Articles related to ratings
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
  Common Gold Silver Pitfalls to Avoid 
Investing in gold and silver may seem simple and straightforward, however it is not. There are many types of ( quote, unquote ) "investments" in gold and silver you will want to avoid. Gold and silver dealers are no different from any other industry or crowd of people. Within our industry you will find many good honest professionals and organizations, but you will also find some bad outfits whose practices can be described as underhanded, even criminal. Being the Managing Director of
Monday, November 16, 2020
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
How Where to Buy Gold Bars (2017 Buying Guide)
If you’re looking to invest in physical gold at the lowest possible price per ounce, there’s no better choice than gold bars. Coins may be more attractive, but all that manufacturing and packaging comes at a price. Gold bars, on the other hand, are the stalwart of the industry, what everyone from average investors to central banks buy and store. In other words, you can’t go wrong buying gold bars—provided you follow four tips including where to buy gold bars. The Advantage of Buying Gold BarsTip
Monday, June 1, 2020
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Hypocritical Corporate Democrats and Selling You Out While Feeling Your Pain
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Abraham Lincoln As always, the GOP does the same thing in the service of Big Money, and much worse and most of the time unabashedly. But the Democrats keep trying to ride this 'lesser of two evils' gimmick and keep side-skirting badly needed genuine reform.  They want their cake and eat it too.  The cake is public office, frosted with huge Big Money political
Monday, March 19, 2018
Chris Powell - GATA
U.S. bank derivatives books larger since rescue of Bear Stearns
At the end of January 2008, in what would turn out to be its final annual report, Bear Stearns went into some detail about its big book of derivatives. The book had a notional value of $13.4 trillion at the end of November, Bear said, up more than 50 percent from a year earlier. A two-notch downgrade in the firm's credit ratings, it added, would require it to come up with an extra $353m in collateral. This huge cluster of financial instruments -- swaps, futures, forwards, and options -- may not
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Impending Mega-Moves and re #1 Asset for Profiting and Protecting
DEEPCASTER LLCFORTRESS ASSETS PORTFOLIO | LETTERS, ALERTS & ARTICLESHIGH POTENTIAL SPECULATOR | HIGH YIELD PORTFOLIOPreserve & Enhance WealthInvestment & Geopolitical IntelligenceMarkets were triggered and shocked a few days ago when the yield on the Bellwether U.S. Treasury 10-Year Note shot up over 2.9% which resulted mainly from Fed Chair Powell’s hinting at the possibility of 4 rate hikes this year. Other soon-to-be-detonated Triggers will have Mega-Consequences for Key Market Sectors but wi
Friday, March 9, 2018
Peter McKenzie-Brown - Language Instinct
Barbecues, Booms and Blogs
Barbecues, Booms and Blogs Fifty Years of Public Relations in Calgary ISBN number: 978-1-55059-363-1 Copy for inside front cover: Public relations is "the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn understanding and acceptance." Canadian Public Relations Society definition Title: Barbeques, Booms and BlogsSub
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Tim Allen Is Back In Spite Of PC Culture: ‘It’s Like ’30’s Germany’
Famous non-liberal Tim Allen is coming back with a vengeance. After months of being out of the spotlight, he’s decided to put the politically correct “safe space” culture under the microscope in a new TV show. In an interview last year, the comedian likened the liberal atmosphere in Hollywood to that of Nazi Germany. “You’ll get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes,” he said, admitting he was afraid to reveal he attended Trump’s inauguration. “It’s like ’30’s Germany.” But Allen
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
Gold and Silver Bullion Are Only “Safe Investments Left” – Stockman 
– Gold is the “ultimate and only real money” – Former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman – Trump tax cuts will lead to a ‘fiscal calamity of biblical proportions’ – China downgrades U.S. over political ‘deficiencies’– Expect a ‘huge reset in the bond market’ and a ‘massive drop in household wealth’– ‘People will flee the stock and bond markets in favour of gold and silver – Time to buy (gold and silver bullion) is ideal– “Only safe asset left is gold” Editor: Mark O’Byrne ‘There
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Top Five Altcoin Cryptocurrency Picks for 2018
While bitcoin dominated the headlines of 2017, many altcoins have far surpassed it in terms of gains against the US dollar.  Furthermore, fees for transactions on the bitcoin network have increased to three or four dollars’ worth of coin a piece, sometimes more.  Add to this the fact that the average person can hardly afford more than a few hundredths of a bitcoin or less, and it’s not difficult to see why altcoins have had the most spectacular year ever. Not all altcoins are created equal.  Som
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
The Connection Between Economic Crisis and Cryptocurrency
Out of all the mainstream hysteria about crypto that we have heard in 2017, one question of the utmost importance often goes unasked: why now, and what is happening to fiat currency? Bitcoin has existed since 2009.  There have been many ups and downs between then and now.  But nothing like what 2017 brought.  The total market cap of all coins came in at under ten billion USD for most of that time.  Today it is over half a trillion, and will almost definitely exceed the trillion-dollar mark somet
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Cryptocurrencies Correct – Price Targets for Buying the Dip
Investor psychology is such that everyone wants to wait for a correction and then when it happens, they are too scared to buy. Remember to be greedy when others are fearful. The following is a portion of a trade alert recently sent to premium members. The entire cryptocurrency sector has corrected sharply today. I believe prices had become overheated and this correction is healthy for the long-term bull market in cryptocurrencies. I think this will be another routine correction and not the star
Friday, December 22, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
What's Keeping the German Grand Coalition Talks Alive
After rejecting a Grand Coalition, SPD's Sigmar Gabriel seeks to keep the hopes alive despite little party support. Why?Background Heading into the last election, SPD failed to distinguish itself. Voters reacted appropriately, abandoning SPD, leading to its worst performance ever. When SPD initially declined the opportunity to form a government, Merkel attempted a three-way coalition of CDU/CSU, FDP, and the Greens. Differences were irreconcilable, and FDP broke off discussion. Under pressur
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Michael Pento - Delta Global Advisors
Deleveraging the Great Wall of Chinese Debt
On October 18th of this year, the stock market cheered as Chinese micro-lender Qudian (QD) launched its $900 million-dollar initial public offering. Qudian services the insatiable demand that exists in China for short-term on-line unsecured "micro-loans." Its IPO was heralded as one of the most significant U.S. listings this year coming from China. According to its filing:  Qudian "target[s] hundreds of millions of quality, unserved or underserved consumers in China." Lending money to, "young, m
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Rory Hall - Sprott Money
Venezuela Announces “the Petro” Currency Backed by Gold, Oil and Diamonds - Rory Hall
I sent this to Chris Powell, GATA, and he asked, what about the “convertibility”? Apparently, Venezuelan President Madura is following China’s lead, but instead of a subtle rollout over time as to not cause some kind of market shake-up, he has decided that now is as good a time as any to announce the creation of a new digital currency: the Petro, backed by Venezuela’s gold, oil and diamond reserves. Venezuela is creating a digital currency to combat a financial blockade by the United Sta
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Why Bitcoin Cash When You Can Dash
Bitcoin Cash made a resurgence last week, with many people thinking it might overtake Bitcoin (BTC) in market value. Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Craig Wright (the fake Satoshi) and others were busy promoting and pumping Bitcoin Cash (BCH) last week. Their main argument is that Bitcoin transactions are too expensive and it takes too long to confirm transactions. This assessment is accurate, but I believe it is a temporary condition and that we don’t need a new hard fork of Bitcoin in order to address th
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Gold and Silver Thanksgiving Update
Big Picture Perspective: Consider the 30-year graphs for gold and silver.  Both peaked in 1980, corrected for 20 years and bottomed in 2001. Following 9-11, official U.S. national debt substantially increased, while the actions of the U.S. government, Federal Reserve, and commercial banks continually devalued the dollar. Bond markets extended their multi-decade bull run (yield decline) and stock markets are making all-time highs. To levitate the stock market, total debt securities per the St. Lo
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Sprott Money
We’ll Look Back At This And Cringe, Part 1: European Junk Bonds Yield Less Than US Treasuries - John Rubino
Financial bubbles are the office Christmas parties of the investment world. They start slowly, with a certain amount of anxiety. But they end wildly, with acts and decisions that in retrospect seem really, really stupid. Millions of people out there still bear the psychic scars of buying gold at $800/oz in 1980 or a tech stock at 1,000 times earnings in 1999 or a Miami condo for $1,000 per square foot in 2006. Today’s bubble will leave some similar marks. But where those previous bubbles w
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Silver, Stock Markets and TANSTAAFL
SILVER: Silver has been the money of commerce for several thousand years.  In contrast, unbacked debt-based fiat currencies have been a devaluing money substitute for decades. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, total debt securities and official national debt have increased exponentially for decades.  Prices for the stock market, silver, gold, food and most other necessities increase similarly. National debt has risen at 8 – 9% per year since 1913.  Since then the value of the dollar h
Friday, October 27, 2017
Chris Martenson
Are You Infuriated Yet
More and more, I'm encountering people who are simply infuriated with how our "leaders" are running (or to put it more accurately, ruining) things right now. And I share that fury. It’s perfectly normal human response to be infuriated when an outside agent hurts you, especially if the pain seems unnecessary, illogical or random. Imagine if your neighbor enjoyed setting off loud explosives at all hours of the day and night. Or if he had a habit of tailgating and brake-checking you every time he s
Monday, October 23, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
What You Know for Sure that Just Ain’t So!
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. -Mark Twain We know many things for sure.  Examples are: In 1913 we knew that a European war was unlikely because European countries would not engage in pointless and mutually destructive actions. Later we knew it as “the war to end all wars.” In 1915 we knew that the war would be over in a matter of weeks. In 1929 we knew that the stock market had reached a permanently high price plateau. In
Thursday, October 19, 2017

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