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Excuse Me For Living

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Published : July 29th, 2014
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I srael has all the proof it needs that world opinion will never consider its right to exist important. The Obama White House, and a lot of the US News Media, portray the Hamas-Israel conflict as something like an amateur soccer match, with the uneven score (40-odd Israeli soldiers killed versus 1000-plus Palestinians, mostly civilians) showing that the contest is unfair, that Israel has “gone too far,” that they have entered the same moral zone as Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, carrying out a “genocide.”

Of course, this is a real hot war, not a diversity training exercise, or a self-esteem course, or any sort of the kindergarten psychotherapy that has come to form the basis of American thought and policy. And a vicious world opinion uses America’s own moral fecklessness the way Hamas uses women and babies to shield its rocket installations.

Apparently world opinion also doesn’t take seriously Israel’s founding maxim, “never again,” meaning that Israelis will not passively wait for world opinion to save them from an enemy that plainly and clearly seeks to annihilate them, as happened 1933-45. The Hamas organization is explicitly dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is not a rhetorical gimmick; it is its declared unwavering primary goal.

The claim that Israel seeks to annihilate the Palestinians is simply a lie. Israel seeks to stop rocket attacks and tunnel invasions, and as long as Hamas is dedicated to those actions, they can expect a forceful Israeli reaction. The sealed border of Gaza has been part of that reaction, to counteract the traffic in war materials and the ready supply of suicide bombers who, Hamas declares, “love death more than the Israelis love life.”

The Hamas war leaders are killing their own people to score public relations points. The particulars of the Hamas arsenal embedded among the civilian Gaza population are so firmly established that the facts are hardly worth rehearsing. Anyway, the world doesn’t care about those facts. Israel’s will to exist is an annoyance to it.

Of course, Gaza is just one flash point in an Islamic region much more broadly inflamed in conflict between different Islamic brands and their political subsidiaries. The main reason (unacknowledged) is overpopulation of the region due to short-term wealth from oil. With oil production peaking across North Africa and the Middle East, the world can expect at least a generation of violent conflict over the table-scraps of Modernity. Even the Islamic nations with scant oil reserves have been hugely affected by a half-century of this regional oil wealth. The crack-up in the shadow of this brief historical episode has been easy to anticipate. World opinion is not going to stop it.

By the way, where was world opinion a month ago when ISIS was crucifying and beheading its way out of Syria into central Iraq? World opinion took those horrors in stride because that’s exactly the kind of behavior that world opinion now expects from radical Islamic maniacs.

Israel is a sideshow to all that, really, but one that attracts a lot of attention, with the memory of the Nazi “final solution” lingering on in the atrophying moral organs of what has been loosely called “the West,” where the last great world conflagration played out. It is ridiculous, of course, to compare the lot of the Gaza Palestinians to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. The Jews locked in the Warsaw ghetto were not firing rockets out of it, nor did they ever declare that Germany had no right to exist.

The Palestinians will find justice when they find a leadership that is willing to grant Israel a right to exist and when they stop firing rockets and sending tunnel commandoes into Israel to wreak havoc. If they started with that, they could expect a conversation to begin with Israel over new terms of coexistence. But they have to demonstrate an interest in coexistence. There’s no evidence of that so far. Why this simple equation is not understood by world opinion is an abiding mystery.

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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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Is this relevant?

" For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim.

It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks." -- MEIN KAMPF,
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Quoted from another web site.

The Zionist Elephant In The Room

The political creed of Zionism has big ears and a long trunk and I think it’s time that was pointed out. It also stampedes through our lives at every level and that needs to be said, too.
It has created a pincer-movement on the human mind by hijacking staggering amounts of political, corporate, banking and media power on one side and by using the fear of being called ‘anti-Semitic’ if you dare to state the bloody obvious.

They have been able to do this by equating in public perception that Zionism = Jewish people. It does not. Zionism is a political creed introduced by the House of Rothschild to advance the goals of the Illuminati families that are largely controlled by the Rothschilds.

When people think of Zionism they think of Jewish people. When they think of Israel they think of Jewish people. That’s understandable given the propaganda, but it is seriously misleading and those instant connections need to be broken if we are going to understand what’s going on here.

Zionism means Rothschild just as Israel means Rothschild. When we see the extraordinary number of Zionists in key positions around the world we are looking not at ‘manipulating Jews’, but manipulating Zionists representing the interests and demands of the Rothschilds.

Significant numbers of Jewish people are not Zionists and oppose that appalling creed while many Zionists are not Jewish. These include the Christian Zionists and Obama’s vice-president, Joe Biden, who told Israeli television ‘I’m a Zionist’. If, as Biden rightly says, you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, how can it be a racial rather than a political movement? It can’t. It’s just made to appear like that to manipulate public perception because opposing Zionism then becomes opposing Jewish people as a whole and the ‘you’re a racist’ card can be played over and over.
Far from protecting and advancing the interests of the mass of Jewish people it has often been devastating for them and caused millions to be labelled unfairly by the actions of the Zionist elite. On the Jews Against Zionism website one feature highlights how Rothschild Zionism targeted Jews who had lived for generations in Palestine side-by-side with Arabs in peace and harmony:

‘The religious Jews who by virtue of their faith, clearly contradicted Zionist nationalism, and who had lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors for generations, became unwillingly identified with the Zionist cause and their struggle with the Arabs.
They requested the United Nations that Jerusalem be designated as a defacto international city. They appealed to the diplomatic corps assigned to Jerusalem — but to no avail. They were hence confronted with the choice of either becoming a part of the Zionist State, which diametrically opposed the interests of Jews as a religion, or abandoning the land of which their forefathers were the first Jewish settlers.

Let’s get this straight. Zionism doesn’t give a damn about Jewish people. To the Rothschilds and their Zionist gofers and thugs the Jewish people as a whole are merely cattle to be used and abused as necessary – just like the rest of the human population.

The networks of the House of Rothschild were behind Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party in the Rothschild heartland of Germany where they had changed their name from Bauer in 18th century Frankfurt and launched the dynasty that was to control global finance.

After the war the Rothschilds used public sympathy for Jewish people targeted by the Nazis to press for a homeland in Palestine. This was the alleged reason for the founding of Zionism, but that is only part of it.
The campaign to impose a Rothschild fiefdom in Palestine goes back at least to the earlier part of the 19th century and probably long before. It was given a massive boost with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour declared in a letter his government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
This letter was sent by Balfour, an inner-circle member of an elite secret society called the Round Table, to Baron (Walter) Rothschild who funded the Round Table.

Today, Rothschild Illuminati fronts like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and others, still answer to the Round Table which string-pulls and coordinates from the shadows. This is why Zionists in government are invariably connected with these Rothschild-controlled organisations.

The Rothschilds funded the early settlers from Europe to relocate in post-war Palestine and they also funded and armed the terrorist groups, like Irgun, which bombed and terrorised Israel into existence in 1948, a campaign which forced 800,000 Palestinians to leave the land of their birth.
Israel is simply the State of Rothschild and how appropriate that they paid for the construction of the Israeli parliament building, the Knesset, and the Israel Supreme Court. The name Rothschild means Red-shield and it originates with the red shield ‘Star of David’ symbol (not a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds) which they displayed on their house in Frankfurt .

Political Zionism:

The social movement which creates and sustains the physical nation of Isreal. The driver for World Government through Isreal in the tradition of the Heretical Frankist Jews.

This definition is embodied by The Rothschild family.

Not all Jews are political Zionists. Not all political Zionists are Jews.
The political Zionist movement feeds off Jews in the sameway the the Nazi movement feed off the Germans.

Political Zionism is the greatest enemy of the Jews.
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The hypocrisy stinks to high heaven. The justifications drummed up for killing people is always the same, regardless of which side you're on and which epoch of war history you pick. True long-lasting peace can never be achieved by "cleansing" or subjugating a people. A revolt will eventually mount and aim to destroy their overlords.

Only supremacists would think that "peace only happens through superior firepower". If that was true in the middle-east, why is Israel still fighting the same war for 60+ years? Why has the mighty US not "pacified" Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and any number of wars in countries around the world they've fought post WW-II ?

A poor enemy is always denigrated as "terrorists", while an evenly matched adversary is avoided and called a "superpower".
No one dare attack Russia for its wrongdoings, but 2 million Gaza residents are fair game ?

It's dangerous to disagree with any Israeli for fear of being labelled an anti-semite. I'm an atheist and don't care what they or you believe in. It's every human's right to believe in whatever, except the "extermination" of another people. That goes for both Hamas and the IDF.

Dialogue and acceptance of your opponents differences is the only way forward for peace.
Regrettably our world has not learned from history and we are doomed to repeat its mistakes. We are perfectly capable of annihilating ourselves, long before JHK's favourite subject of peak oil takes care of the over-population problem.
Rate :   7  5Rating :   2
Insightful, even-handed essay. Co-existence is the only option for Gaza. I don't read about Israeli soldiers digging tunnels and popping up in some Palestinian school and shooting it up. Hamas is like the poodle that won't quit barking, no matter how many times you kick it away. Only solution is to put it down.

The actions of ISIS and Hamas have destroyed any sympathy I had for Palestinians or other Muslims in the Middle East. There is no negotiating or compromise with these people. Time for Israel to rid itself of a cancer. Cleanse Gaza once and for all. Let those who will live peacefully, stay. Get rid of the rest. This is War, plain and simple, started by Hamas. End it.

And why again is the border with EGYPT closed?
Rate :   7  6Rating :   1
I find it odd that most of the developed world forgets that they (respectable members of the developed world) openly practiced eugenics until the horror of German Extermination camps became wide-spread knowledge.

Yes, my dearies. The USA was openly pro-eugenics. H.D. Thoreau and R.W. Emerson, supposed pacifists, were openly eugenicists.

Eugenics never went away.
Fast forward to today. In the middle east, peace only happens through superior firepower.
Hamas and others have openly called for the extermination of Israel and all its occupants.
Wringing your hands and calling foul is just the strategy of fools, airheads and idiots.
Violence can only be stopped by the use of overwhelming force.

A nation's leadership can't negotiate an operative peace until that same leadership can convince all its citizenry to choose peace.
That is an extreme rarity historically.
Just look at the USA. Still plenty of armchair experts screaming for military intervention in dozens of foreign lands to solve problems we can't solve.
Like I said, fools, airheads and idiots. Many of whom were elected to Congress and the White House. Likes like likes.

Rate :   8  4Rating :   4
The quality of Kunstlers writings really takes a nosedive when he writes about the situation in Gaza/Israel. We all know where his sympathy lies, so what's the point in the rant? Everybody with a handful of working brain cells knows what Israels real agenda is, one only has to look at an evolving map since 1947 to the present day and it's crystal clear.

And what does he expect Hamas to do, set up rocket bases in the local football stadium or on the beach? I would like Hamas to stop firing rockets but the truth is when you haven't got anything else to loose, "you loose it". Gaza is a wretched open air prison with 86% unemployment. Not the ideal conditions for bringing out the best in people.

Do us all a favor James and give us a humor laced article on the decline of the American dream or on the psychopathic clowns in Washington beating their war drums in Europe.
Rate :   7  7Rating :   0
Lies and childish victimism, to justify once again the war crimes that Israel is commiting. The whole world is shocked. even the friends of Israel. But it doesn't matter, everybody is wrong except you. The only point where you are correct is when you compare the Israel government with ISIS. Both armed religious fanatics, both dangerous, both criminal.
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Is this relevant? " For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even ent  Read more
prljr - 7/30/2014 at 7:10 PM GMT
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