Articles related to Barack Obama
James Howard Kunstler
  Hunting for Golem
As another president once remarked in a different context — LBJ speaking to a hanger full of grunts in Vietnam — “go on out there, boys, and nail that coonskin to the wall!” That was around the time the war was looking like a lost cause, with 1000 soldiers a month coming home in a box and even the Rotarians of Keokuk, Iowa, starting to doubt the official story of what exactly we thought we were doing over there. It was also, argua
Monday, January 14, 2019
James Howard Kunstler
  Swamp Thang 
 Chuck and Nancy coming onto the TV audience as “Mommy and Daddy” Tuesday night was a nice gag, putting the “nanny” into the Nanny State, which is getting more and more like the Tranny State — the Deep State in drag. Will the supply of “undocumented” nannies be cut off to the Creative Classniks of Brooklyn and Pacific Heights? That is the question. Not this silly-ass debate over The Wall. Who is going to watch the kids while we’re
Friday, January 11, 2019
James Howard Kunstler
  And Now the Schiff Memo 
The excruciating quandary President Trump presents to the nation is dragging the sad remnant of the thinking class ever-deeper into a netherworld of desperation, paranoia, and mendacity that may exceed even their own official fantasies about the enemy in the White House. Everything about the lumbering, blundering occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue drives his Dem/Prog opponents — or #Resistance, if you will — plumb batshit: his previous incarnations as a shady NYC real estate schmeikler, as a T
Monday, February 26, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
  Thirteen Russians ands a Ham Sandwich 
Remember that one from 1996? Funny, that was the American mainstream media bragging, after the fact, about our own meddling in another nation’s election. WASHINGTON — A team of American political strategists who helped [California] Gov. Pete Wilson with his abortive presidential bid earlier this year said this week that they served as Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin’s secret campaign weapon in his comeback win over a Communist challenge. —The Los Angeles Times, July 9, 1996 The beauty in Rob
Monday, February 19, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
  Stormy Weather 
For those of us who are not admirers of President Trump, it’s even more painful to see the Democratic opposition descend into the stupendous dishonesty of the Russian Collusion story. When the intelligentsia of the nation looses its ability to think — when it becomes a dis-intelligentsia — then there are no stewards of reality left. Trump is crazy enough, but the “resistance” is dragging the country into dangerous madness. It’s hard not to be impressed by the evidence in the public record that t
Monday, January 29, 2018
Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Resurgent US oil industry priming the economic pump
Crude oil prices dropped from $110 a barrel in the summer of 2014 to about $30 in January 2016. The effect on oil producers and oil-producing countries was dramatic. The Russian ruble plunged, and the Canadian dollar slipped to below 70 cents US for the first time since 2003, kicking the country into recession and snuffing out the oil boom in Alberta. Many foreign companies operating in the high-cost Canadian oil sands pulled up stakes. One of the hardest hit countries was Venezuela, whose petr
Friday, January 26, 2018
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Government Shutdown Starts Today: Popcorn Rating, Zero
Ho hum. Another meaningless government shutdown started today. A government shutdown starts today. The final tally on a stopgap budget motion at 1:30 AM this morning was 50-49 against. 60 votes were needed to end the debate Five Republican Senators, Jeff Flake, AZ; Lindsey Graham, SC; Mike Lee, UT; and Rand Paul, KY, joined 44 Democrats voting no. Five Democrats voted in favor of the budget. Meaningless Political Sideshow Nothing will come of this even though ABC News proclaims GOP, Dems Show No
Sunday, January 21, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
  Fairy Tale 
Am I imagining that Oprah Winfrey launched her presidential campaign last night at the Golden Globes Awards? Well, why not? Unlike the Golden Golem of Greatness, skulking fiery and furious in his lonesome White House tweet chamber, Americans of all identity persuasions love Oprah. Unlike the president, who attained “stable [for now] genius” status without ever reading a book, Oprah displays real curiosity about this vexing and wondrous world, and an eagerness to engage with it. Unlike the maestr
Monday, January 8, 2018
Nelson Hultberg -
  Donald Trump – Modern Day Walpole 
“Hatred of Walpole was almost the only feeling which was common to them. On this one point they concentrated their whole strength. With gross ignorance, or gross dishonesty, they represented the Minister as the main grievance of the state. His dismissal, his punishment, would prove the certain cure for all the evils which the nation suffered. What was to be done after his fall, how misgovernment was to be prevented in the future, were questions to which there were as many answers as there were n
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
Thomas Frank Interviews 7 and 8 with Paul Jay on the Real News Network
Here is the two part continuation of the interviews on the Real News Network between Paul Jay and Thomas Frank. Frank has the Clintons nailed, and continues to reiterate the high points of how they led the Democratic Party into an historic betrayal of their base, the working people.  For money and power. However, he is far, far too kind, almost to the point of what can be called a willful bias, to Barack Obama. I am sorry, but can it be more obvious that Obama was a bait-and-switch brand for
Friday, December 29, 2017
Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What I Learned at the Racial Justice indoctrination Camp 
Several months ago the president of Loyola University Maryland, Brian Linnane, announced to the faculty that he had been thinking a lot about the Baltimore riots that took place two years earlier.  (The riots, you may recall, were a response to the death of a local black drug gangster while in a police van after he had been arrested.  All of the police involved, most of whom were black, were eventually acquitted at trial.  The rioters looted the CVS pharmacies in town, emptying them of oxycodone
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Chris Martenson
Are You Infuriated Yet
More and more, I'm encountering people who are simply infuriated with how our "leaders" are running (or to put it more accurately, ruining) things right now. And I share that fury. It’s perfectly normal human response to be infuriated when an outside agent hurts you, especially if the pain seems unnecessary, illogical or random. Imagine if your neighbor enjoyed setting off loud explosives at all hours of the day and night. Or if he had a habit of tailgating and brake-checking you every time he s
Monday, October 23, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Art Of The Deal Coauthor Says Trump Will Resign By End Of The Year: “Presidency Is Effectively Over… The Circle Is Closing At Blinding Speed”
Tony Schwartz, the man who co-authored Art of the Deal with Donald Trump in 1987, now says that the President will likely resign before the end of the year. In a series of Tweets earlier this week Schwartz showed his disdain for the President and echoed the sentiments of top Democrats who have claimed that Trump will either be impeached or voluntarily step away from the Presidency: I said some time ago I wasn’t going to tweet about Trump anymore. He hadn’t yet raised the stakes to the point of
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
“You’re Fired” Trump’s Amazing Presidential Track Record
Before becoming president, Donald Trump had a very popular television program whose main appeal was the popular phrase “You’re Fired!” As president, Trump set an amazing record setting pace of firing top level officials or having them leave just before being fired. Clearly, Trump knows how to fire. He also knows how to provoke officials to resign. Let’s recap. Please consider Casualties of the Trump Administration So Far Reince Priebus, the former White House chief-of-staff, resigned just six
Monday, July 31, 2017
Chris Powell - GATA
Controversial Alaskan gold mine could be revived under Trump's EPA
The Trump administration has taken a key step toward paving the way for a controversial gold, copper, and molybdenum mine in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed, marking a sharp reversal from President Barack Obama's opposition to the project. The Environmental Protection Agency today proposed withdrawing its 2014 determination barring any large-scale mine in the area because it would imperil the region's valuable sockeye salmon fishery. The agency said it would accept public comments on the proposal
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
The Technicolor Swan 
When I think of the Democratic Party these days, the image instantly comes to mind of little Linda Blair playing the demon-possessed child in the classic horror movie, The Exorcist (1973), most particularly the scene in which she spews a stream of pea soup-like projectile vomit into the face of kindly old Max von Sydow, as Father Merrin, the priest come to rescue her. The pea soup represents the sort of ideology that the Democratic Party has spewed out in recent years — a toxic mush of racial id
Monday, June 26, 2017
Mark O'Byrne -
Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Central Banks “Stock Up” on Gold “Amid Uncertainty”
Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Central Banks “Stock Up” on Gold “Amid Uncertainty” By Attracta Mooney Financial Times, London Sunday, June 11, 2017 The gold reserves of the world’s biggest public sector investors reached an 18-year high as they hoarded the precious metal after Donald Trump’s election and the Brexit vote added to geopolitical uncertainty. State investors increased their net gold holdings by 377 tonnes to an estimated 31,000 tonnes last year — the highest level since 1
Monday, June 12, 2017
Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
The Trump Train-Wreck
Interested in precious metals investing or storage? Contact usHERE The Trump Train-Wreck Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL) Is Donald Trump the least-intelligent President in the history of the United States? We will never know, since U.S. presidents don’t have to pass I.Q. tests – they just have to win popularity contests. Of course the word “win” requires an asterisk. In the United States Two-Party Dictatorship, presidents aren’t elected, they are chosen. They are chosen
Monday, June 5, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
3 Growth Really!
In Trump Plans to Slash Spending by $3.6 Trillion, Increase Military Spending, Balance the Budget in 10 Years I gave my three primary reasons 3% growth will be extremely difficult to achieve. Greg Ip, my favorite Wall Steet Journal commentator, also provides a set of reasons why Trump’s 3% Growth Target Looks Out of Reach. Mr. Trump—moving in the opposite direction of President Barack Obama —promises lower taxes and less regulation, which should increase business investment and thus worker prod
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
  Aetna Abandons Obamacare Totally: See You In September
Bye bye, so long farewell, Aetna fully exits Obamacare exchanges with pull-out in two states Health insurer Aetna Inc said on Wednesday it will exit the 2018 Obamacare individual insurance market in Delaware and Nebraska – the two remaining states where it offered the plans. Aetna had already said it would exit the individual commercial market in Virginia and Iowa, after pulling out of several other states last year. Aetna has now “completely exited the exchanges,” the company said in an emaile
Thursday, May 11, 2017

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