Toro Energy Limited

Published : October 02nd, 2015

Report: WNA Investor briefing London

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Report: WNA Investor briefing London

PowerPoint Presentation

Toro Energy Limited

critical to a

Investor Briefing Uranium:

clean energy


Vanessa Guthrie Todd Alder

Managing Director CFO / Company Secretary

September 2015


  • This presentation has been prepared by Toro. The information contained in this presentation is a professional opinion only and is given in good faith. Certain information in this document has been derived from third parties and though Toro has no reason to believe that it is not accurate, reliable or complete, it has not been independently audited or verified by Toro.

  • This presentation is not to be construed as legal, financial or tax advice and any recipients of this information ('Recipients') or prospective investors should contact their own legal adviser, independent financial adviser or tax adviser for legal, financial or tax advice.

  • Any forward-looking statements included in this document involve subjective judgement and analysis and are subject to uncertainties, risks and contingencies, many of which are outside the control of, and maybe unknown to, Toro. In particular, they speak only as of the date of this document, they assume the success of Toro's strategies, and they are subject to significant regulatory, business, competitive and economic uncertainties and risks. No assurance can be given by Toro that the assumptions reflected in any forward looking statements will prove to be correct and actual future events may vary materially from the forward looking statements and the assumptions on which the forward looking statements are based. Recipients are cautioned to not place undue reliance on such

    forward-looking statements.

  • Toro and its officers, employees, related bodies corporate and agents ('Agents') make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information or opinions in this document and do not take responsibility for updating any information, providing Recipients with access to additional information or correcting any error or omission which may become apparent after this document has been issued.

  • To the extent permitted by law, Toro and its Agents disclaim all liability, direct, indirect or consequential (and whether or not arising out of the negligence, default or lack of care of Toro and/or any of its Agents) for any loss or damage suffered by a Recipient or other persons arising out of, or in connection with, any use or reliance on this presentation or information. All amounts in A$ unless stated otherwise.


World Energy Outlook 2014


es oil iv

(1) Million tonnes oil equivalent (Mtoe) Source: IEA 2014


Where will the energy come from?

Percent % increase by 2040

Oil supplies

14 million barrels per day

Non-OPEC supplies to 2025 Requires investments in Middle East



6,350 million tonnes coal equivalent

70% output from India, Indonesia, China, Australia by 2040



5,400 billion cubic metres

Includes unconventional gas 31% increase Requires $11 trillion infrastructure investment



624 GWe

Includes 380 GW added, 148 GW retired



16,500 terawatt hours

Includes hydro, solar, wind, biofuels

33% global power generation by 2040 Requires subsidies of $205 billion in 2040


CO2 emissions

15.4 giga tonnes CO2 equivalent

40% of global emissions over the period


Source: IEA 2014


Global Nuclear Power Growth


new reactors under construction


The uranium market and Toro's response

  • Uranium prices have taken longer to recover than forecast, but long term fundamentals remain strong

  • 5 mines produce 85% of current global primary uranium

    supply; Kazakhstan remains largest supplier

  • 3 of 5 'pivotal projects' for expanded supplies not proceeding

  • Despite market conditions Toro has expanded its asset portfolio, improved its share register and maintained a healthy balance sheet

  • Continued focus on the critical Wiluna development activities including permitting and traditional owner agreements, resource, project economics

  • Seeking new properties that are capable of development to

coincide with forecast improvement in uranium prices

Source: TradeTech 2015


Our goal is to grow to be a mid-tier uranium company

'bridging' & 'bulking'

growth strategy

Unlocking the potential of 200-300 Mlb Wiluna Province



(1) Amounts in A$'M applying foreign exchange rates as at 4th September 2015 and share prices as at 3rd or 4th September 2015


Toro's asset portfolio


(1) Refer Resources table at slide 10 and Competent Person's statement following this presentation


Capital structure

Capital Structure

ASX Code


Ordinary Shares on Issue



Share Price



Undiluted Market




Cash (30 June 2015)



Loan (1)




John Cahill (2)


Vanessa Guthrie

Managing Director

Richard Patricio - Mega


Richard Homsany - Mega


Michel Marier - Sentient


Board and management shareholding - OTM options and performance rights

2% of diluted issued





Research Coverage

Realfin Capital Partners





OZ Minerals Mega Uranium The Sentient Group RealFin Cap

  1. In June 2015 Toro announced a financing transaction which at completion would result in a new $6M loan from The Sentient Group. Completion is expected during quarter 3 2015

  2. Fiona Harris has been granted three months personal leave effective 1 July 2015. John Cahill is interim Chair during this period.


    A leadership team to deliver…

    …proven track record in permitting, government, exploration through to operations

    Vanessa Guthrie, Managing Director, PhD in Geology, Environment

    • Extensive executive & management experience in sustainability, environment, government & approvals, mine operations, community & indigenous in Western Australia

    • India - Australia CEO Forum, Deputy Chair Minerals Council of Australia, Chamber of Minerals and Energy, WA Water Corporation, Murlpirrmarra, MAICD

Andrew Worland, General Manager

  • ~20 years corporate, project development, financing, corporate and product marketing experience in bulk, base, strategic and precious metals

    Richard Yeeles, Approvals and Community Director

    - Wiluna

  • Extensive management experience in government/ community relations, ex-BHPB Olympic Dam Expansion, WMC, Government

    Todd Alder, Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary

  • ~20 years financial management experience within the Mining,

    Energy and Steel Manufacturing industries

    Greg Shirtliff, Geology Manager

  • 15 years experience in geology and geochemistry of uranium including a PhD from Australian National University.

  • Employed in roles within the environment, mining and exploration side of the uranium mining industry with ERA-Rio Tinto and Cameco prior to joining Toro Energy


    …that has delivered in 2015…

    Activities Outcome

    $20M from Sentient Group

    • $10M private placement, $10M Unitisation Deed for 2.5% royalty

    • $18M acquisition of equity and debt in Strateco Resources

    • Sentient becomes major shareholder at 18.3%, one Board seat

      $3.9M SPP and $1M placement

    • $1M private placement Realfin Capital

    • $3.9M SPP with current retail shareholders

$22M cash on hand end June 2015

$22M cash on hand end June 2015

$12M debt facility refinanced

  • Reduced $12M Macquarie debt facility to $6M through $6M paydown and

    refinancing of remaining debt

  • $6M interest free, 3 year loan due October 2018

    Sufficient cash to continue

    current work plan to 2017

    Wiluna resource drilling program

  • Drilling 130 sonic holes Centipede, Millipede, Lake Maitland, Nowthanna

  • Focus on higher grade areas to determine gamma-geochemistry differential

  • Early results encouraging

    Resource estimation in Q3 2015

    R&D process optimisation

    Wiluna Environmental approvals &

    Aboriginal agreement

  • Beneficiation studies indicate 15% mass rejection with little uranium loss

  • Improved physical separation and settling of deslime product

  • Investigation of water balance, tailings, resins & filtration

  • Approvals process commenced February 2014

  • Draft Public Environmental Review with WA government for review

  • Public comment period Q4 2015

  • Commercial term sheet for Aboriginal agreement under negotiation

    Potential reduction in project capex and opex Revised project economics Q1 2016

    Environmental approval anticipated in Q3 2106 Aboriginal agreement anticipated end 2015


    …and plans to deliver in 2016


    Growth strategy

    • Seeking growth that will bridge the low price environment to 2018-2020

    • Seeking growth that positions Toro as the lead Australian U supplier

      Wiluna Offtake & Project finance

    • Seeking offtake contracts with major utilities or India & China

    • Project strategic partner from Japan, India, China

Wiluna resource estimation update

  • To include latest drilling results and geological model

  • Focus on grade results based on gamma-geochemistry differential

  • Early results encouraging

    Wiluna Project economic model

    • Revised capex with improved supply inputs - labour, gas, construction methods

    • Revised opex with optimised process flow sheet

    • Revised PEA Q1 2016

      Wiluna Environmental approvals & Aboriginal agreement

  • Public comment period Q4 2015

  • Aboriginal agreement to be concluded 2015

  • State & Federal approval for Millipede and Maitland Q3 2016


Read the rest of the article at
Data and Statistics for these countries : Australia | China | India | Indonesia | Japan | Kazakhstan | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Australia | China | India | Indonesia | Japan | Kazakhstan | All

Toro Energy Limited

ISIN : AU000000TOE6
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Toro Energy is a gold producing company based in Australia.

Toro Energy develops gold, aluminum, phosphate, silica and uranium in Australia, and holds various exploration projects in Australia and in Morocco.

Its main asset in production is LAKE WAY in Australia, its main asset in development is WILUNA in Australia and its main exploration properties are RADIUM HILL, LAKE MACKAY PROJECT, MT WOODS, COOBER PEDY, NONNING, ROXBY–ACROPOLIS, LAKE FROME, AMADEUS PROJECT, REYNOLDS RANGE, TANAMI, NAPPERBY and CENTIPEDE in Australia, GAWIB WEST, TUMAS NORTH and CHUNGOCHOAB in Namibia and HAUTE MOULOUYA in Morocco.

Toro Energy is listed in Australia, in Germany and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is AU$ 532.1 millions as of today (US$ 358.5 millions, € 328.1 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on April 03, 2020 at AU$ 0.00, and its highest recent level on March 12, 2021 at AU$ 2.40.

Toro Energy has 2 008 069 888 shares outstanding.

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Project news of Toro Energy Limited
7/23/2015Toro Energy accelerating uranium exploration
2/13/2012Oz Minerals' offer of $3.75m for terminated SA uranium proje...
5/5/2010(Lake Mackay Project)In survey start on 4th WA uranium project
1/7/2010(Wiluna) WA Govt Approval for resource test pit
9/24/2009(Lake Mackay Project)Drilling at Lake Mackay Commences
9/1/2009(Wiluna)Major boost for new WA uranium project
5/22/2009(Lake Mackay Project)launches first survey at WA uranium project
9/30/2008(Napperby)Drilling complete for 2008 at the Napperby Project
9/23/2008Wiluna Uranium Project - Prefeasibility Study
5/16/2008(Napperby)2008 Napperby Uranium Resource Drilling Underway
4/29/2008(Napperby)Napperby Uranium Deposit Drilling Resluts
1/23/2008(Napperby)Success at Napperby Uranium Project
Corporate news of Toro Energy Limited
2/2/2016High Grade Resources Expanded at Wiluna Uranium Project
1/28/2016Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports
1/18/2016Wiluna Uranium Project Public Information Sessions
12/3/2015Uranium: Critical to a clean energy future
12/1/2015Operations Update
12/1/2015Report: RealFin-Operations Update
10/30/2015September 2015 Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report
10/30/2015Report: RealFin Research report 2015
10/27/2015Uranium: Critical to a clean energy future
10/27/2015Annual General Meeting Resolution Amendments
10/19/2015Director Appointment / Resignation
10/16/2015Notice of Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form
10/16/2015Annual Report to Shareholders
10/16/2015Report: Dundee Capital Markets Research report
10/15/2015Managing Director elected as a Fellow of Australian Academy
10/15/201520% Increase in Mineral Resources at Centipede / Millipede
10/12/2015Toro Energy on improving Uranium outlook
10/6/2015Australian Uranium and Clean Energy: Toro’s Opportunity
10/5/2015Updated Presentation to Sydney Mining club
10/2/2015Updated presentation to Sydney Mining Club
10/2/2015Report: WNA Investor briefing London
10/2/2015Interview with MD
9/25/2015Report: Proactive Investors research report
9/15/2015Report: TOE Financial report 2015
9/8/2015Full Year Statutory Accounts
9/8/2015Appendix 4G
9/8/2015Corporate Governance Statement
9/4/2015Toro pushes forward with Wiluna as Japan Reactors Restart
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7/23/2015Report: Ready for the next Uranium price cycle
7/21/2015Report: Ready for the next Uranium price cycle
7/16/2015Report: Ready for the next upward uranium price cycle
7/15/2015Report: Quarterly Cashflow report – June 2015
7/14/2015Report: Quarterly Activities Report – June 2015
7/8/2015Report: RealCap Uranium Research June Report
7/2/2015Appendix 3B
6/25/2015Section 708A Notice – Sentient Placement
4/13/2015Report: SAREIC Presentation
4/8/2015Appendix 3Z – Final Director’s Interest Notice
4/8/2015Clarification Statement – 2015 PDAC Presentation
3/31/2015MD presentation at ASX Spotlight Series in New York
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11/3/2014Media Release – Toro Secures Funding and Uranium Assets from...
10/30/2014Report: Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports – Septembe...
10/25/2012Derek Carter to retire from Toro Energy Board
5/4/2010not to procceed with $57m purchase option
9/17/2009 Share purchase plan offer for shareholders to subscribe for...
9/15/2009Release - OZ Minerals' CFO joins Toro Energy board
8/18/2009US fund in A$20m backing of Toro's uranium ambitions
7/29/2009China and Japan investors court Toro's Australian uranium as...
6/23/2009OZ Minerals - Toro Energy ASX release
6/15/2009Board changes as result of Oz Minerals vote
6/9/2009 withdraws from SA uranium project
1/7/2009director appointed to leading nuclear body
10/1/2008Announces $26m raising to fast-track key Australian uranium ...
9/23/2008WA Uranium Project Economically Viable at Long Term Prices
9/15/2008Toro welcomes WA o.k. for uranium mining
4/28/2008to Update NT Uranium Resource - Napperby
11/23/2007 Exploration and Drilling Update
10/26/2007 success in $275 million acquistion of Nova Energy
4/30/2007Signficant U results for Toro from Warrior first drilling
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