Profile and commentaries of John O.
John O
Member since December 2009
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12 commentaries, with 4 Replies
3 replies to his comments (25%)
Average Note : 64 / 100 for 6 rated commentaries  9  5 
Last commentary posted on Saturday, May 21, 2011
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Who paid for the Civil War   (18)
Mark H,

So, Lincoln "preserved the Union", but your entire response begs the question, "of what"?

You will recall that the Union was a constitutional union of STATES. Why did Lincoln feel it necessary to force an unconstitutional union, a union by conquest? There was no preservation here, because the Union that emerged out of the other end of the Civil War differed in a way that set the tone f...
5/21/2011 at 1:20 PM  4  5  Rating :  -1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Ron Paul
How Much Freedom Do We Have If We Can’t Even Drink Unpasteurized Milk  (11)

Your post here may be the most frightening thing I have ever read on the internet. I am not entirely sure why it frightens me so much, but I think that it reflects a kind of Orwellian obtuseness that I would only expect from one of Ayn Rand's caricatures. I am trying to imagine what things you might agree with Ron Paul on if his position on the freedom to drink unpasteurized milk (!) leaves ...
5/19/2011 at 6:36 AMPermalink
 Theodore Butler - Butler Research
First Fear, then Anger  (2)
Last week was not fun. I switched out of silver and equities and into oil mostly as well as a little gold at the end of April and got drubbed by the commodity implosion. I sold silver at $48.20, as it was clear to me that silver was technically set for a reversal, but got walloped in oil.

I don't like the way the rules are constantly changed without any clear mechanism or predictability, the CME's tempo...
5/10/2011 at 6:41 AMPermalink
 Ron Paul
Ron Paul: End the Libyan War!  (8)
Congressman Paul,

I cannot tell you how much this issue burns me up. The only thing that has infuriated me to a comparable degree in the last decade is Obamacare, stripping natural-born citizens suspected of terrorism of their citizenship without due process, and the 9/11 attacks by al-Qaida.

When I see the quotes made by Senator Obama and, better yet, the emphatic and unrestrained threats mad...
4/1/2011 at 4:56 PMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Jared got a gun  (7)
Jim C.:

I am saying that a society that no longer thinks pursuit of such truth as central to a meaningful existence is beyond salvation. The paradox is that a society that believes no definite conclusions can be made about ultimate truth is correct. And yet, as you point out, this is itself a declaration of an ultimate truth that denies ultimate truth. This is the Platonic paradox. We cannot find refuge...
1/17/2011 at 1:56 PMPermalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Silver: From $30/oz to over $500 by 2020  (3)
"...a major price spike can happen at any time."

So could a collapse.
1/15/2011 at 6:01 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Jeff Clark - Casey Research
How High Will Gold Go in 2011  (1)
I have sold all my gold and virtually all of my silver. I probably won't buy back in until the summer or fall. Stocks are the place to be until then. That's my two ounces anyway.
1/15/2011 at 5:57 PMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Jared got a gun  (7)
Jim C:

I'm going to have to disagree with you again, I'm afraid. Although I agree that Boehner's crying, as it relates to the shooting rampage, is a bit irrelevant, the article on the whole is pretty spot on.

Culture matters, and ours is collapsing. I think that it is not outrageous to postulate that the symptoms of that collapse would first make themselves felt in males.

Kunstler cer...
1/15/2011 at 5:46 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Thorsten Polleit
The Faults of Fractional-Reserve Banking
"Austrians therefore argue for privatizing money production, shutting down central banks, and letting the market decide what kind of money people want to use. Government wouldn't have to play any active role in the workings of a free-market monetary system."

Isn't the nature of fractional-reserve banking an open secret? There is no conspiracy in any relevant sense of the term, and so I wonder how it ca...
1/6/2011 at 7:21 PMPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
The Latest New York Times Nonsense About Lincoln  (6)
Jim C,

I respect your position and your civility.

In regards to your argument, the preamble states "in order to" achieve a number of goods, some of which are vague, the Founders established the Constitution. That does not mean, as you seem to be suggesting, that any actions that are claimed to be in furtherance of those objectives are constitutional. The Constitution gave the people of the stat...
12/30/2010 at 3:30 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
The Latest New York Times Nonsense About Lincoln  (6)
Constitutionally, I think you and Lincoln are on very weak ground. First, I think you are reading your own definitions or at least current definitions into these documents and that you are attempting to transform preambles into laws.

If the union established by the Articles had been "perpetual" in the way that you imply, how is it that some states of that original union broke free to form a new union un...
12/25/2010 at 9:56 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
The Latest New York Times Nonsense About Lincoln  (6)
Jim C,

Everything about your passion for racial equality is admirable except for the passion, because it has blinded you to a simple fact, that there was at best a muddled distribution of sovereignty under the federal pact, but certainly no mechanism to prevent states from leaving the union, no matter what the cause. If you believe that "Jefferson's" Declaration of Independence--the one signed by slave...
12/21/2010 at 1:05 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink

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