Articles related to Tidal
David Morgan - Silver Investor
Silver Stackers: Measure your Stash like a Miner 
When attempting to quantify the amount and quality of a possible mineralized deposit on their property, exploration companies and producers generally follow a process which seeks to state, in reasonably accurate and concise terms, just what they have...or might have. Following the Bre-X fiasco, wherein 'highly inaccurate' reserves of a supposed deposit in Borneo were publicized and acted upon by a tidal wave of investors, sophisticated and neophyte alike, a new set of reporting rules
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
Audio 2018
It’s been a long time since I did an item about my audio hobby. “Audio” means machines that make music more enjoyable. February 2, 2014: Audio 2014 July 5, 2015: Audio 2015 If you remember, I used to have a rather ambitious (actually, very ambitious) DIY horn setup, based around some wideband horns from the 1930s, used in the 115-6000hz range. I sold that off, and went back to headphones. I still have the headphones. Headphone audio has become much more popular in the last 15 years or so, and fo
Monday, February 19, 2018
Chris Martenson
It's Looking A Lot Like 2008 Now...
Economic and market conditions are eerily like they were in late 2007/early 2008. Remember back then? Everything was going great.  Home prices were soaring. Jobs were plentiful. The great cultural marketing machine was busy proclaiming that a new era of permanent prosperity had dawned, thanks to the steady leadership of Alan Greenspan and later Ben Bernanke. And only a small cadre of cranks, like me, was singing a different tune; warning instead that a painful reckoning in our financial system w
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
The dangerous dream of secession 
A fundamental requirement for lasting peace and prosperity is to reject government by coercive monopolies such as we have had for all of human history.How anyone can expect a government invested with a monopoly on violence to restrain itself from bullying people whenever it can get away with it is difficult to understand.Most people apparently refuse to explore alternatives to statism and hope their particular government doesn’t go the way of Zimbabwe or Venezuela — or Nazi Germany or Soviet Rus
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Jan Skoyles - GoldCore
Prepare For Interest Rate Rises And Global Debt Bubble Collapse
– Diversify, rebalance investments and prepare for interest rate rises – UK launches inquiry into household finances as £200bn debt pile looms – Centuries of data forewarn of rapid reversal from ultra low interest rates – 700-year average real interest rate in last 700 years is 4.78% (must see chart) – Massive global debt bubble – over $217 trillion (see table) – Global debt levels are building up to a gigantic tidal wave – Move to safe haven higher ground from coming tidal wave Editor: Mark O’B
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Is This The Lost City Of Atlantis Incredible Aerial Photos Of Ancient City In The Pacific
New aerial photos of an ancient city in the Pacific Ocean have renewed a debate about the existence of the fabled “Lost City” of Atlantis.  The new photos have now brought real questions about the existence of the previously assumed fictional city. The latest episode of the Science Channel’s What on Earth? reveals new aerial images of the site, which was built on top of a lagoon. The virtually uninhabitable Nan Madol is located just off the main island of Pohnpei in Micronesia in the Pacific. As
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
The Energy Report
The Coming Battery Bonanza
James Dines, author of The Dines Letter, discusses the importance of graphite in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries and highlights one graphite company he expects to have an edge. Lithium Batteries for Autos and Home Storage Someday, as sneaky years whisper past, batteries will be seen to have been a crucial wave of the investing future. Uses for lithium ion batteries (LIB) are expanding and will be the main technology for mobility and stationary
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Safety in banking
There was a time when banks acted as custodians of their customers’ money. Indeed, keeping a person’s money and using it as if it belonged to you without their agreement is fraud in common law. A banking license legally exempts banks from charges of criminality in pursuing the normal course of fractional reserve banking business, by making it clear that you, the customer, agree to being a creditor of the bank instead of the bank acting as custodian for your money.Modern banking has its roots in
Friday, June 2, 2017
Global debt woes are building up to a tidal wave
FT/Dambisa Moyo/05-30-17 Virtually every class of US debt — sovereign, corporate, unsecured household/personal, auto loans and student debt — is at record highs. Americans now owe $1tn in credit card debt, and a roughly equivalent amount of student loans and auto-loans which, like the subprime mortgage quality that set off the 2008 financial crisis, are of largely low credit quality (and therefore high risk). US companies have added $7.8tn of debt since 2010 and their ability to cover interest p
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Chris Martenson
The Way To Save Ourselves 
Introduction:  At Peak Prosperity we are a learning organization and are constantly expanding what we know.  We focus on three main areas: Knowing, Doing and Being.  The body of work below dives deeply both Knowing and Being. It’s time to be blunt: Humans are headed towards disaster.  Most of us already know this.  Some consciously, others unconsciously. Those aware to the many predicaments we face may understand them intellectually, such as through the data provided in The Crash Course. Or th
Saturday, May 13, 2017 -
5 Clean Energy Innovations That Could Transform Our World
Innovations in energy storage, smart grid, and electricity generation technologies will affect every part of the source-to-consumer supply chain for powering the planet. Energy storage tech improves the viabilities of wind and solar power – two energy sources that remain cost prohibitive due to expenses related to batteries that would store generated energy. Smart grids will regulate the movement of energy throughout a city or state, insuring the areas from crippling blackouts. Developments in e
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Ticking, (Short-Fuse) Time Bombs For The “Challenging” Central Banking Industry
In yesterday’s “who’s more bullish for Precious Metals – Macron or Le Pen?,” I started with nearly five pages of cold, hard facts – proving across-the-board market manipulation of essentially all Western markets.  Which, for the sole purpose of prolonging a terminally ill monetary status quo – in which 1% benefit, at the expense of not just the “99%,” but future generations of “99-percenters” – has created “dotcom-like valuations in a Great Depression Era.”  Not to mention, sentiment – per yeste
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Sprott Money
Precious Metals in 2017 - Jeff Nielson
What can be said about precious metals markets in 2017? Gold and silver prices slid through most of the final four months of 2016, virtually wiping out all of the gains of the year. Regular readers were told that this was going to happen. It was “the Fake Rally” which was the subject of several 2016 commentaries. Readers were also told to expect a “crash”, both in the broader markets as well as precious metals. This is the agenda of the banking crime syndicate known as the One Bank . This cr
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Central Banks Are Now Printing $200 Billion Per Month... Without a Crisis
A tidal wave of inflation is rapidly moving through the financial system. Most investors only pay attention to the Federal Reserve. And they are missing the BIG PICTURE for Central Bank monetary policy. The Fed is tightening policy by hiking rates. But the rest of the world’s Central Banks are printing a combined $200 BILLION in QE every single month. Yes, $200 billion. At a time when the financial system is out of crisis and the Fed’s put its own “print” button on “pause.” This is an all-time r
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Silicon Valley Survivalist Builds DIY “Extreme Weather TsunamiBall” To Ride Out Disaster
Whenever seismic activity kicks up on the planet, earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis are triggered. Just how big, and how devastating, depends upon chance, and the build-up of pressures within the earth. But anyway you slice it, places like Southern California, and globally, the Ring of Fire, are in the danger zone. Many say that it’s just a matter of time. With that in mind, survival-minded individuals and disaster preppers have been trying to get ready, and help others get ready, too. That’s
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Sprott Money
When the Tidal Wave Hits, Part IV - Jeff Nielson
The first two parts of this series presented the economic tidal wave that is approaching us and explained how and why we have never been less prepared economically or socially for such a cataclysm. Part III detailed how the economic destruction being wrought upon is deliberate – perpetrated by the banking crime syndicate and condoned by our puppet governments. The third installment also explained how our governments are preparing for what lies ahead. These corrupt regimes (led by the Unit
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Sprott Money
Be Careful What You Wish For, Police Body-Cam Edition - John Rubino
After the recent deluge of videos showing police abusing and sometimes flat-out murdering more-or-less innocent citizens, the willingness of a growing number of cities to equip officers with video cameras has been hailed as a victory by civil libertarians. But what if those cameras also extend the surveillance network exponentially? In the future, if a policeman is facing you, he might be filming you. From there, all it will take is real-time facial recognition technology, and Big Brother
Monday, March 27, 2017
Sprott Money
When the Tidal Wave Hits, Part III - Jeff Nielson 
Part I of this series explained that (most) Western nations are heading toward an economic cataclysm which is historically unprecedented. Part II expanded upon the economic diseases which have sent us into this terminal descent and also factored in some of the social diseases which have left us more vulnerable to an economic crash than at any other time in history. This instalment is dedicated to illustrating the political and legal devolution which has taken place across the Corrupt Wes
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Sprott Money
When the Tidal Wave Hits, Part II - Jeff Nielson
Part I of this series was a wake-up call. Many readers know that we are headed toward an economic cataclysm, the cumulative result of decades of political corruption and willful self-destruction. What few (yet) understand is that what lies ahead is historically unprecedented in economic terms. A collection of bankrupt governments are about to experience the most severe economic collapse in the history of these nations, simultaneously. The preceding installment provided some of the reasons
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Sprott Money
When The Tidal Wave Hits, Part I - Jeff Nielson
Disaster is nearly upon us. This has been a regular theme in these commentaries for several years. Increasingly, however, these warnings draw reactions of apathy rather than alarm. The fact that our house-of-cards economies (and societies) have not already unraveled does not mean that this was a false alarm. It means that disaster has gotten much more imminent. When straight discourse fails to convey a message, writers typically resort to a metaphor. But which one? The phrase “the perfect s
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

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