Articles related to media
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
The origin of cycles
It was Karl Marx who was among the first believers that cyclical behaviour was endemic to free markets.He lived through a time when there was a regular cycle of boom and bust, with phases of economic expansion followed by contraction. Workers were employed and then unemployed, and the only way this could be stopped, in Marxian economics, was for the workers to acquire the means of production, or more correctly, the state to do so on their behalf.Other economists, such as Jevons and Wicksell, rec
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Jeff Clark - Casey Research
  Storing and Hiding Your Gold at Home
Where, exactly, should you store your gold at home?You instinctively know that gold is valuable and understand it must be stored safely. You probably also realize that gold coins and bars come with no replacement policy: if you lose them, they’re gone for good. No claim check to redeem.This makes your home storage plan critical.This guide provides hiding tips, the pros and cons of alarms and safes, backyard burial advice, the home storage golden rule, and why insuring your metal is probably not
Monday, January 18, 2021
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The West Will Become The New ‘Third World’: PricewaterhouseCoopers 
Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  -->  The West Will Become The New ‘Third World’: PricewaterhouseCoopers Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL) First World The term “First World” refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after word war II, with more or less common political and economi
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Sprott Money
The Secret of Wealth Preservation - Jeff Nielson
We have a failure to communicate. The vast majority of the investment public in the Western world has no understanding – at all – about how to preserve and protect their wealth. Of the minority of the investment community with some understanding of wealth preservation, almost invariably it is a flawed understanding. Understanding wealth preservation begins with having a detailed and correct understanding of “money”. Understanding money begins with correctly comprehending the difference betwe
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Is This The Beginning Of The Next Silver Rush
This report is a PAID ADVERTISEMENT from Far below the Nevada desert, past ancient mine shafts and rock-strewn caverns, there could be a fortune waiting to be made by one small company. A fortune in silver. A mine that inspired the silver rush in the 1880s, that was tapped once more in the 1960s, could again prove a boon to miners using the latest technologies to tap unexplored and unexploited mineral deposits. It could prove to be a great re-discovery in the history of silver minin
Monday, November 30, 2020
Frank Shostak
Is Money Created by Government Decree
According to popular view people accept money because of a government decree.1 A government decree it is argued makes a particular thing accepted as a general medium of exchange. But, does it make sense?Demand for a good arises from its perceived benefit. For instance, people demand food because of the nourishment it offers them. It is different with money people demand it not for direct use in consumption but in order to exchange it for other goods and services.Money is not useful in itself, bu
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Ronan Manly - Bullion Star
New Gold Pool at the BIS Basle, Switzerland: Part 1
“In the Governor’s absence I attended the meeting in Zijlstra’s room in the BIS on the afternoon of Monday, 10th December to continue discussions about a possible gold pool. Emminger, de la Geniere, de Strycker, Leutwiler, Larre and Pohl were present.”      13 December 1979 – Kit McMahon to Gordon Richardson, Bank of England Introduction A central bank Gold Pool which many people will be familiar with operated in the gold market between November 1961 and March 1968. That Gold Pool was known as t
Saturday, April 18, 2020
James Howard Kunstler
He Did What ! ! 
 The only trouble with the conspiracy theory that hundreds of prominent and powerful people wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead is that Jeffrey Epstein might have wanted Jeffrey Epstein dead even more than they did. But that’s mere conjecture. His mind is beyond being read. Of course, the evidence of his alleged crimes didn’t die — the “meticulous” records he kept live on, along with the names of Mr. Epstein’s patrons, clients, marks, however you might clas
Monday, August 12, 2019
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
 Almost everyone that goes out to visit one of our major cities on the west coast has a similar reaction. Those that must live among the escalating decay are often numb to it, but most of those that are just in town for a visit are absolutely shocked by all of the trash, human defecation, crime and public drug use that they encounter. Once upon a time, our beautiful western cities were the envy of the rest of th
Friday, February 15, 2019
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Apocalyptic Sounds In The Sky: No Explanation For ‘Mystery Booms’ And ‘Mysterious Flashes Of Light’ All Across America
 For weeks, Americans all over the country have been rattled by extremely loud booming sounds that seem to have no explanation, and they are often accompanied by “mysterious flashes of light”. These strange booms are shaking homes and rattling windows, and some witnesses say that they sound like cannons being fired. And even though the “mystery booms” and accompanying flashes of light have been captured on camer
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Trump’s Absurd Claim that Americans Are Free from Government Coercion
In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Trump received rapturous applause from Republicans for his declaration: “America was founded on liberty and independence — not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free.” But this uplifting sentiment cannot survive even a brief glance at the federal statute book or the heavy-handed enforcement tactics by federal, sta
Saturday, February 9, 2019
James Howard Kunstler
  Hunting for Golem
As another president once remarked in a different context — LBJ speaking to a hanger full of grunts in Vietnam — “go on out there, boys, and nail that coonskin to the wall!” That was around the time the war was looking like a lost cause, with 1000 soldiers a month coming home in a box and even the Rotarians of Keokuk, Iowa, starting to doubt the official story of what exactly we thought we were doing over there. It was also, argua
Monday, January 14, 2019
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
A Metaphor For America: 700 Pound Man Plans To Eat And Play Video Games While Naked Until He Dies
34-year-old Casey King is so obese that he can’t work, he has to bathe outside in a trough like a pig, and he has to rely on his father to constantly take care of him. He now weighs more than 700 pounds, but he just keeps on eating massive amounts of unhealthy food. Just like America as a whole, he has absolutely no self-discipline and absolutely no desire to turn his life around. On some level he understands that
Monday, January 14, 2019
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
  Technology Detox: The Health Benefits of Unplugging Unwinding
Recent studies have shown that 90% of Americans use digital devices for two or more hours each day and the average American spends more time a day on high-tech devices than they do sleeping: 8 hours and 21 minutes to be exact. If you’ve ever considered attempting a “digital detox”, there are some health benefits to making that ch
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
The NEW Social Media: Alternatives to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Other Big Tech Platforms
 Lately, I’ve written a lot about the alternative media purge and how Big Tech social media platforms are attempting to control the narrative, the elections, and public perception through censorship and financial blacklisting. Lots of people are ready to leave websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for less-censored pastures. But what are the social media alternatives that are currently available? Here are some soc
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Market Dropped 3 Financial Media is ...
In this podcast, I offer the latest in my critically acclaimed* series, "Our Bullshit Economy". I berate the financial media and basically everyone else on Earth for how they handled today's 800 point sell off in the Dow. If you didn't see this coming - well, you haven't been listening to the QTR Podcast long enough. Score one for the bears today. QTR Podcasts are always free, but some people choose to make a small recurring donation, which is gratefully accepted:
Thursday, October 11, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
Fishtailing into the Future
The opening chapters of Michael Lewis’s new book, The Fifth Risk, detail the carelessness of the Trump transition team in the months leading up to his swearing-in as president. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie led the team, with its binders full of possible agency chiefs, before he was summarily canned by Steve Bannon, who would be dumped soon himself by the ascending Golden Golem of Greatness. There was, in fact, a set of rigorous protocols for managing the transition of power based on
Friday, October 5, 2018
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Eat Gold
Submitted by A popular phrase in segments of the mainstream financial media is that “You Can’t Eat Gold”. We don’t know who first uttered this comment, but it was more than likely a talking-head or Wall Street analyst on CNBC or Bloomberg. The disparaging claim seems to be based on concluding that in a financial or monetary crisis, if you own gold, that “You Can’t Eat It”. And so, according to the logic of whoever came up with the phrase, this would make gold useless during a fin
Monday, August 13, 2018
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Candle Problem (Why Bitcoin Is Misunderstood)
By Chris at Karl Duncker, that's who came up with it. The Candle Problem, that is. If you haven't heard of the candle problem, here's the skinny. In 1945, just as Hitler was murdering himself (thankfully), psychologist Karl Duncker was turning his attention to how humans solve problems. He came up with "the candle problem," a cognitive performance test measuring the influence of functional fixedness on a participant's problem solving capabilities. Here's the probl
Monday, August 13, 2018
Rory Hall - The Daily coin
Media Accountability Survey
The feature image, from a Fox News video, is a perfect demonstration of why the American people are beginning to seriously move away from so-called “mainstream media (MSM)”. The MSM is no longer mainstream. Their dominance is waning and, in some cases, if it weren’t for tax incentives, government contracts and a deeply embedded relationship with the CIA (*cough CNN, NBC cough*) they would no longer exist. Speak your mind – spread far and wide. Take the Media Accountability Survey – CLICK HERE
Sunday, May 6, 2018

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