Articles related to big bang
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Gold Comes from Neutron Star Collision
Gold comes from the merger of neutron stars. How cool is that? We always maintained that gold is a unique element and an investment. Its extraordinary features were the very reason why people chose the yellow metal as money. Just think about it: there are more than 100 elements, but it was gold that became a market medium of exchange used by people all over the world. Aurum is neither a gas (try to pay for dinner with helium!), nor radioactive, so it does not kill its users (it’s quite important
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Further thoughts on Gibson’s paradox
“The paradox is one of the most completely established empirical facts in the whole field of quantitative economics.” – John Maynard Keynes“The Gibson paradox remains an empirical phenomenon without a theoretical explanation” -Friedman and Schwartz“No problem in economics has been more hotly debated.” - Irving FisherIntroductionTwo years ago, I found a satisfactory solution to Gibson’s paradox.i The paradox is important, because it demonstrated that between 1750-1930, interest rates in Britain c
Friday, September 8, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited: Chapter 2
This Insight is the fourth in the serial publication of the new, Revisited edition of my book, The Golden Revolution (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). (The first instalment can be found here.) The book is being published by Goldmoney and will also appear as a special series of Goldmoney Insights over the coming months. This instalment comprises the second chapter of Section I.View the Entire Research Piece as a PDF here.Cantillion and the Austrian Economic School on Money and Financial Crises“There i
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Ticking, (Short-Fuse) Time Bombs For The “Challenging” Central Banking Industry
In yesterday’s “who’s more bullish for Precious Metals – Macron or Le Pen?,” I started with nearly five pages of cold, hard facts – proving across-the-board market manipulation of essentially all Western markets.  Which, for the sole purpose of prolonging a terminally ill monetary status quo – in which 1% benefit, at the expense of not just the “99%,” but future generations of “99-percenters” – has created “dotcom-like valuations in a Great Depression Era.”  Not to mention, sentiment – per yeste
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Macron Or Le Pen-Who’s More Bullish For Precious Metals
It’s still early Sunday morning, before the French election has been concluded.  Like the BrExit referendum and U.S. Presidential election, the powers that be are doing everything they can to rig expectations, in the hope of stealing the election for perhaps the least qualified, likeable, or competent candidate possible; and thus, prevent the “BrExit times 100” political, economic, social, and monetary ramifications that would unquestionably result from a Le Pen victory.  In a few hours we’ll kn
Monday, May 8, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Harry Dent Is Right About One Thing!
When I awoke this morning, I debated scripting this week’s second Audioblog – as I have a lot to say, about a great many topics.  However, given that I have as much to show you, as tell you, I decided to write instead.  Thus, today’s article will be a bit longer than usual.  But I assure you, it will be well worth your time. I decided to start with the simplest possible topic, of why Precious Metals have never been more valuable.  After that, the day’s news; culminating in an explanation of toda
Friday, May 5, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
How Technology, And Incompetence, Destroyed The World
In this weekend’s “same as it ever was – Bitcoin, gold, and a rapidly changing world,” I expressed my staunch disagreement with Peter Schiff’s views about Bitcoin – whilst simultaneously, commending him for being the best political and economic analyst in the blogosphere; which yesterday, was demonstrated in this must listen analysis of the Trump Administration’s comically pathetic “Trumpcare” proposal.  And I do mean must listen – so you can truly understand just how dysfunctional, and destruct
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
The 200 Week Moving Average War-And Why The Cartel Will Lose It
Yesterday, my MUST LISTEN Audioblog started with a discussion of this clip of soon-to-be French President Marine LePen humiliating soon-to-be ex German Chancellor Angela Merkel and soon-to-be ex French President Francois Hollande in front of the European Parliament.  As when she wins, it will be blindingly apparent that Europeans want their sovereignty back, no matter what the cost.  And believe me, the “cost” will be high.  As in, the collapse of the Euro; mass default of hundreds of billions o
Friday, March 3, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
The “Strong Dollar” Catch-22
If anyone claims Precious Metals are not relentlessly suppressed – whilst the “Dow Jones Propaganda Average” is persistently supported, in an increasingly desperate attempt to delay “Economic Mother Nature’s” inevitable arrival – consider gold and silver “trading” since the election.  Let alone, since I published the “12:00 PM EST cap of last resort” six weeks ago, after watching this hideous “algo” for more than a decade. Here’s the last three days’ “trading” – with yesterday’s suppression bein
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
2.5, Nuff Said
With each passing day – particularly, as we approach Trump’s inauguration – the confluence of “PM bullish, everything-else-bearish” headlines grows larger, and broader.  Consequently, the list of vital questions to be answered is as long, as it is broad.  Such as, will the outgoing Obama Administration’s last ditch attempt to sabotage the incoming Trump Administration succeed?  Will plunging currencies like the Euro, the UK Pound, the Mexican Peso, and the Turkish Lira find their footing – or co
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
The 12:00 PM EST “Cap Of Last Resort”
I have a LOT to speak of today – culminating in something I should have memorialized years ago, amidst my heyday of publishing “primers” of the gold Cartel’s myriad, day-to-day operations.  I’m having trouble choosing which “PM bearish, everything-else-bullish” topic to start with – but due to how smothering the never-ending “Russian hacking scandal” has been – spearheaded by CNN, “America’s least trusted media outlet”; and the fact that started watching the incredible USA Network Series, Mr. Ro
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Ominous Reflections On 2017’s First Trading Day
I’m starting this at 8:30 PM MST Tuesday, in my eerily quiet house – as Sylvie is sleeping, Diana is teaching, and Giselle sits by my feet, waiting for her next snack.  I’ll finish tomorrow morning, as I don’t want to miss a beat – in a rapidly changing world, chock full of Precious Metal bullish, everything-else-bearish headlines.  Which I’ll simply start by saying – have no fear, I have not sold a single ounce of Precious Metals!  Conversely, I hold more than ever before – at roughly 75% of my
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
The “Upcoming, Cataclysmic, Financial Big Bang To End All Big Bangs”-Upgraded From Inevi...
Before the U.S. has even opened for 2017 business, global markets have taken a dramatic step towards implosion – as the “year of monetary revolution” commences.  Yes, the gold Cartel started the year as they start nearly every day; i.e., with a “Sunday Night Sentiment” raid, for the 170th time in the past 178 weekends (albeit, on a Monday due to the holiday); and subsequently, when gold had the nerve to rebound, a “2:15 AM” attack for the 761st time in the past 876 trading days, to make sure the
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Unrelenting “PM-Bullish, Everything-Else-Bearish” Headlines-To Usher Out 2016, And Foreshadow 2017
It’s my last article of what I believe is the penultimate year of survival for history’s largest; most destructive; and for the first time, global, fiat Ponzi scheme.  Fittingly, on this typical quiet week of paper-thin holiday trading, the headlines are exploding with potentially cataclysmic, “PM-bullish, everything-else-bearish” items. For the first time since 2011 – when on Labor Day Eve; coincident with the Swiss National Bank committing to their ultimately fatal, hyper-inflationary decision
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Imminent Monte Paschim Bailout Depicts True State of Global Banking System
There’s barely a week left in 2016, and it’s hard to believe I’m actually looking forward to it ending.  After five miserable years of unprecedented Precious Metals suppression – going back to May 2011’s “Sunday Night Paper Silver Massacre” and September 2011’s “Operation PM Annihilation I,” when the powers that be nearly lost control of financial markets entirely; and consequently, passed the “point of no return” when the “evil tripod” of money printing, market manipulation, and propaganda beca
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Trump, Russia and China
Even before he takes office, President-elect Trump is turning the world upside down.It has become clear his attitude towards Russia and China is very different from that of his predecessors. Amazingly, he is already wresting power from the deep state, causing it great resentment, which under Obama, Clinton and the Bushes, ran geopolitical policy. From January, barring accidents the world will not be the same, the establishment up-ended.This short article builds on information available to date a
Friday, December 16, 2016
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Money Printing…And Draconian Government Actions…Will Define 2017
A week ago, I wrote that 2017 would be the “year of money printing,” mere hours before the ECB “unexpectedly” extended its epically suicidal QE program through the end of next year.  Which, I might add, will cause the ECB’s balance sheet to surpass the Fed’s $4.5 trillion monstrosity by this summer, if the Fed doesn’t launch QE4 first.  To that end, for any silly geese that actually believe the ECB is “tapering” because the monthly monetization rate will be reduced in April from €80 billion to t
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
2017, The Year Of Money Printing
Before I get started, I’m reprinting the comments from our free daily e-newsletter (go to to sign up) from our President and Co-Founder Andy Schectman – about the unique tax strategy current regulations afford, regarding the legality of year-end Precious Metal “wash-sales.”  That is, the ability to take losses in gold, silver, or platinum trades, and immediately re-invest in kind, without waiting the 30-days required to validate a loss in financial securities like stocks and bo
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Trump About to Preside Over New Global Financial Crisis: “Not His Fault, Merely His Misfortune”
While the world celebrates the political demise of the wicked witch of the west and braces for a Trump-style president, the real crisis is coming, in the form of a financial avalanche that could dump on everyone’s parade. The warning signs have been up every mile for a long stretch now. The build up of pressure, and the creaking fault lines have been evident. The monetary policy has long been triggering what may prove to be an inevitable collapse… And it may have been planned for the Donald Trum
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Something Financially (And Politically) Wicked This Way Comes
This is bad; very, very bad. While I may not be able to forecast when “last to go” markets like the “Dow Jones Propaganda Average” and paper gold and silver will break free of the “powers that be’s’” unconscionable, blatantly obvious manipulation, I’ll put my track record of political, economic, and monetary predictions up there with any of the most famous – in many cases, infamous – “gurus.”  The reason being, that in a world of lies, corruption, brainwashing, stupidity, manipulation, and brain
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

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