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Of Precious Metals and Unsuccessful Parasites

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Published : August 31st, 2013
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Category : Gold and Silver

Successful parasites do not kill their hosts, yet the currently parasitic banking system seems to be unsustainable for this very reason.

Like an ineffective parasite, the huge international banks have sucked the juice from and distorted their hosts — the economy, the financial system, and even the culture — to the point of a sudden collapse potentially occurring.

The Parasitic Bankers’ Offenses

In addition to just living off their hosts, the parasitic banking cartel has committed a series of serious offences against decency, fairness and general good business ethics when it comes to treating their customers and the general public. These include:

·Quietly shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction they handled over the course of decades, stealing collectively billions of dollars from pensions worldwide.

·Committing massive and pervasive fraud both when they initiated mortgage loans and when they foreclosed on them.

·Cheating homeowners by working around laws meant to protect normal people from unfair foreclosure procedures.

·Pledging the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers. This would be like selling your car and then collecting money from ten different buyers for the same car.

·Pushing investments which they knew were terrible, and then betting against the same investments to make more money for themselves.

·Engaging in unlawful "front-running" of orders to manipulate markets and take advantage of their customers’ trust.

·Controlling the movement, inventory and supply of key monetary commodities like silver and gold.

·Manipulating currency markets and promoting the idea that intrinsically worthless paper currency, without being backed by any real asset like gold or silver, is real money.

·Fueling the rise of the trading machines, and effectively setting the financial markets up for an algorithmic or high frequency trading flash crash accident just waiting to happen.

·Engaging in unlawful "Wash Trades" to manipulate asset prices.

·Participating in various Ponzi schemes.

·Charging veterans unlawful mortgage fees.

·Cooking their books.

·Bribing and bullying rating agencies to inflate the ratings on their risky investments.

·Lobbying and bullying regulators, often revolving officials on and off their payrolls.

Why This Seems so Hard to See

For most people, understanding this situation means having to accept some very uncomfortable circumstances that they probably do not wish to see.

Imagine the movement of wealth completely on your own without the support of advisors.

The latest round of price suppression in silver, followed by the appearance of its price’s resilience, challenges even the most rational thinker and market analyst.

Yet, it is probably the illusion of rationality that is the problem when it comes to forecasting the silver market.

The Search for Financial Food

To continue feeding itself, this enabled banking parasite must compete for more and more food for survival and leverage in the form of financial assets.

As the need for ever more liquidity in the repo market grows and competes with the Fed for good quality collateral, and as many of the off exchange transactions make their way onto visible exchanges, the death knell will come and the host will yet again suffer as a flood of hyperinflationary collapse washes over it.

The few with the foresight to build arks for themselves and their families made of hard assets like silver and gold may remain financially afloat.

In the End

As the repo market — the backbone of financial market liquidity — loses its battle with the Fed for good quality collateral, the panic for final payment assets will commence

Gold will probably remonetize, not by official decree perhaps, but by the very nature of its role as a well-established and commonly accepted form of collateral.

Silver will do the same, but in a more affordable way that Everyman on the street can readily afford. Of course, silver is much cheaper now than it will be then.

For more articles like this, including thoughtful precious metals analysis beyond the mainstream propaganda and basically everything you need to know about silver short of outlandish price predictions, check out

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In addition to running a busy medical practice, Dr. Jeffrey Lewis is the editor and publisher of, where he provides practical information for precious metals investors.
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Wow, kind of harsh treatment for bankers isn't it?

I won't argue the events you have stated.
I won't argue the perceived unfairness.

What I will argue is the fiduciary responsibility of the banks is to maximize shareholder value.
What I will argue is that laws unenforced are NOT laws in fact, but rather talking points or open for negotiations. Make $20B, pay a $275M fine and don't do it again.

What I will argue is that the banks are NOT the parasites, but rather the enablers of the parasites.

Look at who really benefits from these banker actions? Government and shareholders. Among those shareholders are countless pension plans. Granted the bankers themselves make massive incomes, but they earned it by maximizing shareholder value. The shareholders bought in and risk their assets. Not so the government.

The real parasite is government. Government produces nothing, engages in redistribution schemes designed to maximize voter loyalty and carries an extreme postage/handling fee for marginal efficiency. The government is a ravenous consumer of hard-earned wealth through disproportionate taxation. The entire banking sector enables this level of managerial incompetence in the nation's governance.

Government, governance, governor. What is the root word and what does it mean? Control. And who controls the banks? Uh-huh, the government.

So get off the bank's case. The problem is a people (herd) that won't save and the same people demand that the government provides Tier 1 of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs at little to no cost to the recipient. And the government complies with the herd's demands in return for their vote next Tuesday. Our system of governance has become all about pimps and prostitutes. And I'm not sure which is which, but I tend to think they take turns.

I am somewhat consoled by the knowledge that, "If something can't go on forever, it will end." So what'cha got for trade? Commerce will go on, but not in a form most are use to. Everything will soon trade at its intrinsic value.
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Wow, kind of harsh treatment for bankers isn't it? I won't argue the events you have stated. I won't argue the perceived unfairness. What I will argue is the fiduciary responsibility of the banks is to maximize shareholder value. What I will argue is  Read more
overtheedge - 8/30/2013 at 9:33 PM GMT
Rating :  6  2
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