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Looting Europe's Retirement Savings — The Last Fraud Of The US Financial Ponzi Scheme

IMG Auteur
Published : May 12th, 2010
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(This is just a draft, final version tomorrow. There is a lot of analysis I need to add, but the charts are mostly done)


Backgroung on The Depository Trust & Clearing Corp (DTCC)


A comment letter to the SEC explaining
the abysmal failure of Regulation SHO to date.


(emphasis mine) [my comment]


OT..Subject: File No. S7-12-06

Subject: File No. S7-12-06
From: Lynn KeithSeptember 15, 2006
September 15, 2006
Ms. Nancy M. Morris, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Re: Amendments to Reg SHO Release No. 34-54154
File No. S7-12-06

Secretary Morris:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the abysmal failure of Regulation SHO to date, and specifically on the amendments the SEC is proposing to fix it.

As other commenters have pointed out, Section 17A of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act is very clear in mandating "prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, including the transfer of record ownership..."

Wall Street has become very adept at the "clearance" part of the transaction -- that is, the taking of a customer's money for the purchase of securities and the charging of commissions and fees for the purchase of securities. But Wall Street has more and more ignored its fiduciary duty in completing the "settlement" part of the transaction that is, delivering the securities the customer has paid for...even though non-delivery of stock is expressly forbidden by Section 9 of the Securities Exchange Act. More often than not, what is "delivered" is an electronic entry in the customer's account representing an IOU for the security they purchased -- an IOU the customer is completely unaware he holds, and which too often is unsupported by any underlying share certificate.

This delinking of the clearance and settlement of transactions has resulted in hundreds of millions of undelivered equity securities being outstanding on any given day in the U.S. equities markets. This is blatant and outright fraud -- the taking of money for a product which is never delivered.

As far as elimination of the Grandfather Exception to Reg SHO, I find it ironic that the SEC would even ask for comment on something which is so clearly illegal and in such obvious violation of Section 17A of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act to begin with. The SEC does not now, nor has it ever, had the authority to exempt illegal behavior. Period. What on earth was the SEC thinking when it allowed implementation of the Grandfather Exception? Section 36 of the 1934 Act specifically prohibits the SEC from creating any exceptions to the 1934 Act except " the extent that such exemption is necessary or appropriate in the public interest, and is consistent with the protection of investors."

Allowing Wall Street firms to continue to NOT deliver the securities their customers have already paid for -- which is what the Grandfather Exception to Reg SHO does -- is nothing more than condoning and institutionalizing fraudulent activity and theft which has already taken place. The Grandfather Exception must be eliminated. DTCC participants and options market makers have had well over a year and half to close out the fails which existed when Reg SHO was first implemented. If they have not done so by now, they obviously don't intend to, and these fails should be immediately bought-in. That the grandfathered fails have not been closed out by now is testament to the confidence naked short sellers and their facilitators have that their powerful allies at the DTCC will continue to protect them from any enforcement of SEC delivery rules.

It is noted that this blatantly illegal "grandfathering" provision was NOT part of the proposed Reg SHO language which was originally put out for public comment prior to Reg SHO implementation. No wonder. I guess even the SEC was too embarrassed to risk doing that.

One can only assume that the SEC was convinced by DTCC participants--i.e., powerful Wall Street interests--that the fail-to-deliver problem was so pervasive and so systemic in the U.S. markets that there was risk of a market meltdown if they were actually forced to deliver all the securities they had fraudulently created out of thin air and "sold" to their unsuspecting customers over the years. And as they so often have over the last 35 or so years, the SEC caved in and did what Wall Street wanted …

the 11,000 DTCC participants are able to loan out over and over and over again the same shares, and are able to sell shares which don't exist, much of the time never delivering to buyers the securities they thought they had bought, but instead are allowed to deceitfully mark their customer account statements as if they had delivered the shares… to the clear detriment of investors' retirement and investment accounts.

By whatever name you call it -- market manipulation, naked short selling, failing to deliver, or stock counterfeiting -- it all describes fraudulent stock trades that have become a spreading cancer in the system -- a malignancy that threatens to bring down the entire U. S. equity market.

As a long-time observer and investor in the U.S. markets, it appears to me that the "...prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of security transactions..." mandate of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act began to unravel about the time of the formation of the DTC and the NSCC--and later, the DTCC. These organizations, formed in response to the paperwork crisis of the late Sixties, were staffed and advised by people who had Wall Street's best interests at heart -- not investors. …

For the SEC to remain true to its Congressionally mandated mission, it must realize that the DTCC is not its friend. It is not the friend of investors. Its sole motivation is to increase and protect the profits of its 11,000 participant firms. Asking--or assuming--that this organization will adhere to the investor protection mandates of the 1933 and 1934 Securities Exchange Act on the "honor system" will not work.

I note with shame--as should the SEC--the comment letter from Research Capital Corporation (RCC), a Canadian brokerage firm that has tried to "buy-in" failed deliveries of on 39 separate occasions. In each attempted buy-in, the failed delivery has simply been replaced by another delivery commitment which also fails. [a "buy-in" is basically a process to force delivery of securities.]

This brokerage firm also states it has requested proxies for its clients which it is not receiving -- which reveals another problem engendered by naked shortselling. That is, the massive over-voting of proxies. A number of independent studies, as well as work done by the Securities Transfer Association, has revealed that over-voting has taken place in every single company studied. Such over-voting means only one thing: That there are far more people and institutions who think they own shares than there are legitimate shares to go around, and that there are millions of "phantom" or "counterfeit" shares in clients' accounts -- IOU's with no underlying stock certificates supporting them. ADP actually has an algorithm that "adjusts" shareholder votes by throwing out votes, making a mockery of the shareholder rights which are supposed to attach to share ownership.

As Frank Partnoy, law professor at the University of San Diego, has noted, "It might seem incredible, but shareholder voting in developed countries is more tainted than voting in undeveloped ones. Some shareholders' votes are counted, others are not."

Since the clearance and settlement system of the U.S. securities markets has been so badly corrupted and is currently dysfunctional, RCC suggested in its comment letter that the SEC review the buy-in rules of other countries, including those used in Canada. They could also have suggested Australia, Japan, Euronext, the London Stock Exchange, Singapore, Austria, and Germany. All of these countries and exchanges have strict share delivery requirements, and all function very well without the numerous delivery "exceptions" allowed by the SEC for certain favored Wall Street groups.

Is it not embarrassing that the capital markets of all these other countries are more honest in their clearing and settlement processes than the United States? [DTCC is bringing the America's "clearing and settlement processes" to Europe through its subsidiary, the EuroCCP]

Unfortunately, RCC is not the only foreign company to see the U.S. securities market for the way it is. While Wall Street/DTCC interests have been successful in having most New York financial publications--which they largely control--downplay the magnitude of the fail-to-deliver problem, a perusal of foreign media and investor message boards and internet blogs, all with an international audience, clearly shows that the perception is growing all over the world that the U.S. equity securities markets are as crooked, corrupt and manipulated as those of any third world country...and that the SEC is doing nothing about it.

[Read entire letter


Dollar to Euro chart

Closer look at EuroCCP Activity and the dollar rally

1) Six year dollar rout

2) EuroCCP begins operations in August 2008

EuroCCP reports that
EuroCCP Completes Final Testing For Turquoise Launch.


EuroCCP Completes Final Testing For Turquoise Launch
Low Cost Clearing and Settlement Solution to Support Pan-European Trading
London, 24 July 2008

In August, Turquoise will start trading in a limited number of European equities, and any firm that has been accredited with the platform and EuroCCP will be able to execute transactions in those shares.
More equity issues will be phased in until all 1,500 securities are trading by the full launch, scheduled for early September.

The nine members of the Turquoise consortium are involved in about 50% of the total equity trading in Europe, and other trading members will add to the overall ability of Turquoise to generate liquidity for the platform.

"Essentially we have now completed a very inclusive and complex testing process," said Trevor Spanner, EuroCCP's Chief Operating Officer. "Trading firms have been involved in submitting scripted trades that are executed on the Turquoise platform which are then forwarded to EuroCCP. EuroCCP validates the trades, nets them down, sends settlement instructions to Citi and the settlement agents selected by the participants, and sends relevant reports to all parties."

A comparative analysis conducted by EuroCCP in June found the average cost for clearing paid by financial firms was 26 eurocents across the 14 markets covered by EuroCCP services, whereas EuroCCP's anticipated average cost will be 2.9 eurocents per transaction. EuroCCP's highest cost is 6 eurocents per transaction.

Financial firms that use Turquoise and EuroCCP will gain advantage from using EuroCCP's "at cost" business model that returns excess revenue to customers and that continually drives down fees.

[What kind of firms "returns excess revenue to customers"?]



3) Turquoise launches on September 22 with six months liquidity agreements from investment banks

Euroccp reports that
Turquoise pan-European trading platform clearing extends to 1,300 securities in 13 European national markets.


Five New Firms Sign Up With EuroCCP As Turquoise's Clearing, Settlement Provider Sees Transaction Volumes Hit 400,000 a Day
Volume Surpasses Fee Discount Threshold Just Three Weeks After Start; Seamless Introduction Of Services To The New Trading Platform

London, 22 September 2008
- European Central Counterparty Limited (EuroCCP) announced today that it has already hit a peak volume day of 400,000 transactions as clearing and settlement services for the Turquoise pan-European trading platform extends to 1,300 securities in 13 European national markets.

In addition, EuroCCP announced that five new customers have signed on to use its low-cost clearing and settlement platform, including Landsbanki Securities (U.K.), MF Global U.K., Numis Securities Ltd., Parel S.A., and Pershing Securities Ltd, bringing the total number of clearing participants to 20 firms.

EuroCCP began initial operations on 15 August in two markets, Germany and U.K., involving just a handful of securities. During the next five days, 11 more markets were added. The number of securities was increased rapidly over the next three weeks.

Trade volume on Turquoise is expected to reach at least 5% of the total European trading volume in the stocks by year-end, according to Eli Lederman, Chief Executive Officer of Turquoise. Lederman noted recently that Turquoise volume was running about 1% of total volume in the stocks it trades prior to entering full production.

In the period between launching across all 13 markets and securities on 29 August and 16 September, EuroCCP has cleared and settled more than 1.6 million sides and netted those transactions down by about 98% to 32,004 total settlement obligations. In addition, EuroCCP volume surpassed 400,000 transactions on 16 September, exceeding the threshold for a price reduction for the first time.
This threshold was achieved only 23 days after the launch of EuroCCP's operations. Price reduction is based on volume exceeding a 400,000 daily average for a calendar month, and average volume probably will not exceed that level for September, but the 400,000 transaction milestone indicates that EuroCCP is achieving significant volume increases in its initial month of operation.

"At Turquoise, we applaud EuroCCP's efforts to bring increased efficiency and a lower aggregated cost for the combined process of trading, clearing and settling trades.
Customer feedback has been laudatory that clearing and settlement activities have been going so smoothly to date in all markets," said Eli Lederman, CEO of Turquoise. "Our success to date only further underscores the confidence we had in EuroCCP's expertise and knowledge."
r said Diana Chan, chief executive officer of EuroCCP. "Having successfully reached this milestone, EuroCCP will continue to focus on increasing our member base, the securities we process and the markets we can settle at so that we can provide the fullest clearing and settlement capabilities to trading platforms and to our participants."

EuroCCP has a pricing structure which is unique in the industry. The volume thresholds apply to all trading platforms and all clearing participants, regardless of their size. This means if the total volume of transactions processed by EuroCCP averages above the pricing threshold for an entire month, all clearing participants, regardless of how much they trade individually and which platform they trade on, benefit from the reduction in fees.


Liquidity agreements

Efinancial News reports about
Turquoise's liquidity agreements.


Liquidity agreements

Prior to launch, Turquoise drew up liquidity agreements with its nine shareholders – the original seven plus BNP Paribas and Société Générale – that obliged the banks to offer prices on Turquoise for six months after launch and provide the liquidity it needed to attract other customers.


Efinancial news reports that Turquoise's nine investment bank shareholders signed liquidity agreements.


Turquoise's nine investment bank shareholders signed liquidity agreements to make markets on the system for six months after its launch on September 22 this year.
However, volatile market conditions since then have meant some banks have been losing money supporting Turquoise, and some have suspended their commitments.

Traders interpret the move by Turquoise to broaden its range of backers as an attempt to minimise the potential impact of one or more banks pulling back from their market-making obligations when agreements run out at the end of March next year.

Turquoise market share grew steadily from the system's launch on September 22 to the start of last month, but its growth has slowed over the past three weeks.



1) Gold leasing use to create temporary surge in the dollar



5) Six month liquidity agreements expire and DTCC's March 15 merger plan is delayed

The Wall Street Journal reports that
Turquoise Trade Volume Falls as Contracts Expire.


MARCH 23, 2009
Turquoise Trade Volume Falls as Contracts Expire

Trading volumes at European stock market Turquoise fell by more than half last week after agreements signed by its nine shareholder banks to trade on the system expired.

Turquoise, founded by nine of the world's largest investment banks to increase the competitive pressure on Europe's main stock markets, has been doing well since its launch. The London system has expanded its market share in all of Europe's main share indexes and earlier this month was handling nearly 7% of the U.K.'s FTSE 100 trading, 8.2% of the French CAC-40 index and 9.4% of Dutch blue chips.

Last week's slowdown came after Turquoise's investment-bank backers were released from contracts requiring them to make markets in certain stocks for six months, an arrangement designed to draw liquidity to the system as it found its feet.

The value of shares traded on Turquoise between Monday and Thursday last week slid to €3 billion ($4.1 billion), down 51% from €6.1 billion the same period in the previous week, according to Bats Trading. The system's share of European stock trades averaged 3% last week, compared with 5.6% the previous week.

Turquoise's slump follows a period of growth. Turquoise had a record month in February, with stock volumes rising 11% from the previous month to €29.1 billion, even as volumes at many other European markets declined, according to financial software group Fidessa.

Eli Lederman, Turquoise's chief executive, said the drop-off in volumes had been significant but less than the market had anticipated. "We knew there would be some drop-off in volumes when the liquidity agreements ran out," he said.


Efinancial News reports that liquidity agreements signed by its nine investment bank shareholders run out.


March 2009
Six months after the launch of Turquoise the liquidity agreements signed by its nine investment bank shareholders run out and the exchange has to stand on its own two feet for the first time

April 2009
Turquoise's UK equity market share, which was 7.5% in February, halves to 3.6% and the extent to which the liquidity agreements were propping up Turquoise becomes clear


The DTCC's merger plan with LCH.Clearnet, intended to be finalized on March 15, is pushed back to the end of March.


6) DTCC scraps LCH.Clearnet merger talks

Reuters reports that
DTCC scraps LCH.Clearnet merger talks.


DTCC scraps LCH.Clearnet merger talks
Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:29pm BST

BRUSSELS/LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. Depository Trust & Clearing Corp (DTCC) scrapped its $979 million (664 million pound) merger plan with LCH.Clearnet on Wednesday, paving the way for a rival consortium to pick up Europe's biggest independent clearing house.

A 12-member group led by Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) and ICAP (IAP.L) is working towards making an offer for LCH.Clearnet by May 29, people familiar with the matter said previously. The consortium recently assured LCH.Clearnet it is still interested in a deal, a source familiar with the consortium, who was not authorized to speak for it publicly, told Reuters on Wednesday.

Analysts said interest in the London-based clearinghouse highlights an overall renewed focus on lucrative European clearing, but DTCC's backdown shows there is regulatory and political resistance to any trans-Atlantic merger.

"DTCC has continually communicated its desire to complete a successful merger to both the management and to the board of directors of LCH.Clearnet," the DTCC said in a statement.

The U.S. clearer
-- which handles all U.S. equities and already has an offshoot in Europe, EuroCCP -- signalled frustration with its retreat.

"DTCC sees no choice but to pursue other strategic alternatives to develop seamless trans-atlantic clearing services to support the needs of our customers and the industry," it added.


Despite signing a non-binding agreement in October 2008, the DTCC-LCH.Clearnet deal has not yet overcome regulatory hurdles.

The DTCC deal had been only "a remote possibility for some time" because of political and regulatory opposition to U.S. ownership of a European clearing system, according to a banking source familiar with the matter.

After the collapse of Wall Street bank Lehman Brothers, many European regulators favoured a key European clearing infrastructure remaining in the hands of European players. [Makes a LOT of sense]

"The consortium didn't want a big American company muscling in on their territory," said Philip Silitschanu, a senior analyst at consulting firm Aite Group. …


The Trade News reports that Frustrated DTCC outlines post-LCH European strategy.


Frustrated DTCC outlines post-LCH European strategy
Thu, 2009-04-30 17:32

Having walked out on merger talks with European clearing house LCH.Clearnet, US post-trade utility DTCC is focusing on developing its existing business in Europe, including pan-European clearing facility EuroCCP and its Deriv/SERV matching and confirmation service.

"We intend to compete aggressively in Europe for equity clearing with EuroCCP," DTCC spokesman Stuart Goldstein told Following EuroCCP's launch last September, it now clears for three pan-European multilateral trading facilities (MTFs) – Turquoise, SmartPool and NYSE Arca Europe. "We will announce another two platforms as clients in the coming months and have been approached by others to extend interoperability so they can gain access to EuroCCP," he said.

DTCC is also active in Europe via Deriv/SERV, which provides matching and confirmation for credit default swaps (CDS), equity derivatives and interest rate derivatives. A significant portion of the world's CDS trades emanate from London. "We're already serving the European marketplace," said Goldstein. "It is a question of now continuing to grow the presence we have on the ground."

DTCC walked away from merger talks with LCH yesterday after months of negotiations and due diligence. The firms announced their intention to merge on 22 October last year and had originally intended to finalise the deal on March 15. This was later pushed back to the end of March.



7) Dollar resumes its downward path


8) EuroCCP launches clearing/settling 120 of the most heavily-traded listed Depositary Receipts

Netherlands Corporate News reports that
EuroCCP Launches Clearing and Settlement for Depositary Receipts.


EuroCCP Launches Clearing and Settlement for Depositary Receipts
New service offering will clear a wide selection of Europe's Depositary Receipts, and provide most convenient settlement location

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 20091013 --

European Central Counterparty Limited (EuroCCP) today announced that on 16 October it will begin clearing and settling 120 of the most heavily-traded listed Depositary Receipts. With its new central counterparty service offering, EuroCCP extends to Depositary Receipts transactions the efficiency, cost-saving and counterparty risk protection benefits it already provides to clients' equities transactions.

EuroCCP has further extended its relationship with Citi's Global Transaction Services, by appointing the firm as EuroCCP's settlement agent for these instruments.

In addition to clearing a wide selection of Depositary Receipts in Europe, EuroCCP's service will stand out by providing most convenient settlement location.
Initially all transactions will settle at Euroclear Bank. Some ISINs are eligible both at Euroclear Bank and the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and, for these, after the initial period, the settlement location will be determined at the ISIN level at the one location most convenient to the majority of participants--either Euroclear Bank or DTC. This approach will facilitate customers' position management, limit customers' need for cross-border realignments, and help to reduce overall processing costs.

Commenting on EuroCCP's new Depositary Receipts service offering, James Cressy, head of EuroCCP Operations, said: "Diversification of the instruments covered by EuroCCP clearing and settlement offers new levels of safety to the markets by extending our central counterparty clearing to a new category of securities.
There was clear market interest in the EuroCCP Depositary Receipts service offering, and we worked in close cooperation with our users to develop it."

Depositary Receipts transactions cleared and settled through EuroCCP will be priced at the most competitive levels now available in Europe, with fees starting at 3 euro cents per side (€0.030) and falling to one-fifth of euro cent (€0.002) per side.
And for those transactions subject to voluntary corporate actions, EuroCCP will offer buyer protection by allowing customers to make elections on failing positions.

Turquoise will be the first multilateral trading facility (MTF) to offer trading in Depositary Receipts cleared through EuroCCP. Virtually all of these issues are priced in US dollars.

According to Tom Isaac,Global Head of Client & Sales Management for Financial Intermediaries, Citi, "Citi is extremely pleased to continue to build its relationship with EuroCCP to include the settlement of Depositary Receipts.
This appointment reflects Citi's ongoing commitment and ability to support the needs of central counterparties in this region. We look forward to continuing to work with EuroCCP as it expands its clearing capabilities into new instruments and markets."

Depositary Receipts are transferable securities that represent ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company. Listed and traded independently from the underlying equity, Depositary Receipts enable traders to invest directly in high-growth economies in an easy and cost-effective way. They comprise a significant segment of the international securities markets business today.

The new service marks the latest addition to EuroCCP's ongoing programme of innovation, which includes a significant restructuring of fees and expansion into further financial instruments and market sectors. EuroCCP, which currently clears and settles trades for four MTFs, in January 2010 will extend its services to the national exchanges owned by NASDAQ OMX in Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

Effective 1 October, EuroCCP implemented a new, tiered fee structure that leverages the company's economies of scale to deliver Europe's most competitive pricing.
Volume discounts are calculated at the participant level, which provides significant value to high-frequency trading firms now operating across multiple markets.



9) Turquoise extends service to include six Exchange Traded Commodities

Efinancial News reports that
Turquoise eyes diversity with commodities launch.


Turquoise eyes diversity with commodities launch
Tom Fairless
28 Oct 2009

Turquoise, the UK-based trading system backed by nine banks, has become the latest alternative equities market to diversify into commodities, as it pursues "business as usual" despite ongoing talks to sell itself to the London Stock Exchange.

Turquoise said it will launch six exchange-traded commodities on its main trading platform on November 13. The new contracts will track the performance of gold and silver, as well as gold bullion indices and will be cleared through EuroCCP, the European unit of the US Depository Trust & Clearing Corp, according to a statement.

The news comes four weeks after Turquoise introduced trading in 120 of the most liquid depositary receipt contracts. Depositary receipts allow investors to trade stocks in overseas companies, while avoiding the cost of holding and trading international shares.

Eli Lederman, Turquoise's chief executive, said the move into commodities represented "a natural extension to our service".

He said: "The addition of exchange-traded commodities shows we are continuing to listen to our members who want wider product coverage, and it recognises that investor appetite for ETCs has picked up substantially in recent months."

The move comes as Turquoise pushes ahead with exclusive talks to sell itself to the LSE, as first reported by Financial News earlier this month.

Lederman said: "We are operating in 'business as usual' mode in parallel with ongoing talks with the LSE. We continue to think about the future, and adding breadth to our product coverage is key to this, with small steps like DRs this month and ETCs next month, and potentially more significant additions ahead."



10) EuroCCP Begins Clearing Exchange-Traded Currencies (Currency ETCs) reports that
EuroCCP to Begin Clearing Exchange-Traded Currencies.


February 3, 2010 0830 +0000 UTC</DIV
EuroCCP to Begin Clearing Exchange-Traded Currencies

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- EuroCCP today announced that on Friday, the 5th of February, it will launch clearing services for European-listed Exchange-Traded Currencies (Currency ETCs), continuing to extend to new instruments the efficiency, cost-saving and counterparty risk protection benefits it currently provides to clients' equity and Depositary Receipts transactions.

Turquoise will be the first multilateral trading facility (MTF) to offer trading in Currency ETCs cleared through EuroCCP.

Currency ETCs are liquid securities traded on exchange that track the performance of underlying currency indices. EuroCCP initially will clear 18 Currency ETCs, which provide long or short passive exposure to the currencies of G-10 countries versus the US dollar.
To view the list of EuroCCP-clearable Currency ETCs, please go to

"EuroCCP is pleased to extend our clearing services to support the trading of Currency ETCs. By providing a safe post-trade environment, we believe this service offering will encourage liquidity," said Andrew Simpson, head of EuroCCP Product Management in London. "Our ETCs clearing service responds to investor demand for liquid, secure and transparent exchange-traded securities and also reflects increased investor appetite for foreign exchange instruments."

Adrian Farnham, Chief Operating Officer at Turquoise, commented: "Currency ETCs are presenting the European market with new trading opportunities. Turquoise is delighted to provide highly efficient access to such an expanding market, along with the competitive pricing schedule and robust technology that the Turquoise MTF already offers for equities and depositary receipts."

Listed in both USD and GBP, ETC transactions cleared through EuroCCP will settle in CREST.

ETCs trade on a regulated exchange, just as an equity is traded. An issuer creates (and redeems) the ETC security with the assistance of an Authorised Participant/Market Maker, and each ETC is assigned an ISIN when listed on exchange.



11) EuroCCP expands clearing into Hungary and the Czech Republic reports that
Turquoise and EuroCCP Launch Trading and Clearing Services for Hungarian and Czech Republic Issues.


February 23, 2010 0830 +0000 UTC</DIV
Turquoise and EuroCCP Launch Trading and Clearing Services for Hungarian and Czech Republic Issues

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- EuroCCP and Turquoise today announce they have expanded their respective clearing and trading services into two additional markets, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The move makes Turquoise the first multilateral trading facility (MTF) to offer trading and EuroCCP the first pan-European CCP to offer clearing services in the 25 components of the main Hungarian and Czech indicesâ€"the BUX and PX indices, respectively.

EuroCCP's clearing services for Hungary and Czech Republic securities are open to any trading venue to which it is linked that offers trading in these securities.

Turquoise will offer trading in the Hungarian and Czech securities cleared through EuroCCP from 26 February.
The service further extends Turquoise's pan-European equities, ETF and ETC coverage.

This service extension marks the latest in an ongoing series of enhancements EuroCCP is bringing to Europe's clearing space. Earlier this year, EuroCCP launched clearing services for listed Currency ETCs. EuroCCP's expansion delivers the efficiency and risk mitigation benefits of central counterparty clearing to a widening array of investors' transactions.

With the addition of Czech and Hungarian securities, EuroCCP's market coverage grows to encompass securities issued in 17 national markets and traded in nine different currencies.

EuroCCP has further extended its relationship with Citi's Global Transaction Services, by appointing Citi as EuroCCP's settlement agent for these securities.

Commenting on EuroCCP's expanded service offering, Andrew Simpson, head of EuroCCP Product Management in London, said: "EuroCCP is continually diversifying the markets and instruments we cover, in response to investor demand. With the addition of Czech and Hungarian equity issues, we're offering European market players the opportunity to invest in a larger variety of securities in a safe environment, where counterparty risk protection is available on all trades."

David Lester, CEO of Turquoise, commented: "We are delighted to be the first pan-European trading platform to launch trading in Hungarian and Czech equities, further extending the choice of securities for our clients.
Through these clearing arrangements, clients will benefit from the same differentiated value and risk-managed clearing and settlement solution offered currently for our existing European markets."

The securities newly eligible for clearing through EuroCCP include 12 Hungarian ISINs and 13 Czech ISINs. To view the list of eligible ISINs, please go to



12) Gold manipulation confirmed


13) EuroCCP introduces clearing service for US equity issues

The New Statesman reports that
EuroCCP introduces clearing service for US equity issues.


EuroCCP introduces clearing service for US equity issues
New Statesman
Published 15 April 2010

The European Central Counterparty (EuroCCP) has created a service offering central counterparty clearing of trades in US stocks and US exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to European trading firms.

EuroCCP's new service gives European trading firms an opportunity to trade US securities on a variety of pan-European platforms during European trading hours and to settle those trades in DTC. By offering a service where US securities settle directly at the US CSD, EuroCCP provides European trading firms with cost-effective post-trade solution.

Its clearing service for US issues allows EuroCCP to extend the efficiency, cost-saving and counterparty risk protection benefits it already provides to clients' European-listed securities transactions to US stock and US ETF transactions.

Initially, the US securities eligible for clearing through EuroCCP include approximately 100 stock issues and 50 ETFs. EuroCCP expects over time to expand the scope of eligible instruments to further equities, ETFs, and to ADRs.

EuroCCP's clearing service for eligible US issues is open to any trading venue cleared by EuroCCP that offers trading in the securities. Trading will be against US dollars. The new service increases the number of markets cleared by EuroCCP to 19.

Andrew Simpson, head of product management in London at EuroCCP, said: "With our new service, we expect to encourage the development of liquidity in US equities in Europe. European trading firms will have a centralised clearing solution to facilitate their trading of US securities on multiple European trading venues.

"We are leading the way by providing European investors with the most comprehensive array of central counterparty services on a single post-trade platform [See my entry on
*****Net Settlement And The Shortfalls Of Clearinghouse Guarantees***** for more info on the wonderful "counterparty services" offered by the DTC and EuroCCP] - and at the same time offer a lower-cost settlement alternative than previously available to firms trading in Europe [Ponzi schemes have very low overhead cost on their trade settlement activity. The EuroCCP is now passing these savings on to firms trading in Europe]. We're focused on delivering services that reflect the demands of firms, making it easier to build trading strategies across multiple asset classes - US and European equities issues, GDRs and Exchange-Traded Funds - and driving down the cost of post-trade."


Reuters reports that LSE, NYSE offer US equity trading in European time.


LSE, NYSE offer US equity trading in European time
Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:16am EDT

* LSE's Turquoise to start April 23, NYSE Arca in Q2
* LSE uses Turquoise arm for strategic moves
* Clearing house EuroCCP and parent DTCC enable initiatives
* EuroCCP eyes greater business via low US post-trade costs

(Adds announcement by NYSE Arca, EuroCCP comment, details)

By Jane Baird

LONDON, April 14 (Reuters) - Rivals London Stock Exchange (LSE.L) and NYSE Euronext (NYX.N) are both launching trading in U.S. equities during European hours on affiliate platforms in a move to boost transatlantic trading.

Clearing house EuroCCP and its parent company, the U.S. monopoly clearing and settlement firm Depository Trust and Clearing Corp (DTCC), are enabling the moves by offering low post-trade costs for U.S. securities.

The initiatives are likely to result in large volumes of transatlantic share trading as low-cost alternative trading platforms take advantage of cheap post-trade costs.

"For the first time, there will be low post-trade costs to trade U.S. stocks," said Diana Chan, EuroCCP chief executive. "This is a step towards transatlantic trading, allowing a few more hours window to trade."

Turquoise, a pan-European trading platform 51 percent-owned by LSE, plans to start by offering trading in U.S. dollars in 175 of the most liquid U.S. stocks, American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) from April 23, LSE said on Wednesday.
"Trading U.S. securities on Turquoise during European market hours will create new trading opportunities for market makers, spread betting firms, proprietary trading firms and arbitrageurs, and will build a pool of liquidity that institutional brokers can leverage for the benefit of their customers," said David Lester, chief executive of Turquoise in a statement.

Alternative platform NYSE Arca Europe said it would start offering the 100 companies in the S&P 100 index sometime in the second quarter of this year, with other names likely to be introduced later.

EuroCCP, a relative newcomer that has made limited inroads into Europe's crowded post-trade market, may gain additional clients from its ability to go through its DTCC account to offer the same post-trade fees for high-volume clients as it charges them in the United States.

For the LSE, the move shows how the exchange can use the more nimble multilateral trading facility (MTF) structure of Turquoise to make strategic moves to increase its business.

The Turquoise list will include ETFs based on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 indexes, MSCI country and regional indexes and major household names such as Citigroup (
C.N), Apple (AAPL.O) and Alcoa (AA.N), and ADRs of key European names such as BP (BP.L) and Vodafone (VOD.L), LSE said.

The service will be free for three months and introduce a maker-taker tariff system thereafter, LSE said. In such a system, market players who post bid and offer prices on the electronic trading platform get advantageous pricing.

Deutsche Boerse (
DB1Gn.DE) also offers trading in U.S. stocks during European time, using its affiliates Eurex and Clearstream, which act as intermediaries to clear and settle on DTCC.

Chan claimed that EuroCCP's post-trade service will be cheaper -- as low as one-fifth of a euro cent per side for its largest clients, or the equivalent of the one-third of a U.S. cent it charges them in the United States.

Brokers and others will be able to net out their exposures -- setting long and short positions off against each other to reduce risk exposure -- on Turquoise and on NYSE Arca, and clients large enough to maintain DTCC accounts of their own in the United States will be able to net easily via EuroCCP's account, she said.

EuroCCP also plans to seek UK regulatory approval to allow clients to net their holdings directly with holdings in the United States, she said.
(Editing by Louise Heavens)



(I will finish entry tomorrow.)


Eric de Carbonnel

 Market Skeptics


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