Articles related to Fall
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
Gold vs. Silver: The 5 Differences That Matter Most to Investors
You’d like to buy some precious metals, but do you buy silver or gold? Is there really much difference between them other than the price?Both are “precious” metals, meaning their occurrence in the earth’s crust is rare. But when it comes to investing in gold vs. silver, there are 5 important distinctions to be aware of. These differences can supercharge your portfolio—or make it a victim.This article outlines the five differences to know about gold vs. silver, with special emphasis on investment
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
What Happens to Gold and Silver When the Stock Market Crashes
Many investors hold gold and silver to hedge against various crises. But does this hedge hold up during stock market crashes?It’s a common assumption that gold and silver prices will fall right along with the market. And if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to wait to buy them until after the dust settles?Before formulating a strategy, let’s first look at price data from past stock market crashes…The Message from HistoryI looked at past stock market crashes and meas
Monday, January 25, 2021
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Selco: Who Survives and Who Dies When the SHTF
This article was originally published by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper Did you ever wonder about the differences in how people behave in a crisis? Why some people survive and some people die? Are there characteristics that we can nurture now in good times that could help see us through bad times? I’d talked with Selco previously about who lives and who doesn’t in a long-term emergency, and a great determiner is a flexible mindset. In this interview, we go deeper into who can withstand the
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Jeff Clark - GoldSilver
How and Where to Buy Silver Coins
Looking to buy silver coins? You’ve come to the right place!This handy guide outlines everything you need to know, including the advantages of owning silver coins, the different coins available, the best coins to buy for investment, and where to buy them. We also include our “Investor’s Edge” with each section…Advantages of Silver CoinsMany investors don’t realize that silver coins offer benefits far beyond price appreciation.Consider the advantages you gain by buying silver coins. Similar to go
Thursday, December 24, 2020
John Butler - Goldmoney
Financial crisis dynamics, the ‘shadow’ gold demand, and Mene
The study of financial crises is as old as the economics discipline itself. One of the most prominent theorists of financial crises ever to hold a senior Federal Reserve policy position was John Exter, vice-president of the New York Federal Reserve during the 1950s. Several years ago I co-wrote a series of essays on Exter’s theories together with his sonin- law, Barry Downs. In this paper, building on Exter’s work, including his eponymous ‘pyramid’, I introduce a new ‘hourglass’ framework for un
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Robert P. Murphy
The Gold Standard Did not Cause the Great Depression
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 19, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 101–111[The Midas Paradox: Financial Markets, Government Policy Shocks, and the Great Depression by Scott Sumner]The Midas Paradox is an impressive piece of scholarship, representing the magnum opus of economist Scott Sumner. What makes the book so unique is Sumner’s use of real-time financial data and press accounts in order to explain not just broad issues—such as, “What caused the Great Depression?”—but to offer commentary on th
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
The Crash of 1929 -
"...people believed that everything was going to be great always, always. There was a feeling of optimism in the air that you cannot even describe today." "There was great hope. America came out of World War I with the economy intact. We were the only strong country in the world. The dollar was king. We had a very popular president in the middle of the decade, Calvin Coolidge, and an even more popular one elected in 1928, Herbert Hoover. So things looked pretty good." "The economy was changing
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
God, Gold and Guns
We’ve been looking into One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter. October 2, 2017: One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter October 14, 2017: One Nation Under Gold #2: The Silliness of the Bretton Woods Years Now, we will follow Ledbetter’s account of the end of Bretton Woods in 1971, up to the present. The account of the 1971 devaluation was, following the pattern of this book, long on details but short on insight. It seemed to people at the time that they “had no choice,” that
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
What the Upcoming Wealth Transfer Will Look Like
With gold up 26% year-to-date and silver up 41%, and stock and bond markets looking increasingly precarious, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming wealth transfer. If Mike is right about what’s ahead for gold and silver, we’ll soon be part of a life-changing shift. Have you thought about how the wealth transfer might affect you? Not like this you haven’t…You grab a calculator for the third time that day, multiplying your gold and silver ounces by the price of each… the total staggers yo
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Perth Mint Blog - Perth Mint Blog.
How much do you know about gold investing
It’s easy to fall in love with gold. After all, the rich and famous have obsessed over it for millennia. During the past two decades, gold ownership has become much more widespread. No longer a sole preserve of the elite, every day and mum and dad investors have also taken a shine to the glittering yellow metal. Accessibility to gold through bullion bars and legal tender coins, certificates and exchange traded products makes buying and storing gold simple. Driving folk to take advantage is this
Monday, June 22, 2020
Frank Shostak
  Why Wage Growth Is So Weak 
The yearly growth rate of average hourly earnings in production and non-supervisory employment in the private sector eased to 2.3% in June from 2.4% in May.Many experts are puzzled by the subdued increase in workers earnings. After all, it is held the US economy has been in an expansionary phase for quite some time now. Softer real output growth important reason why hourly earnings remain under pressureAccording to the US Government’s own data, since 2000, in terms of industrial producti
Friday, June 19, 2020
Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
The View From 2011
Today, we will continue our discussion of the “gold sterilization” of 1937. June 18, 2017: The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937 June 25, 2017: The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937 #2: Fumbling and Bumbling We will look at an influential 2011 paper by Douglas Irwin, available here: All in all, I think the paper is pretty good, at least in its basic descriptions. It meanders into the usual channels of pointless Monetarism, with some equally pointless math, but it does
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
  Understanding money and prices
This article explains the money side of prices, and why government currencies, unbacked by gold, are doomed to collapse. And why gold, which is the sound money chosen by markets throughout history, will retain or increase its purchasing power measured in the goods it buys over the coming years.Very few people have a full understanding of the relationship between money and goods. This is the relationship that sets prices. Yet, without that understanding, central banks will almost certainly fail i
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
Why Own Gold The Top 10 Reasons to Buy Gold Now
Is gold a good investment? Why should you own it?It’s natural and even prudent for an investor to wonder if a particular asset is a good investment or not. That’s especially true for gold, since it’s an inert metal and doesn’t earn any interest.But the reasons for owning physical gold go beyond the possibility of its price rising. Gold bullion offers distinct advantages that simply can’t be found in almost any other investment. These advantages give you power as an investor. And yes, one of thes
Monday, May 18, 2020
Jeff Clark - Casey Research
Should I Buy Numismatic Coins 3 Risks of Collectible Gold Coins
Numismatic coins can be a fun hobby, and can offer the collector a beautiful timepiece from interesting periods in history.Unfortunately, many novice investors that dabble in this market have lost money. And in many of those cases, the price of gold actually rose while the coins were held!How can an investor lose money on valuable rare coins? And why don’t they rise with the gold price?This article highlights three specific risks investors take with numismatics. Let’s co
Friday, May 15, 2020
Hugo Salinas Price -
Silver and the Great Future of Mexico
Lecture of the author at the solemn ceremony of his appointment as Honorary Professor of Northwest Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy. Embassy of the Russian Federation Mexico City June 27, 2017. Your Excellency, Ambassador Edward Malayan; Doctor Vladimir Shamakhov, Director of the Northwest Institute of Management of Russian Presidential Academy,members of the Honorable Diplomatic Corps here present, and esteemed audience: I am greatly privileged to be with all of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ronan Manly - Bullion Star
New Gold Pool at the BIS Basle, Switzerland: Part 1
“In the Governor’s absence I attended the meeting in Zijlstra’s room in the BIS on the afternoon of Monday, 10th December to continue discussions about a possible gold pool. Emminger, de la Geniere, de Strycker, Leutwiler, Larre and Pohl were present.”      13 December 1979 – Kit McMahon to Gordon Richardson, Bank of England Introduction A central bank Gold Pool which many people will be familiar with operated in the gold market between November 1961 and March 1968. That Gold Pool was known as t
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
The Gulag of the Mind
 Befuddled and blind, we wander toward the cliff without even seeing it, focusing on our little screens of entertainment and self-absorption. There are no physical barriers in the Gulag of the Mind–we imprison ourselves and love our servitude. Indeed, we fear the world outside our internalized gulag, because we’ve absorbed the narrative that the gulag is secure and permanent. We’ve also absorbed the understanding t
Monday, August 12, 2019
Chris Powell - GATA
China limits yuan's fall after being labeled currency manipulator
China took steps to slow the yuan's descent as the effects of Monday's tumble continued to weigh on markets. The People's Bank of China set the daily currency fixing stronger than analysts expected and announced the planned sale of yuan-denominated bonds in Hong Kong. The moves, which came hours after the U.S. labeled the country a currency manipulator, helped drive the offshore yuan higher. ... ... For the remainder of the report:
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
The Hidden (and Deadly) Dangers of Snow on Your Roof
 There are many potential dangers associated with winter weather, but there’s one you might not have given much thought to: snow and ice on your home’s roof. It is unclear how many deaths per year are caused by snow accumulations on roofs, but nearly every winter, there are reports of such deaths that appear in the news. Roof collap
Sunday, February 17, 2019

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