Articles related to Jersey
Mickey Fulp - The Gold Report
Why Copper Is a Critical Metal: Mickey Fulp 
Copper is often referred to as "Dr. Copper," the metal with a Ph.D. in economics. Yet most analysts don't view it as a critical metal. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, Mickey Fulp, author of The Mercenary Geologist, gives his thoughts on why the experts are wrong and why copper should be considered a critical metal.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Robert Blumen - 24hgold
Real Bills, Phony Wealth 
"The masses are misled by the assertions of the pseudo-experts,” wrote Mises, “that cheap money can make them prosperous at no expense whatever.” The damage that this inflationary fallacy has done to our monetary institutions cannot be over-estimated. In spite of efforts by classical and Austrian economists to refute it, it refuses to die. It has been resurrected under many guises, but all with the same error at its core: that printing money can create real wealth.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
  Inflation Inferno I 
Throughout history, governments have fought against the use of sound money. In 1912, Ludwig vonMises identified the reason for this: The sound-money principle has two aspects. It is affirmative in approving the market's choice of a commonly-used medium of exchange. It is negative in obstructing the government's propensity to meddle with the currency system.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
James Howard Kunstler
Fishtailing into the Future
The opening chapters of Michael Lewis’s new book, The Fifth Risk, detail the carelessness of the Trump transition team in the months leading up to his swearing-in as president. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie led the team, with its binders full of possible agency chiefs, before he was summarily canned by Steve Bannon, who would be dumped soon himself by the ascending Golden Golem of Greatness. There was, in fact, a set of rigorous protocols for managing the transition of power based on
Friday, October 5, 2018
James Howard Kunstler
  End Times at the OD Corral 
Personally, I believe that the plodding, implacable Robert Mueller, white knight of the Deep State, will flush the Golden Golem of Greatness out of office, probably on some sort of money-laundering rap having nothing to do with “Russian meddling.” Anderson Cooper will have a multiple orgasm. Rachel Maddow will don a yellow hard-hat and chain-saw a scale model of Mar-a-Lago to the glee of her worshippers. The #Resistance will dance in the streets. And then what? I doubt that Mr. Trump will go gra
Friday, March 2, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
Gold Bullion Price Suppression To End Bullion Bank Traders Arrested For Manipulating Market
– CFTC fines UBS, HSBC and Deutsche Bank millions of dollars each for gold price manipulation – Deutsche Bank ‘engaged in a scheme to manipulate the price of precious metals futures contracts’– UBS ‘attempted to manipulate the price of precious metals futures contracts’– HSBC engaged ‘in numerous acts of spoofing with respect to certain futures products in gold and other precious metals’– Gold ‘experts’ continue to deny legal rulings, evidence amassed by GATA, admissions by banks and central ban
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Is Tether a Scam That Will Crash the Bitcoin Price by 80
Tether is a “stablecoin” which aims to maintain a value of one US dollar per tether. It it connected to Bitfinex and created by officers from the company, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Tether Limited claims that Tether is backed by reserves of U.S. dollars on a one-to-one basis. But some are claiming that Tether is not backed by dollars and is created out of thin air in order to pump the price of Bitcoin higher. They claim that Tether is a scam that will implode and c
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Living with the Exponential - I
Before the middle of this century, the growth rates of our technology— which will be indistinguishable from ourselves— will be so steep as to appear essentially vertical. From a strictly mathematical perspective, the growth rates will still be finite but so extreme that the changes they bring about will appear to rupture the fabric of human history. That, at least, will be the perspective of unenhanced biological humanity. Kurzweil, Ray. The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, S
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What I Learned at the Racial Justice indoctrination Camp 
Several months ago the president of Loyola University Maryland, Brian Linnane, announced to the faculty that he had been thinking a lot about the Baltimore riots that took place two years earlier.  (The riots, you may recall, were a response to the death of a local black drug gangster while in a police van after he had been arrested.  All of the police involved, most of whom were black, were eventually acquitted at trial.  The rioters looted the CVS pharmacies in town, emptying them of oxycodone
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd
I'm Thinking Profit Potential
As the demand for solar energy has increased so has the demand for the materials needed in the production of solar or photovoltaic panels. Once installed, solar panels produce zero emissions as they convert sunlight directly into energy via the photovoltaic effect, bypassing the turbine system found in every other commercial energy source. Some of the better known materials used in solar panel construction are; 1. aluminum for frames 2. copper for wiring 3. silver for soldered connec
Monday, November 6, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
A Trip Trough Time to Jekyll Island
Creation of the Federal Reserve The Year is 1910; America had gone through three Central Banks. The bankers are tired of picking up the losses and at the same time the people are calling for breaking the power grip of the Banking Trust. The bankers (J.P. Morgan, Rockefellers, Warburg’s of Germany & the Rothschild’s of Europe) , who are competitors , put their differences aside and decided to have the meeting. A little Trivia:  The little man on the Monopoly Board is J. P. Morgan.   Also, in the
Friday, October 27, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
  The Informant Cometh 
When you consider all the shadowy creatures scuttling around the backstage interstices of the Deep State, it’s a little wondrous that someone like this hasn’t stepped into the light before. Apparently now, a person whose name will soon be plastered across the pixel-verse, has been given clearance by the Justice Department to come forth and sing to the various house and senate committees about a fishy deal involving Russia and the Clinton dynasty. The broad outlines of Uranium-Gate are already lo
Friday, October 27, 2017
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Social destruction by the abuse of money 
In Britain, the top 1% of earners pay over a quarter of all income tax collected, and while super-rich British residents perhaps don’t have the tax breaks the Macklowes enjoy, the bulk of the burden falls on lawyers, bankers, company executives and owners of successful private enterprises. And it should, say the collectivists....One of the juicier stories doing the rounds in New York society is the Macklowe divorce. Harry, the husband, kept a French mistress for two years before seeking a divorc
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
GOP Tax Reform: How Does It Affect Me You Mish Alternative Proposal
People have asked me to comment on the GOP’s Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code. I will do so honestly. In the comments below I  explain how the proposal benefits me personally, small business owners in general, and the average person. First, let’s investigate other opinions starting with the ABC News report Trump plan promises huge tax cuts, but big questions remain Promising big tax cuts and a booming economy, President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans unveiled the fi
Thursday, September 28, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
In the Murk 
Puerto Rico, You lovely island, Island of tropical breezes….             — West Side Story Welcome to America’s first experiment in the World Made By Hand lifestyle. Where else is it going? Watch closely. Ricardo Ramos, the director of the beleaguered, government-owned Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, told CNN Thursday that the island’s power infrastructure had been basically “destroyed” and will take months to come back “Basically destroyed.” That’s about as basic as it gets civilization-w
Friday, September 22, 2017
Chris Powell - GATA
Philippine dictator Marcos' gold bars: Fact or fiction
* * * By Gerry Lirio ABS-CBN News, Quezon City, Philippines Thursday, September 21, 2017 MANILA -- By the late industrialist Enrique Zobel's recollections, former strongman Ferdinand Marcos left behind his widow, Imelda, and three children with a cache of gold bars that in 1989 was worth at least $35 billion. Zobel disclosed the value of Marcos' gold bars in a 14-page sworn statement issued before the Senate Blue Ribbon Comm
Friday, September 22, 2017
James Howard Kunstler
  A Hot Mess 
It wasn’t until more than a week after Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans in 2005 that the full extent of the damage was recognized and so it will go with the hot mess where Houston used to be. Mostly, it is inconceivable that the business activity which made Houston the nation’s fourth largest city and, according to Chris Martenson, equal to the 10th largest economy in the world, will ever return to what it was before August 26, 2017. The major activity there has been the refining and d
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
It’s Not Over: “How The US Could Lose A War Against North Korea And End Up In Ruins”
By now everyone is thoroughly inundated with information regarding the stances and standoff between President Trump and the U.S., and Kim Jong-Un and North Korea.  This is where “oversaturation” can lead to ignoring what is going on, followed up by complacency.  Americans in general have low attention spans and become easily bored with or tired of a situation that is ongoing.  The Vietnam war is a prime example of this, and that was followed with the second war in Iraq.  In both instances, growi
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Chris Martenson
  Signs Of Distress
The world is edging closer to the final moments after which everything will be forever changed. Grand delusions, perpetuated over decades, will finally hit the limits of reality and collapse in on themselves. We’re over-budget and have eaten deeply into the principal balances of all of our main trust accounts. We are ecologically overdrawn, financially insolvent, monetarily out past the Twilight Zone, consuming fossil fuels (as in literally eating them), and adding 80,000,000 net souls to the pl
Monday, August 14, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
“Junkie’s Dilemma” Trade Wars with China Start Monday: Major Economic Shock Possible
President Donald Trump is ready to launch a new trade crackdown on China next week according to a Trump administration official. Trump’s goal (at least one of them) is to get China to crack down on North Korea. But China knows that Trump won’t stop with North Korea. Trump will want more. Besides, China does not want North Korea destabilized more. Meanwhile, China does not want North Korea destabilized more. Deutsche Welle reports US President Donald Trump ponders trade war with China. Trump has
Sunday, August 13, 2017

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