Articles related to The Big Lie
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
Stock investors are rejoicing about stock markets making new highs in many countries, totally oblivious of the risks or the reasons. It seems that this is an unstoppable rally in a “new normal” market paradigm. No major increase is expected in the inflation rate or the historically low interest rates. The present rally has lasted 8 years since the 2009 low. There is virtually no fear in markets so investors see no reason why this favourable climate would not continue for another 8 years at least
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
What The Hell Is Going On (Part 2)
This article was originally published by James Quinn at The Burning Platform In Part One of this article I exposed the establishment narrative of a strong economy as rubbish by providing hard data regarding imploding gasoline usage, failing bricks and mortar retailers and plunging restaurant sales. “Inflation may indeed bring benefits for a short time to favored groups, but only at the expense of others. And in the long run it brings ruinous consequences to the whole community. Even a relatively
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Wolf Richter
This is Why US Gov. Deficit Numbers are a BIG Lie
But where did the money go? Fume and gnash your teeth. The US gross national debt – after having been successfully disappeared from public discussion – has jumped by $1.38 trillion in fiscal 2016, which ended Friday. Ironically, this is not one of my infamous typos. So OK, there were some timing issues with the debt ceiling and so forth a year ago, after which the debt jumped $340 billion in one day. To smoothen out those factors, we look at fiscal 2016 and 2015 combined: the gross national debt
Monday, October 3, 2016
Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Totalitarian Schemers and Their Open Borders 
“Those who support multiculturalism .  .  . realize that if they are to transform Western societies into strictly regulated, racial-feminist bureaucracies they must first undermine those societies.” –Frank Ellis At the outset of his administration, President Bill Clinton famously declared that “the era of big government is over.”  He then did everything in his power to prove that to be yet another of his slick lies.  At the outset of her administration, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a one-tim
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Sprott Money
The Big Lie About Ultra-Low Interest Rates - Jeff Nielson
A normal, benchmark interest rate for a national economy is between 3 – 5%. Indeed, if we go back a little further in history , a normal rate was significantly higher than that range. This fact is mentioned because after eight years of monetary madness in the West, many (most?) people have completely forgotten what “normal” is with respect to interest rates. The title of this article is something of a misnomer. There are, in fact, numerous big lies being disseminated concerning the Western
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Is the Fed Finally Coming Clean About Inflation
For years the Fed has been lying about inflation. There are many methods of doing this, but the simplest was to use a “measure” of inflation that did not actually measure inflation at all. This is the famous Consumer Price Index of CPI. It is meant to measure inflation, but ignores obvious costs of living items like food and energy usage. Why lie about inflation? Two main reasons: 1)   Doing so allows the Fed and others to overstate economic growth in the US. 2)   Doing so allows the Fed t
Friday, May 13, 2016
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
University Professor Asks: How Accurate and at What Cost is BLS Data
Here’s the interesting set of questions from the “Mish Mailbag” summarized as follows: How Accurate and at What Cost is BLS Data? Why isn’t there a private industry alternative?” The questions are from reader “Trevor”, forwarded from his professor. When I first read the questions, I thought they were about jobs because the BLS stands for Bureau of Labor Statistics. Just as I was about to hit “send” with my analysis on jobs, I re-read the email and realized the question was about the CPI, not jo
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Captain Hook - Treasure Chest
Welcome to the Jungle
We humans come from the jungle, and to the jungle we will return. In fact, the way some people act today, one could conclude we never left. Because people are increasingly acting like animals these days, bringing back the need to think in terms of 'survival of the fittest', as modern societies disintegrate. Evidence of this trend is everywhere. You've got a global corporatist / statist state (neo-fascist) over-riding all sovereign interests raping (financially, liberties, etc.) the citizenry in
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
It’s amazing how things have gotten so ugly, each day I feel like I’m writing – or orating -of “the” financial apocalypse.  Frankly, it’s difficult to get through a single day without the addition of wave upon wave of hideous, world-destroying “horrible headlines”; to the point that simply figuring where to start has become a chore in and of itself. Call it what you want – but given that in any real financial community, my call last Monday morning, of an imminent Yuan devaluation that occurred b
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Steve St Angelo - SRSRocco Report
If you are a precious metals investor, you need to see this chart.  Matter-a-fact, this is the first time (to my knowledge) in the history of precious metals analysis that the information in this chart has been made public.  One look at this chart and the investor will realize the huge difference between the cost to produce the precious metals. In addition, the information in this chart will show why the peak of primary gold production will occur before the peak of primary silver production.  Ho
Friday, August 7, 2015
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Rally 'Round the Swag
"Today, in view of the common good, there is urgent need for politics and economics to enter into a frank dialogue in the service of life, especially human life. Saving banks at any cost, making the public pay the price, forgoing a firm commitment to reviewing and reforming the entire system, only reaffirms the absolute power of a financial system, a power which has no future and will only give rise to new crises after a slow, costly and only apparent recovery." Francis I As a cultur
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Michael S. Rozeff - Lew Rockwell
What Russian Aggression in Ukraine 
All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved in certain respects in Ukraine, but by no sensible stretch of the imagination can such involvements be termed aggression. If there were an actual war aggression, it could not be hidden because the scope of a typical war aggression is very large. The photographic
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - The Rape of the American Mind
“He who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press and radio, is master of the mind. Repeat mechanically your assumptions and suggestions, diminish the opportunity for communicating dissent and opposition. This is the formula for political conditioning of the masses. The big lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal in a cold war than logic and reason. The continual intrusion into our minds of the hammering noises of argument
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
The ‘Religious’ Enemies of Liberty
Tyrants have always known that they must either infiltrate and control the clergy, or destroy it.  For in the tyrant’s mind there can never be two sovereigns.  If God is your sovereign, then those who run the state are not, period.  The word of God cannot be used to challenge the word of kings, princes, and potentates.  It is potentially a lethal challenge to their supposed “authority” over anyone and everyone. Ancient monarchs claimed a “divine right of kings,” implying that anything the king s
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Jim Willie CB - Hat Trick Letter
Swing States Event Schedule
The crucial swing states for deciding the US presidential elections through voting system fraud were Ohio and Florida. Whether by machine software with rigged software programming or by bussing in Somalians or by altering the vote count upon final submission or basic bully tactics to prevent entrance into the voting centers, the US national elections were truly tainted. The commonly followed Exit Polls are proof of vote fraud. The Paradigm Shift was to the fascist state in full blossom. A law wa
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Charleston Voice
Paul Craig Roberts says: U.S. Gold Gone! - YouTube 
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the Father of Reaganomics, predicts, I think, this year. - Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, The Federal Reserve's policies are irresponsible. Subscribe to the GoldMoney newsletter at Episode 129: Andy Duncan has the pleasure to interview former Assistant Secretary. - Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, The physical stock of gold. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Monday, April 28, 2014
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
MyRA, Try and the End of the FOMC Ponzi scheme
Wow, the situation is deteriorating rapidly! As noted yesterday, it is becoming more and more difficult to focus solely on “big picture” topics when the global financial situation has become so unstable; and thus, we’ll further hone our ability to provide as much valuable, concise information as possible into the Miles Franklin Blog’s daily commentary.  By the way, I recommend everyone to listen to the 90 minute podcast I gave yesterday regarding our 2014 trend predictions; some of which have al
Monday, February 3, 2014
Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
Rising Interest Rates Spoil the Party
I originally wrote this in September 2013. It is just as relevant now in December. The big news in America is that the rate on the 10-year Treasury bond has risen dramatically from around 1.6% to over 2.9%. This is 130 basis points from a starting point of 160, or an increase of more than 80%! So naturally, the financial media are discussing the “essential” issues. They have commentators philosophizing about whether the tapering of Quantitative Easing is “priced in” (an invalid question, as I a
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Andy Sutton
Wealth: Perception or Reality
My Two CentsOnce again, the lapdog media is agog over increased consumer spending data stemming from what it calls ‘rising wages’. We’ve been down this road before a time or three and we know the major debunking points of this particular government statistic. What is curious this time around is that the reports are in direct contradiction with recently released consumer sentiment data, which took the plunge last month. Then there is all the nonsense about a government budget (or lack thereof), w
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Ty Andros - traderview
Witches Brew, Fingers of Instability Part IV
The funding of moral and fiscal insolvency continues to BARRELL along. The whole developed world is INSOLVENT and the public just muddles along as the bagman for the behavior of the very people they have placed their trust and futures in. The vast majority of the world has bought hook line and sinker the thought that they can SOMETHING for NOTHING and are attempting to realize this dream. They believe they can live a good life without working for it. That they are entitled to the fru
Saturday, September 28, 2013

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