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Global Economics End Game

IMG Auteur
Published : July 17th, 2012
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Traders, investors, and those men and women on the street who pay attention to this decades-long saga ask the question: How does this end and when? If we all knew the perfect answer, we could trade and invest on that knowledge and earn a gazillion dollars. Reality says that this is impossible to forecast, but being the opinionated vocal people that we are, we intend to take a stab at it and try to make sense of a really squirrely international mess that’s literally been an on-going paper-printing scam for a long, long time.

For one to understand this discussion we have to be clear as to how the main players think in this drama. How do they react to events that move the news and markets? How do they react to the social behavior of national and global citizens?

Our Northern Advisor, (who is blessed with the brains of three geniuses) has covered the topics on those in authority in politics, universities, think-tanks, military, central/global bankers and corporate chieftains. He has taken the time to train me over and over with examples and explanations as to how these insidious creatures think and behave.

We are not saying this power group is all crazy but there is a remarkable nutty similarity, a common thread, within their collective minds. The definition of psychopaths is printed below from the free encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

“Psychopathy from the Ancient Greek "psyche," …soul, mind and, "pathos" -suffering, disease, (a) condition is a personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear), stress tolerance, lacking empathy, coldheartedness, lacking guilt, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, nonplanfulness, impulsivity, and antisocial behaviors such as a parasitic lifestyle and criminality. There is no consensus about the symptom criteria and there are ongoing debates regarding issues such as essential features, causes, and the possibility of treatment.”

In our view there is no treatment for this kind of insanity.

Does this description ring a bell? Does this interpretation define many of those in supreme authority within the ranks of politics, universities, think-tanks, military, central/global bankers and corporate chieftains? It’s so obvious; it sticks out like a sore thumb. Of course it is quite unfair to throw an insanity blanket over the entire group, but when reading this definition, we can start naming names as fast as we can say them.

Our Northern Advisor told us the national leaders of most countries throughout the world exhibit some, or many of these negative traits. Why? Because statistically those are the common traits that get them elected, or appointed to those high positions in the first place.

The criticisms most appropriate for these leaders in my opinion would be: shallow emotions, lack of empathy, coldhearted, lack of guilt, charmingly manipulative and pathological liars.

Most important of all: they are parasites from day one and have no concern with embarking upon a lifetime of criminal activities and law-breaking. Normally, these people are crafty and treacherous enough to persuade others to do their dirty work and thus avoid prosecution. But full-fledged dictators like the old communist leaders and the current Russian prime minister, Putin, are right up there with the best of ‘em. That bunch does not even bother to hide their nefarious events but instead just rule with an iron fist and disappear those that get in the way.

Obviously a long laundry list of South American, Asian and African leaders, despots, thugs and criminals would also make this hit parade of not-so-very-nice-people. Pick the top ten nations in this world as to population, land size, GDP, and size of military and you’ll see a fine and exemplary collection of those we’re watching in this discussion.

Now that we understand their mentality, what do they do and how do they do it?

Let’s start with the United States. Our current president and his administration have positioned themselves precisely to address the One World Order Agenda. The objective is to smash the American middle class, pushing them lower on the income scale. By forcing this majority to depend upon our national government for most of their daily needs, these people become dependent little children enslaved to the system. They are literally locked-in with no escape.

Obviously, the next mandatory event required for the One Worlders is the installation of one single currency for the entire planet. Their success at this would give the international criminals total control of all money everywhere with no nation-to-nation adjustments needed. This is a tall order. While we are heading in that direction, it won’t happen for reasons we’ll elaborate on later.

This idea started with some gusto when criminal central bankers were able to succeed in their wish of implementing a combined Euro Currency and Euro-land economics-politico money nest. So far so good, but watch this puppy unravel and turn into a rabid pit bull, courtesy of German citizens who will not roll over for the criminal bankers. Recall for a moment what happened to some of those bankers in that category in the 1920’s and 1930s.

Those European central bankers are about to enjoy a major religious experience when the Germans vote no in the 4th quarter of 2012, or first quarter of 2013. Not only will these scammers lose out, but they had better become instantly invisible for what comes next. Europe has a long history of solving these kinds of problems with extreme force. The next time will probably be quite similar.

However, in the USA’s instance, the dollar must first be smashed to half its value, which it will, but can yet retain majority control as The World’s Reserve Currency. The dollar has proven to be just that with a former reserve majority near 85%, which in our current economic climate has dwindled to about 70-75%. The percentage has lowered primarily from new efforts implemented by China and some rough boys in the Middle East to rearrange the currency business using a variety of central banker and international trading tools.

Most larger, majority economic power-houses throughout the world being Asia, Europe and the United States will have managed to collectively kick their messy little cans into the 4th quarter of 2012. What happens then could become legendary. These folks think the old paradigm of “print and spend” using politics as bludgeon can continue. We say it can’t and the pushback will not make a pretty movie. We next explain the reasons why,

How It Breaks Down

Their old scam can’t and won’t last as the beaten-up Sheeple have had about enough. That pushback alone won’t solve the larger problem. But, couple that with a collapsed and busted global bond market and crashing global stock markets? That should finally do the trick.

One of our favorite friends from Zurich told us years ago that it all ends when the Sheeple are literally no longer given credit. I’m talking the loss of all credit here, not just some. For instance, real estate has collapsed as the bond market and related derivatives have fallen into a pile of burning ashes. That fire was created by naughty bankers, mortgage underwriters, and fund traders doing things never before permitted. The grand finale will be no more, or severely credit cards. Think about that one for a few minutes and what the implications would be.

When banks were permitted to become wild traders and fund investors using the “bank’s pass book savings,” it had to end badly and it did. The interesting thing now is they are still doing it and the authorities who are bought and paid for won’t stop them.

So the ending has to be when it all stops working and skids into the ruins of its own crooked volition. Those doing this stuff think that it can continue as long as they get free taxpayer money to re-capitalize their games as our rulers let them do it. So far so good, but the free money is printed bonds and T-bills. What happens when the confidence in that toxic paper vanishes?

The larger problem is what happens when confidence in the confidence games goes away? Guess what? It has already started. Chopper Ben, it was reported by a trusted fellow analyst, now has to buy back 60% of his own toxic trash and “mark it sold.” It’s not sold. It’s back on Benny’s Money Closet Shelf in “Bond Purgatory” unsold, but marked as sold. If you did this stuff you would quickly reside in the crossbars hotel for about 20 years.

You tell us at what price the big unsold bond breakdown occurs. Would the unsold number be 75% or 85%? Or, would it take a complete and utter collapse of all major bondholder-buyers crushing the monster bond-credit markets, which are 70 times larger than stock markets?

Others who held this crap in massive piles of outhouse paper (like China) have been moving it into hard assets all over the world. China is dumping Benny Paper to get rid of it, to buy and hold real stuff. They are losing this battle overall, but so far have been quite good at stockpiling gold, grain, crude oil, copper, iron ore, and military hardware as well as other people’s perhaps better bonds and currencies.

This drama is one big Dump the Bonds race played like musical chairs to see who is left standing, holding the largest pile of Eurobonds, or Chopper Ben’s USA bonds. That loser player (or nation) quickly circles the drain on a prelude of wrong investment notes, as the trash ultimately goes to zero value.

The last big attempt to steal more from the American taxpayers will be Nancy Pelousy’s super-crook idea of seizing all American pension plans and converting them to 30-year bonds. This enables a grand theft of about $800,000,000 of pure cash, moving it into valueless bonds with our national government taking it all. After 30-years, its intrinsic value will vanish. Hey, after five years it will vanish, period!

We just learned in June that the State of Michigan, in addition to its 6% state income tax, is now taxing retirees pension plan payments. One retiree told us he must give the state an additional $4,000 to $5,000 per year to pay for their overspent messes. Taxes and takings just keep increasing, and ncreasing, on and on. Consumers, traders and individuals, in an effort to save what they crooks cannot steal, must convert it into some kind of hard assets for pure preservation.

These pension thefts will be primarily instigated using capital controls. This is also the way the American gold hoard will be taxed. When gold and silver sales must be registered and recorded, they will be taxed into the ground. This happens at point of purchase but most likely at an individual sale. However, it if is not sold it can’t be taxed.

Aha! What if that physical metal disappears into the mist and is traded for hard goods and real stuff? At that point it becomes invisible and is just gone. What if it’s traded off? What if it’s reported stolen? What if it’s exchanged for other stuff folks need to get through the day?

This is the reason we strongly suggest traders and investors be buyers of these precious metals and take possession of them. Over time and in historical fact, gold has preserved new beginnings for families, provided sheer family survival, and ensured that gold holders could in fact eat. Gold’s value cannot be disputed. There is no counterparty risk. It is not paper, it is the supreme currency of the world taken in for exchange anywhere, in any nation, in any venue.

The End Game is a Paralyzed Banking and Credit System

While nobody knows for certain how much time we have left, or how long we will have it; by a predicted smash date, we would suggest the US Dollar is not totally destroyed, but rather cut in half on a normal fundamental and technical retracement.

This means inflation moving through the daily exchange process is pure terror, taking valuations of stuff down and away with prices. Would we see hyperinflation? That definition says it’s inflation running at an annual rate of +50% or more. If the truth be known, we think China is probably closer to that reality than most would suspect. If this happens in America, it could create a bank holiday and a follow-on, very hard and serious downward devaluation afterwards.

Being highly experienced in real estate development and related credit, what we have seen already in Hong Kong and other large Chinese cities tells us this is one dominant facet of China’s central banker economics that has gone totally out of control. This is especially true with the hundreds of brand new “see through” high rise buildings that now sit empty.

With all of that easy money floating around for real estate, much of it was snatched by sticky fingers and spirited away to far flung destinations like Vancouver, Canada for investment in much safer and secure markets. Some went to Singapore and a lot of it faded into overseas business subsidiaries. Still more of it sits in foreign banks in numbered accounts, under assumed names.

The usual suspects for hyperinflation are mostly located in South America. However, as we expect that several countries there will suffer a similar fate, we’ll also see some new faces in Europe and Asia learning about hyperinflation first hand. This is why the Germans are so adamant about not being Europe’s paymaster. They have long memories and are very smart. The years of 1921 and 1922 are not forgotten and never will be.

News this week from Spain signals that that nation is now totally out of control with an estimated capital flight of 50% of liquid assets underway. The economics minister told the world that even $120 billion of help for their bankers probably covers only 20% of what they need. He said the mess is way too big to cover. We say Spain is on the road to perdition and it’s coming very fast. Watch for a descent into riots and maybe civil war.

Greece is already on the verge of civil war and Syria already is on violent hits from its dictator.

In Summary

No one can forecast with any sense of realism when these traumas converge into one giant volcano, but in our view, it happens right after the American election when Germany’s citizens vote NO on the referendum designed to give cash and credit to neighboring nations. That will smash the Euro and Euro-land for sure.

And, in the USA, you tell us when Benny’s Bondo Scam hits the wall. Our forecast would be further out than most might expect, but Obama can delay/block it by creating a Wag the Dog War in the Middle East and imposing emergency powers. This is what we expect. It is obvious to smart observers that Obama is war-shopping as we speak.

Iran would be a good candidate as they have been media-made into the supreme villain. Further, they have lots of oil reserves to steal. As we write this, the Gulf is loaded with US Navy warships. Are they on vacation? Don’t believe it. World War III would probably be short in initial combat but the aftermath could be years of prolonged civil wars that would keep popping up in nations all over the Middle East and maybe parts of Europe.

In the USA, we think this nation moves toward the old tribal and cultural gatherings of old. More and more, citizens will form groups, mingle and tend to cluster with their own kind; those being of similar cultural rules, religions and habits.

Large chunks of the United States in broken big cities and urban areas will become miniature Beiruts; a region of war-like trauma and perpetual war and violence. If you think the National Guard, or regular troops can stop it, think again. Big city gangs are ready to rock and they are better armed than most would realize. While the rural back country sounds like the place to be safe, we think very small independent towns composed of folks with similar tastes and backgrounds would work better.

The one stronger suggestion we would make is this: do not engage in violence and gunplay with weapons. Rather vanish into the mist, become invisible and obey the laws. Do your part by taking precautions, obeying the law and taking care of friends and family.

In summary, the 3rd quarter of 2012 will be a set-up quarter for those traders and investors moving into positions that can profit from all this forthcoming excitement arriving in the 4th quarter.

We strongly suggest that if you are not experienced in managing big, faster moving messes, it would just be easier to go and buy physical gold and silver and take possession. This way you eliminate any counter party risk and if you need some cash later on, the metal brokers are more than happy to buy it back and very quickly, too. This trade is safe and liquid.

Most of our readers of these essays and in our Trader Tracks Newsletter are primarily stock traders and investors. At this juncture they are wondering and worrying as to when markets will return to new rallies, pulling-up their beaten down stock positions. The precious metals stocks (the best of the best) will begin to react almost immediately when gold and silver begin new rallies. However, most of them usually take 2-4 weeks longer in a precious metals reaction before any substantial shares movement. This past week in Trader Tracks, our list of recommendations week-over-week moved from negative to almost all positive.

Follow monthly charts first and discover the best time of year for your favorite markets. Then, work backwards using weekly charts followed by dailies. For the most part, we have learned that swing trading (a few days to a few weeks) is easier to manage for us. However, some traders enjoy the scalping game doing 150 trades each day finishing the session and then going flat overnight. Find what suits you best and above all control risk first. The balance of your earnings will often take care of themselves –Traderrog

Roger Wiegand

Contact Claudio Bassi, at Trader Track’s New York City publishing offices for a trial subscription.  Call 718-457-1426  Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 5pm or, e-mail

Recommendations made in “Trader Tracks” are exclusively those of Roger Wiegand and the publication is also exclusively the editorial content provided by Roger Wiegand. TAYLOR HARD MONEY ADVISORS, INC. (THMA) LOCATED AT 33-42 61ST STREET, WOODSIDE, N.Y. 11377, ASSISTS IN THE MARKETING OF “TRADER TRACKS.” However, the views expressed in Trader Tracks do not necessarily reflect those of THMA (Website: Because individual investment objectives vary, this summary of investments should not be construed as advice to meet the needs of any particular reader or subscriber. Opinions expressed in Trader Tracks are statements of judgment expressed at the date and time they were written, and as such, are subject to change without notice. Roger Wiegand is not a CFA nor an investment advisor, but a private individual who studies the markets extensively and offers summary opinions. Before any type of investment is made, you should always seek advice from your attorney, CPA, registered broker, or financial advisor. There is considerable risk in market speculation and investing. There are no guarantees regarding performance and past performance provides no guarantee of future performance. Your trading accounts are always subject to the potential for severe or total losses. This service will involve SPECIAL EMAIL ALERT TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDED AT ANY TIME Roger Wiegand believes it is opportune to trade either in or out of the market in question. AS SUCH, THIS SERVICE WILL BE CONSIDERED A PREMIUM SERVICE. The management of THMA, Inc. does not anticipate trading in the securities recommended in Trader Tracks. No statement or expression of any opinion expressed herein constitutes an offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned herein. Trading futures contracts may not be suitable for all investors. You may lose a substantial amount of money in a very short period of time. The amount you may lose is potentially unlimited and can exceed the amount you originally deposit with your broker. This is because trading futures is highly leveraged, with a relatively small amount of money used to establish a position in assets having a much greater value. If you are uncomfortable with this level of risk, you should not trade futures contracts. If you need a broker, contact mine, Ryan Olson, Managing Partner, Jackson-Olson commodities at 800-352-5228 or by e-mail Contact Jackson-Olson Commodities, LLC, 5510 Abrams Road, Suite# 101, Dallas, Texas 75214. Local Telephone is 214-691-8600. Fax is 214-691-8614. Jackson-Olson clears trades through R. J. O’Brien founded 1914. They provide clearing and execution services in virtually all markets around the globe. To subscribe to Trader Tracks stocks & bonds, futures & commodities, contact Claudio Bassi with e-mail CBASSI@MININGSTOCKS.COM







Data and Statistics for these countries : Canada | China | Germany | Greece | Hong Kong | Iran | Singapore | Spain | Syria | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Canada | China | Germany | Greece | Hong Kong | Iran | Singapore | Spain | Syria | All
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Roger Wiegand is the Editor and co-partner of Trader Tracks. He alone is responsible for all writing, editing and content. Roger's publisher is Taylor Hard Money Advisors, Inc (THMA) in New York City. Roger Wiegand found and put together his first real estate-mining joint venture with his real estate developer employer in the early 1970's with a USA national, public gravel miner.
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Wiegand makes numerous mistakes in this article, as is his habit. He mistakenly claims that V. Putin is the prime minister of Russia. He is in fact the president. And he repeats his earlier mistake of claiming that Germany is to hold a referendum on bailing out the Eurozone. No such referendum is planned. Rather, the German Constitutional Court is to decide if doing so would be legal. i could go on, but hope that this will be sufficient enough to warn you that you should question everything you read by this particular individual.
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