Tasman Resources NL

Published : October 06th, 2015

Non Renounceable Rights Issue Prospectus

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Non Renounceable Rights Issue Prospectus

Eden Energy Ltd Prospectus

A.C.N. 009 253 187


For a non-renounceable pro-rata Rights Issue of approximately 35,730,762 Shares on the basis of one (1) new Share for every nine (9) Shares held by Qualifying Shareholders as at 5:00pm WST on the Record Date, at an issue price of $0.042 per Share together with one (1) TASO Option for every two (2) Shares acquired free of charge (each to acquire 1 Share at an exercise price of

$0.05 per Share, exercisable at any time up to and including 31 March 2018). This Rights Issue, if fully subscribed, will raise up to approximately $1,500,692 (before expenses of the Offer).


This Prospectus is a transaction-specific prospectus issued under section 713 of the Corporations Act. This Prospectus is not required to, and does not, contain all of the information that is generally required to be set out in a prospectus, including general information in relation to the assets and liabilities, financial position, profits and losses or prospects of the Company. This Prospectus generally only contains information in relation to the effect of the Rights Issue on the Company and the rights and liabilities attaching to the New Shares and New TASO Options offered to Qualifying Shareholders under this Prospectus.

This is an important document that should be read in its entirety. If you do not understand it you should consult your professional advisers.

This Offer is not Underwritten.



This Prospectus is dated 1 October 2015.

A copy of this Prospectus was lodged with ASIC on 1 October 2015. Neither ASIC nor ASX take any responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus.

This Prospectus contains an offer to Qualifying Shareholders whose registered addresses are in Australia and New Zealand, and has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the securities laws of Australia and New Zealand. Distribution of this Prospectus in jurisdictions outside Australia and New Zealand may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession of this Prospectus should seek advice and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws. This Prospectus does not constitute an offer in any place in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make an offer. No action has been taken to register this Prospectus, the New Shares or New TASO Options or the Rights, or otherwise permit an offering of the New Shares or New TASO Options or the Rights, in any jurisdiction outside of Australia or New Zealand.

No New Shares or New TASO Options will be issued on the basis of this Prospectus later than 13 months after the date of this Prospectus.

Application will be made within 7 days of the date of this Prospectus for permission for the New Shares and new TASO Options offered by this Prospectus to be admitted to Quotation on the ASX.

The New Shares and New TASO Options offered under this Prospectus are of a speculative nature. Qualifying Shareholders should read this Prospectus in its entirety and, if in any doubt, consult with their professional advisors before deciding whether to apply for New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options. In particular, it is important that Qualifying Shareholders consider the risk factors set out in section 5 of this Prospectus. The New Shares and New TASO Options offered under this Prospectus carry no guarantee in respect of return of capital, return on capital investment, payment of dividends or the future value of the Shares or Options.


No person is authorised to give any information or to make any representation in connection with the Rights Issue which is not contained in this Prospectus. Any information or representation not contained in this Prospectus may not be relied on as having been authorised by Tasman (or its Directors or advisers) in connection with this Rights Issue.


This Prospectus is only available in a paper version. Qualifying Shareholders with registered addresses in Australia and New Zealand will be sent a copy of this Prospectus on 14 October 2015. In addition, Qualifying Shareholders can obtain a copy of this Prospectus during the Rights Issue on the Tasman website at www.tasmanresources.com.au or by calling Mr Greg Solomon, Executive Chairman by telephone on (+618) 9282 5889. A personalised Acceptance Form will accompany the paper copy of the Prospectus which will be mailed to Qualifying Shareholders on 14 October 2015.

Neither this Prospectus nor the accompanying Acceptance Form may be sent to Qualifying Shareholders outside of Australia and New Zealand or otherwise distributed outside of Australia and New Zealand.


This Prospectus is a transaction-specific prospectus issued in accordance with section 713 of the Corporations Act. This Prospectus is not required to, and does not, contain all the information that is generally required to be set out in a prospectus, including general information in relation to the assets and liabilities, financial position, profits and losses or prospects of the Company. This Prospectus generally only contains information in relation to the effect of the Rights Issue on the Company and the rights and liabilities attaching to the New Shares and New TASO Options offered to Qualifying Shareholders under this Prospectus.

Section 7 of this Prospectus sets out further information in relation to the nature and contents of this Prospectus.


Throughout this Prospectus abbreviations and defined terms are used. Defined terms are generally identified by the use of an uppercase first letter. Details of the definitions and abbreviations used are set out in section 8 of this Prospectus.


This information is intended as a summary only and should be read in conjunction with the more detailed information appearing elsewhere in this Prospectus. Applicants should read this entire Prospectus, including the risks in section 5, in order to make an informed decision about acquiring New Shares and New TASO Options.


    New Share Issue Price

    $0.042 per New Share

    Qualifying Shareholder Entitlement

    1 New Share for every 9 Existing Shares held on the Record Date (together with 1 free accompanying New TASO Option for every 2 New Shares acquired under this Prospectus)

    Approximate number of New Shares to be issued under this Rights Issue

    Up to 35,730,762

    Approximate number of New TASO Options to be issued under this Rights Issue

    Up to 17,865,381

    Approximate amount to be raised under this Rights Issue (assuming this Rights Issue is fully subscribed and before expenses of the Offer)

    Up to $1,500,692

    *These figures assume that none of the Existing TASO Options or existing Options issued under the Company's ESOP are converted to Shares prior to the Record Date. If this occurs, the number of New Shares and New TASO Options, and the amount raised, under this Rights Issue may increase.


Offer announcement 21 September 2015

Lodgement of Prospectus at ASIC, and Prospectus and Appendix 3B with ASX 1 October 2015 Notice sent to shareholders 6 October 2015

Ex date 7 October 2015

Record Date for determining entitlements 9 October 2015

Offer document despatched to Qualifying Shareholders 14 October 2015

Closing date of the Offer 28 October 2015

Securities quoted on a deferred settlement basis 29 October 2015

Company notifies ASX of under subscriptions 2 November 2015

Issue Date and Despatch of holding statements 4 November 2015

This timetable is indicative only and subject to change. The Company reserves the right, subject to the Corporations Act and the Listing Rules, to vary the above dates (including, without limitation, to extend the Closing Date or to close this Rights Issue early), or to withdraw this Rights Issue and Prospectus at any time, without prior notice. Any extension of the Closing Date will have a consequential effect on subsequent milestones set out above.

















    Dear Shareholders

    When the Company undertook its last rights issue in June 2015, the primary purpose was to enable the Company to continue to support its investment in Eden Energy Ltd, in which Tasman currently holds a 45% interest. The aggregate amount raised by Tasman from the last rights issue and from the subsequent placement of most of the shortfall thereunder, was $1.67 million.

    Since 30 June 2015, Tasman has loaned a further $950,000 to Eden for working capital, bringing the total debt owed by Eden to Tasman to $1.12 million, which is unsecured but accrues interest at 10% p.a.. During that same time, the market value of Tasman's holding in Eden's listed shares and options has risen by over $21 million (based upon the Eden share price of 7.2 cents as at 25 September 2015). The extent of this increase in value is considered, in reasonable part, to have occurred because Eden has not had to undertake a further capital raising, which it would have had to have done, but for the support from Tasman.

    With the significant progress that Eden has made, and the anticipated further progress it is hoped to make over the next 3-6 months in USA with its EdenCreteTM concrete admixture, the directors of Tasman consider it in the best interests of both Tasman and Eden if it continue to make short term working capital loans to Eden to enable it to fund its increased operating costs, so as to avoid Eden having to raise further working capital at its current share price. If Eden achieves its targeted objective of having EdenCreteTM approved by the Georgia Department of Transport for use on its infrastructure projects, it is likely that Eden would then be able to raise sufficient funds to expand its production capability by issuing further shares, hopefully at a higher price than at present, thereby reducing the dilution that all the Eden shareholders, including Tasman, would suffer in the process.

    The loan owed by Eden to Tasman is repayable in cash, but if requested by Eden, Tasman may consider converting it into further shares in Eden at the time of Eden's next capital raising.

    In the continuing very difficult market conditions for commodities and exploration companies, the directors have put all further mineral exploration on hold until such time as market conditions improve.

    The directors have accordingly decided to seek to raise additional funds by this current non-renounceable rights issue, to enable Tasman to continue to support Eden in the future as may be necessary. However, as the pricing of this issue is currently considerably below the market price, the directors do not intend to accept applications from Shareholders for more than their ordinary proportional entitlement. If there is a Shortfall, the directors may, in their discretion, later look to place all or part of that Shortfall at a price or prices that are hopefully above the issue price of 4.2 cents for one TAS Share and one half of a TASO Option.

    All of the directors have indicated that they intend to take up their full entitlements under the current Rights Issue. I urge Shareholders to read this Prospectus carefully, and I commend this Rights Issue to you.

    Yours sincerely

    Gregory H Solomon Chairman


  13. Shares and Options offered for subscription

    A non-renounceable pro rata rights issue to Qualifying Shareholders of approximately 35,730,762 New Shares and 17,865,381 New TASO Options (assuming that none of the existing Options of the Company are converted to Shares prior to the Record Date) on the basis of 1 New Share for every 9 Existing Shares held as at the Record Date at an issue price of $0.042 each, together with 1 New TASO Option free of charge for every 2 New Shares acquired (each New TASO Option to acquire 1 Share at an exercise price of $0.05 exercisable at any time up to and including 31 March 2018), to raise up to approximately $1,500,692 before expenses of the Offer (and assuming the Offer is fully subscribed).

    All New Shares issued pursuant to this Prospectus will be issued as fully paid ordinary shares and will rank equally in all respects with the Existing Shares (see section 7.4 of this Prospectus).

    All New TASO Options to be issued under this Prospectus will be issued on the terms and conditions set out in section 7.5 of this Prospectus and will rank equally in all respects with the Existing TASO Options.

    As this Rights Issue is non-renounceable, Qualifying Shareholders who do not wish to exercise their Rights to subscribe for some or all of the New Shares (and accompanying New TASO Options) being offered to them under this Prospectus may not sell or otherwise transfer those Rights, and those Rights will lapse upon the expiry of the Offer Period.

  14. Entitlement to participate in the Rights Issue

    Shareholders who are registered on the Company's Share Register and whose registered addresses are in Australia or New Zealand (Qualifying Shareholders) at the close of business on the Record Date, being 5.00 pm WST on 9 October 2015, are eligible to participate in the Offer. An Acceptance Form setting out Qualifying Shareholders' Entitlements to New Shares and New TASO Options accompanies this Prospectus.

    Fractional Entitlements will be rounded up to the nearest whole number of New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options. For this purpose, holdings in the same name are aggregated for calculation of Entitlements. If Tasman considers that holdings have been split to take advantage of rounding, the Company reserves the right to aggregate holdings held by associated Qualifying Shareholders for the purpose of calculating Entitlements.

  15. Applications

    This Offer may be accepted by Qualifying Shareholders in whole or in part prior to the Closing Date, subject to the right of the Company to extend the Offer Period or close the Offer early.

    Instructions for accepting an Entitlement are set out in section 3 of this Prospectus and on the Acceptance Form which accompanies this Prospectus.

  16. Application money

    All Qualifying Shareholders who accept the Offer made to them in its entirety will receive their Entitlement in full.

    New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options will be issued to a Qualifying Shareholder only after all of their Application Money has been received and ASX has granted permission for the New Shares and New TASO Options to be quoted.

    All Application Money received before the New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options are issued will be held in a special purpose trust account. After the New Shares and New TASO Options are issued to Qualifying Shareholders, the funds in the account, plus accrued interest, will be received by the Company. All Application Moneys will be returned (without interest) if this Rights Issue is withdrawn or otherwise does not proceed.

    If the New Shares and the New TASO Options are not admitted to Quotation by ASX within 3 months after the date of this Prospectus (or any longer period permitted by ASIC), the Company will refund all Application Money in full.

  17. Issue outside Australia and New Zealand

    This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of Securities in any place outside Australia and New Zealand in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer or to issue the Prospectus. The distribution of this Prospectus and the accompanying Acceptance Form in jurisdictions outside Australia and New Zealand may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession of this Prospectus and the accompanying Acceptance Form (including nominees, trustees or custodians) should seek advice on and observe those restrictions. Any failure to comply with those restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws.

    No action has been taken to register the Rights, the New Shares or New TASO Options or this Prospectus or otherwise permit an offering of the New Shares or New TASO Options or the Rights in any jurisdiction outside of Australia or New Zealand. Without limitation, the Rights and the New Shares and New TASO Options have not been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act 1933 (as amended) or the securities laws of any State of the United States of America and may not be offered in the United States of America or to, or for the account of or benefit of, US persons.

  18. Treatment of Non-Qualifying Foreign Shareholders

    The Offer in this Prospectus is not being extended to any Shareholder, as at the Record Date, whose registered address is not situated in Australia or New Zealand (Non-Qualifying Foreign Shareholders) because of the small number of such Shareholders, the small number and value of the Securities which would be offered to Non- Qualifying Foreign Shareholders and the cost of complying with applicable regulations in jurisdictions outside Australia and New Zealand.

    Recipients may not send or otherwise distribute this Prospectus or the accompanying Acceptance Form to any person outside Australia or New Zealand (other than to Qualifying Shareholders).

  19. ASX Quotation of New Shares and New TASO Options

    The Company has applied to the ASX for the New Shares and New TASO Options offered under this Prospectus to be granted Quotation.

    If approval for Quotation of the New Shares and New TASO Options is not granted within 3 months after the date of this Prospectus (or any longer period permitted by ASIC), the Company will not allot or issue any New Shares (or accompanying New TASO Options) pursuant to this Rights Issue and will repay all Application Moneys without interest as soon as practicable.

    Subject to approval being granted by ASX, it is expected that the New Shares and New TASO Options will be issued on 4 November 2015 and that Quotation of the New Shares and New TASO Options will commence on ASX on a normal basis on 5 November 2015. It is the responsibility of all Qualifying Shareholders to determine their allocation prior to trading in New Shares and New TASO Options. Qualifying Shareholders who trade or otherwise deal with New Shares and New TASO Options before they receive holding statements will do so at their own risk. The Company disclaims all liability in tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise to persons who trade or otherwise deal with New Shares and New TASO Options before receiving holding statements.

    ASX takes no responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus. The fact that the ASX may approve Quotation of the New Shares and New TASO Options is not to be taken in any way as an indication of the merits of the Company or the New Shares (or accompanying New TASO Options) offered under this Prospectus.

  20. Allotment of New Shares and New TASO Options

    Subject to ASX granting approval for Quotation of the New Shares and New TASO Options, the allotment of the New Shares and New TASO Options to Qualifying Shareholders will occur as soon as possible after this Rights Issue is closed, following which holding statements setting out the number of New Shares and New TASO Options allotted to Qualifying Shareholders under this Prospectus will be despatched.

  21. Minimum subscriptions and oversubscriptions

    There is no minimum subscription to this Rights Issue, and no oversubscriptions will be accepted.

  22. No Underwriting

    This Rights Issue is not underwritten.

  23. Shortfall

    If not all Qualifying Shareholders take up their Entitlements under this Offer in full, the portion not taken up will form part of the Shortfall.

    However, as the pricing of this issue is currently well below the market price of the Tasman Shares and Existing TASO Options, the Directors do not intend to accept applications from Shareholders for more than their ordinary proportional entitlement. If there is a Shortfall, the Directors may, in their discretion, later look to place all or part of the Shortfall at a price or prices that are hopefully above the issue price under this Offer.

    Accordingly, the Directors reserve the right to place all or part of the Shortfall (comprising the New Shares not subscribed for by Qualifying Shareholders under this Offer and accompanying New TASO Options) within 3 months of the Closing Date at an issue price of not less than the issue price under this Offer, being $0.042 per Share (together with one free attaching New TASO Option for every 2 New Shares issued).

  24. Purpose of the Issue

    The purpose of this Rights Issue is to raise up to approximately $1,500,692 (before expenses of the Offer). The funds raised under this Rights Issue will be utilised in the manner set out in section 6.4 of this Prospectus.

  25. Market prices of Existing Shares and Existing TASO Options on ASX

    The highest and lowest market sale price of the Existing Shares and Existing TASO Options during the 3 months immediately preceding the lodgement of this Prospectus with ASIC, and the last market sale price on the date before the lodgement date of this Prospectus, are set out below.

    3-Month High

    3-Month Low

    Last Market Price

    Existing Shares


    (on 28/7/2015)


    (on 17/7/2015)


    (on 30/9/2015)

    Existing TASO Options


    (on 10/8/2015)


    (on 14/9/2015)


    (on 30/9/2015)

    The approximate VWAP of the Existing Shares for the three month period prior to the date of lodgement of this Prospectus at ASIC was $0.0568.

    The approximate VWAP of the Existing TASO Options for the three month period prior to the date of lodgement of this Prospectus at ASIC was $0.0263.

    The above information was sourced from E*trade Australia. E*trade Australia has not consented to the use of the above trading data reference in this Prospectus.

  26. Opening and Closing Dates

    Subscription lists will open on 14 October 2015 and will remain open until 5.00pm WST on 28 October 2015. Subject to the requirements of the Corporations Act and the Listing Rules, the Company may either close this Rights Issue at an earlier time and date or extend the closing time and date without prior notice. Qualifying Shareholders are encouraged to submit their Applications as early as possible.

    No New Shares or New TASO Options will be issued under this Prospectus later than 13 months after the date of this Prospectus.

  27. Indicative timetable

    Refer to the 'Summary of Offer' at the beginning of this Prospectus for an indicative Offer timetable.

  28. Existing Shares

    There are currently 321,576,851 Shares on issue in the Company. If this Rights Issue is fully subscribed, and assuming that none of the existing Options are converted to Shares before the Record Date, a total of approximately 357,307,613 Shares will be on issue in the Company at the conclusion of this Rights Issue.

  29. Existing Options

    There are currently 78,405,205 Existing TASO Options on issue in the Company. If this Rights Issue is fully subscribed, and assuming that none of the Existing TASO Options are converted to Shares before the Record Date, a total of approximately 96,270,586 TASO Options will be on issue in the Company at the conclusion of this Rights Issue.

    In addition, there are currently 2,500,000 unlisted Options on issue in the Company. All of these Options were issued under the Company's ESOP. Each Option entitles the holder to acquire 1 Share. The terms and conditions of these unlisted Options are set out in section 7.5 of this Prospectus.

  30. Existing Optionholders

    Holders of all of the existing Options on issue in the Company may participate in this Rights Issue by exercising any or all of their Options prior to the Record Date.

    All of the existing Options on issue in the Company are capable of being exercised. If all of these Options were exercised before the Record Date, an additional 80,905,205 Shares would then be issued. In addition, in the event that all of the Rights in respect of these additional Shares were subscribed for, an additional 8,989,468 New Shares (together with 4,494,734 accompanying New TASO Options) would be issued under this Rights Issue, and a further

    $377,558 would be raised under this Rights Issue. As the price at which the Company's Shares are currently trading is roughly the same as the price at which the Existing TASO Options are exercisable, it is possible that some of the Optionholders may choose to exercise their Options (or some of them) prior to the Record Date.

  31. Effect on existing Shareholders and Optionholders

  32. For the effect this Rights Issue will have on Shareholders' and Optionholders' existing interests, please see section

    6.3 of this Prospectus.

    1. No commission payable on New Shares and New Options

      No commission will be payable by the Company in connection with any New Shares and New TASO Options which are issued under this Prospectus.

    2. No valuation

      No formal valuation has been completed of any of the assets, or the New Shares or New TASO Options, of the Company.

    3. Risk factors

      In addition to the general risks applicable to all investments in listed companies, there are specific risks associated with an investment in the Company. Please see section 5 of this Prospectus for further information.

    4. Acknowledgment and Privacy Statement

      By accepting their Rights (either in whole or in part), each Qualifying Shareholder acknowledges that they have received and read this Prospectus.

      As Qualifying Shareholders are already shareholders of the Company, the Company and its share registry (Advanced Share Registry Services) have already collected certain personal information from Qualifying Shareholders. However, if Qualifying Shareholders apply for New Shares and New TASO Options pursuant to this Prospectus, they may be supplying new, additional, or updated personal information (by its inclusion on the Acceptance Form) to the Company.

      The information included on an Acceptance Form is used for the purposes of processing the Acceptance Form and to administer the Qualifying Shareholder's holding of Shares and Options. By submitting an Acceptance Form, each Qualifying Shareholder agrees that the Company may use the information provided by a Qualifying Shareholder on the Acceptance Form for the purposes set out in this privacy statement and may disclose it for those purposes to Advanced Share Registry Services and the Company's related bodies corporate, agents and contractors and third party service providers, including mailing houses, professional advisers (eg auditors, lawyers and accountants), technology support providers and to ASX and other regulatory authorities.

      The Corporations Act requires the Company to include information about each Shareholder (including name, address and details of the Shares and Options held) in its public register. The information contained in the Company's public register must remain there even if that person ceases to be a Shareholder. Information contained in the Company's register is also used to facilitate payments and corporate communications (including the Company's financial results, annual reports and other information that the Company wishes to communicate to its Shareholders) and compliance by the Company with legal and regulatory requirements.

      Under the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), Shareholders have a right to gain access to personal information that the Company holds about that person, subject to certain exemptions under law. A fee may be charged for access. Access requests must be made in writing to the Company's registered office.

      If you are paying by cheque or money order and you do not provide the information required on the Acceptance Form, the Company may not be able to accept or process your Acceptance Form.

    5. Enquiries In Relation to this Issue

    This Prospectus provides information for Qualifying Shareholders and should be read in its entirety. Enquiries concerning the Acceptance Form or about subscribing for New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options under this Rights Issue should be directed to the Company by telephone on (+618) 9282 5889 or facsimile on (+618) 9282 5866.

    If after reading this Prospectus or contacting the Company you have any questions about any aspect of an investment in the Company, you should consult your stockbroker, accountant or independent financial advisor.


    1. What you may do - choices available

      If you are a Qualifying Shareholder, you may take any of the following actions:

      • take up all of your Rights;

      • take up part of your Rights and allow the balance to lapse; or

      • do nothing.

        Qualifying Shareholders may not sell or otherwise transfer all or part of their Rights to another person.

    2. Taking up all or part of your Rights

      If you are a Qualifying Shareholder and you wish to take up all or part of your Rights, you may either:

      • Pay the Application Moneys for the Rights you are taking up by B-Pay by no later than 5.00 pm WST on 28 October 2015. Qualifying Shareholders who pay electronically (by B-Pay), do not need to return the Acceptance Form, and they will be taken to have accepted the Offer upon making payment by B-Pay. This acceptance cannot be withdrawn. Instructions on how to make a payment by B-Pay are set out on the Acceptance Form.

      • Complete the personalised Acceptance Form accompanying this Prospectus in accordance with the instructions set out on that form and forward it, together with your cheque or money order for the Application Moneys for the Rights you are taking up, to reach one of the following addresses by no later than 5.00 pm WST on 28 October 2015:

      By mail: Tasman Resources Limited

      c/- Advanced Share Registry Services PO Box 1156

      Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909

      By delivery: Tasman Resources Limited

      c/- Advanced Share Registry Services 110 Stirling Highway

      Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009

      Cheques (drawn on and payable at any Australian bank) should be made payable to 'Tasman Resources Ltd - Rights Issue' and crossed 'Not Negotiable'.

      If you are paying by cheque or money order, New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options will only be issued on receipt of an Acceptance Form which was issued together with this Prospectus. A completed and lodged Acceptance Form, together with payment for the number of New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options accepted, cannot be withdrawn and constitutes a binding application for, and acceptance of, the number of New Shares and New TASO Options specified in the Acceptance Form on the terms set out in this Prospectus. The Acceptance Form does not need to be signed to be binding.

      Acceptance Forms which do not specify an Australian or New Zealand address for service (or which are accompanied by payment drawn on a foreign bank account) will be rejected and returned unless Qualifying Shareholders provide evidence which satisfies the Company that the issue of the New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options will not contravene the laws of any other jurisdiction.

      If the Acceptance Form is not completed correctly the Company may reject it or treat it as valid. The Company's decision as to whether to reject the Acceptance Form or treat it as valid and how to construe, amend or complete it is final.

      If the amount a Qualifying Shareholder pays by cheque, money order or B-Pay is insufficient to pay for their full Entitlement, they will be taken to have applied for such lower number of New Shares (and accompanying New TASO Options) as that amount will pay for. If the amount a Qualifying Shareholder pays by cheque, money order or B-Pay exceeds the amount required to pay for their full Entitlement, the excess application monies will be returned to them (without interest).

      No brokerage or duty is payable by Qualifying Shareholders on the issue of New Shares and accompanying New TASO Options.

      If you are a Qualifying Shareholder and you take up part of your Rights only, the balance of your Rights will lapse.

    3. Consequences of doing nothing - rights not taken up

      Qualifying Shareholders who do not wish to take up any of their Entitlement do not need to take any action. Any Rights not taken up by Qualifying Shareholders will lapse at the expiration of the Offer Period.

    4. Overseas Shareholders (Non-Qualifying Foreign Shareholders)

    Shareholders with registered addresses outside Australia and New Zealand should refer to sections 2.5 and 2.6 of this Prospectus.

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Tasman Resources NL

ISIN : AU000000TAS5
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Tasman is a silver and gold exploration company based in Australia.

Tasman holds various exploration projects in Australia and in Finland.

Its main exploration properties are PARKINSON DAM and WYNBRING EL3306 (CENTRAL GRAWLER) in Australia and OTANMAKI in Finland.

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9/29/2015Annual Report to shareholders
8/7/2015Results of Meeting
7/30/2015Cleansing Notice
7/29/2015Fourth Quarter Activities and Cashflow Reports
7/15/2015Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form
4/8/2015Corrie Dam Drilling Results
3/13/2015Half Year Accounts
1/12/2015Issue of ESOP Options
11/11/2014Exploration Update
12/12/2013and Flinders Announce Merger Negotiations to Create a Divers...
7/17/2013Receives European Commission Funding for Processing Research...
6/15/2013Clarifies Technical Disclosure
3/15/2013Announces Results of AGM
11/8/2012Advances Mineral Processing At Norra Karr, Sweden
7/18/2012Announces New Managing Director in Sweden and Appointments t...
5/1/2012Rio and Tasman execute conditional agreement over SA acreage
12/20/2011Proto Tasmanian pilot on track for January 2012
11/30/2011Lists on the NYSE-AMEX Under the Symbol "TAS"
6/17/2011Completes Spring Drilling and Begins Updated Resource Calcul...
5/26/2011Announces Registration of Form 40-F with US Securities and E...
4/27/2011Drills Thickest Interval of Heavy Rare Earth Elements and Zi...
3/29/2011Files Form 40-F with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
7/23/2010in 3rd drill push in a year on IOCGU discovery near Olympic ...
6/9/2010ASX Announcement
5/20/2010Release - Tasman looks east after 'stronger' IOCGU hole near...
5/19/2010Release - Strong nickel-cobalt hits lift Proto's progress in...
5/11/2010Tasmanian nickel project receives thumbs-up from broker
4/12/2010Tasman raising to fund SA IOCGU drilling
3/29/2010clears path for IOCGU drilling near Olympic Dam
10/27/2009Begins drilling at priority Vulcan target near Olympic Dam
9/29/2009Perth's Tasman drill start on key target near Olympic Dam in...
6/20/2008Completion of Due Diligence on Tasmanian Coal Acquisition
7/5/2007Drill start adjacent Olympic Dam for copper gold uranium JV
5/7/2007Geothermal Energy Tasmania
4/30/2007diamond JV across SA
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