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Neocons Are Unhinged

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Published : June 26th, 2013
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When Obama went before the United Nations on September 12, 2012 to declare that the Syrian regime "must end" and threatened U.S. military intervention to achieve that end he did not cite the U.S. Constitution as his authority. No American president ever does when threatening military intervention. Instead, he invoked the rhetoric of Abraham Lincoln or what the late Professor Mel Bradford called "the rhetoric of continuing revolution." More specifically, in his U.N. speech he paraphrased Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to say that U.S. military intervention is warranted because "government of the people, by the people, and for the people is more likely to bring about the stability, prosperity, and individual opportunity that serve as a basis for peace in the world."

Obama repeated this hoary theme - that Lincoln's rhetoric "justifies" or "legitimizes" endless American military interventionism all over the world - in his first inaugural address. "What makes us exceptional," he shouted, "is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago . . ." This "idea" was not, of course, the Constitution and not even the Declaration of Independence, but a few words from the Declaration taken out of historical context. The words are the "all men are created equal" phrase.

Nothing could be further from the truth than Lincoln's notion that America was founded on the idea of egalitarianism. The essential principles of the Constitution were based on the freedom of individuals from governmental control of their lives, not "equality" however it may be defined. If government is to have a role in society, said the founders, it is to protect lives, liberty and property, not to promote "equality" (which Lincoln unequivocally did not believe in in any case).

It is this "rhetoric of continuing revolution" that the American state has invoked for more than a century now to "legitimize" all of its powers, especially its endless aggressive wars. It is the opponents of endless military interventionism, men like Ron Paul, who alternatively invoke the Constitution as defining the legitimate role of government in society. The myths, legends, and superstitions surrounding the story of Abraham Lincoln ("Father Abraham," as the neocons are fond of calling him) are what are used to legitimize the power of the American warfare/welfare state, not the Constitution.

This fact explains the odd but perfectly predictable occurrence of recent hysteria among the neocons, especially one Rich Lowry of National Review magazine, over criticisms of the Lincoln dictatorship by yours truly and many others. They have become strangely unglued and freaked out over the fact that many young Americans, especially, no longer buy into the standard propaganda line that is always invoked to "justify" more war, more killing, more debt, taxes, inflation, spying, and other attacks on civil liberties. The neocons are still punch drunk, in other words, from how the Ron Paul phenomenon, during the congressman's two attempts at securing the Republican Party presidential nomination, captured the imaginations of millions of young people and continues to do so.

One of the clearest examples of the importance the neocons assign to the Lincoln legend in supporting never-ending war is a small book by an American Enterprise Institute neocon named Walter Berns. His book is entitled Making Patriots. In an important chapter on Lincoln mythology Berns bemoans the fact that too many of today's youth are too hesitant to join in the neocons' crusades to overthrow governments in place like Syria, Lebanon, Iran, North Korea, and elsewhere. They are too selfish and self-centered, says Berns, being so preoccupied with their own education, careers, and families. They must be mesmerized into the fascist/neocon militaristic mindset by some kind of "national poet," says Walter Berns. "Fortunately," he says, we already have such a "poet" in the political rhetoric of Abraham Lincoln. "Making Cannon Fodder" would thus be a more appropriate title for Berns' book.

In his essay on "The Nature of the State" Murray Rothbard pointed out that all states, no matter how tyrannical they may be, rely crucially on inculcating in the minds of the public the alleged grandiosity of the state and the alleged failures of private enterprise and the civil society. That's why the state and its court historians and other apologists (such as the neocon magazine writers, talking heads, and court intellectuals) spends so much time and effort trying to dominate the educational system and the domain of "acceptable" public discourse.

Such propaganda is essential to statism, said Rothbard, because it is essentially an economical way to get the public to acquiesce in being enslaved by the state. It is much cheaper and less risky than other historical means, such as terrorizing and mass murdering one's own citizens, thereby risking a violent revolution (See Death by Government by R.J. Rummel). Lincoln mythology is the propagandistic cornerstone of American statism and has been for generations. It is why politicians like Obama always fall back on the rhetoric of "American exceptionalism" to "justify" their endless wars and military adventurism.

The neocons are becoming unglued and freaked out because they no longer control the culture of ideas among "conservatives" as they did when the former CIA employee William F. Buckley, Jr. was at the helm of their flagship magazine. No longer can the ideas of a Frank Meyer, one of the founders of National Review who was a harsh critic of Lincoln, be thrown down the memory hole. There are too many independent scholars who are more interested in pursuing the truth than in "spinning" 150-year-old political rhetoric to "justify" the scheming plans of the military/industrial/congressional complex. Young people especially are concerned about the erosion of civil liberties and have become highly suspicious of tired old, belligerent neocons like Harry Jaffa and his followers (like Rich Lowry) who assure them that NSA spying, warrantless wiretaps, state snooping on all financial transactions, censorship of the internet, and intimidation of the media is all kosher because, after all, "Father Abraham" suspended Habeas Corpus, censored telegraph communications, and shut down opposition newspapers.

A prerequisite for the final collapse of the Soviet Union was the widespread disbelief in all the lies, myths and superstitions about socialism that the people of the Soviet empire had been brainwashed into accepting. Once no one any longer believed in socialism, the system was doomed despite all of its military might and all of the willingness of communist politicians to brutalize their own people.

As Rothbard said, all state power ultimately rests on a body of ideas that occupy the minds of the citizens. That is what so terrifies the neocons like Rich Lowry: They know how absurd it sounds to America's youth to hear Obama invoke THEIR rhetoric about the Declaration, government of the people, by the people, etc., and "American exceptionalism" to make his case for yet another war in yet another Middle East country that poses no threat whatsoever to them. More and more young Americans have come to understand that it is the warfare state, propped up by the neocon propaganda apparatus, that is the biggest threat to themselves and their futures.

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Thomas DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola College, Maryland, and a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He is the author or co-author of ten books, on subjects such as antitrust, group-interest politics, and interventionism generally
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I don't see Jim C's criticisms of Thomas D. as personal attacks. While Lincoln can be dinged for the violation of habeas corpus, not to mention the draft, his abolishment of slavery in the United States far outweighs his flaws. Also, that some people ignore the fact the South did start the war puzzles me. At the same time I don't see Thomas D. as the total anarchist Jim C. sees him as, though Thomas may well have an agenda of his own.

In any event I hope future discussions stick to the issues and not descend into personal insult.
Rate :   4  6Rating :   -2
As you appear to be new to this forum so it would be wise to read more of Jim C's posts before coming to his defense. While his criticisms of DiLorenzo may not on every occasion be personal they most certainly are off topic. This is the major issue with his posts, they derail the discussion with useless rants. That said, he does generally attack anyone that would disagree with him personally. The sort of thing an internet troll would do.

Your statement about the abolishment of slavery out weighing all of Lincolns other criminal acts can and has been hotly debated. Does abolishing slavery outweight going to war because of a loss of revenue and control with the result of 10’s of thousands of civilians and service men being killed? Does that one act outweigh breaking so many other laws? Lincoln could have stopped slavery without going to war but he didn’t and this will always hang over the man’s reputation. Had his intention for going to war been the abolishment of slavery then his intentions would have surfaced prior to the war with actions that would have started the process to eliminate this horrendous crime in the north. The fact remains that Lincoln could have saved the lives of countless slaves as well as the lives of those that were killed in the war if he would have been a man with the kind of character and conviction many like Jim C wants us to believe he was.

Was the south really wrong for firing the first shot? Let’s use school children here as a comparison. If a child is bullied but never physically and the child finally reaches a point where the aggression can no longer be tolerated so they then beat the aggressors to a pulp is the child really guilty of attacking the others? This is a common trick used by Lincoln and every US president in recent memory. Right now what the US is doing with Iran is yet another example of this tactic. It is also heavily leveraged by Jim C, hence my branding him as an internet troll. A description that fits him perfectly.

If DiLorenzo has an agenda that he has not yet made us aware of then let us critique it when he does expose it.

Rate :   5  3Rating :   2
I certainly don't want to be pulled into this Lincoln thing, since his enforcement of the draft really irked me, but I don't see how he could have ended slavery without a war (and the South really did start it). The South was committed to leaving the Union in the event of Lincoln's election and promptly did so, despite nothing on Lincoln's part to indicate that he was about to issue any kind of proclamation freeing slaves which would have had no effect anyway.

We must agree, and I went over DiLorenzo's previous articles this morning, that he really has never condemned the South or the odious institution of slavery. I'll say no more about this as my main concern is getting the Nation back to a gold standard and debating that issue. Thanks for the response.

Rate :   3  3Rating :   0
As far as I can recall your correct, DiLorenzo has never done a dissertation on the south either stating that he agreed with their practice of slavery or shown any aggravation that slavery was abolished. I would state that slavery and other matters related to what the south did are not what he wants to write about. He focuses on Lincoln and his actions and thereby limits the discussion. Bringing in points not contained within the post in an effort to discredit anything that was written must be challenged. If not then these forums would be filled with all manner of off topic trash. It would be a haven for spammers or those who wish to post their own skewed views of the world.

Don’t be upset about being dragged into this discussion, it’s refreshing to be able to exchange a difference of opinions on even something as divisive as Lincolns actions without name calling and venom.
Rate :   5  1Rating :   4
DiLorenzo attacks on Lincoln are an attack on moral authority and objective law -- neither of which DiLorenzo, and others, accept. DiLorenzo believes in no government at all, least of all a government willing to intervene and prevent a state, or states, within a union to violate the rights of others. He, and others, won't even blame the South for the initiation of the violence, the attack on Fort Sumter -- only the North for responding to it. This article has NOTHING to do with neocons; everything with objective law.

That is the reason DiLorenzo never criticizes the South's institution of slavery -- only Lincoln for taking the moral high ground to abolish it. DiLorenzo's ideal of the state is Somalia -- law by whomever has the superior firepower.

Rate :   8  3Rating :   5
How does attacking someone who breaks laws become and attack on moral authority and objective law? Where does your moral compass point in regards to the innocent people that were killed in the illegal war started by Lincoln? Or are the only people you consider innocent the slaves that Lincoln supposedly fought to free? What about the children that were murdered by his troops? The women that were raped by the same troops? The men that were slaughtered who were not military and simply wanted to protect their families from the invading forces Lincoln sent in? Did these people deserve to die simply because they lived on the wrong side of some imaginary line in the dirt? You hold up as more sacred the right of a central government to kill and rape those that disagree with it than those who would defend themselves from such tyranny.

How twisted your view of history is, all in the name of keeping Lincolns name artificially shiny and squeaky clean. I dare say that if you lived in that time on the wrong side of the border and died trying to protect your family because Lincolns troops were killing everyone they could on their way to rid the world of those who had become a pain in the ass for Lincoln your view point here would be very different. You see your just playing at recalling one side of history, those people that died had to live through the horror of history being made.

Anyway, back to the point here. You bring up all manner of reasons to try discrediting DiLorenzo, none of which is relative to the point he made in his post. This is what causes so many to take issue with you. Make a valid point on what’s in the post and be part of the discussion. Bring up trash not in the post and take heat.

Rate :   5  2Rating :   3
Show me where Tommy takes issue with Lincoln for abolishing slavery. If you cant then stop going on about it.

Rate :   6  1Rating :   5
Long time reader but first time post. I have to laugh, watching Hart and Co. work Jim. it’s like toying with a cat. Shine a laser and watch the cat go nuts trying to catch something that will always allude it, in this case Jim is the cat. Just as the cat can’t comprehend what its chasing Jim can’t comprehend the how he is in over his head due to his head being firmly deposited in a dark orifice of his own possession.
Rate :   5  2Rating :   3
And once again DiLorenzo attacks Lincoln. DiLorenzo sees NO reason why the government ought to intervene in ANY state affair -- even if those affairs include the violation of individual rights, like Slavery.

He completely ignores, like other commentators here, that the South initiated violence against the North. For the brain dead like Hart, that means they STARTED the war. According to DiLorenzo Lincoln still had no right to defend the nation. DiLorenzo doesn't believe in the concept of a Nation. He is of the Rockwell ilk: both lean toward anarchy as an ideal. Every man for himself and every man his own arbiter of right and wrong, of justice. Such a society will devolve into fighting clans as it has in Somalia. I don't even think DiLorenzo believes that an objective ethic exists that would allow an objective rule of law. If someone wants to enslave another, then fine, no one has the moral authority to prevent it.

Lincoln believed he had that moral authority -- and THAT is the real reason for DiLorenzo's hatred of Lincoln, which has nothing to do with habeas corpus or 'neocon aggression'.
Rate :   6  -4Rating :   10
Hey the troll posted again. You have once again completely missed what was in the post and dragged into this thread your own disgusting personal hatred for DiLorenzo. Your comment had nothing to do with what was posted. You drag me into this because you had a melt down earlier when I showed you why your a troll and your still licking your wounds. Show me one time that DiLorenzo has referenced slavery in any of his posts or where wherein he bemoans the fact that Lincoln ended the practice. Show me one place in his posts where he defends Lincolns right to defend the nation!

Your so messed up you read your own fantasy's into DiLorenzo posts and then slam him for what you think he posted. Your nothing but an ignorant old man that cant get out of his make believe world where Lincoln was a hero, no matter what history has to say about his actions. He was a brutal selfish ignorant war monger. Yes, he FIANLY got around to abolishing slavery (but in the mean time while he was playing politics how many enslaved people had to die simply because he wouldn't win a popularity contest if he did free them) when it suited him and you take this one act to out weigh all of his crimes.

Definition of Jim C, a.k.a. Internet Troll

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion."

That's you Jim, you bring up trash to drag a discussion off topic.

Rate :   3  1Rating :   2
There are an army of paid letter writers out there trying to hold together the Neocon façade, whether dear old Jim falls into that camp or is just a deluded Republican supporter, only he knows.

But its very clear, either this façade will give way to justice for the people of the world or those perpetrating this whole ridiculous propaganda will try and turn the west into a vast prison camp! They wont succeed.
Rate :   7  1Rating :   6
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Long time reader but first time post. I have to laugh, watching Hart and Co. work Jim. it’s like toying with a cat. Shine a laser and watch the cat go nuts trying to catch something that will always allude it, in this case Jim is the cat. Just as the cat  Read more
Spokes - 6/26/2013 at 10:23 PM GMT
Rating :  5  2
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