More Dirt on the Bitcoin

IMG Auteur
Published : November 12th, 2015
521 words - Reading time : 1 - 2 minutes
( 16 votes, 4.7/5 ) , 5 commentaries
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Suppose someone wished to sell his house, way back in the 1890's when gold was used as money, and somebody came to that person and said, "I'll give you "x" ounces of gold for your house", and suppose the offer was accepted. This was a commercial operation, where goods traded hands - the owner of a house sold a house, and received gold; the other party delivered some gold and purchased a house.

When, bygone days, a house was sold for gold coins, all that the seller had to regard was the quantity of gold in the coins offered and whether that quantity was satisfactory or not. Gold was recognized as money!

Now suppose you wish to sell your house today, and someone offers to pay for it in "x" number of Bitcoins. The quantity of Bitcoins - unlike a quantity of gold in yesteryear - would mean absolutely nothing to you. You would have to relate the Bitcoins to something else, namely the dollar. You would want to know for how many dollars you could exchange your Bitcoins. The answer would determine whether or not you sold your house.

It is quite clear that the Bitcoin can only aspire to be aderivative of the dollar. It cannot aspire to anything greater: to have an independent, sovereign value, since, unlike gold, it is not something - something that has a physical existence.

The dollar is presently rising in its exchange value against all other currencies. But no one can deny that the dollar is itself a fiat currency, and that in all history, absolutely all fiat currencies have ended in the total collapse of their value in exchange.

What future awaits the Bitcoin when the fiat dollar finally crashes? Without a dollar to refer to, what is a Bitcoin? It is "the shadow of a dream".

What I am getting at is that the Bitcoin is a non-thing. It will never be able to have an independent, sovereign value on its own, because it is a non-thing, just like all currencies in the world today are non-things, including the (temporarily) Almighty Dollar, which became an absolute non-thing precisely on Sunday, August 15, 1971.

The creators and promoters of the Bitcoin are perhaps acting in good faith, but they are individuals enthralled with technology. The Bitcoin may indeed be a technological marvel, but the creators and promoters of the Bitcoin do not understand money, and they do not understand that the creation of money cannot be accomplished by technology, no matter how sophisticated it may be. The ignorant public of today is also bewitched by the marvels of technology and has been thoroughly deceived by false economists about what money is and must be, and this opens the way for such fantasies as the Bitcoin.

I stand by my opinion that the Bitcoin is, in fact if not in intention, a fraud; it is an attempt to muscle-in on the enormous scam of universal fiat money, which is a curse upon mankind. And as a scam, it will go to the dust-bin of History, along with the world's present fiat money system.

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Hugo Salinas Price is the founder of Mexico's Elektra retail chain. Hugo Salinas Price currently is retired from retailing and focuses on being a proponent of a sound financial policy for Mexico[1]. Salianas Price is President, Mexican Civic Association Pro Silver, A.C
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BITCOINS are real and are an amazing currency .
unlike gold which can be confiscated and can not be traded directly for goods easily .
Bitcoins can not just be printed by governments and are real money .
Bitcons have phenomenal potential . and do not cause massive pollution in their production
unlike gold which legacy of production is massive pollution just look at the acid mine legacy in South Africa which threatens the water supplies of millions of people .
it is a bit daft to dig something useless out of the ground only to rebury it in some secure vault and say that this practice represents real value .
its a non starter in real human terms .
just idiocy . but just printing money is imo just madness .
when it goes wrong and it will god help us all
Don't continue to dish bitcions from a position of non comprehension
thank you
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Are bitcoins not open to the same manipulation as paper fiat currencies? What is to stop the controller (some Central bank yet to be created) from issuing more bitcoins?
What a dumb dumb article. Is this for real?
Both gold and bitcoin are of course not 'money' even though they may be substituted for same. In the end it comes down to the other side of the transaction and what is acceptable. It could be a wife, two goats and bottle of booze being an acceptable payment.
The real problem with bitcoin is that it is a number on a screen and a file on a hard disk. Both can disappear faster than a lottery win at Vegas. But this is where we are headed......a centralised money system which has no physical notes to exchange. Frightening.
for you to say that this is a "dumb article" reveals your ignorance of what money is and your general stupidty. do a word search on the author then ask yourself why you have been so foolish and disrespectful. there are a variety of definitions of money and not one of them mentions goats or swill. many of the modern definitions of money are very misguided but even they do not mention toasters or animals. have you noticed that governments and central all around the world and millions of citizens are beginning to hoard gold and also silver? you speak like a sophmore because you are one mentally.

i wish you interesting studies and good health

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Your comments sound more like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth than an informed response. A pity your mother did not take the time to teach you better manners and a little self control.
Money is a medium of exchange. Nothing more. It has no value as such. Gold used to be a medium of exchange a very long time ago, but it no longer is. Neither is bitcoin because it is accepted as such.
Your statements about governments and citizens hoarding gold are anecdotal at best as the price of physical gold is staying low. And before you go into rant mode again I appreciate that short sellers with vested interests may be at work and that governments and their central bankers make an artform out of lying so who knows.
Whilst we all hold some precious metals the question is 'how much'. Good luck if you are 100% gold. You'll truly deserve all that comes your way when the route starts and currencies fail.
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BITCOINS are real and are an amazing currency . unlike gold which can be confiscated and can not be traded directly for goods easily . Bitcoins can not just be printed by governments and are real money . Bitcons have phenomenal potential . and do not c  Read more
rfcgold3 - 11/13/2015 at 8:01 AM GMT
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