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Brace for Impact

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Published : August 13th, 2021
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My Pillow man Mike Lindell’s three-day Cyber Symposium demonstrated a couple of things about the current depraved state of our nation: You could prove pretty conclusively that the national election of 2020 was saturated with fraud; and that no one in the news business would either care or dare to report it. Otherwise, it’s a little early to tell whether the exercise will have any effect on the country’s mood, though it is apparently a fact that millions tuned into the event on the few Internet sites that evaded the efforts to hack it out of existence.

The presentations by physicist Douglas Frank, law professor (New Mexico State U) David Clements, and retired army intelligence analyst Seth Keshel made a multi-dimensional case that the Dominion vote tallying machines were both pre-programmed with insidious algorithms and were also run remotely by Internet connection through servers in Senegal tied to China the night of Nov 3, 2020. Even so, the vote in favor of Donald Trump so overwhelmed the programming that oafish mopping-up operations with bogus write-in paper ballots had to be conducted on-the-fly to make sure the election came out in “Joe Biden’s” favor.

It was interesting to be reminded that four key states — Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin — all claimed to have stopped counting votes around 10:30 eastern time, and nobody reporting the tally on TV (a national ritual going back seventy years) seemed to consider anything irregular about it. But since when in US elections do officials not work through the whole of election night to reach a result? The answer, of course, is never before. It is, as they say, not a thing. Shouldn’t that have been a national WTF moment?

And so began the secret after-hours hijinks, such as in the Fulton County, GA, arena, where poll watchers were shooed out of the joint and then ballot-counters supplied by a Stacy Abrams-owned temp worker company got foolishly caught on a security camera running reams of paper ballots multiple times through their machines… and the arrival in Philadelphia of a truck from Long Island delivering tens of thousands of fresh paper ballots… and so on through the long night of supposedly no vote counting.

Obviously, aligned interests in the universe were determined to make sure that Mr. Trump would under no circumstances be allowed to win that election, as he had done to the incendiary mortification of Hillary Clinton & Company in 2016. He had to be gotten rid of in order to ensure continuity of the racketeering operation that government had become under the influence of money from China. Was it perhaps that simple?

Hard to say. There was the slime trail from Hunter Biden’s laptop files of emails and business memoranda showing an impressive cash flow between CCP-connected Chinese companies and the Biden Family’s bank accounts. But that was neatly suppressed by a coordinated effort between Twitter, Facebook, Google, and the news media. The Department of Justice then pretended to “open a case” against Hunter B, and the public never heard another peep about it. Not to mention that the DOJ sat on the laptop secretly during the January 2020 impeachment trial when the very matter at issue — the Biden Family’s illicit business dealings in Ukraine — was laid out in hard evidence on those laptop files, and withheld from the defense.

Barely a month later, the Manchurian candidate “Joe Biden” came fresh off thumping losses in the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary to “win” the Super Tuesday contest and prompt the dropping-out of his rivals for the nomination. Anyone else think that was more than just a little weird? Not to mention “Joe B’s” phantom election campaign — those pathetic venturings-out from his Wilmington crypt to a few events where nobody but the news media showed up? Never before, apparently, has the world beheld such a conquering hero!

And so here we are: eight months deep into a “Joe Biden” regime. Was ever so bold an attempt to utterly wreck a nation carried on in such plain sight? Who does not hear the “giant sucking sound” as America whirls down the drain? In the foreground, obscuring everything else, is the fog around the Covid-19 melodrama. It can’t possibly be about the vaxes, which, day by day, are demonstrating their growing inefficacy and lethal side-effects.

It appears to be much more about activating a Chinese model of social control. A great many citizens detect this and demur from vaxing-up. “Joe Biden’s” public health officers did not do a very good job convincing the “hesitant” to join in the vaccine orgy. It’s a hard sell while “Joe Biden’s” homeland security side shows a cavalier indifference to a million border-jumpers with a 40 percent Covid-19 infection rate not just walking into the country but being helpfully distributed hither-and-yon from sea to shining sea. Who is paying all those bus and plane fares?

The regime is trying to soften up the public for mandatory vaxes now, using its propaganda arms to turn up the volume on pandemic fear and new variants, using phony statistics and threats to turn the unvaxed into social pariahs, including schoolchildren. The regime is playing with nitroglycerine there. How desperate and crazy are they, really? Is something wicked coming their way? I think so, and I think they know it’s so, and I think they have just about run out of tricks for avoiding it. A crack in the edifice of tyrannical coercion materialized a few days ago when SecDef Lloyd Austin declared his intention to vax-up the whole military. General David Berger, Commandant of the US Marine Corps, briskly told the SecDef, in effect, to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. What do you make of that?

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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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For me, your best article yet out of many good ones! Keep up the good work.
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For me, your best article yet out of many good ones! Keep up the good work. Read more
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