Articles related to Fortress
Charleston Voice
  Fort Knox Looted of 7,000 Tons of Gold in 1973-1974 says 1981 Article! 
This imaged article from 1981 and excerpted commentary below it will set the landscape for the scandal that is just now unraveling before the world. To date, we have not been able to uncover any official refutations, disclaimers or denials from the USG or Federal Reserve. for larger view: To read - Enlarge Image Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 70. "AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas c
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Russel McDougal - inv. Daily Edge
The Ghost of Fort Knox Past: Part 2
In my precedent essay, we looked briefly into the Ft. Knox gold controversy. Ft. Knox gold used to back circulating currency, but those days are long gone. Whatever gold remains within this U.S. fortress is now just another Treasury “asset.”
Friday, April 10, 2020
Impending Mega-Moves and re #1 Asset for Profiting and Protecting
DEEPCASTER LLCFORTRESS ASSETS PORTFOLIO | LETTERS, ALERTS & ARTICLESHIGH POTENTIAL SPECULATOR | HIGH YIELD PORTFOLIOPreserve & Enhance WealthInvestment & Geopolitical IntelligenceMarkets were triggered and shocked a few days ago when the yield on the Bellwether U.S. Treasury 10-Year Note shot up over 2.9% which resulted mainly from Fed Chair Powell’s hinting at the possibility of 4 rate hikes this year. Other soon-to-be-detonated Triggers will have Mega-Consequences for Key Market Sectors but wi
Friday, March 9, 2018
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Euro, Cable and Aussie - The Reward for Patience
February was the best month for the U.S. dollar since October. Nevertheless, what goes up must fall someday. Yesterday, the gravity caught the greenback after President Donald Trump said the country will impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. As a result, the USD Index reversed and declined, supporting our three currency pairs. Will yesterday’s news kill the greenback’s rally in the coming days? Analyzing the charts after yesterday’s session we noticed several disturbing factors, which ca
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Relationship Between Crude Oil and U.S. Dollar in February 2018
On Thursday, the price of black gold moved higher after the EIA weekly report showed an unexpected decline in crude oil inventories. Is this one bullish factor strong enough to push light crude higher in the following days? What did the buyers miss? Yesterday, the Energy Information Administration reported that crude oil inventories declined by 1.6 million barrels in the week ended Feb. 16, beating expectations for a gain of around 1.8 million barrels. This first in four weeks decline in crude o
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
Why Recent Lows Are Crucial for Greenback
Since Friday, the USD Index extends increases and makes up for lost points. Looking at the daily chart you can even conclude that the bulls use every opportunity to push away their opponents from the recent lows. Why are they so important to them? We took a closer look at the situation and we already know the Achilles’ heel of the bulls. Do you also want to know it? We invite you to read today's alert. Focus on the USD Index Before we analyze the recent changes in our currency pairs, we decided
Friday, February 23, 2018
Profiting in 2018 (Part 2)
DEEPCASTER LLCFORTRESS ASSETS PORTFOLIO | LETTERS, ALERTS & ARTICLESHIGH POTENTIAL SPECULATOR | HIGH YIELD PORTFOLIOPreserve & Enhance WealthInvestment & Geopolitical IntelligenceUnfortunately, as we demonstrated in Part 1 and further demonstrate below, the underlying Economic Reality was and still is that the Economy is not healthy and not recovering which is obvious when one looks at the Real Numbers per (Note 1) rather than the Bogus Official Ones.So, our focus in this Part2 i
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Profit, Protection, Despite Cartel Interventions—November 2017 Update
Governments love [the war on cash]. Then they can control you...we are not going to have as many freedoms as we have now ...get prepared because we're going to have the worst economic problems we've had in your lifetime or my lifetime and when that happens a lot of people are going to disappear.“…the next time aro
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Infectious Mosquitoes Are Popping Up In New Regions
Photo: The Aedes albopictus or Asian tiger mosquito A website which tracks all mosquito species known to transmit human diseases says that it’s got a mounting number of citations.  This means that some deadly mosquitoes may be moving into new ecological niches with greater frequency and bringing their diseases with them to new regions. ProMED mail has carried more than a dozen such reports since June, all involving mosquito species known to transmit human diseases.  Most reports have concerned t
Friday, September 8, 2017
Jan Nieuwenhuijs - Bullion Star
Did The Dutch Central Bank Lie About Its Gold Bar List
Head of the Financial Markets Division of the Dutch central bank, Aerdt Houben, stated in an interview for newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad published in October 2016 that releasing a bar list of the Dutch official gold reserves “would cost hundreds of thousands of euros”. In this post we’ll expose this is virtually impossible – the costs to publish the bar list should be close to zero – and speculate about the far reaching implications of this falsehood.  Recap This story started a couple of ye
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Former Bain Manager Launches $50M Fund, Tezos ICO, and Pantera Money-Raise
Bitcoin closed down slightly on the week, as worries about the SegWit (Segregated Witness) proposal seemed to weigh on investors. The appetite for digital currency remains robust long-term as several hedge funds made headlines within the past couple weeks talking up both Bitcoin and Ethereum. The summer doldrums continue on with low volume in the cryptocurrency space expected for the near-term. Strong support remains around the $2,500 level as investors anticipate another move past $3,000. The c
Friday, July 7, 2017
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Brexit, Germany and Asia 
Britain’s general election went horribly wrong, with the Conservatives forced into a putative coalition with the Democratic Ulster Party. Theresa May’s failure to secure a clear majority has provoked indignation, bitterness, and widespread pessimism.The purpose of this article is not to contribute to this outcry, but to take a more measured view of the situation faced by the British government with regards to Brexit, and the consequences for Europe. In the interests of an international readershi
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Mega-Risks Loom in the Next very few months and most will be realized. But for Investors properly positioned, they Provide Very Substantial Profit and Wealth Protection Opportunities. First let’s examine the Risks, then the Profit Opportunities.MEGA-RISKSChinaPerhaps the Main One will be the slowdown in growth in China, the world’s second largest economy. This Slowdown will be Caused mainly by China’s serious drive to restrain unsustainable credit growth.Indeed, credit outstanding (including to
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Experts Claim Earth’s Magnetic Poles Overdue To Flip: “Could Cause Chaos In Everything”
Scientists are only just beginning to comprehend the dramatic impact that magnetic fields have on our lives, and indeed all life on earth. And now, they fear that the poles are rapidly shifting, and could indeed flip in our lifetimes. A state of constant change, and the potential for drastic shifts, has made airline travel, communications, the electric, satellites and other infrastructure incredibly vulnerable. Some of the effects have already been experienced on a low level, and we should take
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Nationalists / Internationalists Versus Globalists—A Key Distinction for Protection and Profit
It is difficult to maximize success as an Investor (or to adequately understand or participate effectively in Politics) without making a clear distinction between Nationalists /Internationalists on one hand and Globalists on the other.Conscious Globalists’ (as opposed to the unthinking or indoctrinated/conditioned Masses who carelessly use the term) policies have caused and are causing tremendous losses, pain and suffering in the world.Consider the Citizens of European Countries, for example, wh
Friday, January 27, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Obama Leaves America Vulnerable to EMP Attack: Threatens “Banking, Fuel, Food Distribution”
Barack Obama officially made his exit from the stage, but he left us with some major vulnerabilities – at a time when he stepped away from power with tensions at all time high with Russia. Not only has the nation been left wide open to an EMP attack or other sophisticated barrage against our national defenses, but recent advances have left our leaders drastically unprepared for possible or even likely attack from a long line of potential adversaries. Asymmetrical warfare on a global, electronic
Friday, January 20, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Will There Be War On The Streets Of Washington D.C. During The Inauguration On Friday
The stage is set for a potentially very ugly confrontation between radical leftist protesters on one side and law enforcement authorities and Trump supporters on the other side.  It is being estimated that hundreds of thousands of supporters will be arriving in D.C. to celebrate the inauguration of Donald Trump, but it is also being estimated that hundreds of thousands of people will be coming to D.C. to specifically protest the inauguration of Trump.  These protesters plan to set up blockades,
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
  The Cheeto Cometh 
Support this blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page! I dunno about you, but I rather enjoy watching the praetorian Deep State go batshit crazy as the day of Trump’s apotheosis approacheth. I imagine a lot of men and women running down the halls of Langley and the Pentagon and a hundred other secret operational redoubts with their hair on fire, wondering how on earth they can neutralize the fucker in the four days remaining. What’s left in their trick-bag? Bake a poison cheesecake for the inaugural
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Surmount Impending Markets Shocker to Profit And Protect
Deepcaster has, from its founding ten years ago, aimed to provide Investors Truth about the Economy and Markets so far as we could determine it. Not an easy job given the deluge of Bogus Official Numbers and Mainstream Media Spin or outright distortion or Censorship.Fortunately, there are Alternative Sources of Accurate Information.Well, an examination of the Real Economic Numbers and Key Market Realities today leads to a Startling Conclusion. Soon in 2017 we expect Investors to experience a Gre
Friday, January 13, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
China Tells Trump “Nothing to Discuss” If US Drops “One China” Policy
Donald Trump’s phone call to Taiwan following the election, and more recent statements regarding a “One China” policy, have both disturbed leaders in Beijing. Risk of a global trade war, which Trump seems itching to fight, is very real. Please consider Beijing Hits Back at Donald Trump Over Taiwan Stance. China has warned Donald Trump that the two countries will have “nothing to discuss” if his incoming administration discards the four-decade-old “One China” policy. “Adherence to the One China
Monday, December 12, 2016

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