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Herman Cain's Hidden Nine

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Published : October 18th, 2011
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Herman Cain has been gaining much traction with his 9-9-9 Plan, a bold proposal to replace our dysfunctional tax code with what could be a simpler, less invasive, and more economically stimulative alternative. While I don't agree with the full spectrum of Mr. Cain's policy choices, I applaud his courage on the tax front. Judging by his rising poll numbers, this appreciation is widely shared. However, the plan has deep flaws, the most glaring of which is its creation of a hidden payroll tax which represents a fourth "nine." This serious pitfall has been unmentioned by Mr. Cain and overlooked by those who have analyzed his plan.

Cain would replace the current system of income and payroll taxes with a 9% flat-rate personal income tax, a 9% corporate tax, and a 9% national sales tax. Great idea. Such a system would unburden businesses, provide a tax cut for most Americans, and shift taxation to consumption and away from income generation. This is exactly what our economy needs. But unlike our current corporate tax system, the plan eliminates the deductibility of wages and salaries from corporate income. The net effect is the creation of a brand new 9% tax on wages. When this fourth 9 falls from Cain's sleeve, many of his opponents will likely accuse him of cheating.

Much of the plan's virtue lies in its elimination of Social Security and Medicare taxes (payroll taxes) that fall heaviest on lower income workers. This includes the 6.2% Social Security tax and the 1.5% Medicare tax paid directly by the worker. But it also includes the 6.2% and 1.5% portions paid indirectly by workers through their employers. Payroll taxes are, in reality, a cost of employment. From the employer's perspective these costs are part of the wage package. Absent these taxes, employers could raise wages by an equivalent amount without raising labor costs. Inclusive of this portion, payroll taxes currently cost workers 15.4% of their wages.

The Cain plan scraps this tax. But the elimination of wage deductibility from corporate taxes replaces it with a 9% payroll tax. Therefore a more honest name for Cain's proposal is the 9-9-9-9 plan. The forth nine changes everything.

Cain admits that the 9% sales tax would fall heaviest on the poor, but he claims that the elimination of the payroll tax would more than compensate. But when the hidden 9% payroll tax is factored in, more than 50% of workers who currently pay an average income tax rate of just 3% would see a huge tax hike, from 18.4% (former payroll tax plus income tax) to 27%: 9% payroll tax, 9% income tax and 9% consumption tax (poorer worker generally spend all income).

On the other hand, high income tax payers get a huge break. Not counting the consumption tax, the 9-9-9 plan reduces the highest marginal tax rate from 38% (35% income tax and 3% payroll tax - on income over $105,000) to just 18% (9% income tax plus 9% payroll). For the self-employed, who can transform their wages into dividends (that are deductible business expenses under the 9-9-9 plan), the rate would fall to just 9% (all income tax, no payroll or business tax). Of course, in either case, the 9% sales tax will apply to spending, but even if 100% of earnings are spent (which is generally not true of high earners) the top rate would still top out at only 27% for the highest salaried employees and just 18% for the self-employed. In essence, tax cuts for the rich are paid for with tax hikes on the poor and middle class. If these aspects were widely known the plan would become a political dead letter.

Even with its flaws, the 9-9-9-9 plan would create an economic windfall by lowering the top corporate rate to 9% from 50% (35% at the corporate level and 15% on dividends taxed at the individual level), and simplifying the tax code to reduce unnecessary compliance costs and the economically inefficient behavior that is created by perverse tax incentives. These changes alone will make America far more globally competitive. Also by taxing individuals based more on what they spend rather than on what they earn, the plan will encourage more savings (which is a key ingredient for economic growth). As a result, the economy will grow faster, generate greater output of goods and services, and create more jobs.

The problem for Herman Cain is that unless he slashes government expenditures, his pro-growth tax structure will inevitably shift more of the tax burden to low and moderate-income people. The only way to combine tax reform with tax reductions for most taxpayers is to shrink government to a more manageable scale.

The size of the tax increases required to keep Cain's 9-9-9-9 plan revenue neutral demonstrates just how high a percentage of our current taxes are being paid by affluent taxpayers. Couples making more than $250,000 and individuals making more than $125,000 only constitute about 3% of taxpayers but pay almost half of all taxes. Any policy that cuts their taxes will inflict a disproportional hit on government revenue.

Contrary to the rhetoric emanating from the American left, the "rich" are currently paying a lot more than "their fair share." It is only a handful of mega-rich, those whose entire incomes are derived from dividends and capital gains, rather than salaries or business profits, who have the ability to pay lower tax rates than some members of the middle class. The left knows this but continues to build their "free loading millionaire" straw man because it makes good politics.

In the final analysis, if Cain really wants a 9-9-9 plan that doesn't raise taxes he needs to remove the hidden 9% payroll tax. However, the only way this could be done, without blowing an even bigger hole in the federal deficit, is to combine his plan with significant spending cuts. If he can pull that off, three nines may be a winning hand after all.



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If 6 (Obama) turns out to be 9 (Cain) I don't mind... (Hendrix). I do. Cain's Chilean Social Security is bad business. Without some plan though his 9 9 9 is gratuitous rip off of impoverished people. If 70+% of Americans can't raise $2K in 2 months, after Cain, 80+% won't ever retire. Cain's platform essentially says, here, for the cost of a lollipop, we will remove your claim (which was essentially contribution based) on us (the government) regards providing you future social security. We have our reasons. Evidently. But America needs better at this time. This is a business arguement even if the purpose was just to gut social security let alone if next government sought to fully leverage work based entitlement/benefit. The question degrades to could an unladen swallow have carried that coconut? This is good humor but not effective policy.

A "rip off of impoverished people"??? Give me a break! It is imperative that we broaden the tax base in this country. The "impoverished" in this country are defined by a very loose standard. Every wage earning individual utilizes the infrastructure of this nation to have what they have. Paying their small part of their meager incomes is an element of the motivator to improve upon their lot through a broad variety of necessary individual behavioral and cultural amendments. When we have north of ten million immigrants who come to this country to escape GENUINE poverty by filling the positions that our 'impoverished' turn their noses up at, there is a great deal of room for restructuring the economy of this country outside the tight confines of what we consider to be our 'norm'. The engine of this economy is continuously tapped for more and more 'dis-impoverishing' resources - rather like driving so many power-robbing accessories off your automobile engine that it is too underpowered to move the vehicle down the road. The Holy Bible had it right when it said, 'the poor you will have with you always'. It is an absolute lack of comprehension of how economics works to think that you will ever elevate the impoverished to the point that want, and yes, NEED, will not always exist. But economics will prove over and over again that 'redistributing the wealth' of a nation from the producers to those who have 'need' will always cause collapses and necessitate structural overhaul that reinstitutes effective profit motive.
Chris K, your almost indecipherable post not-withstanding, you seem to be a fairly intelligent person. I don't think Herman Cain has put forth the Chilean Social Security model as being infallible. He has said that the Chilean model is much more sustainable than the failure we have in this country and said that reinventing the wheel is not necessary to find a BETTER solution.
I would like to hear your complaints about the Chilean program. I doubt they are well founded. But, that is presumptuous of me.
Not so, not so, regards presumption, carrierpigeon - success must be measured one investment at a time. Try this explanation. I was a benefit consultant at Hewitt Associates. I wrote Retirement Planning software. We sold it with marketing, branding, perception management to the best companies in America. They hired the brightest talent in America. Retirement Planning is a deceptively difficult task. Even these people so armed (i.e., so armored) f..cked it up. Now tepid America is too used to the fetid critique of a community organizer president to honor the inherent challenge of its business task. Who has this POTUS ever made money for? Instead, fiction writer by trade, the bum shouldn't even have been allowed to sit at the grownups table without first authoring a peer reviewed paper analyzing, decrying, and addressing the failed policies of his Finance Minister father. Then maybe he could have talked instead of spewed. Instead, we got cool aid. Now addressing your question. To begin if 'the poor will always be poor', why spend at all in the manner proposed Chilean. It's not enough to print pretty pamphlets and support informed choices. We were paid to do that at Hewitt by the pro teams. Can the general populace even read? Are you going to ensure internet access to less fortunate workers? Then everyone could buy gold. Why not just cut to the chase? America impaled on a carrot. Because the adage birds of a feather calls full healthcare coverage at medicare levels for all same as it does free choice by all Americans regards personal management of social security funds. Different stripes, same bad business. The former as argued because of cost absurdity, the latter because blown social security funds don't serve chartered task. I for one am not going to support calls for further government effort, which like Obama's healthcare will address simplistically and worse in grand false generosity, a complicated problem to utter and complete failure, where having so arrived must announce its now gutted former resource, which was current social security, as some failed lesson in human ineptness. I'm also not going to support the subsidizing of fools to frontend wager away from the backend intent that was social security in the first place. Simply put the problem of managing social security funds is less complex than the otherwise problem of educating the populace to do it themselves. Yet today's stinging fiscality doesn't go away. If social security funds can't be managed, then social security itself has to reworked, restructured, and fundamentally so (you would probably say rejected), not simply proffered in the name of choice to those ill equipped for success here. Recall Gen. Patton did not like to pay for the same real estate twice. Yet find the future after over leveraged 9 9 9. Here bitch and moan the losers of self managed funds will arrive when the inevitable surely occurs. And their advocates will then call for their humane care. And elections will be fought over the matter. And Gordean will add another traversal to the knot whether the original system be extant or transformed new fangled. This fell reality informs the essential business argument; it thereby affects the field in which American commerce takes place. It caps the money that can be made there. Such is the truth and consequence of US fiscal policy come home to roost in its own domestic entitlements. Also true is that other methods, trades, and barters can be found to better address the problems with social security. Sure there will always be poor. Some can't even afford corpse removal. Yet, the absence of safety net returns a different stench, eh. It's rotten bananas. You want to broaden the tax base, find a way to lever toward civic ROI both those who work and those who don't. Also, the first Spend & Spend president has overdrawn refuge in timeless Tax & Spend mantra. Next call thus (and in echo of other 24hGold articles) is then to (what's right) fantastically deep spending cuts in the face of managed downsize now or (what's left) same later when the survivors from the over the cliff you go precipice drop finally and agonizingly move to pick up the pieces. Then as today, prudence demands only (but deeply), if wishes can't be achieved, can position be improved?
With 'Retirement Planning Software' writers and consultants who butcher and convolute the English language so completely, it becomes less of a mystery that 'Retirement Planning' is such a near-futile endeavor.
>>>To begin if 'the poor will always be poor', why spend at all in the manner proposed Chilean.<<< Honestly? Is English your first language, and if so, did you learn it in a Shakespearian laboratory? And further, upon what do you premise the comment, 'the poor will always be poor'? That certainly is NOT the same as 'the poor you will always have with you'.
Working through the remainder of your gobblety-gook shows a distinct tendency to obfuscate your lack of comprehension of the issues with crowded and mindless run-on sentences. This diatribe makes discerning your grasp of the topic almost indecipherable. Let alone whether you are addressing it at all in a cogent manner.
Expand the Tax Base. Base the Expand Tax. Tax the Expand Base. Base the Tax Expand. Expand Tax the Base. Tax the Base Expand.

That's it! And good politics too regards the other guy's if and only if there is a coherent notion of the other guy's. Tax the Base Expand! If you're a Democrat, tax the rich. If a Republican, tax the poor. If Republicrat, as you like it - dog. But if none of these, beware doing damage to the structure, itself, which supports the prior three. That move would be draconian. This is a business argument. Those in lust for revenge seek to overthrow their enemies. The skillful seek to indenture or enslave them. Which part of some global citizen's arsenal (if need be) is required to hammer this 'for keeps' home in the form of effective US tax policy?
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With 'Retirement Planning Software' writers and consultants who butcher and convolute the English language so completely, it becomes less of a mystery that 'Retirement Planning' is such a near-futile endeavor. >>>To begin if 'the poor will always be poo  Read more
carrierpigeon - 10/28/2011 at 12:00 AM GMT
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