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The chickens come home to roost

IMG Auteur
Published : February 09th, 2012
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For People Who Think

"The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is nothing but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson

"I suppose, indeed, that in public life, a man whose political principles have any decided character and who has energy enough to give them effect must always expect to encounter political hostility from those of adverse principles." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Richard M. Johnson, 1808

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."      Robert Louis Stevenson 

Every Time I come To a Fork In The Road, I Always Decide To Take The One Less Travelled.  Aubie Baltin


If I said it once, I said it 1000 Times, “You must always keep your eye on the big picture.  Let me explain: Every analyst and Government spokesperson, from the President on down, keeps referring to the trillions of dollars on the corporations books as well as the trillions of dollars being held overseas and how the government must lower corporate taxes and create a tax free holiday to repatriate all that overseas money. Sounds well and good until you examine the President’s and the Democrat rhetoric over the last 3 years and especially the last three months. What do we hear over and over again? Tax the rich, make them pay their fair share, eliminate loopholes such as tax deductions on corporate jets, break contracts with the oil companies and eliminate their depletion allowances that were given to encourage drilling. Cancel their oil leases. Why? Were they too successful? Cancel their drilling permits after the companies have already paid 100’s of billions of dollars for those very same leases. I could go on, but instead I’ll ask you a simple question. Would you repatriate your offshore profits, when there are numerous, much more business friendly Country’s offering opportunities abroad containing much less onerous regulations and lower tax rates?  With the anti-business attitude in Washington, would you speculate to increase your capacity before you have to? Would you trust Washington not to reverse their tax policies soon after you repatriated and invested your money? This is a perfect example that justifies my constant warnings about the unintended consequences of government actions.


Lately all the Talking Heads were speculating that Obama and Bernanke were going to lay down their weapons of mass inflation and surrender peacefully to the Republicans clamoring for no new spending. They would approve no new big money printing or other machinations to pump liquidity into the economy. NOT SO FAST: Big BEN in a recent speech has reopened the door to a new QE3 — one that, depending on his own Depression fears, could be enormous. It will include radical measures that I have continuously railed against --- like buying stocks and real estate for the Fed’s own account; dropping bank reserve requirements and even forcing the nation’s banks into making loans by charging them interest on their own reserves that they are forced to keep at the FED and other embarrassing requirements like market to market.

This new QE3 or whatever it will be referred to will be huge! Not only will it be counter productive, but it confirms precisely with my expectation that they will be setting the stage for that “last ditch” rally into year end that will slam shut that giant BULL TRAP that I have been writing about.

First step was that we’d get worse news on the economy, driving bank and real estate stocks into the ground.

The Second step would be that the Fed would react with unprecedented money printing and other stimulus, driving certain assets like Gold and the stock and Bond markets through the roof.

We won’t have to wait much longer to find out which direction Big Ben will turn to.


Artificially manipulated Low Interest Rates for an extended period of time will end up having tremendous costs. The longer the period of time, the larger the eventual costs will be. There is no such thing as a free lunch. And I could write a book about all of the unintended consequences of such thoughtless policies.


  • The Value Line Geometric average peaked in 1998 and then made a double TOP in 2006; the Value Line Arithmetic Index peaked in May 2011(a Fibonacci 13 years later).

  • The Real DJII (DJII/gold) TOPPED in July1999 and the list of stocks making NEW ALL TIME HIGHS has been shrinking ever since.

  • The Arithmetic DJII reached it peak on May 2, 2011.

All combined these are sure signs of internal WEAKNESS. However, the long term cyclical patterns are pointing to a MAJOR TOP some time between now and early 2012. (perhaps it has already been reached?)

The next major down wave is projected to lose a minimum of 50%, similar to what we witnessed in 2007/2009, but more likely to what happened in 1929 to 1932 or a replay of the Japan experience of the last 20 years.

The reality is that the FED is stuck in failed Socialist theory and will be seen to have very limited long term capability of control highlighted by a complete loss of

the public’s confidence. They will show impotence when faced with CREDIT DEFLATION like we and the world have never seen.


As the powers that be continue to grapple over how and who is responsible for the AAA Rating being lowered, the pile of bills due keeps growing exponentially larger. Prices for almost everything we buy, especially food and energy, is slowly but steadily increasing in price. What they should be concentrating on is how to limit spending and drastically reduce regulation in order to allow the FREE MARKET to work by investing and creating jobs.

It was my estimation that the Debt Ceiling Bill (like the ECB and IMF’S 146 billion Euro Bailout) is only a stopgap measure that is doomed to fail from the start. You have noticed how both Gold and the Markets’ have voted?  None of the real problems were even addressed let alone repaired. Has the time finally come where “They” and “WE” must finally address our REAL PROBLEMS or can they still stall thinking any unpleasant thoughts a little while longer? Most probably, they don’t know what any real potential solutions are.

Since the problems are no longer one of LIQUIDITY, but more of a long term structural problem that has not even been looked at yet, could it be marking the beginning of the end of the EUROPEAN UNION?  Is Europe and the US heading for outright Stagflation to be followed by Deflation and Depression? To me, it all looks like a Keynesian House Of Cards and just like all houses of cards, it must eventually come tumbling down.


The FED was also supposed to be in "control" in 2007 as the 54% decline by the Industrials began and it was not until the market and the economy hit their natural cyclical bottoms that these declines were halted due primarily to the fact that the markets were completely SOLD OUT. Of course, once the lows were made, the Obama and the Fed took credited for having saved the world. Fact is the Fed was not in control then, nor are they in control now. Bernanke has absolutely no long term foresight. How could he since he is married to a proven failed ECONOMIC (Keynesian) philosophy. The FED merely reacts to the natural cyclical forces of the market using a system that has been proven over the last 75 years not to have ever worked. In doing so, their reactions ultimately only serve to make matters worse. As an example, it should be obvious that the FED’S (re)actions after the 2002 low created not only the housing (bubble) crisis and sharply rising commodity prices, but was also responsible for the credit crisis and the eventual collapse that made the decline into 2009 worse than the initial problem would have been had they done nothing and allowed the markets to correct themselves. People desperately want to think that someone is in control and that "they" won't let this or that happen. Fact is, "they" are never really in control and all "they" do is react and in doing so, "they" only serve to exacerbate the problems and this time is no different. As the markets moved down into the 2009 lows, the Fed pulled out all the stops and literally threw in everything but the kitchen sink to keep things afloat. But the fact is the markets moved into their natural cyclical lows and once these counter-trend bounces have run their course, we should see that once again, all "they" have done is make matters worse.

There is” No Such Thing as a Free Lunch”. The price for keeping Interest Rates artificially low for extended periods of time must be paid for in the end. Unfortunately the end is a lot nearer than anyone now is even considering.

Market participants clearly hoped the E125 billion orchestrated bailout of Greece would be the end of Europe’s sovereign debt worries. Once again the markets have voted. They say these small economies (States) “don’t matter”, but we know better.

The Greek crisis (and the other European debt crises yet to come) is merely a precursor to the "real world" debt crisis of 2010-2012. (We say "real world" because a crisis among developed nations will dwarf the "emerging-market" debt default cycle of the late 1990s.) Likewise, both the emerging-market crises of the last decade, the Internet Bubble that followed, and the Real Estate Bubble after that were all merely stepping stones towards the ultimate collapse of the world's untenable, Fiat paper-backed monetary standard.

Many of the world's developed economies have been fueling very limited growth and their standard of living with foreign debts. This growth and the asset values created under the euro standard are unsustainable for the simple reason that debt service cannot be made and creditors are no longer willing to extend these debts on reasonable terms. These problems have no simple answers. They will spread from creditor to creditor and intensify as the market realizes these defaults are unstoppable. The next major country likely to experience a credit crisis is Italy, which has enormous exposure through its banks to Eastern Europe the US Banks and Asia. Italy's public debt totals €1.7 trillion – seven times the size of Greece. Italy is the world's third-largest sovereign borrower. It cannot be bailed out by the EU without help. – it is simply too big. Meanwhile, it cannot possibly hope to pay back its debts as long as it remains in the EU. In fact, Italy has been in recession almost since the day it adopted the Euro: Its economy has grown by a total of 0.54% over the last decade. The total public debt to GDP will soon surpass 120%. At that point, they will no longer be able to pay just the interest and it will become progressively more difficult for Italy to extend its foreign debts because all of the foreign creditors will know these debts will never be repaid. A default and devaluation will be the only way to restart Italy's economy.

Finally… what should you do about all these risks?

  • Hold plenty of Gold and Silver bullion.
  • Short financial stocks.
  • Hold cash in sound currencies.
  • Buy farmland.
  • Buy energy – during its corrections.

Don't believe a word anyone from the banks or the government says. Oh… and be sure to renew your UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE newsletter,

Last week there were NO New 52-week highs: None.


Gold has been rising at an increasingly steep pitch since early July warning us that whatever deal emerges from the NUT HOUSE on Capitol Hill, it will not do anything to affect the steady ongoing destruction of the Dollar that began in 1913 but really exploded after the FED dropped Gold as backing the Dollar in 1971. The Fed, as we know, was charged with conducting monetary policy and supervising the banking system. However since 1971, the Central Bank’s mandate was expanded to include the responsibility for maintaining full employment. The dire implications of this for the U.S. dollar have not been lost on bullion investors and traders, even if conventional thinking would feign to suggest that precious metals are just a barbarous relic and that their prices have come too far, too fast. Compared to what? Over the last decade, bullion has outperformed every other asset class you can name.

Perhaps the destruction of the Dollar has entered a new and cataclysmic phase. What will replace the Dollar when it utterly fails, as it eventually must if we continue at the rate of credit creation that we are now in? GOLD may not be classed as MONEY yet, but it is sure headed in that direction.

Further confirmation in the continuing stealth accumulation of bullion by Central Banks came with the confirmation that South Korea's Central Bank bought 25 tons of Gold over a two month period. The Gold is worth $1.24 billion and resulted in a 17-fold increase in their Gold reserves.

Thailand’s Gold reserves rose by 15.5% in the two months and rose to about 4.07 million ounces in June, from about 3.523 million ounces in May, according to Bloomberg.

South Korea is the world’s seventh biggest foreign exchange reserve holder and 64% of its reserves are in U.S. Dollars. The bank said that it also holds Euros and other assets and the move was about achieving diversification. The BOK’s reserves, stored in the vaults of the Bank of England, increased by 25 tons to 39.4 tones (from 14.4 tones),but remain meager when compared to the size of their foreign exchange reserves. Their Gold holdings account for only 0.7% of its reserves, up from 0.2% prior to the purchase. The BOK reserves were at a record high of $311.03 billion at the end of July which puts this $1.25 billion Gold purchase in perspective. Rest assured they will be doing a lot more buying in the very near future, especially if there is any kind of meaningful ($100) pullback.

Their Gold reserves and those of other Asian Central Banks, particularly the People’s Bank of China, remain meager when compared to those of Western Central Banks and the U.S. 

Earlier this year, Thailand, whose Gold holdings account for only 2.9% of reserves, bought 9.3 tons of Gold. Russia purchased 41.8 tons and Mexico bought 99.2 tons.

China is the world's sixth largest Gold holder and the biggest among Asian banks with 1,054.1 tons, equivalent to just 1.6% of their massive currency reserves.

According to the World Gold Council, governments hold an average of 10% of foreign exchange reserves in Gold: Larger economies such as the USA, France and Germany hold more than 50% of their currency reserves in Gold. And they claim Gold is not money?

"As a real safe asset, Gold helps us to cope effectively with changes in the international financial market," said Jaehyun Joo of the Bank of Korea. "We expect that Gold will serve as a safety net for official foreign reserve and enhance the stability of the Bank of Korea's (BOK) foreign reserve management.” His comments reflect perfectly the mindset of the Central Bankers in Asia who realize the increasing importance of Gold as a store of value and are increasingly concerned about the Euro, the Dollar and the global financial and monetary system.

The “Asian put” continues to place a very stable floor under the Gold market and means that Gold will not be seeing any meaningful corrections any time soon. Smart money and official demand for Gold remains robust as a very fragile global economic recovery is becoming more and more doubtful and stubbornly high and rising inflation in many countries, sovereign debt and contagion risks lead to my conclusion that the single best investment is GOLD.


As Gold bullion pushed to new all time highs virtually on a daily basis, Gold mining stocks instead of following Gold, followed all the other stocks (around the world) setting up a tremendous buying opportunity. Start accumulating Precious Metal stocks and/or add to your positions. The big profits come only to those who have the courage to go against the crowd.

Investment in Precious Metals represents only 1% of the worlds total Investment dollars. Bubbles have not been reached until over 5% investment has been reached and during those times, there was never a doubt as to the safety of the US DOLLAR.

The Gold-to-Silver Ratio: What It’s Telling Us Today

I always write about Gold bullion in every one of my commentaries, but Silver is mostly an after taught. But since Silver was, for a time, outperforming Gold, I guess I made a serious oversight and so it’s about time I correct that. Right up front, I want to say I’m more biased towards Gold than Silver as an investment. I’ve been pushing Gold since 2001. About the time, I started getting concerned about spiraling U.S. debt and the increase in the money supply in conjunction with my ELLIOTT WAVE technical analysis telling me that the 20 year Bear Market in Gold had ended. My thought has always been: If the security of the U.S. Dollar ever comes into play, Gold will be the currency of choice, not Silver. I can see the government eventually forced into a situation where U.S. Dollars will once again be partially backed by Gold. I can’t see U.S. dollars backed by Silver.

On the other hand, Silver is in ever increasing demand because of its unique properties in ever increasing diverse new industries, whereas Gold is still primarily used in jewelry and as an investment-related commodity. If the worlds’ emerging economies such as China continue to grow as we believe they will, demand for Silver for industrial use will continue to explode, driving up Silver prices. Gold prices were up about 13% this year compared to a 29% increase in the price of Silver before Gold’s latest run.

The Gold-to-Silver ratio works like this: We take the current price of Gold and divide it by the current price of Silver. Historically over two centuries, the Gold-to-Silver ratio has averaged 37-to-1. Today, it sits at 41-to-1 which, at their highs in 1980, hit a low of 17 to 1.This tells me that although Silver is not cheap in respect to Gold, it is not overvalued either.

It also tells me something else. My Gold advice, prediction as expressed in these pages over the last 5 years is for Gold bullion to reach $6250 per ounce before the Bull Market in Gold is over sometime by 2017. If I apply the historic 37-to-1 Gold-to-Silver ratio, Silver should be trading at $170 an ounce if Gold reaches $6,250 an ounce. At a 17–to–1 ratio, we are looking at a Silver price of $367.00.  You only have to make one right decision in your investment career to become wealthy, no matter how much money you start with. All you need is the courage to hang on. I only went 2.7 seconds on that bull named Fu Manchu, but I can guarantee you I will hang on to this Gold and Silver Bull and set an all time record  for Bull Riding. In short, Silver along with Gold is a tremendous investments and not just riding gold’s coat tails for the past 10 years. Besides, Silver has always been considered the poor man’s Gold and there can be no bubble until everyone, including the poor are in solid.

There are several major Silver producers traded on various stock exchanges. On Silver price dips, like right NOW, I’d be a buyer of the major Silver producer stocks listed on major stock exchanges.

Prepare for the worst economic period that we have seen in 80 years, as that is what I see coming. I’ve written over the past three years how, in the late 1920s, real estate prices fell first before the stock market and how I felt the same would happen this time. Home prices in the U.S. peaked in 2005 and started falling in 2006. (In Florida where I live, the average Bear Market in Real Estate lasts 10 years). The stock market followed suit in 2008. Is a Depression coming? Maybe not, but a severe stagflation followed by deflationary recession definitely is.

Guess Which Industry Is Reporting Outstanding Financial Results?

Gold Silver miners are reporting their second-quarter earnings right now and, for the most part, they are awesome. If it’s one thing that Gold-producing businesses have learned over the last few years, it’s that there’s no need to hedge the price at which they sell their Gold. The outlook for the spot price of Gold has been so uniformly strong that virtually no mining company engages in a major hedging program to protect their profits. There hasn’t been any need, especially with the spot price hitting new records all the time.

One benchmark company that’s a good indicator as to the health of the Gold mining industry is Yamana Gold Inc. (NYSE/AUY). The company is currently worth about 10 billion dollars in stock market capitalization and I refer to it as one of the top mid-cap Gold miners within the industry. The stock is highly liquid and is well followed by the Street.

Yamana is a Canadian Gold mining company with significant Gold production and development properties in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Central America. The company is producing Gold and other precious metals at intermediate-company production levels, in addition to a significant amount of copper. Recently, the company reported record financial results for its second quarter. New records were achieved in revenues, cash flow, and earnings.

According to the company, its revenues grew to 573.3 million dollars in the second quarter on the sale of 220,376 ounces of Gold (excluding its Alumbrera operations), 2.1 million ounces of Silver, and 41.6 million pounds of Copper. This compares with revenues of 351.4 million dollars generated in the same quarter last year on the sale of 186,921 ounces of Gold (excluding Alumbrera), 2.6 million ounces of Silver and 31.6 million pounds of Copper (excluding Alumbrera). Any way you cut it, this is excellent growth.

Yamana generated record net earnings of 194.7 million dollars during the latest quarter, representing an increase of 178% compared to earnings of 70.1 million dollars generated in the second quarter of 2010. Earnings per share increased 189% to $0.26 on a basic and diluted basis. Cash flow generated from operations (before changes in working capital) grew to 331million dollars, or $0.44 per share, compared to 194.3 million dollars, or $0.26 per share, for the second quarter of 2010.

Company management cited that its financial success was due to strong cost controls, an increase in Gold, Silver and Copper volumes and higher prices for all commodities. Yamana finished the second quarter with 520.9 million dollars in cash, representing an increase of 190.4 million dollars since December 31, 2010.

Even the technology sector can’t seem to touch the growth rates currently being achieved in the Gold-mining business. It’s the one industry now that seems flush with cash and great prospects for the future. Right now, the big investment banks are saying that investors should be buying Gold. In fact, equity investors should have been buying Gold years ago. With the age of austerity upon us, a weaker dollar and inflationary pressures revealing themselves, Gold should be one of the top outperformers over the next few years.

GOLD:  What Do I do Now?

Every analyst and his mother and that includes both the Johnny Come Lately’s as well as most of the best of the GOLD analysts are saying that at 25% above its 200 day MA, Gold is grossly over bought, BUT not me! I have explained on many occasions too numerous to mention that Gold is a market UNTO ITS SELF. At times, it goes with Oil and as we have seen lately, at times it doesn’t. The same is true for every other commodity, index, currency or what have you. GOLD is a SUPERIOR good. Unlike most other things, the faster the price of Gold rises, the faster and larger the demand for it increases. My long term target for GOLD remains $6,250/oz. Although I am not calling for a market meltdown tomorrow, it will happen and since I do not have a crystal ball, I cannot tell you exactly when, but it could be tomorrow. Our biggest risk is to take our huge profits in Gold now, as everyone else is recommending, only to see GOLD take off while we are sitting on worthless cash. The worst case scenario that I can see for us is that we have a mild correction ($200) for a month or so before Gold explodes upward, again triggered by some Black Swan. A selloff like we had in June and July will not be enough to let you back in at lower prices than you got out at (Even if we got a 2006 or 2008 type sell off). The danger is that you might not get back in at all, waiting for that one last drop. I won’t belabor the point. My recommendation is to sit tight. If you are too nervous and afraid of losing all those big profits you have built up, you can buy some two month Puts on GLD; enough to let you sleep at night. But for heavens sake, HOLD ON TO YOUR CORE POSITIONS. Continue to accumulate Gold and Silver mining stocks on either weakness or on breakouts to new all time highs. It takes guts to make the BIG MONEY.


If you need cogent analysis and clear reasoning, if your time matters as much as your investments, then UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE is the service for you. My job is to uncover what is really happening find you the best of the best Investments, making sure your radar is pointed in the right direction and weeding out all the noise so that you can make an informed decision for yourself. You must do some of your own research.

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Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD.                               

2078 Bonisle Circle

Palm Beach Gardens FL.  33418


Please Note: This article is for education purposes only and is designed to help you make up your own mind, not for me to make it up for you. Only you know your own personal circumstances so only you can decide the best places to invest your money and the degree of risk that you are prepared to take. All Information and data included here has been gleaned from sources deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed by me. Nothing stated in here should be taken as a recommendation for you to buy or sell securities. I am not a registered investment advisor



Data and Statistics for these countries : South Korea | Thailand | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : South Korea | Thailand | All
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Aubie Baltin has spent his career identifying major trends in the markets and helping others to profit from them. He uncovers changes to the major trends in his newsletter, “UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE”, then presents specific, actionable recommendations to help his readers profit before they become obvious to everyone else.
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