Gold Today –New York
closed at $1,693.6. London and Asia lifted it over the $1,700 barrier to
$1,703, before London took it higher ahead of the Fixing to $1.709.30. The
euro rose in London’s morning to €1: $1.2614. The gold price was
Fixed at $1,708.50 and in the euro at €1,355.092. Ahead of New
York’s opening gold stood at $1,709.16 and in the euro at
Silver Today –
Silver continued to rise gently to $32.24 in New York but London took a more
vigorous approach and lifted it to $32.87 ahead of the Fixing. Ahead of New
York’s opening it stood at $32.86 in London.
(very short-term)
Gold could
pause, today in New York but has a good tailwind now above $1,700.
Silver (very
Silver should
again be stronger than gold, today in New York.
Price Drivers
Gold & Silver –Today the precious metals markets
are expecting the E.C.B. to announce that it will, if need be, buy Spanish
and Italian government bonds, if the markets demand yields that are
excessive. The conditions are going to be, that provided they reform as
required by the E.U. they will get unlimited support. The bank will buy the
bonds, but then recover their money by draining the money markets of the same
amount. We see this as affecting the European bank’s balance sheets
negatively, so is not strictly QE. The effect so far, ahead of the
announcement has been to lift the euro up over $1.26 and to take gold over
$1,700. At the end of the day, this will be an informal bailout, but will not
solve the problems! [To
follow our weekly commentary, please subscribe to our newsletters at www.GoldForecaster.com and www.SilverForecaster.com]. Mario Draghi, the head of the E.C.B. has
pledged to save the euro, so today will cast light on how he will do that.
Sad to say it will require a lot more than the central banker of Europe to
resolve the crisis. Hence, whatever ‘Super’ Mario does will
it will have a longer term gold-positive action, not just short term.
Silver – The performance of silver is heartening for all those investors who
have held onto their positions through the 18-month long consolidation. There
was a time in Egypt when silver was more expensive than gold. This was in the
earlier days of it being a monetary metal. Today, while officially not
recognized as such, it is treated by the investor-at-large as a monetary
metal. We then ask, “Does silver need the approval of the monetary
authorities before it is a monetary metal?” The market gives us the
answer by moving it in line with gold on a day-to-day basis.
Julian D.W. Phillips
for the Gold & Silver Forecasters
Global Gold Price (1 ounce)
1 day ago