Articles related to Tragedy
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
Mexico's Past, the World's Future Currency Devaluations
It seems the world is doomed to repeat the same mistakes, from wars to large economic shocks that could have been avoided. All this, without a doubt, is the responsibility of leaders, who are often blinded by today's apparent prosperity, or by the desire to postpone the inevitable, leading entire nations to what will eventually end in tragedy. The influential forces that these leaders possess,
Friday, November 6, 2020
investing in precious metals - The Gold Report
  Silver Investing Chapter 5 : Alternative Silver Investing 
If mining stocks did not provide enough leverage, there are still other avenues that offer even more leverage than mining shares. The decision to use leverage in a precious metals purchase is a decision to accept a greater percentage of risk relative to your capital outlay. The
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
David Morgan - Silver Investor
Chapter 5: Alternative Silver Investing 
Some alternative silver investments offer even more leverage than mining shares, according to expert David Morgan. In the fifth and final chapter of our "Guide to Silver Investing," David discusses the risk, reward and reality of futures and other alternative investments. Read on. . .
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Hugo Salinas Price -
Silver and the Great Future of Mexico
Lecture of the author at the solemn ceremony of his appointment as Honorary Professor of Northwest Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy. Embassy of the Russian Federation Mexico City June 27, 2017. Your Excellency, Ambassador Edward Malayan; Doctor Vladimir Shamakhov, Director of the Northwest Institute of Management of Russian Presidential Academy,members of the Honorable Diplomatic Corps here present, and esteemed audience: I am greatly privileged to be with all of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Silver Purchasing Power
This article was written for Miles Franklin by Gary Christenson. We know: a) Federal Reserve and U.S. government policies devalue the dollar—down about 98% since 1913. b) US. government spending is out of control, increases every year, regardless of revenues, and shows no sign of plateauing or declining. c) Few people encourage balanced budgets and LESS spending. All government agencies, lobbyists, congresspersons, military contractors, and many corporations encourage MORE spending, and by neces
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Peter McKenzie-Brown - Language Instinct
Barbecues, Booms and Blogs
Barbecues, Booms and Blogs Fifty Years of Public Relations in Calgary ISBN number: 978-1-55059-363-1 Copy for inside front cover: Public relations is "the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn understanding and acceptance." Canadian Public Relations Society definition Title: Barbeques, Booms and BlogsSub
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Peter McKenzie-Brown - Language Instinct
Village of Widows
Canada has become a leader in the movement against the racism practiced against indigenous peoples that has so long been common practice in much of the world. Is it possible that Ottawa will really follow the lead of Alberta and other provinces by recognizing the rights given to aboriginal people in the Constitution without hassle? Such an act would shift cases out of courts into nation-on-nation negotiations. It’s taken 36 years since repatriation of our constitut
Friday, February 16, 2018
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
In the Garden of Beasts: First the Slaughter of the Innocents
"The perpetrators were scholars, doctors, nurses, justice officials, the police and the health and workers’ administration.   The victims were poor, desperate, rebellious or in need of help. They came from psychiatric clinics and childrens' hospitals, from old age homes and welfare institutions, from military hospitals and internment camps. The number of victims is huge, the number of offenders who were sentenced, small." Commemorative Tablet at Tiergartenstraße 4, Berlin "The inability to i
Friday, January 26, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
Fever Pitch 
In case you’re worked up about the looming federal government shut-down, this is exactly how we’re supposed to roll in the long emergency: everything organized at the gigantic scale is going to wobble and fail. It’s nature’s way of saying, “get smaller, get realer, scale down, and get local.” The catch is, we probably won’t listen to nature. Instead, we’ll just behave like bystanders and do nothing until the full force of failure is upon us, just as we’re doing with climate change — the tragedy
Friday, January 19, 2018
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
Toward Fundamental Tax Reform (2005), edited by Alan Auerbach and Kevin Hassett
On the recommendation of a friend, I decided to read Toward Fundamental Tax Reform (2005), a book of papers edited by Alan Auerbach and Kevin Hassett. It was related to an American Enterprise Institute conference, and published by AEI. There were a lot of interesting ideas in the book, worthy of further discussion. Overall, I was struck by the level of sophistication and mastery here. I have been focused on monetary topics for quite a while now, and the norm there is endless confusion and nonsen
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
Quantum Change in Gold and Silver Demand, 2 Jan 2018
We hope everyone had a happy New Year. There is a long informercial airing on American TV. It shows an endless parade of senior citizens, struggling to pay their bills, unable to buy that motorized stairway lift, play golf, or eat out at restaurants. The solution? Get a reverse mortgage! The number to call is 1-800-GET-CASH. That number again is one eight hundred get your free cash now! To summarize the point of the commercial—if not the terms of the fine print—the senior gets a monthly check, a
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Stocks and Precious Metals Charts -
"American politics have rarely presented a more disheartening spectacle.  The repellent and dangerous antics of Donald Trump are troubling enough, but so is the Democratic Party leadership’s failure to take in the significance of the 2016 election campaign. Bernie Sanders’s challenge to Hillary Clinton, combined with Trump’s triumph, revealed the breadth of popular anger at politics as usual – the blend of neoliberal domestic policy and interventionist foreign policy that constitutes consensus i
Thursday, December 28, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
  Christmas Story 
For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays These are the long, dark hours when cis-hetero white patriarchs sit by the hearth chewing over their regrets for the fading year and expectations for the year waiting to be born. I confess, I like Christmas a lot, Hebrew that I am, perhaps the musical and sensual trappings more than the virgin birth business. Something in my mixed Teutonic blood stirs to the paganism of blazing Yule logs, fragrant fir trees, rousing carols, and snow on snow on snow
Monday, December 25, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Is the Coming DHS Biowarfare test on U.S. Citizens a False-Flag Warning
The town of Newkirk, Oklahoma is about to receive a series of “gifts” from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)…in the form of exposing the town to chemical agents. The purpose is to see how much protection is offered by houses and apartments against a bioweapon. It is also to see how first responders will be able to evacuate people and treat those in affected areas. An article written on 12/16/17 by Jay Syrmopoulos for Activist Post entitled Residents Outraged as DHS Spraying Town With Che
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Mystery Markets, Bubbles and Less Risky Gold
Consider graphs of three markets from the past. These are well known and important markets, but the names, prices and time scales are not shown. They are plotted on linear scales. Note: Structure: Each market moved progressively more vertical before crashing. Bubble: Each market bubbled upward to an unsustainable level and collapsed. Timing: Few predicted the dates or prices for these bubble tops, but many observed their bubble characteristics. The Public: The charts show that each market moved
Friday, December 8, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Fed Concerned Bitcoin Will “Eviscerate” Big Banks No, Not Really!
A rumor is circulating that the Fed concerned Bitcoin will “eviscerate” big banks. Let's investigate the claim.Zerohedge writes As Bitcoin Nears $10,000 "Central Banks Kept Up At Night". Here is the line that caught my attention: "St. Louis Fed President James Bullard admitted to Reuters in a recent interview what the real concern was: '(We could) wake up one day and most of the big banks have been eviscerated and most of that activity has moved elsewhere.'" I tracked that that claim back to the
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Catalan Independence: Why The Collective Hates It When People Walk Away
This report was originally published by Brandon Smith at I have written many times in the past about the singular conflict at the core of most human crises and disasters, a conflict that sabotages human endeavor and retards critical thought. This conflict not only stems from social interaction, it also exists within the psyche of the average individual. It is an inherent contradiction of the human experience that at times can fuel great accomplishment, but usually leads to great
Friday, October 6, 2017
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
What You Can Learn From Hurricane Maria
Mike Maloney explains how this tragedy exposed the vulnerability of today’s digital society. Learn how you should prepare for any disaster, natural or financial.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
  One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter
One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter, is, pretty much, a gold-bashing exercise. I think it is propaganda: that is to say, not a forthright expression of an individual’s independent and informed view, but an intentional effort to mold public opinion to serve certain agendas. The tone and method is very much like The Power of Gold: the History of an Obsession, by Peter Bernstein, seventeen years earlier — so similar, indeed, that it sometimes seems that it could have come from the same
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
Homework Assignment 
Poor old Karl Marx, tortured by boils and phantoms, was right about one thing: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. Thus, I give you the Roman Empire and now the United States of America. Rome surrendered to time and entropy. Our method is to drive a gigantic clown car into a ditch. Is anyone out there interested in redemption? I have an idea for the political party out of power, the Democrats, sunk in its special Okefenokee Swamp of identity politics and Russia paranoia: m
Friday, September 29, 2017

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