Articles related to delete
Rory Hall - Sprott Money
Political Entertainment
During the 2016 election “season” I am on record as stating the only way Trump would have any success would be to surround himself with loyalist military and march down the back hallways of the White House, Senate chambers and the Pentagon and either begin arresting or, at the very least, removing everyone from their seat – no opportunity to erase, delete, burn or change any of the records. Until this happens, these small distractions, such as Strzok emails being disclosed, will continue. These
Thursday, December 14, 2017
[Norwest Energy N.L.] Quarterly Reports

Friday, July 28, 2017
Steve Keen - Debt Deflation
Shut­ting down mem­ber­ship
Tweet Tweet I have recently estab­lished a Patreon site, where peo­ple can sup­port my research and advo­cacy work with dona­tions start­ing at $1/month. That is now where I will engage in con­ver­sa­tion in response to posts. So if any­one here wants to con­tinue a dia­logue with me and oth­ers, please sign up there. This site was flooded by a large num­ber of spam users at the same time as I became unable to main­tain my own role in dis­cus­sions here, sin
Friday, June 9, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Two Blondes, Two Fates
From the Slope of Hope: Earlier this week, my son asked me a sincere question: "How come Marissa Mayer got $200 million by screwing up Yahoo?" It was a good question, and one I had trouble answering at first, because I'd like him to think that there's some level of fairness, meritocracy, and sensibility to this world of ours. In Mayer's case, however, there is none. Her entire massive fortune is due to being in the right place, at the right time, on multiple occasions. She is no more clever or s
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Andy Sutton
Germany to Kill Free Speech
“German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said that the companies offering such online platforms are responsible for removing hateful content. He said the new bill would not restrict the freedom of expression, but intervene only when criminal hatred or intentionally false news are posted.” What is “criminal hatred”? Clearly what German authorities mean is not just incitement to violence, but opposition to their suicidal policies regarding Muslim migration: “the issue” of this online censorship “has co
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
UN Slams Mass Surveillance: “Trying To Appear Tough On Security By Legitimising Largely Useless ... Measures"
A White House panel has previously slammed the NSA, and said that mass spying is unnecessary. Now, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy notes in a new report (with our comments) Deeply concerning … the status of the right to privacy in the surveillance area of activity has not improved since the last [UN surveillance] report. [Indeed, it’s getting worse … and will only expand unless we fight for privacy.] *** Increasingly, personal data ends up in the same “bucket” of
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Staying Off Grid When “Nearly Everything Is Chipped, Almost Everything Is Tracked”
If you weren’t paranoid before, it may be time to start paying attention. “They” are spying on everything you do, and are collecting information about every purchase, appliance, vehicle or place you make, do or interact with. For the first time in history, we have arrived at a time when nearly everything is chipped, and almost everything is tracked. It really is true, and it’s no longer a conspiracy theory. They are spying on everyone, collecting all the available data and tracking you, your fam
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Did Trump Make a “Secret Deal NOT To Prosecute Hillary” In Exchange for Her Concession
Admittedly, the question is speculative, but not without merit. During the debates and in the heated final days of the campaign, Donald Trump vowed to assign a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary and send her to jail. It was easily the highlight of the entire campaign: But when you talk about apology, I think the one that you should really be apologizing for and the thing that you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted, and that you acid washed, and then the two
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Xanadu Farmout Progressing

Friday, September 23, 2016
24hGold - Publicnow
Updated Investor Presentation September 2016
Investor Presentation September 2016 Disclaimer This presentation (Presentation) has been prepared by Finders Resources Limited (Finders) based on information available to it and from third party sources. By retaining this Presentation, you (the Recipient) acknowledge and represent to Finders that you have read, understood and accepted the terms of this Important Notice. If you do not accept these terms, you should immediately destroy or delete this Presentation. This Presentation does
Friday, September 16, 2016
24hGold - Publicnow
Investor Presentation September 2016
Investor Presentation September 2016 Disclaimer This presentation (Presentation) has been prepared by Finders Resources Limited (Finders) based on information available to it and from third party sources. By retaining this Presentation, you (the Recipient) acknowledge and represent to Finders that you have read, understood and accepted the terms of this Important Notice. If you do not accept these terms, you should immediately destroy or delete this Presentation. This Presentation does
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
General Meeting Presentation

Friday, August 26, 2016
24hGold - Publicnow
Appendix 4G Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures
Rules 4.7.3 and 4.10.31 Appendix 4G Key to Disclosures Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations Name of entity: Fortescue Metals Group Ltd ABN / ARBN: Financial year ended: 57 002 594 872 30 June 2016 Our corporate governance statement2 for the above period above can be found at:3 ☐ These pages of our annual report: ☒ This URL on our website: The Corpora
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Steve Saville - Speculative Investor
  How to deal with crappy people 
James Altucher wrote a blog post several years ago that has stuck with me. The gist of the post was that the best way to deal with crappy people is to not engage with them in any way under any circumstances. Do not argue with them, do not attempt to give them advice, and do not make any effort to get them to like you. Just ignore them. Altucher’s message has saved me a lot of aggravation over the years. Once in a while I fall into the trap of interacting with someone I should ignore, but I’m usu
Thursday, August 11, 2016
James Howard Kunstler
Wake the fuck up! Today we turn from the sordid dumbshow of Election 2016 to the parlous mysteries of finance and economics behind our sick politics. Most of the commentary in the mainstream special needs news media is based on the incorrect notion that the current disposition of things is sure to continue and therefore all we have to do is manage the familiar dynamics of the operating system in place. For instance, Grand Vizier Paul Krugman i
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Quarterly Reports

Friday, July 29, 2016
24hGold - Publicnow
Finders Resources Investors Presentation July 2016
28f6af2b-8e4c-4a6e-b2fe-e17258e8758b.pdf Investor Roadshow July 2016 This presentation (Presentation) has been prepared by Finders Resources Limited (Finders) based on information available to it and from third party sources. By retaining this Presentation, you (the Recipient) acknowledge and represent to Finders that you have read, understood and accepted the terms of this Important Notice. If you do not accept these terms, you should immediately destroy or delete this Presentation. Th
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Nelson Hultberg -
Trumpians Prepare to Save America
Cleveland was approaching and Trumpians were in high spirits. They were about to see their man made the nominee of the Republican Party for president of the United States. But first there was the VP slot to settle. Trump’s choice was not unexpected; it was Governor Mike Pence from Indiana. True to form in today’s world, however, ripples of disenchantment cropped up. Pence was “too bland, too conservative, too religious.” But this writer’s immediate thoughts were, Pence will do just fine. Sure, h
Friday, July 22, 2016
Section 708A Cleansing Notice, Appendix 3B Strategic Alliance and Share Plac

Wednesday, July 20, 2016
[Norwest Energy N.L.] Company Secretary Appointment

Monday, July 18, 2016

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