Profile and commentaries of Schwerpunkt
Member since October 2012
Followed by 0 memberFollows 0 member
52 commentaries, with 16 Replies
49 replies to his comments (94%)
Average Note : 76 / 100 for 50 rated commentaries  315  97 
Last commentary posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2014
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 Ron Paul
What The Media Won't Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17  (47)
Mike you state "Russian propaganda lacks credibility." Really? You mean US propaganda has credibility? You mean propaganda in general has credibility? You mean propaganda is truth ( Four months after losing a jet somewhere in the Indian ocean/south pacific Malaysian airlines has a jet shot down over the Ukraine in another mysterious event. Coincidence? I don'...
7/22/2014 at 7:28 PM  4  1  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
How to Hide Your Gold and Silver  (20)
Instead of taking a swing at someone who is clearly above your level why don't you go throw the keys to your car into the ocean, smash up all you furniture, burn whatever cash you have, and punch holes in your walls. Then you would be making a dramatic statement, letting everyone know that you object to the manipulation that takes place in all markets, not just PM's.

Thanks to posts like yours the avera...
4/3/2014 at 4:08 PM  0  2  Rating :  -2 Permalink
 Food for thought - 24hgold
An Answer to Warren Buffet on Gold  (18)
"I couldn't care less what "score" I have... but you show that you do! Thanks for the heads up."

Life experience tells us that your comment is indicative of exactly the opposite. Aren't you the fool who threw silver into a lake or ocean? You have issues which go well beyond your score on this site and I suspect the reason you get so many down arrows is that readers have a sense of how foolish you are.
4/3/2014 at 4:03 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
"Just like the stock market has hiccups I expect that nature will also have pauses (maybe) and fight back ....... but will lose the battle in the long run." In one sentence you show hope that you may actually understand what's going on and then you obliterate that hope. Stock markets and nature do indeed have hiccups, nice that you understand this much. But for nature to fight back? Really, nature is a sentient ...
1/27/2014 at 6:36 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
SW, really! How can you go using facts in a discussion on MMGW? That sort of thing is nonsense as it has no actual bearing on the discussion because it simply does not further the cause these people have! Please never bring facts or irrefutable data into a MMGW discussion again. Or are you looking to be called a "denier"?

1/16/2014 at 3:46 PM  4  1  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
In all seriousness, you have on several occasions now avoided the comments by Dr. Gray, the only person on the face of the earth who can claim to be a real climate expert and who has read everything the IPCC has published and who has been part of the flawed process the IPCC uses. You indicate that you want evidence, don't ignore it when its produced. Why will you not allow yourself to come away with some doubt a...
1/14/2014 at 4:19 AM  7  1  Rating :  6 Permalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
"ich bin ein jehmahls Berliner" Really? You sure seemed to hate on Germans, you have some sort of self-hate thing going on?

My profession, RF and software engineer. No central bank positions, or any bank positions for that matter, on my resume.

Ok big mouth, Shweinhund, wow, you really can’t argue the subject so you take on the man. Wasn't that what you accused me of? And you have the gall to s...
1/14/2014 at 12:24 AM  4  1  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
"there are only two things infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I am not sure about the universe".

Why is it that you use such quotes to target the anti MMGW crowd. This applies equally to the pro MMGW side, in fact only "stupid" people believe what the popular media or governments tell them. Thinkers will always look at all aspects of an argument before making a judgment. Gullible "stupid" p...
1/13/2014 at 11:28 PM  6  1  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
Alrighty here we go.

My company has nothing to do with energy but it is a high tech innovator. I’d sure like to see what experience you have backing yourself, what maybe a few years of college, a failed attempt at some degree, a B of arts? Your obviously not completely uneducated, just gullibile.

You won’t go ahead and bother to analyze every piece of tripe I’ve written as it’s a waste of your ...
1/12/2014 at 9:38 PM  4  1  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
"Whilst I am no expert neither are most other folk." Yet you feel free to challenge others credentials and try to influence what others might think of your challengers.

"What I do not respect is the cash for comment drones who live on websites seeking to tear down what their employers do not want." Tell you what I can’t stand, it's people who use misdirection and in fact claim that others are doing exac...
1/12/2014 at 7:38 AM  7  1  Rating :  6 Permalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
Who’s more dangerous, the person who sticks his head in the sand or the one that further disseminates lies?

Your correct, I have no alphabet soup behind my name, neither do the people on the IPCC. As for my salary, I pay myself so unlike you I am self-employed, in fact I employ others in my own company. The real question here is, are you just another one of those who are hired to cast dispersions on any...
1/12/2014 at 6:54 AM  6  1  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Global Warming Chickenlittleism  (11)
I see we have on this site another “Man Made Global Warming” champion. And as is typical of the majority of these people, this person lacks any real understanding of what so called “Man Made” global warming is all about. This individual also makes mention of the IPCC panel of experts without doing any research into the list of so called experts, they simply take it in the reputation of the UN that these were exp...
1/12/2014 at 12:11 AM  7  2  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
Vindication! “Whistleblower” Andrew MaGuire Is What I Suspected All Along  (25)
"Take your hatred somewhere else. If you don't want to listen to me that's your choice. Go listen to the used car salesmen claiming to be silver insiders. "Where was 'my hatred' in what I posted? You seem to be a very paranoid individual.

Your pretty thick in the head and here's why, I was trying to tell you that there are some of us who actually listened to you but you cut a broad swath when you insult...
10/29/2013 at 6:19 PM  6  1  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
Vindication! “Whistleblower” Andrew MaGuire Is What I Suspected All Along  (25)
"you metal heads"

Nice one Dan, you just pushed a number of us that were actually listening to you over the line. That kind of comment, a statement that takes in and insults a very broad swath of the population here, is all that was needed to have the rest of us understand that your nothing more than an egotistical asshole and one can only hope that your posts will no longer be welcome here. Sure you to...
10/27/2013 at 6:44 AM  9  3  Rating :  6 1 AnswerPermalink
 Miguel Perez-Santalla - Bullion Vault
Buying Gold as a Mouthguard
If I hold gold in my hand I own it. If I pay some vault to hold it I may have title to it but no guarantee that I can get it into my hands if and when I need it. So as nice as the people at Bullion Vault may be I'll keep the yellow stuff in my own hands.

10/24/2013 at 3:55 PM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Janet Yellen Exposed -- The Truth Behind the Myth  (11)
I wonder what those braying donkeys that were laughing at Peter have to say for themselves now? You can only hope that each one of them has been hit in the face with a bucket of their own excrement.
10/18/2013 at 10:55 PM  4  1  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Jon Matonis - The Monetary Future
Armory and the Monetization of Bitcoin Wallets  (1)
One thing that no one seems to have commented on yet (in the reading I've done so far) is that the government, if they stepped in and somehow seized the Bitcoins would be in a pickle as they would need someone to purchase this electronic money or it has no value other than to make life miserable for those who it belonged to. So I can see the DC jokers wanting to shut Bitcoin down, this is after all another compe...
10/1/2013 at 9:26 PM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Gassy Politics  (17)
Vox in da penalty box for 10 minutes, bad behavior. To bad he didn't get a suspension or even kicked out of the league.

True that part about him being a troll.
9/10/2013 at 11:28 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Indian Rupee Gold Has Now Risen To Its All-Time High  (4)
How nice of you to share your personal experiences.
8/29/2013 at 6:10 PM  4  0  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Beware: Ex Military Soldier’s Survival Plan Is “To Hit Preppers”  (4)

1 - Lousy video
2 - No one else to pat you on the shoulder for the lousy video so you gone and dun it yourself?
3 - Borrrring
8/29/2013 at 2:46 AM  4  2  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
Ok I've stayed out of this for as long as I could. Yes Jim. Lets have the admins kick out everyone who has posted insults against other commenters as well as authors. You dumb ass, you never thought this thru did you, are you ready to lose the ability to post hate against JHK, Ron Paul, and DiLorenzo because if people were tossed out for insulting others you would be long gone. Can you really stand to see them p...
8/13/2013 at 10:56 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
In the Valleys of Blog  (22)
I see that immaturity is still rampant around here. Grow up Jim C.
8/13/2013 at 6:37 PMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
In the Valleys of Blog  (22)
Sorry Jim C, but if you had a point to make you completely missed it as usual. Did you actually have a point when you started your garbage comment and then got dragged off by your hate and resorted to posting nothing of any value on the topic and rather took another shot at character assassination?
8/13/2013 at 5:11 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
Ouh hold up a sec. It appears that vox has joined the tinfoil hat bunch and is now declaring this(us) a conspiracy. I and two others are actually one. I can't wait for the movie to come out. Maybe we can get in some cameo appearances? Can we get Jack Nicholson to play Hart? You want the truth, you can't handle the truth! Shades down, deal with it.

Coffee tomorrow is going to be a hilarious 15 minutes.
7/12/2013 at 7:08 AM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
Oh great, the 24hgold wannabee cop has popped up again. Give it a rest Vox, your droll, to the point of making people nauseous. As for being someone's lap dog, I would proffer that this is what your aiming to be for OTE, you seem to be doing a lot of sucking up whenever he or she posts.

7/9/2013 at 7:56 PM  6  4  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
No Jim, your failing to accept that Lincoln wasn't the hero you wish he was is mind boggling when you consider the mountain of historical evidence that proves he was a criminal and didn't give a rats ass about slaves or their conditions. How someone who seems to be in possession of some education can continually deny that Lincoln started the war not because of slavery but because of a need to control rebellious...
7/9/2013 at 12:15 AM  8  4  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Dead Things To Memorialize  (12)
Jim, it wasn't Hart that reported your post as abuse, it was me. You posted crap and then dragged Hart into it with no justification. Then you go and report his post as abuse like some second grader. When will you grow up! If I had any control over this site all of your abusive and ignorant posts would be removed and you account closed.

You rip anyone that dares to mention something about you personally...
6/26/2013 at 7:38 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Words That Got a Congressman Deported  (16)
Well Jimbo, you've once again proven your a blathering blind idiot that uses flash and redirection when faced with facts! It must stick in your craw that so many have turned against you with the truth when all you sought was another one of your quick smear and run campaigns on DiLorenzo. And about that attacking the person instead of the subject matter thing, good advice for you considering all you've done this ...
6/25/2013 at 10:22 PM  6  2  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Marin Katusa - Casey Research
The Global Race for Shale Development Is On  (4)
Jim C, you state - "Typical mindless response from you - attacking the individual rather than the content". Jim C, when have you not done what you chastise Hart for? Really your nothing but a mindless moron trying to bad mouth those you don't like, your worse than a bunch of 13 year olds who have managed to get out of earshot of their mothers and are now going to talk like the grown ups. Hart has taken you to ta...
6/19/2013 at 8:22 PM  6  2  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Lew Rockwell
Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  (29)
Just like Jim C. Coincidence???
5/15/2013 at 4:16 PM  5  2  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Darryl Robert Schoon - Survive the Crisis
Ambush at the COMEX Corral  (9)
Vox, your always looking for details. To your 5th point, please go to and read the whole article for yourself. The US census statistics show they have been exporting gold beyond what they could possibly export for 22 years without the help of either the US treasury or the Fed. Sinister plot? Yes indeed there has been a sinister plot.

As always, I'm ...
4/19/2013 at 11:03 PM  4  2  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Darryl Robert Schoon - Survive the Crisis
Ambush at the COMEX Corral  (9)
Your first two points came across as nothing more than escaping gas and were treated that way.

First let me address your last item. It was common sense that lead to the idea that the world was round, not that not was flat. Flat earth promoters just could not accept that there was something beyond that which they could see. They did not believe beyond what they could observe, I believe you sometimes suff...
4/19/2013 at 1:58 AM  6  2  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 Darryl Robert Schoon - Survive the Crisis
Ambush at the COMEX Corral  (9)
Vox, you’ve made some pretty stupid comments before but you now crossed the line and are seemingly living in Jim C world. At first I thought you might be trying to put out some provocative thoughts to start a flow of ideas but then realized that, no this was for real.

You ask “Why has there been no interest shown in who was buying?” Well I was buying, as was everyone I know. Anyone with any common sense...
4/18/2013 at 4:36 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Lincoln Baloney  (19)
DiLorenzo isn’t the only one that doesn’t read peoples comments here. If you bothered to read more comments you would quickly realize that most here are well versed in history and have come to the determination that your view of Lincoln, Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul makes as much sense as the theory you spew about the US launching pre-emptive strikes against those nations that are bold enough to stand up against t...
2/15/2013 at 6:39 PM  8  2  Rating :  6 1 AnswerPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Freedom and Federalism  (30)
Lincoln's opposition to slavery is a huge fraud.

Lincoln was a driving force in 1861 for the compromise Corwin amendment. It was passed by Congress and two states, but was abandoned once the Civil War began. It would have explicitly prohibited congressional interference with slavery in states where it already existed. The Corwin amendment was a late attempt at reconciliation, but it also was a measure o...
2/2/2013 at 6:20 AM  10  2  Rating :  8 Permalink
 Ron Paul
On Obama's New National Security Team, Keep Your Eye on the Policy  (13)
Golly gee Mr. Jim, I sure would like to know why you keep telling people that Ron Paul is prejudiced when it comes to matters concerning Israel? Please do detail any articles that would provide direct proof of this as I have never read anything he has written that would or could cause one to think so. I suspect you are merely assuming that because he doesn't blindly defend Israel no matter what the circumstance ...
1/16/2013 at 4:07 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Some Sunny Day  (26)
Uh oh Hart. It looks like you stepped in a pile of vox kadavergehorsamkeit and now its clinging to your shoe like a doggy land mine.

And is that sewer gas I smell or the pile you stepped in?

1/8/2013 at 4:08 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Food for thought
Who will destroy the World  (17)
Your attempt to use Occam’s Razor to nullify Hart's comments holds no water. You've used this in the same way most so called scientists use it to avoid dealing with matters they cannot explain. In his book, A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking writes; "We could still imagine that there is a set of laws that determines events completely for some supernatural being, who could observe the present state of the un...
12/31/2012 at 10:09 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Food for thought
Who will destroy the World  (17)

Your sarcastic nature has caught up with you. Readers here won’t sit back and further accept your harassment. When people express how they feel about you it concerns you and you call out to the moderators yet you would have them allow your continued abuse of others.

I can’t wait to see how you will address the response Hart gave you. He was courteous throughout his whole comment. His dial...
12/31/2012 at 1:55 AM  8  2  Rating :  6 2 AnswersPermalink
 Food for thought
Who will destroy the World  (17)
It appears that Vox is in over his/her/its head, again. We'll always have people that can pour out scorn and derision but can't accept it when they themselves are deserving of it. Anytime they are challenged in kind they can only back away without further exposing their ignorance. Like any other plague or vermin, they come, an antidote is or poison discovered and administered, and the vile thing is killed or sen...
12/29/2012 at 7:39 PM  8  2  Rating :  6 Permalink
 Food for thought
Who will destroy the World  (17)
It’s a sad day when a commenter here is challenged and then has the challengers comment removed. Hart had nothing in his comment that would have crossed any lines. He merely challenged Vox, there was no malice or hatred which Vox so openly displays. It truly is a sad day for 24hgold.
12/27/2012 at 10:29 PM  8  2  Rating :  6 Permalink
 Food for thought
Who will destroy the World  (17)
Well now, the great Vox has spoken. You state "You want to bring up your religious views, well, you know what to expect and i promise, i will not be gentle.". If that doesn't make everyone’s blood run cold what could possibly do so. Arrogance is no substitute for intelligence and your long on the arrogance. While I may not share everyone’s views here I do appreciate that mine is not the only view on the world. Y...
12/24/2012 at 12:57 AM  10  3  Rating :  7 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
America the Horror Show  (27)
Ah, Atheists. Without them where would we get so much of our comedy? As always, those who are wilfully ignorant of the reason we exist enjoy bringing up Darwin’s load of crap at every opportunity but never do they mention that Mr. Darwin on his death bed admitted that he was wrong. Like global warming nutz, Atheists refuse any science that disproves their beloved "Theory" and those scientists to do are swept asi...
12/20/2012 at 12:18 AM  5  2  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
America the Horror Show  (27)
Jim C's very existence proves that human evolution is a myth. Anyone’s ancestors that are so consistently wrong would have been eliminated from the heard long ago.

12/18/2012 at 5:07 AM  8  5  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Modernity Bites  (15)
What’s amazing about the 4-6 degrees C jump in temperatures is that it's derived from data taken from weather stations that used to be in rural areas but now due to sprawl these same stations are within urban centers. Oh ya, lets not forget that they dont accept data from more than about half a dozen arctic stations unlike the 70's and 80's where they took data from around 100 arctic stations. But these things c...
12/3/2012 at 5:00 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Ron Paul 'Farewell to Congress' speech and transcript  (14)
Nice skirt around.

1) blah blah blah
2) blah blah blah
3) You know there was slavery in the north, everyone did. But Lincoln never moved to abolish it at any time prior to the war. If he did please provode links to detailed historical documents.
4)More blah blah blah
5) More of item 3, talk is cheap and action would have been proof that he was anti-slavery.
6) Nice story about buying...
11/20/2012 at 5:46 AM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Ron Paul 'Farewell to Congress' speech and transcript  (14)
Wow Jim, you've really shown us your ignorance with that comment. You may not like the guy and you may not like what he has to say but to attack him for telling the inconvenient truth and trying everything within his power to correct the mistakes of successive democratic and republican governments shows how uneducated you really are. If you don’t like the constitution and anyone who defends everything within it ...
11/15/2012 at 9:57 PM  7  3  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
The Lincoln Curse (Obama Edition)  (15)
"DiLorenzo's hero is Murray Rothbard who advocated anarchy -- no form of objective law and therefore no government whatsoever. That has never worked and never will."

Check your history Jimmy. Democracy has never worked and never will.

And as for your continued promotion of propaganda about Lincoln freeing the slaves, answer these simple questions. Why did Lincoln never abolish slavery in the no...
10/31/2012 at 3:26 AM  4  2  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Lew Rockwell
What Should Freedom Lovers Do  (14)
Stop with the glorifying of Lincoln, your regressing to your old ways. You were doing pretty good in the last few posts. Everyone knows the civil war had nothing, zero, zip to do with abolishing slavery. We get it, you like Lincoln and wish you could shake his hand, now get over it.

As for anarchy and no government, it may just have to go to that point before there is a reset. Following the constitution...
10/27/2012 at 12:32 AM  7  4  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
Russian General: “The USSR Collapsed and the Same Fate Has Been Prepared for the USA”  (36)
When have you ever written a comment that wasn’t hate filled? It’s all you do. If and when you ever have something to say about an actual article I’m sure the mere troglodytes here on 24hgold would take it as some sort of sign from above that the world really ends in 2012.
10/9/2012 at 9:42 PM  17  3  Rating :  14 Permalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
Russian General: “The USSR Collapsed and the Same Fate Has Been Prepared for the USA”  (36)
Makes you wonder if Vox is now gainfully employed in an effort to discredit anyone that would dare slam Obama.
10/5/2012 at 9:40 PM  23  5  Rating :  18 Permalink

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