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Lying or Just Stupid?

IMG Auteur
Published : May 05th, 2014
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It’s not always easy to define what exactly is wrong with America, but what ever it is, it’s huge.

— Roel Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic

Nobody knows, from sea to shining sea, why we’re having all this trouble with our Republic.

— Tom McGuane, Ninety-Two in the Shade

Despite its Valley Girl origins, the simple term clueless turns out to be the most accurate descriptor for America’s degenerate zeitgeist. Nobody gets it — the “it” being a rather hefty bundle of issues ranging from our energy bind to the official mismanagement of money, the manipulation of markets, the crimes in banking, the blundering foreign misadventures, the revolving door corruption in governance, the abandonment of the rule-of-law, the ominous wind-down of the Happy Motoring fiasco and the related tragedy of obsolete suburbia, the contemptuous disregard for the futures of young people, the immersive Kardashian celebrity twerking sleaze, the downward spiral of the floundering classes into pizza and Pepsi induced obesity, methedrine psychosis, and tattooed savagery, and the thick patina of public relations dishonesty that coats all of it like some toxic bacterial overgrowth. The dwindling life of our nation, where anything goes and nothing matters.

It’s not just the individual cluelessness of ordinary people leading lives too frantic for a moment’s reflection about anything, but the appalling institutional cluelessness of enterprises where you’d think combined intellects might tend toward a more faithful view of reality. But these days all we get is a low-order of wishful and clownish group-think, such as this item from today’s New York Times discussing a proposed reversal of Gazprom pipelines along the Ukraine / Slovakian frontier as the solution to the Kiev government’s fuel problem:

Nearly all the gas Washington and Brussels would like to get moving into Ukraine from Europe originally came from Russia, which pumps gas westward across Ukraine, into Slovakia and then on to customers in Germany and elsewhere. Once the gas is sold, however, Gazprom ceases to be its owner and loses its power to set the terms of its sale.

Get that? To avoid depending on Russian gas, they’re going to buy Russian gas from sources other than Russia. What New York Times editor can read this story without spraying her video display with coffee? What genius in John Kerry’s “Haircut-in-Search-of-a-Brain” State Department dreamed up this dodge? Who would think that you could improve a Chinese fire drill by tacking on a Polish blanket trick (i.e. trying to make your blanket longer by cutting a foot from the top and sewing it onto the bottom).

The only conclusion the casual observer can come to is, to put it mildly, these institutions have gone completely meshugga. Since I follow the behavior of these organizations, I know that this is not an isolated example. For the State Department, the entire gambit in Ukraine has been a chain of obvious bungles and miscalculations, starting with our sponsored overthrow of the original elected Kiev government, and the absurd presumption that Russia had no legitimate interest in that region’s stability to the strategy of shoot-yourself-in-the-foot financial sanctions. The New York Times (once America’s “Newspaper of Record”), is now a completely unreliable conduit for un-parsed White House backgrounder propaganda and raw State Department spin, with an overlay of editorial PMS brain fog.

Another humdinger on a somewhat different issue caught my attention the other day in the formerly eminent, now degenerate journal Foreign Affairs (May / June 2014): The United States of Gas, by Robert Hefner III . This idiotic article in the current issue hits on all the usual wishful thinking delusions du jour concerning this country’s energy prospects, namely: due to fracking in shale deposits we’ve entered an energy-and-manufacturing renaissance, we’re soon-to-be the premier energy exporter to the world, and US “consumers” (i.e. citizens) can be assured of driving to WalMart forever — in other words, all economic problems solved. These idiots (editors and fact-checkers included) must get all their information straight out of the Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) PR handouts. CERA, of course, is the official public relations shop of the oil and gas industry.

It’s one thing that this article is patently misleading. What’s worse is the complete absence of any understanding of the fundamental dynamic between the high cost of unconventional oil and gas and its effect on capital formation. In other words, the capital investment for continued future drilling will simply not exist. What a surprise that will be to the people who run this land.

There comes a point in the destiny of a failing nation when official lying is no longer distinct from official stupidity. We’ve crossed that boundary in the USA. It pays to remember that societies get what they deserve, not what they expect.

Data and Statistics for these countries : Germany | Russia | Slovakia | Ukraine | All
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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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"Once the gas is sold, however, Gazprom ceases to be its owner and loses its power to set the terms of its sale." I had to wipe MY coffee off the screen after that one. Was that really a quote ?
It all comes back to ignorance. Ignorance as to what constitutes sound money. Once you have corrupted what constitutes fair value of exchange between individuals, states and nations, everything else follows - no exception. That is where we are now. That is why gold and silver is a remedy for "it" The PTB know this, and will say and do absolutely anything to prevent it - the aforementioned quotation proves it.
Rate :   1  1Rating :   0
Spot on analysis with which I have to agree.

What you did not mention is that the nation, just like many other western nations, has essentially abandoned Christianity as a way of life and embraced dishonest unaccountable misconduct and greed. When you have 1% owning 90% of the wealth with the poorest either having no jobs or locked into slavery then what do you expect other than the law of the jungle on one end of society and unabated self on the other.

The other problem which is not just an issue in the Us but rather all other countries is that big business 'owns' governments of either persuasion. When you have these vested interests writing policy and directing how governments will act and in whose interests you have a recipe for gross abuse and perversion of what government is supposed to be.

"...government for the people by the people..." is now but a feel good statement from the past which has little relevance in contemporary America as "the people" are not in charge. Big business is.

I do not know how it is all going to end. Whilst the nation is a peaceful nation you cannot suppress populations forever and sooner or later you end up with revolution.
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I like your edgy take on the subject!

Lets take it a little further.

From the Cree Tribe, wired with the Haplogroup X-2 DNA, in my 61st year, 1500 + sweat-lodge trips to the Eagle’s Domain (the great void where all potentiality resides). I’ve lived a wonderful exciting life (lucky in love) and have studied our native cultural wisdom and anybody else’s with any substance.
This past year I was seriously injured falling a large Alder tree and came to a place in healing retrospection, asking myself what was my relationship with reality? I came away from that with the obvious, “I did not have a functioning relationship with Reality”.

Every teacher from time immemorial was trying to teach us (without actually saying it of course) that as beings we possessed tremendous unused spirit consciousness resources, and in each their own way, attempted to share their insights on how to access and utilize these, to our benefit. The wisdom of the ages can all be distilled down to onboard brain chemical secretions, specifically the atrophied but golden pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands. The ancients left us the trancendental schematic, the Caduceus Symbol reminding us that the path to enlightenment, was and is brain glandular secretions. The ancient symbol is missunderstood and has been reduced to a shirt logo for ambulance drivers.

Anyone who has lit a DMT pipe will tell you the brain is capable of processing 10,000 years of intense experiential data in only 10 fr*kin minutes. Unbelievable brain bandwidths are available to each and everyone of us. Our DNA designers did not leave us the owner’s manual and that has left us in this lobotomized brain state with atrophied pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands. Fortunately they can be quickly rejuvenated and brought back on line seriously kicking up the brain bandwidths. Personal Sovereignty is a real achievable possibility. The golden brain bandwidth boosting glands can be accessed and rejuvenated:

The reality is we are living in an age of consciousness without a functioning relationship with reality. We need to get over the fact that from a cosmological perspective, we are an emerging civilization with a multiple history as a failed society in the process of blowing it again for the umpteen time.

Of necessity, a functioning relationship with reality includes, Gnosticism, Alchemy, ET, Archons, Lockheed Martin Ben Rich’s alumni disclosure, knowledge of the advanced civilizations who built the precision stone megaliths (that we can not build today), being present to nature's process of creating matter from information encoded energy, LENR, that consciousness and matter are quantumly coupled, rejuvenated pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands, the value of service, a loving family and the wilful intention to have a source connected relationship with reality.

With these in place we have a chance to be in the cosmic game called life and without them we are basically hooped.

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"Democracy without morality is impossible". Jack Kemp.

There is a bankruptcy of morality right now ! How can any country preach the "virtues" of democracy when "lies" have become the new normal. Without morality it is indeed impossible. When "trust" is gone; no one takes you seriously.
Rate :   3  1Rating :   2
Kunstler is becoming increasing annoyed that the world hasn't run out of oil and hasn't returned to the primitive hunter gatherer society he has hoped for. After years of arguing for the demise of industrial civilization and seeing, rather, progress and an increase in energy supplies one can well understand his humiliation.

The title of this article LYING OR JUST STUPID? might well apply to his own failed predictions and his having voted for Obama the Messiah twice.

Rate :   0  6Rating :   -6
What else might one expect from a Republican. The ratings say it all.
Read the article again.
Rate :   0  1Rating :   -1
The vast majority of oxygen thieves can't grasp the simple fact that the news media's income stream is from advertising.
Now factor in the tidbit that every hour of investigative journalism takes a bite out of the net profit.
Ergo, the press release is cheap and has applicable references.
Few will comprehend that the press release came from a biased advocate.

What makes things far worse is the intellectual laziness of these oxygen thieves.
As in ancient Rome, these plebs just want bread and circuses.
Critical thinking skills? That is so 1960-ish. Intelligent phones and tablets have surpassed the intellectual capabilities of the plebs who own them.
Even Morse code required more intellectual skill than Twitter.

I am completely disgusted.
But keep the articles coming Mr Kunstler. I don't feel so alone in my dismal analysis of this human(?) condition.
Rate :   9  2Rating :   7
Personally I think that this article hits the nail on the head. You have your head in the sand overtheedge and refuse to acknowledge the obvious. But maybe you are also a Republican and care only about MONEY and those who are prepared to destroy all to get more.
Rate :   0  2Rating :   -2
Seems I'm not the only one that's pissed-off with the absence of integrity in what was a great country.
Rate :   10  1Rating :   9
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"Once the gas is sold, however, Gazprom ceases to be its owner and loses its power to set the terms of its sale." I had to wipe MY coffee off the screen after that one. Was that really a quote ? It all comes back to ignorance. Ignorance as to what const  Read more
Cameron Waugh - 5/7/2014 at 12:57 AM GMT
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