Articles related to American Empire
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Gold Vanishing Into Private Hoards The Dollar: An Agonizing Reappraisal Part One 
The first thing to know about gold is that there is no alternative to it. Gold is the one and only commodity that has no marketing problem. There is no sales resistance and no competition to overcome. A gold reserve is as important for the nation as a bank account for the firm or individual. You keep part of your funds in idle bank balances in order to be ’liquid’ - to be able to pay your bills. Gold is the ultimate and unquestioned world-wide ’liquidity’.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
  The American Religion of Violence 
Laurence Vance has coined the word “warvangelical” to describe so-called evangelical Christians who are obsessed with supporting all of the state’s wars and all of the death, destruction, and mayhem that they entail.  They ignore the ancient just war tradition of St. Thomas Aquinas, among others, and simply support all war and all military aggression – as long as the U.S. government is the aggressor. These are the people who booed at Ron Paul when he reminded them at one of their conventions tha
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Who said it, when and where
Over the years I've accumulated a long list of quotes about money and banking extracted from online articles and books I've read.Unlike most other sites that post pithy remarks from famous authors, I include hyperlinks to their sources, so that anyone who wishes can not only verifya quote but, perhaps more importantly, read the context in which it was used.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Michael Ballanger
Stock Market Volatility Attributed to 'Shenanigans'
Back in January, I discussed the likelihood that global equity markets were approaching simultaneous tipping points beyond which legions upon legions of GenX-ers and Millennials would be thrown to the wolves by failing to recognize the financial mania engulfing them. I alluded to it being "Time for the Beast to Exhale," and within a few days, my volatility trade (UVXY) exploded to the upside as the "beast," better known as the global stock market ascent, finally exhaled and fell 3,300 Dow Jones
Friday, February 23, 2018
Rory Hall - Sprott Money
The Real “New World Order” Is Coming To Life - Rory Hall
If you want to see what is going to change the lives of your children and grandchildren, look no further than the map published below. This is WHERE the future will be, regardless of the naysayers. The Belt and Road Initiative is going to transform the world and, once this project is 25-30% complete – within the next 5-7 years – the impact will be felt globally. Natural resources will be funneled into the Eastern countries, or they will simply never leave from the country they mined or ext
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Government Think Tanks Admit U.S. Empire Is Collapsing – Their Solution Is More War And Tyranny
The average person doesn’t realize how close the American empire is to collapsing under its own weight. Hell, the average person’s mind is thoroughly riddled with propaganda and entertainment, that they don’t even realize that their country is an empire. They think it’s normal to live under an all powerful government that has hundreds of military bases all over the world, and is constantly at war. But there’s no doubt that this state of affairs cannot continue. In fact, even the high ranking off
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Captain Hook - Treasure Chest
The Nuclear Option
As explained by Paul Craig Roberts, and unbeknownst to most, prior to the French election, and before Trump fired Comey, US neoconsevatives (neocons) in Washington threatened a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia – and apparently they are serious. Serious – no way right? They can’t be that crazy. Apparently such an assumption would be wrong – because they are – where they believe they can go overseas – nuke Russia (North Korea -- anybody?) – and nothing will happen to them coddled comfortably i
Monday, May 22, 2017
Captain Hook - Treasure Chest
It’s frustrating to think there’s nothing you can do about it, because it’s all around you and pervasive in our society today. It’s born in human greed and the desire for power, which are the base modus operandi behind all its manifestations, from America’s new found extremes in neo-fascism, to the (Western) police state, to Empire. From the lowest clerk to ‘the powers that be’, all are equally guilty in allowing its spread in tacitly complicit bureaucracy. It’s why the Constitution of The Unite
Monday, May 1, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Something Financially (And Politically) Wicked This Way Comes
This is bad; very, very bad. While I may not be able to forecast when “last to go” markets like the “Dow Jones Propaganda Average” and paper gold and silver will break free of the “powers that be’s’” unconscionable, blatantly obvious manipulation, I’ll put my track record of political, economic, and monetary predictions up there with any of the most famous – in many cases, infamous – “gurus.”  The reason being, that in a world of lies, corruption, brainwashing, stupidity, manipulation, and brain
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
World Order Shifts, Yuan-Based SDR Launches: “The Most Important Story You Didn’t See This Week”
October 1st, 2016 marked a historic day – and one that signals the death of the dollar. It was China’s national holiday, and the official launch of the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies – which is now denominated partly in the yuan, making China a major part of the world reserve currency. The new world order is officially here, though it isn’t fully phased in. As James Corbett of the Corbett Report discusses: The yuan was officially added to the IMF’s SDR basket today, which may not be world-shatte
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Stewart Thomson - Graceland Update
Gold: The End Game And Headwinds
1 .The US jobs report is scheduled for release at about 8:30AM on Friday.As I’ve noted many times, gold has a rough general tendency to trade lower in the days before that report is released.2.When the report is released, gold tends to trade wildly.In the days following the report, gold has a general tendency to move higher.3.Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge this eight hour bars gold chart.On cue, gold is drifting lower ahead of this jobs report.4
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
America is on a slippery slope
It hadn’t happened before, at least not since US presidents started visiting foreign countries after the Second World War.In early September, when President Obama landed at Hangzhoi for the G-20 summit in early September, the CIA security men were told in no uncertain terms by the Chinese that they were not in charge of landing arrangements, and that the President would disembark by the rear exit. It had the hallmarks of a calculated snub, as did the obligatory photograph of the world’s leaders,
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Captain Hook - Treasure Chest
Do or Die
The laws of the jungle are becoming important again as the life cycle of humanity continues to turn. Increasingly, it's survival of the fittest for both the have-nots and haves alike, whether they choose to realize this or not. In the jungle, it's 'do or die' - the laws of natural selection. The weak and less endowed must stay ahead of the strong or be eaten - and they know it. For some time now however, increasing numbers of human beings have become desensitized to rules of Mother Nature due to
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Loose Cannon, Part II
Summary of Part I: Iraq military vet Brandon Douglas wins the lottery and decides to campaign against voting, which he thinks plays into the hands of corrupt governments.   He uses his fame as the lottery winner to help draw attention to videos he makes in which he argues his position.  In his movies he refers to himself as Loose Cannon.  His gorgeous girlfriend Jeesee gives him grief but otherwise helps him out.  National commentator Lyman Lovett ridicules him, but Douglas regards it as free pu
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Stewart Thomson - Graceland Update
Gold Relaxes In $1250 - $1300 Range Trade
1.Gold continues to garner solid global institutional support, and shows great resiliency on every sell-off against the dollar.2.Please click here now. Giant bank Credit Suisse has joined the bullish forecasting fun, by raising their price targets for both bullion and mining companies.3.Deep-pocketed funds and banks are embracing the world's mightiest asset with gusto, and that's apparent in the price charts.4.Please click here now.Double-click to enlarge this
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Captain Hook - Treasure Chest
No Rest For the Wicked
The problem is, if you're a wicked money printing central bank, busy debasing our entire society, you can't stop the music because everybody would lose purpose quickly - with all falling down - like Humpty Dumpty. Nope - there's no rest for the wicked - our wicked central planners - because you can't taper a Ponzi scheme. This self-evident truth was confirmed this past week when the Bank of Japan (BOJ) disappointed stimulus junkies and didn't ease, sending the Nikkei down 600 points in just a fe
Monday, May 16, 2016
Nelson Hultberg -
  The Trump Haters 
Everyone agrees that the Republican establishment has a visceral hatred of Donald Trump, and has made it known subtly (and not so subtly) since last summer when he announced his run for the presidency. But few of us really have a clear idea of just who these antagonists of Trumpian chutzpah and populist Americanism are. And most of us would like to know more about such people. So what follows is a listing of 10 of the more prominent conservative pundits, scholars, and bureaucrats who are GOP est
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Gordon Long - Market Analytics
Michael Hudson: The Wall Street Economy Has Taken Over The Economy
FRA Co-founder Gordon T. Long is joined by Professor Michael Hudson in discussing his concept of the FIRE economy and its influence on the production and consumption economy, along with some of his writings. Michael Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of Killing the Host (2015), The Bubble and Beyond
Friday, April 29, 2016
Stewart Thomson - Graceland Update
  Awesome Silver and USD Alarm Bell
1.I’ve strongly stated that in the short and intermediate term, the most important price driver of gold is the US dollar’s movement against the yen.2.The dollar is the world’s largest “risk-on” market, because America is the world’s largest debtor.Japan is the world’s largest creditor.3.Downside action of the dollar against the yen is a financial fire alarm bell.When the alarm rings, many of the world’s most powerful FOREX economists urge their clients to buy gold, and many do
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
About Those Cot’s…
OK, where to start following a weekend of unabashedly PM-bullish, everything else bearish news?  Following which, the Cartel executed, amidst the slowest global trading period of the year (U.S. markets closed Friday, and Europe today), its 137th “Sunday Night Sentiment” raid of the past 143 weekends, and 611th “2:15 AM” attack – featuring the ubiquitous “Cartel Herald” algorithm, of course – of the past 701 trading days.  And I’m talking about dead trading activity – with U.S. stocks, bonds, and
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

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