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Memorial Day: Enter Hitler, Release 2.0

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Published : May 30th, 2011
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  As the sage Robert Crumb once remarked about our homeland: "You can't make this shit up." 

      Sarah Palin entered the race for president this week (without stating it in so many words) with a national bus tour, itself kicked off with a motorcycle parade through Washington.

By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press - Sun May 29, 5:57 pm ET

WASHINGTON - Sarah Palin rumbled through Washington on the back of a Harley as she and her family began an East Coast tour Sunday, renewing speculation that the former Alaska governor would join the still unsettled Republican presidential contest.

    Wearing a black leather jacket and surrounded by a throng of cheering fans, Palin and family members jumped on bikes and joined thousands of other motorcyclists on the Memorial Day weekend ride from the Pentagon to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.... 

     "How do you wear all this leather and stay cool?" she asked one woman. Palin asked others to show off their tattoos as she took off her own leather jacket and worked her way through a crush of fans, photographers and reporters.

     Adolf Hitler liked leather and crypto-military costumes, too, and the build-up to the Third Reich was all about colorful pageantry. Make no mistake - to borrow a favored presidential locution, if I may - Sarah Palin's campaign is all about shame, about being a nation of losers and feeling bad about it.

Adolf Hitler's career was all about him feeling like a loser at a peculiar moment in history when his whole country felt like a loser nation. His feelings resonated with the crowd's. Germany had just lost the First World War. The victors (England, France, Great Britain) had imposed a harsh peace, including massive cash reparations. Germany was broke, demoralized, and humiliated. Hitler had fled to Germany from his own loser homeland, the fading empire of Austria, after a shiftless decade in Vienna of living in rented rooms and homeless men's shelters, having failed twice to get into the national arts college.


     Hitler loved the First World War. It energized him. The German army was the first club he was comfortable being in. When the war was over, he stayed on the army's payroll as long as possible, even as he became active in Munich's post-war extremist politics. The emergent Nazi party was the second club he felt good being a member of. And it was in the years 1920 to 1923 that he discovered his theme: playing on Germans' feelings of humiliation and promising deliverance back to lost greatness.

     This is exactly the theme of Sarah Palin's campaign. A large segment of the American public has entered the dark wilderness of loserdom. They've lost jobs, incomes, and even their homes. They can't support a family, can't afford to gas up their God-given cars, can hardly even afford to buy food - though many of this group have been programmed, tragically, to get much of their food from hamburger and taco dispensaries that "free market" America has generously dotted the landscape with. They are ashamed, especially living in a nation where liberty is supposed to enable you to get a leg up in the world, to be self-reliant, to make something of yourself. Hence, they imagine themselves to have somehow been deprived of liberty (and honor!) which they must now get back. 

     They have even lost their racial standing now that the role of president is occupied by a half-African man (who, they suspect, is not even a legitimate citizen, but rather an alien opportunist!). This is very hard for them to articulate, because racism is also something to be ashamed of, and they are already overwhelmed with shame - but nonetheless the old tribal-ethnic feelings dog them. So they express it in a convoluted way as the hobgoblin of "socialism" - the government lavishing money on people who don't deserve it.

     But wait a minute. What money for whom?

     Not people on Medicare ("keep your hands off my Medicare!").

     Not people on Social Security ("ditto Social Security").

     Not Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks ("ditto Free Market Capitalism").

     Not the futility of endless war ("Support our troops!")

     Not people on food stamps (over 40 percent of Americans)

     Not people on extended unemployment (10 percent official unemployment; probably more like 16 percent in reality).

     So, who's left? ("Do we have to say?")

     So, the Sarah Palin campaign - and, make no mistake (I love that phrase!) it is a campaign - trafficks in code and buzzwords about the shame of being losers. Her bus tour rolls heavy under the rubric: "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Recognize those phrases? They are from the national oath that we are all trained to recite in the first grade. Most of Sarah Palin's followers got through the first grade - and are proud of it. The phrase that really rings out, though, is "justice for all." For a nation of tattooed, hopelessly fat, angry people without jobs or incomes, filled with shame, this phrase resonates. How come no justice for us?

     Hitler was more direct. From his emergence out of obscurity in the early 1920s, he made no bones about how come there was no justice for his followers: because it was stolen by the Jews, along with their honor and their greatness. Sarah Palin may never get as explicit, at least not without igniting some kind of new Civil War in the USA. So the bad feelings her followers nourish about being swindled out of their livelihoods and their honor are liable to be expressed indirectly and perversely. One avenue is the idea of "American Exceptionalism" that Palin is retailing to her followers. It is not unlike Hitler's idea that Germans were a "master race" who were different (exceptional) from other people (and ought to rule them).

     I prefer to be direct. Sarah Palin represents a dangerous force in American culture that is startlingly similar to the grandiose hyper-patriotic militarism that Hitler brought to Germany during his rise to power. We have better things to do in this nation than go down some twisted path of vengeance-seeking in the name of lost glory. I hope that Sarah Palin's competitors on the right will stand up to her American fascist themes and call her out for what she is: a half-educated TV performer unqualified for high political office. The true shame of this country is that we have to take a clown like Sarah Palin seriously.

James Howard Kunstler

James Howard Kunstler’s new novel of the post-oil future, World Made By Hand, is available at all booksellers. 







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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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``Sarah Palin`s campain is all about shame, about a nation of losers & feeling bad about it.``I laughed a big laugh what a good line. You could be on comedy central. __Sen. John McCain`s 2008 running mate Palin 2.0 does this refer to her being close to that dim wit Geo. W(What) Bush another 2.0 more like a 1.0 ?--When McCain left the Bush White House with that big grin, big, big smile then said to the press that America was going to be in Iraq for 100 years--that shows we don`t any more morons in the White House.
Mr. Kunstler has that liberalism disease of when his lips start moving or his words are published ... they are nothing but lies and propaganda. Palin compared to Hitler ... absolutely ridiculous!
Why don't you talk and write about Obama being in bed with the Union bosses who are trying to break the back of the free enterprise system of this country (IE. NLRB vs. Boeing). Now that's a Hitler like, the jackboot persuasion that you and the main scream media don't have any problems with. That's the antithesis of Palins philosophy compared to your Socialist Alinsky bent.
Mr. Kunstler, don't point to Freedom, Liberty and Constitution loving citizens such as Palin, Bachman and Paul, and compare them to Hitler... compare the current administration and appointed minions to Hitler and the schemes against citizens. This is only a liberal socialist scheme of saying "look over here" as a distraction, when the wolf is currently raiding the hen house over there.
The Citizenry are becoming quite aware of people such as Mr. Kunstler who are making outrageous and unfounded claims against people who have the best interests of the country at heart.
Big zero today James. Expresses shocking ignorance of the population outside your trendy enclave.
Somehow you imagine a woman with five kids who is a self made millionaire is a couple of different enterprises and was a young governor is somehow a danger? Her competency is a danger? Have you seen this socialist clown in the office right now? A guy who just somehow happens to know every GD commie on the planet and wants to regulate and executive order the Bill of Rights away?
Sarah Palin is a fine example of American exceptionalism and someone who sets goals and achieves them. The community organizer and his claque of morons, all of whom have never had a private sector job are the danger to the Republic.
Mr Kunstlers articles are never dull thats for sure! I know only what I see on euroland TV of Mrs Palin and she comes over as likeable if not a bit of a lightweight politically speaking but then again that didnt stop "Dubya" from being president for 8 years did it! I do think she could do with spending a day or two in Professor Stephen Hawkins company and hopefully he might be able to persuade her that the earth has been in existence a little longer than 5000 years!!!!!!!!
Robert Crumb is right.

Kustler didn't make this **** up, people like Whoopi Goldberg were saying this years ago, maybe she made it up.

Kunstler doesn't seem to do a good job of making stuff up, he seems to be good at 'borrowing' other people's ideas. Not a very original guy, and becoming a bore, even for a liberal.

If he really wanted to write about something no one else made up and then handed to him on a silver platter, he could have written about his friend Peter Fonda.

Yeah, at Cannes Peter threatened the President, told a Cannes audience his own grandsons were being trained in the use of long-range rifles, after calling 'Ubama' a "******* traitor".

I didn't make that up, I wish I could make up stuff like that. I can be forgiven though, I don't pretend to be a professional at being original.

I don't think Peter Fonda pays any taxes either - I made that up, but it may very well be true.
Okay, I confess I may have made up the 'Ubama' part. We all know it is really 'Obama.' But hey, names change.

Gosh, Peter Fonda claims he ended a war, but seems to have no problem alluding to directing riflemen assassins himself. That's the liberal mind at work.

God Bless Robert Crumb.
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Dude you're looking for Hitler in the wrong party. Bikers aren't statist goose steppers! She wears leather ipso facto she's a Nazi? Really? That's you're reference point? She's also on a bus. Does that make her Dirty Harry attempting to recreate the gauntlet?

You might try talking to theses "corn pone" Nazis your so fond of denigrating every once in a while, at least then you could present the illusion of some connection to reality!
Like we have a qualified ,competent person sitting in the oval office with who knows how many radicallized czars sitting next to him that this press put in office by not reporting the truth !!! Socialist,facist policies must be more to your liking I guess. How sad...
Kuntsler, you're showing your true far left orientation. Palin a "loser?' She was a successful state governor, has millions of fans and is a multi-millionaire, with her own television show and more. And you scrabble along writing left wing books.

The real Hitler wannabe is Ozero, who is stealing power as fast as the courts, MSM and Congress will allow him to. It's a mystery why Congress has not presented articles of impeachment for more than three dozen offenses, not to memtion those while a Senator and the fraud committed to get into office, as well. Fraudulent Social Security numbers (Google 042-68-4425), possible forged draft card, alien father, no track record, no paper trail, $2MM spent to fight all efforts to obtain his papers, the truly bizarre and 3 years late "Long Form Birth Certificate," with many layers and some 70 anomalies, Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Marshall-Davis, Editor of Law Review with no publications, AWOL at Columbia, etc., etc. What a bad joke. Makes Hitler look like "A" list in compaison.
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She is anti-Hitler and you are anti-Christ.
I hope that every American who ever read James Howard Kunstler and smiled a wry smile at his ability to craft a phrase and trigger an emotional kinship with some theme will read this article and see the twisted darkness that resides inside him. I hope that no one will use this article to actually JUDGE Sarah Palin, but will instead delve into what she has done and is doing and see that JHK is like the handsome interloper who lures simple women away from the fidelity of their marriages with pretty words and plays on emotion for his own motives. Kunstler is a man so obviously gifted with the ability to practice writing that in his own mind believes he can fool a swath of the public into foregoing actual analysis of Sarah Palin by utilizing the economy of adopting Kunstler's perspective. I voted for Sarah Palin as a product of voting against Barack Obama. I can see a scenario in which I would do that again. I don't think the case is as cut-and-dry as Kunstler seems to think. Even THAT prediction would be sweet to watch come back to bite him in the ass. Not just because there are better candidates for President than Palin, but also because even if Palin threw her hat in the ring and every other candidate fell away in abject acceptance of the futility of a race against the great Palin machine, the person Kunstler defined is a ficticious and grotesque manifestation of a mind that is blind to the value of American exceptionalism. Not exceptionalism that is based in any race or based in the magic of having been born inside these borders, but rather the exceptionalism that is ingrained in the guiding principles of the Bill of Rights and Constitution of this nation. The brilliance that those documents embody has been diluted through the years by the constant slog of liberalism with the 'living document' propoganda. But, with her flaws, Sarah Palin is lightyears ahead, NOT of Barack Obama's COLOR, (ridiculous) but truly lightyears ahead of his personal and political philosophy and world view. Please, Mr. Kunstler, give yourself the benefit of credibility by reviewing the INcredulity of your ridiculous premises regarding Palin.
You know, Kunstler, I usually find you entertaining. Not necessarily right and certainly not particularly expert, but at least entertaining. But this. Wow. So, if you wear a black leather jacket and ride a motorcycle, you are Hitler. Doesn't take much. Damn, just about anybody can be a Hitler. Fortunately for me I never learned to ride a motorcycle and I am sufficiently unfashionable that I don't own a leather jacket. So, no Hitler for me. What a relief!!! Oh yeah, just to be fair to this "article". I guess the other thing that makes you a Hitler is that you believe that America is suffering right now and could be better in the future (paraphrasing, but that is the semantic content). So, unless we are in lock step with the current government, we are Hitler there too?? Geez.

The sheer illogic of this polemic is obvious. Well, maybe not to Kunstler. So let me lay it out. The specific logical fallacy is the fallacy of composition. One can always find some common denominator between any two things (or people). Just because you do, that does not make the two things (or people) equivalent. It means they have one similar attribute. So, Hitler and Palin wear black leather. That doesn't mean Palin is Hitler, any more than some men have mustaches, Hitler had a mustache, and those mustached men aren't Hitler either. etc. etc. Most of you will undestand this. It would probably take me another dozen or so examples for Kunstler to figure out, but there is a character limit to comments.
I'm not a fan of Gov Palin, but for Kunstler to compare her to Hilter is beyond despicable. Say what you want about her personally, but her stated political ideals of limited government are the opposite of Hilter's 'all power to the state' mentality.

If anything, it's Kunstler's anti-industrial tirades that are Hilterian. In psychology there is a term that escapes for those troubled individuals that ascribe characterics that they deny in themselves. Read his attached articles and everything falls into place.

Sadly, that is the case with Kunstler.
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``Sarah Palin`s campain is all about shame, about a nation of losers & feeling bad about it.``I laughed a big laugh what a good line. You could be on comedy central. __Sen. John McCain`s 2008 running mate Palin 2.0 does this refer to her being close to t  Read more
Invention - 5/31/2011 at 6:18 PM GMT
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