Articles related to Ronald Reagan
Tim Wood -
The Speculative Episode 
The following text is a quote from the book A Short History of Financial Euphoria by John Kenneth Galbraith. I found this material to be very fitting and for that reason I wanted to share it with you. “Anyone taken as an individual is tolerably sensible and reasonable…as a member of a crowd, he at once becomes a blockhead.” …Friedrich Von Schiller, As quoted by Bernard Baruch
Friday, June 5, 2020
Charleston Voice
  Fort Knox Looted of 7,000 Tons of Gold in 1973-1974 says 1981 Article! 
This imaged article from 1981 and excerpted commentary below it will set the landscape for the scandal that is just now unraveling before the world. To date, we have not been able to uncover any official refutations, disclaimers or denials from the USG or Federal Reserve. for larger view: To read - Enlarge Image Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 70. "AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas c
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Trump Plays with Fire on Trade
With his announcement last week of broad tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, President Trump launched what could be the first salvo of an all-out global trade war. Seemingly itching for a fight, he gleefully tweeted that “Trade wars are good, and easy to win.” It seems like Trump thinks the conflict will play out much like Ronald Reagan’s 1983 week-long invasion of Grenada rather than the more telling quagmires that unfolded in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. He’s wrong. Apart from overestim
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
“Take a Pill” Thinking and Consequences
This article was written for Miles Franklin by Gary Christenson who advocates treating causes, not symptoms. Headache? Muscle ache? Back ache?  Take a pill! An over-the-counter pill will diminish the symptoms and pain. The consequences will come later. High cholesterol? Take a pill. There are other ways to reduce cholesterol but none that produce $ billions for Big Pharma. Consequences to your body and finances will manifest in other ways. High Blood Pressure? Take a pill. There are other means
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Michael Ballanger
From the Heart: Own Precious Metals
One of the things from which I occasionally enjoy a good chuckle is the insecurity displayed by bloggers or newsletter writers who are constantly in need of positive reinforcement derived by reminding readers of their "incredible market calls." It is always readily-predictable because just before they ask you to buy something (like a subscription), they post a link to emphasize their brilliance with phrases like "as you know" or "back in 2017" providing breathtaking introductions to their most r
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Nelson Hultberg -
  Donald Trump – Modern Day Walpole 
“Hatred of Walpole was almost the only feeling which was common to them. On this one point they concentrated their whole strength. With gross ignorance, or gross dishonesty, they represented the Minister as the main grievance of the state. His dismissal, his punishment, would prove the certain cure for all the evils which the nation suffered. What was to be done after his fall, how misgovernment was to be prevented in the future, were questions to which there were as many answers as there were n
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Axel Merk - Merk Fund
Merk 2018 Oulook
Axel Merk, Merk Investments December 7, 2017  Follow @AxelMerk Tweet With the stock market and Bitcoin reaching all-time highs, what can possible go wrong? In offering my thoughts on 2018, I see my role in reminding investors to stress test their portfolios. Is your portfolio built of straw, sticks or brick? First, let me allege many investors have portfolios built of straw and sticks rather than brick. How do I kn
Friday, December 8, 2017
Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Fake Tax Reform
After supposedly chomping on the bit for years to pass meaningful tax reform, Republicans are now set to blow an historic opportunity. Whatever version of the Bill that emerges from the House and Senate Conference Committee (which will be signed by President Trump faster than he can down a Filet o’Fish), will be far less than the Republicans envisioned when they finally captured the White House and both Congressional Chambers in 2016. But from what I have seen of the particulars, the revisions t
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Michael Ballanger
Silver: The Red-Headed, Freckle-Faced Stepchild
In grade school, I had a classmate named Craig McVeigh who was easily one of the most maligned kids in the school because as a big lad standing a full hand width taller than anyone and weighing thirty pounds more than anyone, he was never allowed to play in any sports that involved physical contact. Craig was fair, with bright, curly red hair with freckles adorning most of his exposed skin. Most of all, this lumbering giant of a boy was decidedly unlucky. He couldn't catch a break with a butterf
Friday, September 8, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
The UN Has Anticipated EU Refugee Crisis For 17 Years: “Only International Migration Could Be Instrumental In Addressing Population Decline”
When thousands of migrants began pouring into EU nations two years ago, it seemed totally unexpected. Though Europe had been open to accepting immigrants from third world countries for several generations, the flood of over 1 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa was unprecedented. It has also left an indelible mark on the continent that could have serious ramifications, ranging from the full blown displacement of aging Europeans, to the disintegration of the EU. However, the Re
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Andy Sutton
  Supply Side Economics – 42 Years Later – Paul Craig Roberts 
Supply-Side economics burst onto the economic policy scene in Washington, D.C., on September 21, 1975 in the Sunday Washington Star in an article I had written for US Representative Jack Kemp that provided a supply-side economic basis for his capital formation bill. Subsequently, I generalized the supply-side approach when I realized that changes in marginal tax rates altered relative prices and could shift the aggregate supply side curve. Until that time, economists assumed that fiscal policy o
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Mark O'Byrne -
Inflation is no longer in stealth mode
IHS Markit index shows UK households pessimistic about finances for 2017-208 UK household finances remain under intense pressure from rising living costs 58 percent of respondents expected higher interest rates in 12 months time Inflation in the United Kingdom currently at near four-year high Prices up prices by 2.9pc year-on-year, biggest annual increase since June 2013 In May consumer spending in the UK fell for the first time in almost four years By a continuing process of inflation, governm
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
North Korea Is No Laughing Matter: “Chances Are Highly Probable That A War Is About To Begin”
As of this writing, a final carrier group is heading toward North Korea and the immediate vicinity. When you have three carrier groups sitting off the shores of a nation decidedly hostile to your nation? The chances are highly probable that a war is about to begin. The U.S. has tried everything from sanctions to shows of force. The latter may have been, up until this point, smaller in scale; however, they were serious nonetheless. Flyovers of B-1 bombers close to the North Korean border, the dep
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
The World Is Short-Fused On Multiple Flash-Points: “These Activities Cannot Be Discounted As Any Kind Of Routine”
It has been reported that the USS Nimitz will join the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Carl Vinson for a total of three U.S. carriers and their groups deployed to respond to or initiate actions against North Korea.  There is a small excerpt from an article entitled 3rd US Naval Strike Force Deployed to Deter North Koreathat bears mention: The U.S. military, meanwhile, will test a system to shoot down an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first time next week.  It is intended to simu
Monday, June 5, 2017
Sprott Money
BLS B.S.: 93 Of New Jobs Since 2008 Were Birth/Death Model Estimates - Dave Kranzler
A research report from Morningside Hill Capital sourced from Zerohedge shows that 93% of the jobs “created” since 2008 were Birth/Death model estimates. While some portion of those jobs were no doubt legitimately created, the issue is over-estimation of jobs created by new businesses net of jobs lost from failed businesses. As it turns out, most of the job growth that has been reported by the Government since 2008 – and which in turn fueled some massive stock rallies – never existed. Ro
Monday, June 5, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
A Cataclysm Awaits Us: Experts Warn Of “Worst Case Scenarios” Unfolding With “Danger Zone” From Summer Through November
This report was originally published by Stefan Stanford at These Staggering Facts Prove A Cataclysm Awaits Us – Experts Warn Of ‘Worst Case Scenarios’ Unfolding With ‘Danger Zone’ From Summer Through November According to Saturday’s story from ‘Tyler Durden’ over at Zero Hedge, nearly 1 out of every 4 American adults are unable to pay their monthly bills in full with 25% of adults skipping medical treatments due to their expense while 28% of US adults have no retirement savi
Monday, May 29, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited
Back in 2012 John Wiley and Sons published my first book, The Golden Revolution, the core thesis of which was that a longer-term consequence of the global financial crisis of 2008 would be the remonetization of gold. This would occur initially at the international level, that is, as a mean to settle accumulated international imbalances in trade and cross-border investment. The book then also explored how this might come about, what the implications were for the price of gold and for the financia
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Stewart Thomson - Graceland Update
A Global Money Printing Competition
Graceland Updates By Stewart Thomson1.With each passing day, both the technical price action and the news flow are getting more positive for gold.2.Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge this daily bars gold chart.3.Another great week for the world's ultimate asset is clearly underway.A beautiful technical uptrend is now in play.4.Gold has also surged through resistance at $1220 and is making a beeline towards my $1250 target zone.5.Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge.The US d
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Adam Hamilton - Zealllc
US Mint Bullion-Coin Sales 5
Gold’s first new bull market since 2011 last year was overwhelmingly driven by stock investors flooding into gold ETFs.  Traditional physical bar-and-coin demand was actually quite weak, falling considerably year-over-year.  Nevertheless, it’s still important to stay abreast of classic gold and silver investment demand.  One key microcosm of that comes in the form of the US Mint’s sales of its popular American Eagle coins. When American investors buy physical
Friday, February 3, 2017
Steve Saville - Speculative Investor
A pro-business government does NOT lead to a stronger stock market
Putting aside the fact that prior to the US Presidential election last November almost everyone believed that a Trump victory would result in a weak stock market, the popular view now is that the stock market has strengthened since the election due to the incoming Trump Administration being more pro-business. It is arguable whether the Trump Administration really will be “pro-business” (early signs are that it won’t be), but in any case the historical record indicates that the currently-popular
Friday, February 3, 2017

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