Articles related to Japan
Charleston Voice
Banker Gold Price Suppression Currency Manipulations Have Persisted for 50 years
This 1967 meeting of the FOMC nearly 46 years ago is clear and indisputable evidence of gold price suppression and currency manipulation of the world's "free" and "open" market exchanges.  This criminal cabal has certainly built up their mechanisms since this time to conceal their sinister scheme from issuing dishonest money. It's blatant now and all of "in your face" is their behavioral response to inquiry. Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead. If you find this too cumbersome to read, the Fed
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Jeff Clark - Casey Research
  Storing and Hiding Your Gold at Home
Where, exactly, should you store your gold at home?You instinctively know that gold is valuable and understand it must be stored safely. You probably also realize that gold coins and bars come with no replacement policy: if you lose them, they’re gone for good. No claim check to redeem.This makes your home storage plan critical.This guide provides hiding tips, the pros and cons of alarms and safes, backyard burial advice, the home storage golden rule, and why insuring your metal is probably not
Monday, January 18, 2021
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The West Will Become The New ‘Third World’: PricewaterhouseCoopers 
Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  -->  The West Will Become The New ‘Third World’: PricewaterhouseCoopers Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL) First World The term “First World” refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after word war II, with more or less common political and economi
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Bullion Vault
Gold Bullion Gains Extend ETF Growth as Inflation Worries Hit 'Even the Yellen Fed'
GOLD BULLION held around $1240 per ounce in London trade Thursday, retaining its 3-month high as commodity markets pushed towards new 18-month records. With energy costs already driving up headline inflation rates worldwide, Brent crude oil today rose above $55 per barrel as Nymex natural gas contracts traded 90% above their price of this time last year. Silver bullion held firm wit
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
  America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks
"Let me issue and control a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty) Many prominent Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson have argued and fought against the central banking polices used throughout Europe. A note issued by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Note, is bank currency. These notes are given to the government in exchange for an interest-bearing g
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Mickey Fulp - The Gold Report
Why Copper Is a Critical Metal: Mickey Fulp 
Copper is often referred to as "Dr. Copper," the metal with a Ph.D. in economics. Yet most analysts don't view it as a critical metal. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, Mickey Fulp, author of The Mercenary Geologist, gives his thoughts on why the experts are wrong and why copper should be considered a critical metal.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
Mexico's Past, the World's Future Currency Devaluations
It seems the world is doomed to repeat the same mistakes, from wars to large economic shocks that could have been avoided. All this, without a doubt, is the responsibility of leaders, who are often blinded by today's apparent prosperity, or by the desire to postpone the inevitable, leading entire nations to what will eventually end in tragedy. The influential forces that these leaders possess,
Friday, November 6, 2020
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
God, Gold and Guns
We’ve been looking into One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter. October 2, 2017: One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter October 14, 2017: One Nation Under Gold #2: The Silliness of the Bretton Woods Years Now, we will follow Ledbetter’s account of the end of Bretton Woods in 1971, up to the present. The account of the 1971 devaluation was, following the pattern of this book, long on details but short on insight. It seemed to people at the time that they “had no choice,” that
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
The Goldbug, Variations V
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Dan Popescu - GoldBroker
  Above-ground Gold Stock - How Much Is There and Why Does it Matter 
To understand the price of gold, the relevant supply is the total supply, not the new supply coming to market during the last year, week or month. The supply of gold consists of all of the supply that exists, and the relevant demand is the total demand, not the new demand coming to market during any year. For gold, there is always a large stockpile, and it never gets smaller. The vast majority of all the gold mined throughout human history still exists and is held either in bars, coins, or jewel
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Nick Barisheff - BMSINC
  August 15, 1971: Inflation Unleashed 
The general public, the media and most financial observers were largely unaware of the momentous event that took place on August 15, 1971. However, the implications of that event have had an enormous impact on global financial conditions ever since. On that date, US President Richard Nixon “closed the gold window”. In essence, this meant the US would no longer honour the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, which
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
  The Second Greatest Story Ever Told 
Fable has it that paper currency came into being as warehouse receipts issued by the goldsmith against gold left on deposit for safe-keeping. The owners found that they could make purchases with these warehouse receipts as easily as with gold coins. Then the goldsmith went on lending out at interest his fictitious warehouse receipts. According to this fable, the fraudulent business of the goldsmith in issuing warehouse receipts against non-existent gold was the embryonic form of the fractional-reserve banking of today.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Hugo Salinas Price -
  The Gold Standard: Generator Protector Of Jobs 
The abandonment of the gold standard in 1971 is closely tied to the massive unemployment the industrialized world has suffered in recent years; Mexico, even with a lower level of industrialization than the developed countries, has also lost jobs due to the closing of industries; in recent years, the creation of new jobs in productive activities has been anemic at best.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
Devaluations of the 1930s Don't Justify Today's Funny Money Excess
Without question, the Great Depression was a time when the political consensus moved from a Classical “hard money” approach towards a Mercantilist “soft money” approach — leading, ultimately, to today’s “print until the pain goes away” reaction. Actually, this trend had started in the later 19th century, and was not fully expressed until the 1970s – an evolution stretching over a hundred years or more. But, the experience of the Great Depression period of the 1930s st
Monday, June 22, 2020
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
The View From 2011
Today, we will continue our discussion of the “gold sterilization” of 1937. June 18, 2017: The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937 June 25, 2017: The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937 #2: Fumbling and Bumbling We will look at an influential 2011 paper by Douglas Irwin, available here: All in all, I think the paper is pretty good, at least in its basic descriptions. It meanders into the usual channels of pointless Monetarism, with some equally pointless math, but it does
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Charleston Voice
  Global Times - Hard lessons from China's silver standard 
History will repeat, but this time around America will not be able to coin silver Trade Dollars to conduct trade with Asia. Oops. Oh, where O where did my empire go? Source:  [08:30 July 15 2009] Chinese macroeconomic historian Ray Huang used to say the Qing Dynasty never understood monetary and fiscal policy, and therefore was unable to compete against the West. In those days, monetary policy in China was essentially tied to silver, the national money standard since t
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
  Hyperinflation around the Globe 
Angola (1991-1999) Angola went through the worst inflation from 1991 to 1995. In early 1991, the highest denomination was 50,000 kwanzas. By 1994, it was 500,000 kwanzas. In the 1995 currency reform, 1 kwanza reajustado was exchanged for 1,000 kwanzas. The highest denomination in 1995 was 5,000,000 kwanzas reajustados. In the 1999 currency reform, 1 new kwanza was exchanged for 1,000,000 kwanzas reajustados. The overall impact of hyperinflation: 1 new kwanza = 1,000,000,000 pre-1991 kwanzas.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
  Cecil Rhodes and the Dream of a New World Order Presided Over by an Anglo-American Establishment 
"The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes's seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and his principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to this day. To be sure, this secret soci
Monday, April 13, 2020
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Inflation and human nature
"...Scrabbling in the earth for a fresh source of cash, the gold & silver miners of 13th century Europe proved that the money supply never simply increases as if by magic..."
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Wolf Richter
Negative Yields Not Required: Even “Low” Interest Rates Screw Up the Economy
How to make a mess in the era of low demand. This is the transcript from my podcast last Sunday, THE WOLF STREET REPORT: Now the plot thickens: I’ve got a former Secretary of the Treasury backing me up. We’ve already seen, including in my last podcast, how negative interest rates screw up the economy. Negative interest rates are so absurd that just thinking about them gives me a headache. In the era of negative interest rates, owning financial assets such as government bonds, or savings in the b
Thursday, August 29, 2019

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