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The Coming Shortage Of Physical Gold That Will Change Everything

IMG Auteur
Published : July 29th, 2013
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Category : GoldWire
July 28, 2013
Source: Michael Snyder, Guest Post

Is the paper gold scam about to be brutally crushed by a crippling shortage of physical gold?  If so, what will that do to global financial markets? 

According to the Reserve Bank of India, "the traded amount of 'paper linked to gold' exceeds by far the actual supply of physical gold: the volume on the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) OTC market and the major Futures and Options Exchanges was OVER 92 TIMES that of the underlying Physical Market."  In other words, there is a massive amount of paper out there, but very little actual physical gold to back it up.  And right now, we are witnessing voracious hoarding of physical gold all over the globe.  This is especially true in Asia.  Just see this article and this article.  All of this hoarding is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on those that have made all of these "paper promises", because the truth is that there really isn't all that much physical gold on the planet.  In fact, Warren Buffett once estimated that if all of the gold in the entire world was brought into one place, it could be formed into a cube that would only be 69 feet long by 69 feet high by 69 feet wide.
As the emerging shortage of physical gold becomes increasingly apparent, the massive Ponzi scheme that the bullion banks have been running for decades is going to completely fall apart.  The following is what Egon von Greyerz told King World News the other day…

Governments and central banks have, for decades, leased or sold their gold to the bullion banks.  So they are very likely to own very little of the 23,000 tons that Western central banks are said to hold.
But now bullion banks also have a problem:  They tried to replenish their (physical gold) coffers during the massive manipulative selling that we've seen over the last few months in the paper market.

 Although they took the price down, most of the physical (gold) that was released by selling from ETFs and hedge funds was absorbed by Asia.

 So the bullion banks are still massively short of physical gold.
Right now there simply is not enough physical gold out there and the bullion banks and the central planners are starting to panic.  One of the individuals that really has his hand on the pulse of what is going on is billionaire Eric Sprott

We have seen the COMEX inventories decline rapidly. We know that all of the dealer inventory on the COMEX has already been spoken for by delivery notices, so essentially there will be zero (inventory) if they ever make the delivery.

And the central planners (also) went to India and said, 'Look, you've got to do something about all of this gold buying in India.' So we've had ten different steps by the Indian government to try to curb demand — a 2% tax, a 4% tax, a 6% tax, an 8% tax, and a ruling that banks couldn't lend money for people to buy gold.

They also convinced the Jewelers Association that as of July 1st they couldn't sell gold bars and coins. Just last week there was a new rule implemented that if you are importing gold you have to prove that a certain amount is being re-exported. We've probably had ten or twelve things (restrictions) happen in six months, all of which is a huge attempt to get the second biggest buyer of gold in the world, after China, to decrease consumption because the gold isn't around.

The central planners have arranged all of these things. I think it's just been one big scheme to try to get people dissuaded from owning gold and to cause supply to come out. As you mentioned, because of it (central planner actions) we have the gold forward rates (for gold) being negative, backwardation, and inventories plunging, all of which have been manifested because there is a shortage of gold.

Already the emerging shortage of physical gold is starting to cause some very unusual things to happen in the financial markets.  A recent article by Reg Howe did a good job of explaining what we have been witnessing lately…

By undercutting normal gold lease rates, these super low interest rates have forced central banks to reduce their lease rates to nonsensical levels in order to prevent gold futures from going into overt backwardation. Recall that GOFO, the gold forward rate, is the interest rate for a given maturity less the lease rate for that maturity, and that a negative GOFO represents backwardation. See Gold Derivatives: GLD and Ass Backwardation (5/24/2010); Gold Derivatives: The Tide Turns (5/25/2009).Passing the argument that widely reported premiums for spot physical delivery represent a form of backwardation, figures from the LBMA have now shown a negative GOFO at the shorter maturities for almost three weeks (July 8 through July 25) due to a surge in lease rates, which still remain below more normal historical levels.

Indeed, this unusual event has attracted considerable attention even from those outside the narrow world of gold. See, e.g., J. Skoyles, Backwardation, negative GOFO and the gold price, The Real Asset Co. (July 24, 2013); M. Kentz, Gold futures hiccup indicates demand outpacing supply, Reuters (July 19, 2013); G. Williams, What If, Things that Make You Go Hmmm, Mauldin Economics (July 15, 2013).

The bottom line is that there is a very serious shortage of physical gold, and as this becomes increasingly apparent to the rest of the world, this is likely to cause a tremendous amount of instability in the financial markets in the months ahead.

For much more on this, please see the recent interview with Alasdair Macleod of that is posted below…

Right now we are also witnessing tremendous demand for physical silver as well.

For example, the U.S. Mint is going to break the all-time record for July by a very wide margin, and it is being projected that sales of Silver Eagles will likely be above 45 million for the entire year.

And remember, unlike gold, silver is used in thousands of different consumer products.  So silver is continually being used up and taken out of the overall global supply.

If silver continues to be used at the current rate, eventually the global supply would be whittled down to almost nothing.  And right now, it appears that the industrial demand for silver is rising substantially.

For instance, a recent article by David Franklin and David Baker described the massive amount of silver that is going to be required by Japan and China as they move very heavily into solar power over the next few years…

With 5.3 gigawatts of new capacity in Japan in 2013 and up to 30 gigawatts added in China over the next three years, the solar industry could potentially have a big impact in the silver market. Silver is a key component in solar panels due to its unique electrical conductive properties, with approximately 80kg of silver required to generate 1MW of electricity. According to the Silver Institute, one megawatt of solar power requires as much as 2.8 million ounces of silver. China and Japan's solar projects combined will add up to 27 gigawatts over the next three years. This capacity will require approximately 91 million ounces of silver, which means that China and Japan's new demand could consume up to 11% of global mine supply – and that's if the world produces as much silver as it did in 2012.

Silver used in solar panels cannot be recycled and therefore disappears from the world's silver stockpile. If China and Japan can follow-through with their respective solar programs, the silver market could benefit significantly. 

So what does all of this mean for you?

What it means is that while we may see wild fluctuations in the prices of gold and silver over the short-term, the long-term prognosis for both metals is absolutely fantastic.
Data and Statistics for these countries : China | India | Japan | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : China | India | Japan | All
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Please don't call it "hoarding" All these people are simply saving in real money. Why would any self-respecting intelligent person want to "hoard" paper ? You cannot save with paper by banking it, for even if you were offered 5% interest you are still going backwards when real inflation values are taken into consideration. Toilet paper is actually a better investment for it will do the job more efficiently than fiat currency.
Rate :   3  2Rating :   1
From my copy of "Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language", Portland House, 1989:
Hoarding, n. 1.The act of a person that hoards. ...
Hoard, n. 1. A supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation, future use, etc. ...

Now I'm gonna be sarcastic. Is English your second language?

It ain't what you know that gets you in trouble, it is what you KNOW that just ain't so that does. (some famous guy said something like that long before me. I have a copy of Bartlett's. An interesting pastime to pursue in the evening rather than watch TV.)
Wikipedia and all the other supposed purveyors of consensus based pseudo-knowledge are not primary sources. The opinions of 10,000 people are worthless if they don't know anything about the subject. If you can't explain it in Simplish (simple English), you don't know anything about it.

But being of sound mind and questionable common sense, I could dig out my OED. But the damn printing is so small and I'm lazy in this Alaska heatwave (34°C or 93°F for the metric system ignorant).

Ignorant, adj. 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned. ... see ignore
Ignore, v.t. 1. to refrain from noticing or recognizing.

Obviously logic would support the argument that ignorance is a choice.

You might want to read my older comments. I'm a gold and silver bug. They are not investments, but rather a solid collateral base for borrowing against in order to fund sound investments.

Might I suggest you read George S Clason, "The Richest Man in Babylon." I wrongly assumed the book and the wisdom within was common knowledge until recently. Well, you know what they say about assuming: it makes an ass of you and me. Me for sure. You? I can only evaluate my own performance. My above and recently identified assumpting crap was deeply flawed. Oh, the book is downloadable for free off the web.
"Hidden or carefully guarded for preservation..." Would suggest some kind of egoistic, self-centered, obsessive behavioural problem to many. That is how the bankster owned MSM dutifully enjoy portraying anyone interested in purchasing gold and silver. Why give them any extra ammunition by using the very same terms they employ against us ?
Thanks for the reference. Alaska is a beautiful country, you should get outside and enjoy the lovely weather whilst you can. Winter is coming.
Rate :   1  1Rating :   0
"Please don't call it "hoarding" "

"Hoarding, n. 1.The act of a person that hoards. ...
Hoard, n. 1. A supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation, future use, etc. ..."

""Hidden or carefully guarded for preservation..." "

Perhaps "hidden" is the next obvious reduction in this faulty logical process? What are you hiding?

Being wrong is not the end of the world or your life. Staying wrong is just the first step to a lifetime of always being wrong and the end of your life.

Argumentation based upon hard data and logic is the basis for a hard-core education that will stand the ages. It comes with a hard smack up against your ego. Some famous guy said something along the lines of, "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and ambition". No, no, no, that wasn't it. Okay, gonna wing it because I'm drinking home-made wine and uh, uh. I'll take what's behind door three. Things are the way they are because it worked: emphasis the past tense, worked. This does infer that it is compelling evidence of present or future tense.

Yah got guts kid. Always go to the primary source. Politicians and pundits never are.
Welcome to the club kid. This site is all about encouraging folks to think and maybe think about investing with me. Well technically speaking, I ain't selling, so me is excused. A few of the sponsors I do utilize.

I have offered and delivered a few atta-boys. Then I realized that these vendors were conning me into spending my meager monies and enriching their accounts and then I was encouraging others to spend their monies on the vendors goods while I received not doodley-squat.
Rate :   2  0Rating :   2
I think the reference was "Youth and Skill" The Germans have a better saying "Too soon old - too late smart" Unavoidable for most, unfortunately.

Being wrong is a wonderful problem. It means one adjusts and moves to a higher level of organized thought pattern, besides, I have the right to be wrong (grin). As do you...(another grin). The problem is the great big egos i see in politics. These people begin with false assumptions, incorrect ideologies and then pursue them to death - to the point that even when the horse is dead, with flies circling the corpse ( see EU ), they are still flaying the poor beast.
"Hard data and logic" Does not the observer influence the outcome of any scientific experiment ?
As for what i am hiding, I'd be happy to let you know when i find it. The inner journey would have to be the most rewarding. Does bear meat really taste as good as they claim ? Oh and, please don't call it "monies" meager or otherwise...It's currency good Sir ! :)
Rate :   2  1Rating :   1
PS Thoughts on "Freegold" ? ( Briefly )
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Having drank a glass of home-made raspberry wine, I usually would wax sarcastic.
The points:
Quoting Warren Buffet on gold.
Using the same articles we already read to tell us what already suspect.
Backwardation? Maybe, maybe just an anomaly due to rising gold and a paper market.

" So the bullion banks are still massively short of physical gold." Maybe, maybe not. It will be either delivered or defaulted and neither has happened yet.
"And remember, unlike gold, silver is used in thousands of different consumer products." You forget, gold is hoarded ergo removed from commerce. On point 2, so is salt. Salt was money.

I agree, short term we will see volatility. In the long term, let's just hope that the PTB can hold it together long enough for us to turn a profit, live large and die well.
I avoided the sarcasm because I saw it was a guest post. He is thinking so there is hope. His willingness to post infers strength of character. Take 2 salt tablets and drive on trooper.
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PS Thoughts on "Freegold" ? ( Briefly ) Read more
Cameron Waugh - 7/31/2013 at 5:58 AM GMT
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