Articles related to Swiss
Charleston Voice
Banker Gold Price Suppression Currency Manipulations Have Persisted for 50 years
This 1967 meeting of the FOMC nearly 46 years ago is clear and indisputable evidence of gold price suppression and currency manipulation of the world's "free" and "open" market exchanges.  This criminal cabal has certainly built up their mechanisms since this time to conceal their sinister scheme from issuing dishonest money. It's blatant now and all of "in your face" is their behavioral response to inquiry. Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead. If you find this too cumbersome to read, the Fed
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Sean Corrigan - Diapason Commodities
Monetary Aspects of the Gold Price
Among the Anglo-Saxons, there is a school of thought called the "Whig view of history," which sees the course of events as an unrolling tapestry on which is woven a record of a steady, ineluctable progression from barbarity to civilization
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Benjamin Constant
On the Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns 
"He loved liberty as other men love power," was the judgment passed on Benjamin Constant by a 19th-century admirer.His great public concern, all throughout his adult life, was the attainment of a free society, especially for his adopted country, France; and if a (by no means uncritical) French commentator exaggera
Monday, February 8, 2021
Frederic Bastiat
The Tax Gatherer
JACQUES BONHOMME, a vintner.Mr. LASOUCHE, tax gatherer.L.: You have secured 20 tuns of wine?J.: Yes, by dint of my own skill and labor.L.: Have the goodness to deliver up to me six of the best.J.: Six tuns out of 20! Good Heaven! you are going to ruin me. And please, Sir, for what purpose do you intend them?L.: The first will be handed over to the creditors of the state. When people have debts, the least thing they can do is to pay interest upon them.J.: And what has become of the capital?L.: Th
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Has Barrick Been Barricked By The U.S.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Benjamin Constant
On the Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns
He loved liberty as other men love power," was the judgment passed on Benjamin Constant by a 19th-century admirer. His great public concern, all throughout his adult life, was the attainment of a free society, especially for his adopted country, France; and if a (by no means uncritical) French commentator exag
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Hugo Salinas Price -
  On the use of gold coins as money 
Why don’t humans use gold coins as Money ? The answer is quite simple : because they don’t want to, under present circumstances. The attachment of humans to gold is remarkable; I suspect there is something metaphysical about gold that attracts human beings. Perhaps gold is part of the natural order of things, part of the Rerum Natura, and the relationship of humans to gold is “built-in”into human nature, like sexual attraction.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
The Golden Thorn In The Flesh, Part 2
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Forward Thinking On Backwardation
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
  The Supply of Oxen at the IMF
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Charleston Voice
FOMC Minutes from 1967 Illuminating Central Bank Gold Price Suppression, Market Manipulations
The issue before us here is not so much the mechanics of deception, but the tenacity and conviction of the banking cartel to use any means to protect themselves.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Gold university - Antal E. Fekete
The Gold Demonetization Hoax

Saturday, September 5, 2020
Gold - Antal E. Fekete
The Gold Demonetization Hoax

Thursday, July 2, 2020
Ferdinand Lips - Silberinfo
Interview with Ferdinand Lips (Silberinfo)
Your book „Gold Wars“ which was updated with various chapters and translated into German (“Die Gold Verschwörung”; “The Gold Conspiracy”; translated and revised by Stephan Bogner from was received 2003 with great applause among the German speaking Gold investment scene
Friday, June 19, 2020
Treasures and Gold Fever - Charleston Voice
History of the Gold Train
If you think American troop and mercenary desecration and theft of man's earliest treasures and artifacts from museums and institutions in Baghdad was deplorable, realize that from the time the US Army robbed and pillaged the American South our Empire has been built on the order of the Vandals and Berserkers. The story of the Gold Train you will read is the greatest theft of a people's personal and national treasure in the history of the world. And sadly, it was accomplished by American European occupation troops
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Ronan Manly - Bullion Star
New Gold Pool at the BIS Basle, Switzerland: Part 1
“In the Governor’s absence I attended the meeting in Zijlstra’s room in the BIS on the afternoon of Monday, 10th December to continue discussions about a possible gold pool. Emminger, de la Geniere, de Strycker, Leutwiler, Larre and Pohl were present.”      13 December 1979 – Kit McMahon to Gordon Richardson, Bank of England Introduction A central bank Gold Pool which many people will be familiar with operated in the gold market between November 1961 and March 1968. That Gold Pool was known as t
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Investing in Mining Stocks - 24hgold
Little Faith, Not much Hope and Too much Charity
If we want to encourage the transfer of gold from those who wish to dispose of it to those who wish to acquire it, we must at all costs avoid a repeat of the state of affairs which existed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In those days, when the purchasing power of gold reached unprecedented levels, we never read about Central Banks lending or selling their gold. Mining companies did not sell forward for fear of the price going higher. Now they are selling forward for fear of the price going lower! A self-fulfilling policy if ever they was one. But what really helps to keep the gold price affordable is the powerful message that the producers broadcast about their own perceptions as to the direction of the price. No one in his right mind would sell gold forward if he thought the gold price was going to rise. Investors in gold and gold shares have received that message, loud and clear, and have acted accordingly.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
Money Supply and Purchasing Power 
In this paper, we analyze the value of money. We consider both paper money and gold. We attempt to relate the supply of money (MS) and gold to their purchasing power (PP). We demonstrate the extent to which printing of money dilutes its value. As a store of value, the value of money is represented by its purchasing power. We compare the ability of paper money and gold to function as a long-term store of value. We conclude that gold is an excellent store of value, while paper money is not. We observe that excessive printing of paper money is the ultimate cause for the inability of paper money to function appropriately as a store of value.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Jan Skoyles Real Asset Co - The Real Asset Co
  The full guide to Nazi gold and currency war 
This morning’s papers and news-shows are full of the story that in 1939 the Bank of England facilitated the sale of Nazi looted gold, not just once but at least twice during that year. Both times without approval of the British government, despite an attempt to freeze Czech assets. The story of Nazi gold is both fascinating and tragic. We take a look at ‘the greatest robbery of all time’ and draw parallels with the modern day gold migration. What is Nazi gold? Nazi gold is a phrase that refers t
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
The Fate of Paper Money
Friday, March 27, 2020

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