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America's Broken Media And The Collapse Of World Trade Center 7

IMG Auteur
Published : May 21st, 2010
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When reading the articles below, keep one question in mind: Do you find these allegations credible and serious enough to deserve media coverage?

This question is crucial because the mainstream media has been ignoring (and in some cases actively trying to discredit) the facts and arguments below for years now.

It is the job of a properly functioning media to investigate credible allegations about issues important to the people and determine their validity. America’s media appears to have failed so completely here that it should be considered completely broken, if not dead.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

The Examiner reports that
over 1000 architects and engineers have signed petition to reinvestigate 9-11 destruction.


Over 1000 architects and engineers have signed petition to reinvestigate 9-11 destruction
February 23, 6:02 PMConspiracy ExaminerShawn Hamilton

"At some level of government, at some point in time, there was an agreement not to tell the people the truth about what happened." John Farmer, Senior Counsel to the 9-11 Commission in his book The Ground Truth.

Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth founder, Richard Gage, AIA, began the conference quoting Mark Twain who said,
"If you don't read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read them you're misinformed." Gage said he hoped the assembled press would help to rectify that situation. "Today I'm quite pleased to announce that now we have more than one thousand architects and engineers signed on to the A&E911Truth petition demanding of Congress a new and truly independent, unimpeachable investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9-11," Gage said to a cheering audience.

Numerous architects and engineers spontaneously spoke during the event about what had led to their decision to get involved in a movement that could potentially jeopardize their careers. Most agreed that it was the suspicious collapse of World Trade Center 7 that first caught their attention. No airplane hit the building and the fires were small. Gage said the fires were unlikely to have disabled the supporting columns all at once in order to quickly and neatly drop the skyscraper.

There was also evidence of foreknowledge of World Trade Centers destruction.
The BBC reported live that it had fallen twenty minutes before it actually fell; viewers could see the building standing in the background.

Physics professor, Dr. Stephen Jones, along with an international team of scientists, analyzed World Trade Center dust from several sources and claims they found
unmistakable traces of nanothermitic composite material--explosives that could be used to demolish the three skyscrapers. He and other architects and engineers say this explains the pools of molten metal found at ground zero weeks after the incident. Jones co-authored a peer-reviewed paper on the subject which led to his being fired from a tenured faculty position at Brigham Young University.

I asked Griffin why media outlets--even alternative ones--are typically so reluctant to even look at the 9-11 evidence.

"They say, 'We lose our credibility over here, then we can't do all this other good work,' overlooking the fact...I would say, as a rabid (laughs) member of the 9-11 Truth Movement,
'Look this outstrips anything else you could be exposing from the last ten years--or the next ten--unless there's another one, and if there is another one it will be partly your fault because you didn't expose this one."


Watching The Watchers reports Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary.


Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary
By Jesse Ventura
Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 01:08 PM

Editor's Note: The following column by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura was removed by Huffington Post after it was published March 9 and replaced with a note that states the site "prohibits the promotion and promulgation of conspiracy theories -- including those about 9/11."

You didn't see anything about it in the mainstream media, but at a recent conference in San Francisco, more than 1,000 architects and engineers signed a petition demanding that Congress begin a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9-11.

That's right, these people put their reputations in potential jeopardy -- because they don't buy the government's version of events. They want to know
how 200,000 tons of steel disintegrated and fell to the ground in 11 seconds. They question whether the hijacked planes were responsible or whether it could have been a controlled demolition from inside that brought down the twin towers and WTC Building 7.

I don't claim expertise about this, but I did work four years as part of the Navy's underwater demolition teams, where we were trained to blow things to hell and high water. And my staff talked at some length with a prominent physicist, Steven E. Jones, who says that a "gravity driven collapse" without demolition charges defies the laws of physics.

These buildings fell, at nearly the rate of free-fall, straight down into their own footprint, in approximately 10 seconds. An object dropped from the roof of the 110-story-tall towers would reach the ground in about 9.2 seconds. Then there's the fact that steel beams that weighed as much as 200,000 pounds got tossed laterally as far as 500 feet.

molten metal found underground weeks later is proof that jet fuel couldn't have been all that was responsible. I visited the site about three weeks after 9-11, with Gov. Pataki and my wife Terry. It didn't mean anything to me at the time, but they had to suspend digging that day because they were running into heat pockets of huge temperatures. These fires kept burning for more than three months, the longest-burning structure blaze ever.

And this was all due to jet fuel? We're talking molten metal more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gage is one of hundreds of credentialed architects and structural engineers who have put their careers on the line to point out the detailed anomalies and many implications of controlled demolition in the building collapses. As he puts it bluntly: "Once you get to the science, it's indisputable."


The Un-Debunkable Molten Metal

The photo shows a core column that has been cut with Thermite. (source: opednews)

Facts about the collapse of World Trade Center 7

9/11 Hard Facts reports about
WTC Building 7.


WTC Building 7

While these intelligence failures suggest at least the reasonable possibility of U.S. government complicity in 9/11, there is a mountain of physical evidence that directly implicates high-level government knowledge and participation in the planning and execution of September 11. Perhaps the most damning evidence lies in the bizarre collapse of WTC Building 7. Anyone familiar with the story of 9/11 knows about the collapse of the WTC North and South Twin-Towers. But a third high rise also fell that day. At 5:20 p.m., the massive 47-story steel frame Building 7, untouched by the hijacked airplanes, imploded in the exact manner of a professionally engineered demolition - at near free-fall speed, straight down, and with scientific precision into a compact pile of rubble, barely damaging any of the surrounding buildings.

The official explanation for the collapse is fire - as in fire weakened the building's structural support steel to the point where it could no longer hold its own weight upright.

Flames were visible on 3-4 floors of the building, having been apparently ignited by falling debris and ruptured diesel tanks at the base of the structure. And while relatively minor in severity, these fires were apparently responsible for the building's demise. But
fire as the cause for collapse poses a number of significant problems - problems that break fundamental laws of nature. Firstly, fire from diesel fuel and building debris does not remotely approach the necessary temperature required to weaken and melt steel. Steel is melted and forged in sophisticated blast furnaces at incredibly high temperatures. Secondly, even if fire did cause the necessary weakening of the buildings steel support beams, each of those more than 50 beams would have had to weaken and fail at the exact same time to account for the symmetrical downward trajectory of the collapse.

no other steel frame building has ever suffered a total collapse anywhere on the planet before or after 9/11 due to fire (remember, Building 7 was NOT hit by an aircraft).

Another, and perhaps stronger, piece of evidence for controlled demolition of Building 7 is the speed at which the structure fell. It was a 576-foot tall building, and a conservative estimate of available video evidence shows that it fell in 6.5 seconds. A marble, with nothing but wind resistance in its path, would fall to the ground from the same height in roughly 6 seconds. Somehow, the top of this building fell to the ground in a perfectly symmetrical downward trajectory, with 47 floors of steel, concrete, and thousands of tons of upright standing debris in its path providing huge amounts of vertical resistance, at virtually free-fall speed. Allegedly because of random fires on a few floors. This is a physical and mathematical impossibility, violating laws in the conservation of momentum…

Only controlled demolition resolves the observed rate of collapse. Because in a controlled demolition, waves of progressive explosions from the top down would remove sections of resistant columns and supports, providing the vacuum-like pocket needed to account for the 6.5-second collapse. No other hypothesis, including the premise narrated in the 'official story', accounts for this speed.


9-11 Research reports that the new phenomenon of steel buildings crushing themselves.


Collapsing Buildings

[I circled in red the three buildings that collapsed on 9/11 (WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7). Notice that Building 7 (which wasn’t hit by a plane) was separated from the North Tower (WTC 1) by Building 6 and Vesey Street. Building 6 did not collapse on 9/11.]

The seven World Trade Center buildings were in the two blue regions of the map to the right. On September 11th, ...
110-story WTC 1 and 2, and 47-story WTC 7 were leveled,

The "collapse" of Building 7 was remarkably tidy. Although it was wedged between the Verizon building and the U.S. Post Office building, it barely damaged either of them.


The laws of physics appear to contradict the official story behind 9/11/2001. In a free press, this would be something worth investigating!


Media’s silence on the thermite issue


Christopher Bollyn’s Open Letter to The New York Times.


An Open Letter to The New York Times
from Christopher Bollyn
April 21, 2009

Dear Mr. Hoyt and Editors of The New York Times and International Herald Tribune:

How can the New York Times completely ignore the scientific evidence of nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the dust of the demolished and pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center? Do you consider this crucial scientific discovery irrelevant to the understanding of what happened on 9-11?

The silence of the New York Times about the evidence of super-thermite in the destruction of the twin towers is a perfect illustration of why newspapers are going out of business in the United States:
a controlled press is simply not relevant.

the New York Times is unwilling to publish the most pertinent information about vital matters concerning the American people, such as the search for the truth about what really happened on 9-11. This makes the New York Times irrelevant. The Times is in the same boat as the controlled press of the former Soviet Union and many of the leading newspapers of the United States. The controlled press is a boat that is sinking and that deserves to sink.

Christopher Bollyn


Worse than silence


Christopher Bollyn’s open letter to CNN and Time Warner.


An Open Letter to CNN and Time Warner
from Christopher Bollyn
April 28, 2009

Why is CNN & Time Warner Avoiding the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade Center?

Dear Sirs:

As one of the largest news networks in the United States,
Time Warner's CNN is a source of information for millions of people. As a news network serving the public, CNN is expected to report honestly about the news and relevant developments connected to the important matters facing the nation. As the worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to the extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest and importance to the American people – and the world.

CNN, however, has never shown any real interest in discussing the physical evidence of 9-11. When, for example, a CNN team came to Schaumburg, Illinois, in January 2007, to interview me as an independent journalist writing about 9-11, they showed absolutely no interest in discussing the evidence of explosives and steel-melting thermite in the destruction of the World Trade Center, although this was the key element of the research I had been writing about for the previous year or more. Rather than discuss the evidence of demolition, CNN seemed determined to frame me as an anti-Semite. I was repeatedly asked, "So, who did it?" To which I responded, "9-11 is an unsolved crime."

Failing to get me to say anything that could even be remotely construed as anti-Semitic, CNN relied on a video-editing trick in an obvious attempt to smear me.
After I told CNN very clearly that I was not an anti-Semite, the video editors spliced in a clip of a woman from the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) taken in another city at another time, that made it appear that she was responding to my comments. Fortunately, we had recorded the entire interview with CNN and were able to show how CNN was not at all interested in the evidence from 9-11 but wanted only to smear me as an anti-Semite. Why would CNN even have such an agenda to attack a truth seeker of 9-11?

Now, two years later,
we have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents physical evidence of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust from the destroyed and pulverized World Trade Center. This is a crucial discovery because this is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful explosive that pulverized the twin towers on 9-11. CNN, however, has yet to even report on this key discovery, which was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in March 2009. Why is CNN avoiding discussion of such crucial evidence of the explosives found in the dust of the destroyed twin towers? Is the scientific evidence explaining how the towers were destroyed of no importance to CNN?

How can CNN ignore the scientific evidence of large amounts of nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center?
A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers, yet CNN has not even mentioned it.

This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers.
One would think that CNN would find such a development to be newsworthy. CNN's refusal to discuss the crucial evidence of explosives in the World Trade Center reveals that CNN is both controlled and opposed to discussing the evidence of what really happened on 9-11.


Christopher Bollyn


Evidence that mainstream media is dead

Click on this link for the peer reviewed paper titled
“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe”.

Now click on this link for
a Google News search of the word “Thermite”. Notice the complete lack of coverage.

If the US mainstream media was alive and functioning, allegations this creditable about an issue this important would be addressed! The lack of meaningful media coverage on this issue alone is enough to declare the US media dead.

This reader’s letter to The Star expresses
ridiculousness of the problem.


I, like millions of others, am still waiting for a mainstream paper to fully attend to the details of what these men are saying. Lay out the evidence, please.

It does no good to offer comments from detractors that “they are imposters, liars and con-men.” Are they?
Show us why this is so. We no longer react to serious questions based on emotion.

These men are arguing based on the evidence collected.
Any detractor must counter the evidence, not simply smear their character. Of particular seriousness is the collapse of WTC 7 and the evidence of explosive thermitic material found in four separate dust samples collected from ground zero.

This peer-reviewed evidence has been available for one year already, and has been completely ignored by such “prestigious” and “reputable papers” as the Star, and refuted by no one. Why?


Conclusion: There may be a perfectly legitimate explanation to WT7. However, because the mainstream media has failed to address and investigate the issue, we are currently left with convincing evidence of thermite induced controlled demolition and an “official” explanation that defies the laws of physics. America's media is broken.


Finally, if the media is capable of ignoring something like this, then accepting the lack coverage about other issues of vital importance fraud in gold markets, the imminent 2010 food crisis, etc becomes easy.


Eric de Carbonnel

 Market Skeptics


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