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Your New American Dream

IMG Auteur
Published : November 28th, 2011
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It's really something to live in a country that doesn't know what it is doing in a world that doesn't know where it is going in a time when anything can happen. I hope you can get comfortable with uncertainty.

If there's one vibe emanating from this shadowy zeitgeist it's a sense of the total exhaustion of culture, in particular the way the world does business. Everything looks tired, played out, and most of all false. Governments can't really pay for what they do. Banks have no real money. Many households surely have no money. The human construct of money itself has become a shape-shifting phantom. Will it vanish into the vortex of unpaid debt until nobody has any? Or will there be plenty of worthless money that people can spend into futility? Either way they will be broke.

The looming fear whose name political leaders dare not speak is global depression, but that is not what we're in for. The term suggests a temporary sidetrack from the smooth operation of integrated advanced economies. We're heading into something quite different, a permanent departure from the standard conception of economic progress, the one in which there is always sure to be more comfort and convenience for everybody, the economy of automatic goodies.

A big part of the automatic economy was the idea of a "job." In its journey to the present moment, the idea became crusted with barnacles of illusion, especially that a "job" was a sort of commodity "produced" by large corporate enterprises or governments and rationally distributed like any other commodity; that it came with a goodie bag filled with guaranteed pensions, medical care to remediate bad living habits, vacations to places of programmed entertainment, a warm, well-lighted dwelling, and a big steel machine to travel around in. Now we witness with helpless despair as these illusions dissolve.

The situation at hand is not a "depression," though it may resemble the experience of the 1930s in the early going. It's the permanent re-set and reorganization of everyday life amidst a desperate scramble for resources. It will go on and on until there are far fewer people competing for things while the ones who endure construct new systems for daily living based on fewer resources used differently.

In North America I believe this re-set will involve the re-establishment of an economy centered on agriculture, with a lot of other activities supporting it, all done on a fine-grained local and regional scale. It must be impossible for many of us to imagine such an outcome - hence the futility of our current politics, with its hollow promises, its laughable battles over sexual behavior, its pitiful religious boasting, its empty statistical blather, all in the service of wishing the disintegrating past back into existence.

This desperation may be why our recently-acquired traditions seem especially automatic this holiday season. Of course the "consumers" line up outside the big box stores the day after the automatic Thanksgiving exercise in gluttony. That is what they're supposed to do this time of year. That is what has been on the cable TV news shows in recent years: see the crowds cheerfully huddled in their sleeping bags outside the Wal Mart... see them trample each other in the moment the doors open!

The biggest news story of a weekend stuporous from leftover turkey and ceremonial football was a $6.6 billion increase in "Black Friday" chain-store sales. All the attention to the numbers was a form of primitive augury to reassure superstitious economists - more than the catatonic public - that the automatic cargo cult would be operating normally at this crucial testing time. The larger objective is to get through the ordeal of Christmas.

I don't see how Europe gets through it financially. The jig is up there. Lovely as Europe has become since the debacles of the last century - all those adorable cities with their treasures of deliberately-created beauty - the system running it all is bankrupt. Europe is on financial death-watch and when the money stops flowing between its major organs, the banks, the whole region must either go dark or combust. Nobody really knows what will happen there, except they know that something will happen - and whatever it is portends disruption and loss for the worlds largest collective economy. The historical record is not reassuring.

If Europe's banks go down, many of America's will, too, maybe all of them, maybe our whole money system. I'm not sure that we will see a normal election cycle here in 2012. A few bank runs, bank failures... gasoline shortages here and there... the failure of some food deliveries to supermarkets in some region... these are the kinds of things that can bring down a political system drained of once-ironclad legitimacy. All that is left now is the husk of ritual - witness the failure of the senate-house "super-committee." The wash-out was so broadly anticipated that it was greeted with mere yawns of recognition. It would be like pointing at the sky and saying, "air there."

This holiday season spend a little time musing on what the re-set economy will be like in your part of the country. Think of what you do in it as a "role," or a "vocation," or a "trade," or a "calling," or a "way of life," rather than a "job." Imagine that life will surely go on, even civilized life, though it will be organized differently. Add to this the notion that you are part of a larger group, a society, and that societies evolve emergently according to the circumstances that their time and place presents. Let that imagining be your new American Dream.



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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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I gotta tell ya, if it were'nt for Jim C.'s comments, JHK would be a complete scroll thorough.

Jim C. did not pay for this
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I admit to a good laugh on most occasions with the comments from Jim C re the JHK writings. I think we would all admit to thinking that the world economy and financial problems are intractable and we are all headed for untold trouble.
My point is what!
We've been there before,survived and gone onto bigger and better things.
The fact is some people are Haves and some are Have Nots and occasionally the balance gets out of whack and its resolved with violence as we can all witness now. Likely it will get worse.

If you are worried about that, then get prepared,maybe move to another country,cash out, buy gold...whatever. American Dream...phooey. American Reality...more likely. It ain't that bad.
I just spent 3 weeks in Hawaii and if that is any indication of the USA, then things are looking good.
What a great place! Clean, efficient,warm and hospitable people...loved every minute of it.
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Hey Jim C., I still laugh at Punsler....he's the best as they've got...
Rate :   1  3Rating :   -2
Were Kunstler a journalist commenting on the loss of the Titantic, he would rationally criticize the Captain's decision to travel full speed at night given the possibility of icebergs, the scarcity of lifeboats, and possibly the design of the ship itself. The world, and industry, would take heed and make the necessary adjustments at the honest critique.

But Kunstler being a Kunstler, no matter what era he might pop out in, would go on to say that production of all Oceanliners should cease, that we should return to a world of boats made by hand, and that all technology should forthwidth be scrubbed.

But that Kunstler in that era would have been laughed out of his profession. Today, he is not.
Rate :   8  0Rating :   8
Well he is either gonna be right or once the dollar crashes, out comes the new $100 bill (see youtube vids) fully backed by all the feds gold (most of it belongs to others but nevermind) and all the debts will be forgiven and basically of we go again with a clean slate!
Rate :   2  0Rating :   2
Bingo Mr. Kunstler. Telling it like it is. The scary thing is that if you're wrong about the future the alternative orwellian world is a whole lot worse.
Rate :   4  0Rating :   4
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I admit to a good laugh on most occasions with the comments from Jim C re the JHK writings. I think we would all admit to thinking that the world economy and financial problems are intractable and we are all headed for untold trouble. My point is this...  Read more
S W. - 11/30/2011 at 6:52 AM GMT
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