Articles related to executive order
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
  America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks
"Let me issue and control a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty) Many prominent Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson have argued and fought against the central banking polices used throughout Europe. A note issued by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Note, is bank currency. These notes are given to the government in exchange for an interest-bearing g
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
  Common Gold Silver Pitfalls to Avoid 
Investing in gold and silver may seem simple and straightforward, however it is not. There are many types of ( quote, unquote ) "investments" in gold and silver you will want to avoid. Gold and silver dealers are no different from any other industry or crowd of people. Within our industry you will find many good honest professionals and organizations, but you will also find some bad outfits whose practices can be described as underhanded, even criminal. Being the Managing Director of
Monday, November 16, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Our Diseased Monetary Bloodstream
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Charleston Voice
FDR: The Great Gold Confiscator Speaks *audio*
It's hard to imagine a greater theft from the American people than their personal gold savings.  This stolen gold was then exchanged to foreign bankers for irredeemable paper dollars. The continuing thievery by the Federal Reserve of American's productivity by debt and inflation continues unabated to impoverish and enslave us. Published by Charleston Voice FDR: THE GREAT GOLD CONFISCATOR Advancing Tyranny under a cover of "patriotism" and "sacrifice". Using the theme of a "caring go
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Fiat 33 
"Sir, I would say, "Old World Order" to return. To understand/explain better: A very easy way to view this "order", would be to simply say that the American Experience is reaching the end! As we know, world war two left Europe and the world economy destroyed. Many thinkers of that period thought that the world was about to enter a decades long depression as it worked to rebuild real assets lost in the conflict. It was this war that so impacted the idea of looking positively toward the fu
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
  Gold Silver Confiscation: Can the Government Seize Assets
One concern of retail precious metals investors is the possibility of a gold confiscation.Imagine having the forethought to buy gold to shield your finances from an economic or monetary crisis—only to have it taken away from you by your government. You’d lose not just the protective buffer you put in place but potentially a chunk of your net worth.Gold confiscation may sound preposterous to investors used to securities or real estate. But it’s happened in the past enough times to make it a reaso
Monday, June 1, 2020
Jeff Clark - Casey Research
Should I Buy Numismatic Coins 3 Risks of Collectible Gold Coins
Numismatic coins can be a fun hobby, and can offer the collector a beautiful timepiece from interesting periods in history.Unfortunately, many novice investors that dabble in this market have lost money. And in many of those cases, the price of gold actually rose while the coins were held!How can an investor lose money on valuable rare coins? And why don’t they rise with the gold price?This article highlights three specific risks investors take with numismatics. Let’s co
Friday, May 15, 2020
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks
In order to pay debts incurred from the Seven Years War with France, King George III of England sought to heavily tax the colonies in America. In 1742, the British Resumption Act required that taxes and other debts be paid in gold.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Trump's Dollar in Cattelan's Gold Toilet
Jokes, art, gold and a final use for the Don's 'weak Dollar' policy... THAT Nancy Spector at the Guggenheim in New York sounds like a right card, writes Adrian Ash at BullionVault. Her newly leaked  email to the Trump White House of last September declined to lend Don and Mel their desired Van Gogh ('Landscape in the Snow'), but offered instead "a marvelous w
Friday, January 26, 2018
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Valuing Bitcoin: Millennials Fake Gold or "Something Else Entirely"
Vitaliy Katsenelson emailed an article about the Bitcoin bubble. Let's compare to the "Something Else Entirely" belief.Bitcoin – Millennials Fake Gold by Vitaliy Katsenelson Originally posted on the Contrarian Edge. I’ve been asked about Bitcoin a lot lately. I’ haven’t written anything about it because I find myself in an uncomfortable place in agreeing with the mainstream media: It’s a bubble. Bitcoin started out as what I’d call “millennial gold” – the young (digital) generation looked at it
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Part 3 Sleaze, Various Other Truth Bombs
We scratched the surface on Government, finance, politics and the rule of law so far.  Today, let’s take a look at sleaze and fraud.  The sleaze part is not just “sensational”.  It is important because in many cases it crosses any decent person’s red line and should piss anyone off who reads it or discovers it.   The first part is certainly not all inclusive but is wide ranging.  That said, 2018 looks to be shaping up as barn burner for the arrests of child molesters and human traffickers.  No
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Bitcoin – Millennials Fake Gold
I’ve been asked about Bitcoin a lot lately. I’ haven’t written anything about it because I find myself in an uncomfortable place in agreeing with the mainstream media: It’s a bubble. Bitcoin started out as what I’d call “millennial gold” – the young (digital) generation looked at it as their gold substitute. Bitcoin is really two things: a blockchain technology and a (perceived) currency. The blockchain element of Bitcoin may have enormous future applications: It may be used for electronic contr
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Michael S. Rozeff - Mike Rozeff
Partners in Crime
startclickprintinclude clickprintexcludeimages       The 3-day New York City transit strike is a mere eddy in a noxious swamp that is asphyxiating taxpayers in many states and localities. Whil
Monday, December 18, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
How The Elite Dominate The World – Part 2: 99.9 Of The Global Population Lives In A Country With A Central Bank
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Even though the nations of the world are very deeply divided on almost everything else, somehow virtually all of them have been convinced that central banking is the way to go. Today, less than 0.1% of the population of the world lives in a country that does not have a central bank. Do you think that there is any possible way that this is a coincidence? And it is also not a coincidence that we are now facing the gr
Friday, October 20, 2017
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Stocks and Precious Metals Charts -
"We would rather be ruined than changed; We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die." W. H. Auden, Age of Anxiety "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson. History depicts Andrew Jackson as the last truly honorable and incorruptible American president." Franklin Delano Roosevelt "On a side bar. remember a couple
Friday, October 20, 2017
Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Only Political Dividing Line Left - Roots Based Politics Because of the rise of Globalism in the late 20th century the U.S. and Western Europe have recently seen stirrings of nationalist awakenings. Terrorism, turmoil in the Middle East and waves of Muslim refugees have fueled the trend. Wikipedia says this about Nationalism; “a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national iden
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Rory Hall - Sprott Money
Too Big To Jail: Governments and Banksters - Rory Hall
Raise your hand if you would like to see the criminal, corrupt system of oligarchs operating in the U.S., Europe and other nations around the world brought to justice? For the record, I’m raising my hand – actually both hands. Over the past two years we documented some of the nefarious banking gangs. like the Group of 30 and the secret meetings that are held at the Bank for International Settlement (BIS). The BIS is the “central bank of central banks” – in other words, the BIS dictates to
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
“Junkie’s Dilemma” Trade Wars with China Start Monday: Major Economic Shock Possible
President Donald Trump is ready to launch a new trade crackdown on China next week according to a Trump administration official. Trump’s goal (at least one of them) is to get China to crack down on North Korea. But China knows that Trump won’t stop with North Korea. Trump will want more. Besides, China does not want North Korea destabilized more. Meanwhile, China does not want North Korea destabilized more. Deutsche Welle reports US President Donald Trump ponders trade war with China. Trump has
Sunday, August 13, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited: Chapter 6
This Insight is the ninth in the serial publication of the new, Revisited edition of my book, The Golden Revolution (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). (The first instalment can be found here.) The book is being published by Goldmoney and will also appear as a special series of Goldmoney Insights over the coming months. This instalment comprises the first chapter of Section II.View the Entire Research Piece as a PDF here. The Window Closes“In the past seven years, there has been an average of one inter
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Secret FEMA Report Warns Of Major Solar Storms: “Significant Power Grid Collapses May Occur… Could Require 4 to 10 Years To Fully Restore”
This report was originally published by Susan Duclos at FEMA: ‘The Threat Is Real’ – Unpublished Internal Report Warns 4-10 Years Without Electricity After Major Solar Storm An unpublished internal FEMA report has finally been obtained via an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, which highlights the extent of damage a major solar storm, what they call the “100 year geomagnetic storm,” would do to critical infrastructure in the U.S., including “Significant power grid co
Friday, July 7, 2017

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