Rant Topic: Canadian Bullion Storage IRA Update

IMG Auteur
Published : February 10th, 2012
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Often, I am so disgusted by what I see that I need an afternoon workout to consolidate thoughts before writing my daily wrap-up, which is precisely what I did today.  The level of across-the-board market manipulation and propaganda was so heavy today; it felt like a thick fog over a London pier, or better yet, THE FOG.

The Fog (1980) - Teaser Trailer

 I am right on the money with my $1,750/ounce line in the sand prognostication, as everything else related to current PM analysis is, at this point, moot.  In fact, my friend and mentor Jim Willie even used that term in his new piece today, per the chart below.  As readers know well, short-term charts are meaningless in the manipulated PM sector, while long-term charts can be powerful tools due to the significant resistance levels created by non-stop suppression.


Willie's illustration below depicts a MAJOR"cup and handle" formation dating back four months, the inadvertent product of "OPERATION PM ANNIHILATION I", "OPERATION PM ANNIHILATION II", and the "FEBRUARY NFP FARCE."  This chart clearly depicts how the Cartel's line in the sand has created a massive basing pattern with huge breakout potential, yielding my continued forecast that a run to new all-time highs is in the cards this spring.



In silver, the $34.00-$35.00/ounce level also represents a MAJOR "cup and handle" formation, identically indicating a potential surge to the $40s in the coming months.  Not only is such a scenario nightmarish for the Cartel in terms of PROPAGANDA efficacy, it will establish iron clad support in the mid-$30s, just as several years of capping has created MASSIVE support at the KEY ROUND NUMBER of $30.00/ounce.



Contrary to my original intention, the workout created an incredible amount of ANGER at multiple parties.  The Cartel, PPT, and Washington/Wall Street "troika" are the source of my aggression, but the object of today's RANT is the amorphous "Tyler Durden," whom I love for Zero Hedge's diverse content, but HATE for his ignominious inability to deal with the most important aspect of the financial markets - NON-STOP GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION!  Like many others in this business, Zero Hedge will at times hint at it, other times outwardly acknowledge it, but most of the time "play dumb."


I will go apoplectic if I see Zero Hedge use that vague term "RISK-OFF" one more time, as it has NEVER made a whit of sense, and doesn't in the slightest way describe typical market action.  It not only is ridiculously misleading to characterize every minor market decline as a trend, but starkly contrary to the website's mantra of exposing the truth, which it appears to do beautifully in nearly every other instance.


Today, for instance, the Dow had its usual, modest early morning weakness before the PPT immediately staunched the decline at the modest 60 point level...

...just as it did yesterday (low -60)...



...the day before (low -60)...



...and the day before that (low -70)!




NOW do you see why I chronicle the Dow's fraudulent movement each day? 


Not only does its inexorable climb higher (on record-low volume and volatility) contradict the deteriorating state of the GLOBAL economy, but violently flies in the face of the ongoing EXODUS of retail capital out of U.S. mutual funds.


Estimated Long-Term Mutual Fund Flows - February 8, 2012 - ICI


Yes, another day in the office for the PPT, with not a whit of "new" news to speak of, just the same litany of unending "horrible headlines" observed each and every day, as listed below.  Yet, Zero Hedge continued to show its unerring blind spot for the simplest examples of Manipulation 101, promulgating the very PROPAGANDA it aims to subvert with the ridiculous headline below, describing the Dow's whopping 60 point, or 0.4%, decline this morning.


Risk Off As ECB Says Rumor Is Actually Not Fact


First off, "Tyler," every time the Dow falls 50 points does not denote a trend or "philosophical change," particularly given the PPT's obvious control over all aspects of stock market movement.  Secondly, what about the ambiguous quote in this story denotes anything remotely incremental?  




Such "ECB uncertainty" has been the same monotonous headline practically each hour for the past three months, as acknowledged by Zero Hedge itself yesterday (see below).   Yet, you put out ridiculous "RISK-OFF" headlines anyway, accomplishing nothing but confusing readers and furthering TPTB's goals.


The Latest Hopium Recap Out Of Greece: Now 100% Recyclable 


Next, if such news is so cataclysmic that it signals an imminent Greek collapse, how is it that the EURO DIDN'T BUDGE on this news, either after this news was published or during the rest of the day?  And since "RISK-OFF" connotes a decline in ALL ASSETS, how is it that crude oil was UP 1% today, and base metals largely unchanged? 


WOW, the Dow was UP five points and the CRB Commodity Index down a WHOPPING 0.07%.  RISK-OFF!



Hmm, let's see.  Were there ANY markets that actually declined due to this catastrophic"RISK-OFF" news?  Ah, I see two - the only markets that have historically RISEN during actual "RISK-OFF" scenarios; the only true SAFE HAVEN assets in the world - GOLD AND SILVER!



And YOU, "Tyler," implicitly agreed with this hypothesis today when you published the article below.  Why, oh why is it so hard for you to accept, let alone publicly state, that gold manipulation is a 24/7 operation?  Let alone, THE SINGLE REASON MOST RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CATACLYSM WE FACE TODAY!


Gold Increased In Value In Both Extreme Inflationary And Deflationary Scenarios - Credit Suisse & LBS Research


Look at that, a massive surge yesterday to EXACTLY the KEY ROUND NUMBER $1,750, quite obviously the strongest line in the sand I've observed in ten years - hence, the massive cup and handle formation.  Any free market would have SOARED today given the rapid key reversal following Friday's blatant "FEBRUARY NFP FARCE," but not gold, which amazingly was capped at EXACTLY $1,750/ounce an incredible ELEVEN times in the past 24 hours, amidst an array of violently gold-bullish news.


Notice the $1,750 cap at EXACTLY 3:00 AM EST, and again at EXACTLY the 8:20 AM COMEX open, when it WATERFALL DECLINED $8/ounce for no reason; then, more violently at the PM Fix at EXACTLY 10:00 AM EST, by nearly $20/ounce, or 1.1%, while the Dow fell by its "limit down" cap of just 0.4%. 


But what's this?  It looks like nearly the entire $20/ounce PLUMMET occurred when the Dow fell a WHOPPING 25 points just after 10:00 AM, from +5 to -20 on the day...


...while our good friend the naked shorted to oblivion HUI index fell a stunning 2.0%, a perfect example of the "Dow/ Gold x 2" ALGORITHM in action.  Better yet, "Tyler," if this was such a "RISK OFF" event, explain how the Dow recovered ALL its losses while gold ended down 0.7%, silver 0.6% (though looking rock-solid at the $34.00/oz level), and the HUI 0.6%.  Then again, perhaps it's beyond your 140 genius IQ that "someone" wants gold below $1,750/ounce, or that "someone" has a long-standing RULE that "all good PM days must be followed by horrible days." 


I suggest you take a look at how many standard deviations from the mean a 140 IQ is, approximately the same amount of standard deviations from normal the daily trading of Precious Metals - PAPER metal and mining shares - has been for the past decade.




Or that that same "someone" has a habit of blatantly manipulating the market...



...and covering its tracks even more blatantly, such as "erasing history" for all but the few SMART enough, and SAVVY enough, to watch what they are doing...



Now that I've unburdened that RANT, let's get to the incredibly long list of "horrible headlines" from today alone.  You know, the ones that were so "RISK NEUTRAL" for stocks, bonds, and commodities, but "RISK OFF" for PAPER gold and silver, like yet another voting FOMC member endorsing MORE MONEY PRINTING...


Fed's Williams: If Recovery Falters, QE3 Is On The Table


How about this for "stocks positive, gold negative?"  Each week, the uptake of ZOMBIE EUROPEAN BANKS from the Fed's off balance sheet "swap facility" grows larger; essentially FREE, PRINTED MONEY into the coffers of the very same CRIMINAL banks that have destroyed the world.


European FX Swap Line Usage With NY Fed Rises To Fresh Multi-Year High As More Banks Demand More Dollars


And how about this, S&P threatening another U.S. debt rating downgrade in as little as six months?  Yes, I know, the PPT has completely and utterly taken over the markets with GOVERNMENT COMPUTER ALGORITHMS, so there is no such thing as "bad news" anymore. 


S&P Threatens US With Another Downgrade In As Little As 6 Months


Actually, I'm shocked to see S&P make such statements, given that its' CEO was mysteriously FIRED weeks after their August U.S. downgrade, while the world's "most respected ratings agency" didn't so much as comment when the "Super Committee" failed to cut a single PENNY from the U.S. deficit this Fall.  After all, S&P did state the following when they stripped the U.S. of its AAA rating six months ago:


We could lower the long-term rating to 'AA' within the next two years if we see that less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case.


Given that official (i.e. "on balance sheet") U.S. debt has risen by an astounding $1 TRILLION since that statement, the 2012 budget deficit is projected to be at least the same as 2011, and per the chart below, the rate of debt increase has dramatically accelerated, HOW ON EARTH have they remained quiet for so long?  Of course, those of us with brains know the answer, the same reason why Moody's, Fitch, and Egan-Jones have been quite vocal about Europe's financial issues, but SILENT about America's.


Can you say "gun to the head?"



Speaking of Europe, here's more "stock positive, gold negative" news (facetious), starting with the same hollow "pledges" we have seen proposed and refuted at least a dozen times this winter.


Summary Of Greek Reform "Pledges"


Make that a "baker's dozen," only taking a few hours to be refuted this time.  As Joseph Goebbels might have said a few thousand times if he were head of the U.S. "Ministry of Truth," buy stocks, sell gold!


Greek Meeting Ends Without Conclusion: LAOS Head Refuses To Sign Deal


Meanwhile, the moronic media spends all its time focusing on Greece (for now), when it's clear the EXACT SAME fate is in the cards for ALL the PIIGS, such as Ireland...


(Broke) Monkey See, (Broke) Monkey Do


...as PROVEN by the fact that both the Fed "swap facility" and ECB "LTRO" operations continue to grow, with the consensus estimate for the upcoming "LTRO 2" on February 29th to be a whopping €680 BILLION.  Buy stocks, sell gold!


Goldman Conducts Poll On Latest European Deus Ex, Finds Respondents Expect €680Bn LTRO Take Up


In the U.S., the "Welfare Society" grows larger, in just a few short years having become as PERMANENT a fixture as the Fed's ZIRP monetary policy...


Dependency Index Surges 23% Under President Obama


...as does its CRIMINAL underpinnings, highlighted by the relationship between racketeers like Goldman Sachs and the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the latter of which is run by Bill Dudley, who prior to his role as the Fed's second highest ranking officer, was Goldman's Chief Strategist for ten years!


New York Fed Is Back To Transacting Opaquely, Sells AIG Holdings To Goldman


And don't forget the culture of corruption that has metastasized across America since corporations commandeered Washington with obscene campaign contributions over the past 15 years.  Buy stocks, sell gold!


Diamond Foods Fires CEO, CFO After Audit Committee Finds Books Have Been "Cooked" For The Past Two Years


Before I retire for the evening, I figured I'd give a little quid pro quo to Jim Willie, borrowing a fantastic quote from his FREE article published today.


The fixture of 0% monetary policy carries with it an admission that money is worthless. No directive by the flailing discredited US central bank could say it better. Money has no cost because it is not worth anything, being paper in basis and backed by no collateral.





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Andrew Hoffman was a buy-side and sell-side analyst in the United States (including six years as an II-ranked oilfield service analyst at Salomon Smith Barney), but since 2002 his focus has been entirely in the metals markets, principally gold and silver. He recently worked as a consultant to junior mining companies, head of Corporate Development, and VP of Investor Relations for different mining ventures, and is now the Director of Marketing for Miles Franklin, a U.S.-based bullion dealer.
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When I was a newbie I found it most difficult to get a grip on that cup and handle. :)

That aside there are plenty of books,articles etc explaining all things technical when it comes to trading.
I suggest you absorb all of them thoroughly. Then forget them. Maybe develop your own.

I trade from charts only and I use no technical indicators and /or patterns ( except Bollinger Bands) so as far as I am concerned they are of no real use.

I use a plain bar chart and I go with flow up or down in accord with price action. I set stops and never a target because I don't know where a market price will go. Price action takes me out of trades.

I spend more time writing comments on this site than I do watching markets or trading.
Mostly I trade end of day.

Most traders wipe out their entire account in a year so be careful. Trading is a business and you need a business plan.
Best wishes SW.

PS I find spread trading to be profitable and historically and statistically valid.
Recommend...Bollinger on Bollinger Bands and Moore's Research
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For a newbie, can you explain the 'cup and handle' on the graphs? What does that term mean?
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When I was a newbie I found it most difficult to get a grip on that cup and handle. :) That aside there are plenty of books,articles etc explaining all things technical when it comes to trading. I suggest you absorb all of them thoroughly. Then forget t  Read more
S W. - 2/11/2012 at 6:11 AM GMT
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