Profile and commentaries of Verboten
Member since November 2012
Followed by 0 memberFollows 0 member
72 commentaries, with 21 Replies
61 replies to his comments (85%)
Average Note : 76 / 100 for 71 rated commentaries  410  128 
Last commentary posted on Thursday, April 10, 2014
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 James West - Midas Letter
Canada Fluorspar, Colossus Minerals: Proof Positive that U.S. Quantitative Easing is Undermining Can  (4)
Waffle much? When you come to a decision maybe post again. In the mean time my PM's slowly but surely go up in value. Who da thunktit? Well not you I'm sure.
4/10/2014 at 8:03 PM  4  1  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Ron Paul
Will No One Challenge Obama's Executive Orders  (21)
Obama, all hail the Führer
2/10/2014 at 5:40 PM  7  0  Rating :  7 Permalink
 Chris Powell - GATA
Silver mining company says it's helpless against market manipulation  (1)
It's easy for banks manipulate paper PM's and they even derive from them great profits, physical scares them so they'll do all they can to eliminate the threat of physical PM's by jacking around with the paper market.
12/4/2013 at 5:26 PM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Jeff Clark - Casey Research
Time for Goldbugs to Admit Defeat  (14)
You may have been defeated but please don't state that "We were defeated a while ago, now we just lick our wounds and wait for them to come finish us off." I, and many like minded individuals, know that we are a long way from being defeated and you will regret your past decisions to rid yourself of what could mean the difference between eating and dyeing hungry.
12/4/2013 at 3:37 PM  8  2  Rating :  6 1 AnswerPermalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
Vindication! “Whistleblower” Andrew MaGuire Is What I Suspected All Along  (25)
'I'm just giving you the news.'

No your not, your here because your arrogance hates being taken to task. There are many fine commentators on this site and not one of them has ever taken the action you have, attacking people that comment on your posts. They have all taken flack for things they posted, JHK is a great example of taking heat but he has been far more professional.

'I come across as...
10/29/2013 at 7:58 PM  9  1  Rating :  8 Permalink
 David Bond - Wallace Street Journal
No time for old men  (10)
While Obama is the ring leader (and the biggest jackass ever to sit in DC), none of the DC jackass's give a rats ass about things like honor and respect let alone old war vets. All that matters to them is greed and stuffing more money in their buddies pockets. You know, the guys at the big corporations that have paid for these jackass's to sit in their fancy offices and lord it over the detestable common folk. I...
10/18/2013 at 3:40 PM  5  0  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Michael S. Rozeff - Lew Rockwell
Totalitarian BO  (3)
Obama = totalitarian. This is a norm.
9/28/2013 at 5:45 AM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Gassy Politics  (17)
Bu bye
9/13/2013 at 9:34 PM  7  1  Rating :  6 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Gassy Politics  (17)
Jim, has anyone used language towards Vox that is worse than that which he has used against others? If you look back through all of the many posts where I and others have commented on him you'll see that no one has treated him as bad as he has treated others. Sure we heap abuse on him, is it deserved? If we were to use his crass manner as a reference point then yes, what he gets is deserved. Think of all the com...
9/12/2013 at 2:41 AM  9  1  Rating :  8 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Gassy Politics  (17)
Its all because of what we've been trying to tell you all along, your arrogance, foul mouth, and utter distain for others will and has got you snubbed. I for one cheer the admins on for this service to all of humanity. Did you really think that you could run roughshod on people posting here forever?
9/10/2013 at 7:33 PM  11  3  Rating :  8 1 AnswerPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
End of U.S. Imperium—Finally! Obama About to Suffer Glorious Defeat in Congress  (3)
Never mind saluting after reading the post by David Stockman, an amen was in order. Please oh please let some sanity find it's way into the White House for once.

Obama, be the change you promised not another rerun of that idiot Dubbya.
9/8/2013 at 5:19 AM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Charleston Voice
Surge of soldiers wanting to quit prompts morale concerns - Telegraph  (4)
The Union Jack on the left, the caps, and the weapons aren't a dead giveaway?
9/5/2013 at 10:20 PM  4  3  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Warmongers Unite (As They Always Do); Boehner Caves In, Backs War; McCain Caught Playing iPhone Poke  (5)
"i think we need be more concerned with regard the information we are providing to the NSA every time one of us mentions what we own, for if i am mistaken and the government decides one day to come for our gold, they will know whose door to knock on." Not long ago you told us that you didn't live in the US. If not then why the statement? Are you now backtracking, lying to us, or just generally screwed up as usu...
9/5/2013 at 1:13 AM  7  3  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 James howard Kunstler
Between a Rock and a Laugh Track  (32)
You spent who knows how much time, out of the little you have left, looking up what someone else said and when so you could get on your imaginary high horse and try to make someone else look bad?

If anyone needs to get a life its you bucko.
9/3/2013 at 11:36 PM  5  3  Rating :  2 Permalink
 James howard Kunstler
Between a Rock and a Laugh Track  (32)
Oh look, another Vox screw up. And yet another comment from Vox protecting Jim C. We know that Jim C has many logins, can it be that Jim C and company are actually extra Vox logins?

A case worth considering as we've never in all the wasted data base space Vox has logged seen anything where he tells Jim C to shut the hell up or anything similar. There are a few comments where he points out some inconsist...
9/3/2013 at 5:34 PM  6  4  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo -
Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism  (20)
"As for damning Lincoln for the enormous loss of life -- no one at the time expected the war to last for any length of time. "

Well doesn't that just absolve the war criminal Lincoln then? No one expected the war to last long enough for three quarters of a million people to die! Well lady dee da, to bad for the people who were slain, just as long as old Abe got control of the south. That's pathetic!
8/24/2013 at 8:43 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Charleston Voice
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of Federal Tyranny! - "General Sherman has silver and gold enough to s  (21)
It's all making sense now. Jim C is prejudice (dare I say bordering on racist?) against the southern folks and resents anyone that doesn't hold the same views. That being the case of course he'd post the type of things he does anytime someone exposes the atrocities committed by the criminal we know as Lincoln.
8/23/2013 at 5:06 PM  7  1  Rating :  6 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo -
Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism  (20)
Jim, seriously this is getting out of hand. How many times has this been discussed, that DiLorenzo wants to write about Lincoln and not the south with its many issues. You state, again "However, when it comes to the violations of individual rights under the southern slave system, DiLorenzo in article after article is strangely silent." Why do you chastise him for writing about Lincoln if that's what he wants to ...
8/22/2013 at 9:08 PM  8  4  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
Wait was that an attempt at humor? You failed. Where's the ok to the admins?
8/13/2013 at 10:19 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
I love you're trembling now, doing everything possible in an effort to take the focus off of you having a number of log ins and posting in support of yourself. If the admins kicked people for insulting others you would have made about 350 less posts.

And hey Hart, is Iesos one of us, there seem to be so many of us I can't recall them all. Sorry that you got dragged into this Iesos but you know what Jim ...
8/13/2013 at 10:18 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
That's the best you can throw at me? Whoa? A word used by many for many reasons. You missed your calling inspector. Um.. but where is the ok to the admins I asked for below? Lets put this to an end, allow the admins to determine who is who and who isn't who. Your not afraid are you Jim C?
8/13/2013 at 9:19 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
Hey Jim, why don't you post here giving the admins the ok to tell me if Jim C, Lovetochat, and FreedomFirst are one and the same. Come on now, what have you got to hide? Show us how brave and honest you are. Then also give me permission to post the answer here so everyone will be able to tell who the real jackass is.
8/13/2013 at 9:12 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
Whoa, hang on now, should I call you Jim C or FreedomFirst, I saw the post you made when you were still logged in as FreedomFirst and wish I would have posted a comment fast enough so that you couldn't delete it, ah well lets stick with Jim, its shorter, you seem to completely forget Jim why you take so much abuse. Let me refresh your memory, it's because you can't rationally discuss the subject so you resort to...
8/13/2013 at 9:01 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
Hey Jim C, keep hitting that Report Abuse link. Just keep right on working towards you either being kicked off the site or simply having your privileges being taken away. Keep it up... go on hit that link.... you know you wanna.
8/13/2013 at 8:38 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Ron Paul
Why Are We At War in Yemen  (29)
Hats off to Jim C and Vox, few times have I seen such jackass's stalking a forum. You guys go about berating those who put their ideas out there while never ever mustering the same amount of bravery yet you whine and snivel every time you come under fire for making stupid posts or using vulgar language. If you have such a hate for JHK and Ron Paul go start or and keep your trash off...
8/13/2013 at 8:25 PM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 History of Silver
August 8, 1893 : The Repeal of the Silver Act  (9)
"Not that i'm saying that any of you are full blown schizophrenics, but if you gave the article 5 stars and me a down arrow, you just might want to get yourself checked out anyway; you know, just to be on the safe side. "

Nothing arrogant or presumptuous there. No superiority complex manifesting itself in that remark. It always makes me wonder how poor Vox can stand to live with 7 billion people who are...
8/11/2013 at 7:40 PM  6  1  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
LMAO. I have to comment on this lunacy because this is just to good to ignore. Vox in your last post you used "softwear" instead of software several times. So then, who the hell are you to criticize anyone on the way they spell or the grammar they use?

With no disrespect intended to Darenkash. Darenkash is not of Germanic decent, please do point out where you got this information since several internet...
7/12/2013 at 6:41 AM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
“Should you or anyone else wish to respond in defence of Hart, you will have to point to at least 1 example where the 3 i accuse of really being 1 have differed from each other on anything if you want to be taken seriously.”

Hold on now princess. Your laying the charge, the burden of proof is upon you. If you have nothing other than your speculation and opinion you have no case.

By the way, you...
7/12/2013 at 5:11 AM  7  3  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
I forgot to ad one item. If you don't like how the site is run, who's material they run, or what adds they run, then shut up, put your money where your rather cavernous mouth seems to be and buy the site so you can admin it yourself.
7/9/2013 at 10:45 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
Hey Vox, stop your jackass yipping. I am not nor will I be Hart's lapdog. Simply because I may agree with Hart on the useless amount of data base space that Jim C occupies does not make me Hart's lapdog. Nor does my challenging you make me anyone's lapdog. You are just as guilty as Jim C when it comes to derailing threads and personal attacks so shut your yap already.
7/9/2013 at 6:40 PM  6  4  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
It's been tried, this troll (Jim C) is like a bad stink and just won't go away.
7/9/2013 at 4:43 PM  7  3  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Jesse - Le Café Américain
Stand and Deliver: How Germany Disrupted the World's Gold Market  (15)
Cast the bait, jiggle the line a little, and look, Vox bites.

Directly from you post on 12/31/2012, "Receiving the sort of attention i got back then with newspaper and magazine reporters and television news crews parked outside my door for 5 weeks, to say nothing of receiving death threats from law enforcement, was more than enough to cause me to want to be unremarkable."

I can't think of what ...
7/8/2013 at 5:27 PM  4  0  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Jesse - Le Café Américain
Stand and Deliver: How Germany Disrupted the World's Gold Market  (15)
Vox, you may use British spelling, so does anyone from Australia, New Zealand, and Canada for the most part not to mention at least half a dozen other countries, but this whole thing about you not residing in the US is a just another red herring. You were the one in a post quite some time ago who stated you lived in the US, had the FBI knocking on your door as I recall, for being some sort of a whistle blower. S...
7/7/2013 at 7:22 AM  6  0  Rating :  6 1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
We Are the Pea  (23)
Whoa Nelly. Looky here, Jim C is once again accusing someone of exactly the one thing he does in every post me makes, trashing the person instead of the topic. Nice one Jim, once again you show how incapable you are of reading and internalizing the post.

All you do is denigrate others and scream bloody murder when someone else does it, how hypocritical, how liberal of you. Proof again that your nothing...
7/2/2013 at 5:52 AM  6  4  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Want To Understand Lincoln  (15)
Tommy's posts are great, the problem is that Jim C is an idiot. Let him get pissed off, the more the better I say. It's time Jim got over this love affair he has with Lincoln. It's time he stopped trying to obscure the truth.

6/27/2013 at 9:36 PM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Neocons Are Unhinged  (14)
How does attacking someone who breaks laws become and attack on moral authority and objective law? Where does your moral compass point in regards to the innocent people that were killed in the illegal war started by Lincoln? Or are the only people you consider innocent the slaves that Lincoln supposedly fought to free? What about the children that were murdered by his troops? The women that were raped by the sam...
6/26/2013 at 10:41 PM  5  2  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Dead Things To Memorialize  (12)
Looks like Jim C is up to his childish antics again. Someone reports his post as being abusive (which it was) and he goes after Hart.

Careful Hart you have stirred the beast in Jim C and he wont take lightly his ignorance being challenged.

To the site admins, please have a chat with Jim C and relate to him that these forums are for discussion purposes, not the promotion of personal agendas and ...
6/26/2013 at 7:32 PM  6  1  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Words That Got a Congressman Deported  (16)
Jim C. Our man from another planet. Lincoln was every as bit the war monger and criminal as the jackass's in the Whitehouse these last few terms and you speak evil of them but pronounce Lincoln to be a hero. Are you daft or being paid to re-write history?

Hart, best to give it up as Jim is beyond reasoning. Like many others he has chosen to selectively pull from history that which fits his twisted reali...
6/25/2013 at 7:09 PM  5  3  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Hugo Salinas Price -
Copernicus, Galileo and Gold. Part II  (19)
I agree. Vox states "But like anything with considerable intrinsic value, gold makes for piss-poor money". Piss poor money? He likes to think his opinion is worth more than 6000 years worth of other peoples opinions. Arrogance to the max.
6/19/2013 at 8:37 PM  4  0  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Marin Katusa - Casey Research
The Global Race for Shale Development Is On  (4)
Whoa Jimmy C. You must have wireless interwebs in that thar trailer you have parked in the Wlamart parking lot. It's a shame you waste it on shooting others for your crimes instead of using it for something useful like, say educating yourself.

Hart has a point, Mr. Katusa could learn a lot about looking respectable and using looks to establish credibility instead of looking like a punk.
6/19/2013 at 7:53 PM  7  3  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Hugo Salinas Price -
Copernicus, Galileo and Gold. Part II  (19)
I read your posts here, no indication of an answer to the challenge I gave you exists.

Just to be clear, here's what I asked you - "But I am interested in what you believe would be more suited to being used as money and why you hold this belief?"

Please back it up within the constraints you would want to see someone else would be confined to, as posted earlier "with irrefutable facts but do no...
6/18/2013 at 9:33 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 Hugo Salinas Price -
Copernicus, Galileo and Gold. Part II  (19)
Actually I did answer your question. But I am interested in what you believe would be more suited to being used as money and why you hold this belief? Was I looking for an apology, did I ask for one? Not at all as I know full well that in your mind you possess all that is need to run the universe so when a mere pond dweller like myself questions you I know that there is no hope for any kind of consideration on y...
6/18/2013 at 4:52 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 Hugo Salinas Price -
Copernicus, Galileo and Gold. Part II  (19)
"Think i'm crazy? Then answer the question: why has every attempt to use gold to represent money ended in failure?"

Let me ask you this instead, why has everything man has ever used as money ended in failure? You know the answer as does everyone frequenting this forum. Gold more than any other substance has been associated with 'money' in the human psyche for thousands of years and it will remain so for...
6/18/2013 at 3:26 PM  5  0  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Dead Things To Memorialize  (12)
More blah blah blah fromm Jim, gee I'm surprised. Here's an idea Jim, why don't you go devote your life to rewriting history and make it look like Lincoln was a good guy while in fact he hated black people and kept slavery alive in the north where he could have stopped it PRIOR to the war. Why did he never get his in-laws to release their slaves? Why did he wait a year till after the war, when he had to make a s...
5/27/2013 at 10:51 PM  5  4  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Lew Rockwell
Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  (29)
BDB - not sure if stupid or troll but likes the sound of his own bark while trying to catch his tail.
5/15/2013 at 4:04 PM  4  2  Rating :  2 1 AnswerPermalink
 Lew Rockwell
Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  (29)
You seek to find details but you miss the obvious.

Anti-American crusade? You really do miss the obvious, such as my attempt to open your eyes so that we might be saved from more of the same from DC.

You've still skirted the point of providing evidence of WMD being found in Iraq. You have negated any validity that you might have had by not presenting proof of your claim, a very serious claim th...
5/8/2013 at 12:08 AM  6  3  Rating :  3 2 AnswersPermalink
 Lew Rockwell
Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  (29)
Using Poland in your example shows a weak understanding of the reasoning behind your foreign policy. The US government will do anything it can to encircle Russia and Poland is a perfect example of that. It’s no secret to anyone here that the psychopaths in DC want to rule the world. To that end they have and will continue to do anything and everything to first of all try to alienate Russia, and China, and then b...
5/7/2013 at 7:28 PM  8  2  Rating :  6 1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
The Deep End of the Risk Pool  (19)
Jim C really needs to shut the hell up. Here he is slamming Kunstler again for having voted for Obama when the only other choice was McCain. Then in another post in this forum located at he states "I too admired Paul for his free enterprise economic stances, and...
5/7/2013 at 6:30 PM  6  3  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Lew Rockwell
Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  (29)
You state "Do the math. There is an ideological war being waged against the US that we never volunteered to participate in, but it was going on for decades before it manifested itself in the COWARDLY acts of 9/11." You served 5 combat tours, as what a latrine digger? Anyone with combat experience and certainly anyone with ambitions to advance above private is well aware of why the US has become the target of so ...
5/7/2013 at 1:08 AM  7  4  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
Waiting For Confirmation–  (5)
"The sharing of ideas is what makes us all wiser." In general this is true but if any reader wants to stay wiser avoid anything that Dontrose tells you.

4/30/2013 at 4:54 AM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Peter Souleles
The Fate Of Fiat  (9)
Some (uhhum arrogant cough uhh cough) people get hung up on specifics, miss the point, and would rather try to make someone look stupid to make themselves feel better. I noticed the bad math but understood what was being stated as I'm sure hundreds of others did.
4/23/2013 at 8:05 PM  5  0  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Darryl Robert Schoon - Survive the Crisis
Ambush at the COMEX Corral  (9)
vox kadavergehorsamkeit is guilty of many things, but most notably arrogance which has him believing even the very successful are wrong. After many comments in this forum alone he still hasn’t gleaned anything that would cause most people to step back and rethink their positions. This is often a symptom of possessing more education than the individual is capable of processing. Call it grey cell overload.
4/19/2013 at 3:22 PM  4  2  Rating :  2 1 AnswerPermalink
 Alf Field
Gold Confidence Shaken  (6)
The first possible reaction Jim C chooses to express how we humans should react has us moving the family into a cave. Where oh where is the technology that will save us from this condition? I would expect Jim to move into a Walmart, the place that most closely resembles nirvana for him. Heck, you could make one very defensive circle by rounding the beat up Buicks and Ford F150’s in the parking lot Jim C loves so...
4/16/2013 at 6:48 PM  5  3  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
Peter Schiff Crying Sour Grapes Over The Goldman Sachs Gold Call  (30)
Its been said before and it needs saying again, Dontrose is an idiot. He appears better suited to flip burgers than have anything to do with PM's or economics.

He also needs to get over this envy he has of Schiff.

Let it go Dan, your not as smart as Schiff and never will be.

4/16/2013 at 3:14 PM  8  1  Rating :  7 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Homeschooling: The Future of Liberty  (20)
In a comment below vox asks what this subject has to do with precious metals, well it has everything to do with PM’s. Recently a school fired a teacher for handing out 0 (zero) grades to students that didn’t complete or hand in assignments. The principle of the school was adamant that every student must get a grade (his comments just reeked of liberalism), no zero’s, even if they didn’t hand in so much as the fi...
4/11/2013 at 4:05 PM  4  0  Rating :  4 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Things went awry  (19)
Jim C is too much! It doesn’t matter what Kunstler writes, whether it be pro or against technology Jim can’t help himself, he will always find something to bitch about. It makes you wonder if he suffers from some form of illness, is really more than one person (or a mental illness that makes him appear to be more than one individual), or is just filled with hate. Kunstler gives us a breakdown of what happened to...
3/19/2013 at 2:18 PM  5  0  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Freedom and Federalism  (30)
When watching cartoons simply isn’t enough anymore, some people prefer to live in a parallel universe (in their minds) where they can make up history to suit their way of thinking and escape for, a time at least, from reality. This holds true for all in the 'Lincoln saved the slaves' crowd.

Nuff said
2/2/2013 at 6:50 AM  9  3  Rating :  6 Permalink
 Charleston Voice
God, The Devil, and Legal Tender
You really suck at this berating another forum member thing for having a little fun and you seem to be deflecting your own circumstance's upon others.

So we're clear:
• I own both gold and silver though not as much as I'd like, thought about buying platinum but doesn't feel right.
• I've owned a number of vehicles over the last 40 odd years of driving.
• My wife of 26 years and I have owned...
1/23/2013 at 4:17 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
 Charleston Voice
God, The Devil, and Legal Tender
What, we can't have a little fun in an otherwise useless article?

Good greif man, Jim at least has a sense of humor!
1/23/2013 at 5:32 AM  5  3  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Charleston Voice
God, The Devil, and Legal Tender
I would have expected this to bring Jim C crashing out of the wood work spitting fire in defense of Lincoln.
1/22/2013 at 5:31 AM  5  2  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Ron Paul
On Obama's New National Security Team, Keep Your Eye on the Policy  (13)
The problem with Jim C is that he sees himself as some sort of intellectual discussion starter, always taking a slant that's slightly askew from the truth. In this forum it’s a total waste as there are a broad spectrum of personal views already with most people showing a far greater intellect than he does. Anyone with half a brain can see that the whole Iran nuclear bomb issue is a made up fantasy by those who w...
1/15/2013 at 7:42 PM  11  3  Rating :  8 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
America the Horror Show  (27)
I didnt really think so but you do make me wonder sometimes.

I can easily answer your questions about knowing which end of rake is the business end and having what it takes to get myself and my family over the hump and well beyond it. Tools (hand tools, I know a lot of people have no idea what that means) are at hand and skills are there and are being taught to the kids and family. When things do fall a...
1/7/2013 at 11:24 PM  5  1  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 Food for thought
Who will destroy the World  (17)
Hey Vox, stop being a dolt and respond to Hart. I'm looking forward to this exchange. And while you’re at it, lose the superior being attitude. I find no observable evidence in your posts that would make me believe that you've learned anything in life other than how to bring about rectal discomfort in anyone reading your posts.

Refusing to comment and allowing others to see you stifled, where would that...
12/28/2012 at 2:54 PM  7  1  Rating :  6 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
America the Horror Show  (27)
About the only people who think that less technology would lead to scraping in the mud and living in diseased squalor are those that are destined to lose the most if technology crashes and burns. They wouldn't have the skills required to plant a seed or know which end of a rake is the business end.

It's odd that J post's so many comments defending Jim C. Jim C... J is there a difference? I think not.
12/19/2012 at 11:47 PM  7  3  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
America the Horror Show  (27)
Well right on cue, when JHK posts an article Jimmy C pukes out another episode of Jimmy's World. Jimmy C has provided yet another look into the dark place that is his mind. In his world technology has saved the humble masses known as humans. Without technology we would be living like cavemen, we wouldn't be able to drive 20 miles to a big box store that has hauled stuff in from around the world and in doing so h...
12/18/2012 at 3:48 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Mish Shedlock Exposed  (22)
So your condoning the way people were misled and lied to. Interesting considering you then bring up the whole keeping your mouth shut thing. It would appear you've had this thrown in your face a few times.

Best you take the advice yourself, now you not only look like a fool but also someone who is not above deception. How un-ethical!

12/13/2012 at 5:45 AM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Expanding Covert Warfare Makes Us Less Safe  (16)
If only Jim C would have half the experience and intelligence that Ron Paul possesses we may very well see something very different coming from him.

Ron Paul has credibility well beyond your means Jim.
He has never wavered from his efforts to serve his country and to keep the truth from being buried.
He has credibility because he has seen details of what's happened in the last few years that ...
12/11/2012 at 10:06 PM  9  1  Rating :  8 Permalink
 Ron Paul
How to End the Tragedy in Gaza  (24)
Keeping the record straight, I think you'll find that the Romans can be held up as the executioner of Jesus but the Jews, led on by the Pharisees, were the ones who handed Jesus over to be executed. After Pontius Pilot could not find Jesus guilty of any crimes the Jews kept pushing to have Jesus executed, Pontius gave in to the Jews demands and hence through their actions the Jews killed Jesus. They may not have...
11/28/2012 at 11:12 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 Permalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Patriotic Millionaires Unmasked  (6)
Sorry Vox, in your comment you’ve swung too far, now your defending the government. Governments are in no way better than corporations. They are mindless bureaucratic institutions with only one objective, to keep existing no matter what the cost. They waste that which they have been entrusted to them to be good stewards of. Yes they build a dam here and there but they also build hundreds of military bases all ov...
11/21/2012 at 4:32 PM  4  0  Rating :  4 1 AnswerPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Lincoln’s Greatest Failure (Or, How a Real Statesman Would Have Ended Slavery  (21)
I've been watching you and the others going back and forth on the matter of whether or not Lincoln went to war over slavery or control and I must say Jim, your repeated attempts to rewrite history amuses me. Long before a shot, resulting in no injury by the way, was fired the north was waging a war for control of the south, any mid school student with an interest on the topic will have already discovered this, w...
11/20/2012 at 6:49 PM  5  2  Rating :  3 Permalink

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