few are even aware of the nature of our predicament. An even smaller subset is either physically or financially ready for the sort of future barreling down on
Monday, December 4, 2017
Jan Skoyles - GoldCore
Is New Fed Chief A “Swamp Critter Extraordinaire”
– Is the New Fed Chief Jeremy Powell a “Swamp Critter Extraordinaire”? – Trump surrounding himself with elites disconnected from everyday society – Realities of America’s difficulties not recognised by US power makers – Powell will likely continue to protect Wall Street over Main Street – Savers should diversify to protect themselves from Fed’s ponzi policies Editor: Mark O’Byrne Just like many of his other campaign promises, Trump isn’t doing a great job of draining the swamp. His nominee for
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Stocks and Precious Metals Charts -
US equities rallied today on the earnings report from WalMart, and an excess of hot money with nowhere productive to go. Today was characterized as a great time to buy the dip, which occurred earlier this week. Stocks are a buy because corporations are enjoying record profits, which they mostly spend on dividends, boondoggles, monopolization,  and tax buybacks. Quick, give those folks a tax break! Tomorrow will be a stock options expiration. The House passed its version of 'tax reform' toda
Friday, November 17, 2017
Bill Holter
  The plan comes together
My original thought was to write further about the left turning on and eating each other. The volume of news, “who” and the timing seemed to indicate something very big coming down. However, another story broke out of the blue this morning from Saudi Arabia that supersedes (though very well may have connections to) the feeding frenzy.Crowned Prince Mohammed bin Salman had 11 princes and 38 current and former senior officials arrested on corruption and money laundering charges. http
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

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