Articles related to Vietnam
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
  America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks
"Let me issue and control a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty) Many prominent Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson have argued and fought against the central banking polices used throughout Europe. A note issued by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Note, is bank currency. These notes are given to the government in exchange for an interest-bearing g
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
  First Hand Account - How Gold Jewelry Can Save Your Life 
In 1981, a 10-year-old Vietnamese girl, her parents and nine brothers and sisters began preparing for a perilous journey, a journey they knew they might not survive. Since the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War in April 1975, life had been hard for the little girl’s family. The Communist government of North Vietnam inherited a country deeply divided, devastated by war, and on the verge of economic collapse. In an attempt to unify the country, the government instituted a centrally p
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Mickey Fulp - Mercenary Geologist
The Never-Ending Wars of the United States of America
A Monday Morning Musing from Mickey the Mercenary Geologist"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefi
Monday, November 23, 2020
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
God, Gold and Guns
We’ve been looking into One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter. October 2, 2017: One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter October 14, 2017: One Nation Under Gold #2: The Silliness of the Bretton Woods Years Now, we will follow Ledbetter’s account of the end of Bretton Woods in 1971, up to the present. The account of the 1971 devaluation was, following the pattern of this book, long on details but short on insight. It seemed to people at the time that they “had no choice,” that
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Lew Rockwell
  The Truth About War and the State 
Not long ago I was thinking about the legacy of Murray N. Rothbard, the brilliant scholar and the creator of the libertarian movement, as well as a dear friend to both Ron and me. Would that movement have come into existence without Murray? I don’t think so. And whatever might have developed in its place would undoubtedly have been less pro-peace, and more willing to reach an accord with the warfare st
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Hyperinflation - USA Gold
  The Nightmare German Inflation 
Hey, Mr. Chairman, in case you haven't noticed, the Federal Reserve already has a goodly supply of oxen! My father was fond of relating a story about a professor lecturing on geography. A short fellow, he was extolling the agriculture of Switzerland. "In our country oxen are not even as tall as I am. In some countries you see oxen just as tall as myself. But, believe it or not, on the fat pastures of Switzerland there are even greater oxen than myself". For emphasis the good professor stood on his tiptoes and stretched his hand upwards above his head. "We don't believe so!" - shouted someone from the back benches of the lecture theater.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Russel McDougal - Inv. Daily Edge
The Ghost of Fort Knox Past: Part 3 
We’ve been looking into an extremely complex and controversial issue over the past two weeks. Does Ft. Knox contain the historical gold it claims? Gold no longer backs our circulating money. Still, those who hold fiduciary responsibilities to safeguard our gold are the ones who actually do issue our money. If you can’t trust them with the gold, how can you trust them with the money?
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Philip Judge - Anglo Far East
Peter Daniels Talks On "Gold" Part 2

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
History of Gold
August 15, 1971 Richard Nixon suspends the Dollar to Gold convertibility
United States President Richard Nixon's address to the nation announcing the "temporary" suspension of the dollar's convertibility into gold. While the dollar had struggled throughout most of the 1960s within the parity established at Bretton Woods, this crisis marked the breakdown in the system. The closing of the gold window signified the end of the Bretton Woods system.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze
America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks
In order to pay debts incurred from the Seven Years War with France, King George III of England sought to heavily tax the colonies in America. In 1742, the British Resumption Act required that taxes and other debts be paid in gold.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
The Disastrous History of Money - USA Gold
The Nightmare German Inflation 

Monday, March 9, 2020
James Howard Kunstler
  Hunting for Golem
As another president once remarked in a different context — LBJ speaking to a hanger full of grunts in Vietnam — “go on out there, boys, and nail that coonskin to the wall!” That was around the time the war was looking like a lost cause, with 1000 soldiers a month coming home in a box and even the Rotarians of Keokuk, Iowa, starting to doubt the official story of what exactly we thought we were doing over there. It was also, argua
Monday, January 14, 2019
Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Trump Plays with Fire on Trade
With his announcement last week of broad tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, President Trump launched what could be the first salvo of an all-out global trade war. Seemingly itching for a fight, he gleefully tweeted that “Trade wars are good, and easy to win.” It seems like Trump thinks the conflict will play out much like Ronald Reagan’s 1983 week-long invasion of Grenada rather than the more telling quagmires that unfolded in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. He’s wrong. Apart from overestim
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
The Energy Report
Amazing Energy Drills Amazing Well
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold does the math for an energy company drilling in the Permian Basin and finds it pretty impressive. Amazing Energy Oil & Gas Co. (AMAZ:OTCQX) drilled an oil well they named WWJD #23 in Pecos County in the Permian Basin to a depth of 1,997 feet and encountered 44 feet of pay in the targeted Queen A formation. They own about 70% of the well and their cost was $300,000. The company just announced numbers on the well
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
“Take a Pill” Thinking and Consequences
This article was written for Miles Franklin by Gary Christenson who advocates treating causes, not symptoms. Headache? Muscle ache? Back ache?  Take a pill! An over-the-counter pill will diminish the symptoms and pain. The consequences will come later. High cholesterol? Take a pill. There are other ways to reduce cholesterol but none that produce $ billions for Big Pharma. Consequences to your body and finances will manifest in other ways. High Blood Pressure? Take a pill. There are other means
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Peter McKenzie-Brown - Language Instinct
Masters of War
Presentation to a book club by Peter McKenzie-Brown The arts have an enormous impact on the life of society, and today I want to briefly give an example. The arts include such traditional forms as paintings, plays and the visual arts. To illustrate, here's how a piece of poetry helped alter American foreign policy. To begin, consider Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation – a speech American TV networks broadcast on January 17, 1961. Despite being a politician with a mil
Monday, February 26, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
US-China Trade War Escalates As Further Measures Are Taken
– Trade war between two superpowers continues to escalate– White House likely to impose steep tariffs on aluminium and steel imports on ‘national security grounds’– US may impose global tariff of at least 24% on imports of steel and 7.7% on aluminium– China “will certainly take necessary measures to protect our legitimate rights.”– China is USA’s largest trading partner, fastest-growing market for U.S. exports, 3rd largest market for U.S. exports in the world.– If the U.S. continues to escalate
Monday, February 19, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Bubbles Now and 38 Years Ago
Thirty-eight years ago gold and silver prices spiked skyward reaching about $850 and $50 per ounce. The decade of the 1970s was turbulent. President Nixon abrogated the “dollar-gold” agreement and allowed the dollar to float lower. Years of excessive deficit spending and “money printing” to fund the Vietnam War and social programs had created huge inflationary pressures. The U.S. had spent far too much on wars that did not repay their costs, the dollar was falling, and interest rates rose during
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
Resurgent US oil industry priming the economic pump
Crude oil prices dropped from $110 a barrel in the summer of 2014 to about $30 in January 2016. The effect on oil producers and oil-producing countries was dramatic. The Russian ruble plunged, and the Canadian dollar slipped to below 70 cents US for the first time since 2003, kicking the country into recession and snuffing out the oil boom in Alberta. Many foreign companies operating in the high-cost Canadian oil sands pulled up stakes. One of the hardest hit countries was Venezuela, whose petr
Friday, January 26, 2018
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
North Vietnam: Bloody Nose Strategy vs Diplomacy
N. and S. Korea agree to meet to reduce tensions ahead of the Olympics. Meanwhile, the US debates a Bloody Nose strategyNorth and South Korea will meet on Tuesday in the demilitarized zone. The meeting is preparation for the Winter Olympics that begin next month. Five senior officials from each side will meet at the three-storey Peace House on the South Korean side of the Panmunjom truce village, with talks to begin at 10 a.m. Reuters reports North, South Korea to Hold Talks as Winter Olympics
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

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