Articles related to Moral Hazard
Thorsten Polleit -
Are Markets Really as Calm as they Seem
Indicators for financial market "stress" have reached their lowest levels in decades. For instance, stock market volatility has never been this low since the early 1990s. Credit spreads have been shrinking, and prices for credit default swaps have fallen to pre-crisis levels. In fact, investors are no longer haunted by concerns about the stability of the financial system, potential credit defaults, and unfavourable surprises in the economy or financial assets markets. How come? Monetary
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Jan Skoyles - GoldCore
Protect Your Savings With Gold: ECB Propose End To Deposit Protection
It is the ‘opinion of the European Central Bank’ that the deposit protection scheme is no longer necessary: ‘covered deposits and claims under investor compensation schemes should be replaced by limited discretionary exemptions to be granted by the competent authority in order to retain a degree of flexibility.’ To translate the legalese jargon of the ECB bureaucrats this could mean that the current €100,000 (£85,000) deposit level currently protected in the event of a bail-in may soon be no mor
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Profit, Protection, Despite Cartel Interventions—November 2017 Update
Governments love [the war on cash]. Then they can control you...we are not going to have as many freedoms as we have now ...get prepared because we're going to have the worst economic problems we've had in your lifetime or my lifetime and when that happens a lot of people are going to disappear.“…the next time aro
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Tick-Tock, Northern Rock
Ermine for idiots, profits for bankers. And for savers? Risk... EVEN a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day, writes Adrian Ash at BullionVault. And 10 years ago this week, the minute-hand slowly turned towards a dark midnight which gloomy gold bugs like us had long predicted.  We like to flatter ourselves that
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited: Chapter 10
This Insight continues the serial publication of the new, Revisited edition of my book, The Golden Revolution (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). (The first instalment can be found here.) The book is being published by Goldmoney and will also appear as a special series of Goldmoney Insights over the coming months. This instalment comprises the fifth chapter of Section II.View the Entire Research Piece as a PDF here.An Unstable Equilibrium“A Nash equilibrium is defined as a strategy combination with the
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited: Chapter 9
This Insight continues the serial publication of the new, Revisited edition of my book, The Golden Revolution (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). (The first instalment can be found here.) The book is being published by Goldmoney and will also appear as a special series of Goldmoney Insights over the coming months. This instalment comprises the fourth chapter of Section II.View the Entire Research Piece as a PDF here.Why Financial Genius Fails, or, a Forensic Study of the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
August 2007: When the Central Bank Con-Trick Failed
"Whatever it takes" has so far equaled $15 trillion of QE... WEDNESDAY this week marks the 10th anniversary of what pundits, analysts and most investors now agree was the start of the global financial crisis, writes Adrian Ash at BullionVault. If they had been paying attention when the interbank credit markets first froze in fear – back on 9 August 2007 – most people wou
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited: Chapter 8
This Insight continues the serial publication of the new, Revisited edition of my book, The Golden Revolution (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). (The first instalment can be found here.) The book is being published by Goldmoney and will also appear as a special series of Goldmoney Insights over the coming months. This instalment comprises the third chapter of Section II.Of Bubbles and Bailouts“Surely difficult challenges lie ahead for the Fed, some undoubtedly of our own making.”FORMER FED CHAIRMAN AL
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Rethinking the Fed: More Tightening than Priced In Next Financial Crisis Coming Up
Time and time again, the Fed sows seeds of the next financial crisis in actions it takes to mitigate the previous financial crisis that it caused. Have we reached that point yet? The Guardian reports Central Banks Raise Alarm Over New Crash After Steep Rise in Lending. Soaring stock markets, which have become detached from underlying values, were another sign that unjustified exuberance had replaced last year’s overly pessimistic reaction to political events such as the US election and the UK’
Friday, July 7, 2017
Michael Ballanger
One Massive, Global, Serial Bubble
These missives that I construct periodically usually have as their genesis a "Eureka!" moment while reading a research piece or a written commentary from one of the thousands of self-styled market authorities or if I have the random luck of catching an interview on Bloomberg or (UGH!) CNBC. During a normal week, I will text myself a quick note or leave myself a voice note when and if an idea comes to mind so when I am travelling, it is usually preferable that I be close to a decent WiFi signal i
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
John Butler - Goldmoney
The Golden Revolution, Revisited: Chapter 2
This Insight is the fourth in the serial publication of the new, Revisited edition of my book, The Golden Revolution (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). (The first instalment can be found here.) The book is being published by Goldmoney and will also appear as a special series of Goldmoney Insights over the coming months. This instalment comprises the second chapter of Section I.View the Entire Research Piece as a PDF here.Cantillion and the Austrian Economic School on Money and Financial Crises“There i
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Chris Martenson
Why This Market Needs To Crash
Like an old vinyl record with a well-worn groove, the needle skipping merrily back to the same track over and over again, we repeat: Today's markets are dangerously overpriced. Being market fundamentalists who don’t believe it’s possible to simply print prosperity out of thin air, we’ve been deeply skeptical of the financial markets ever since the central banks began their highly interventionist policies. Since 2009, they have unleashed over $12 Trillion in new money into the world, concentratin
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Frank Shostak
  How the Fed Operates — And Why It's a Problem
We are often asked about the mechanisms by which the US Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) influences the level of US interest rates and whether these mechanisms also influence the level of the US money supply. It has long been regarded that the Fed no longer inflates and contracts the money supply but rather simply acts to target interest rates. The purpose of this brief paper is to clarify how the Fed works and the impact that its operations have on the money supply. The main market through which
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
  Inflation Spikes in 2017, Supporting Gold Prices Despite Increased Odds of March Rate Hike
Inflation is coming. In fact, inflation rose at the fastest pace in four years during January. Consumer prices surged 0.6% in January from December, double the consensus forecast of a 0.3% rise. This marks the sharpest monthly increase since February 2013, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Source: BLS St. Louis FED / Wolfstreet The year over year chart helps to highlight the acceleration in inflation that we have seen over the past several months. The January spike is certainly more
Friday, February 17, 2017
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Inflation Spikes in 2017, Supporting Gold Prices Despite FED
Inflation is coming. In fact, inflation rose at the fastest pace in four years during January. Consumer prices surged 0.6% in January from December, double the consensus forecast of a 0.3% rise. This marks the sharpest monthly increase since February 2013, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The year over year chart helps to highlight the acceleration in inflation that we have seen over the past several months. The January spike is certainly more than a blip on the radar. The year-ove
Friday, February 17, 2017
Michael Ballanger
Shifting Sands and Feeble Foundations
"Way Back When" is an expression that my grandmother used to use in discussing London during WWII when she and her family would congregate in the underground subway tunnels as soon as the air raid sirens began to go off. I use the expression "way back when" to refer to that point in time where market prices were determined by the natural forces
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
How To Win The “War On Gold”
Oh, the tangled web we weave, when we seek to deceive.  And sometimes, when we actually want to help – particularly when referring to vote-seeking politicians. Case in point, OPEC – which yesterday, pulled off the lie to end all lies in pretending to “cut production,” prompting the “oil PPT”-aided “market reaction it sought.  Thus, enabling it to kick the can a few more months – or perhaps, weeks – before the reality of history’s most oversupplied crude oil market inevitably smashes its elaborat
Friday, December 2, 2016
Gary Tanashian - Biwii
The Presidential Cycle
The market has been very readable since before Brexit.  It was over bearish and due for a post-Brexit rally . It was due for a drop to test major support , but amid last week’s highly broadcast 9 straight down days and the renewed Clinton email scare, it was due for a bounce from over bearish status . However, this is not the end of the story. We remain on a test of major support unless certain upside resistance parameters are taken out. Beyond this highly volatile phase, we are
Monday, November 7, 2016
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Looming Banking Crisis
Andy Duncan of interviewed Claudio Grass, managing director of Global Gold in Switzerland. Below is a transcript excerpting the main parts of the first section of the interview on the problems in the European banking system and what measures might be taken if push were to come to shove. What follows is a guest post by Pater Tenebrarum at the Acting Man blog. A Looming Banking Crisis – Is a Perfect Storm About to Hit? Andy Duncan: How do you see the current situation in banking pa
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Trump Criticizes FED for Creating ‘Fake Economy’ and Calls for Audit
Most politicians limit their comments about the Federal Reserve to sheer praise. Know thy master. Donald Trump has followed in the footsteps of Ron Paul, with his sharp critique of the FED and harsh words for Janet Yellen in particular.Donald Trump has put his name firmly on this short list of politicians that dare to criticize the Federal Reserve. He told Yellen that she should be ashamed of herself for politically-motivated actions as FED Chief. In particular, Trump has accused the FED and Yel
Friday, September 23, 2016

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