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The Coup Continues

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Published : November 12th, 2011
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Early last December, I wrote a piece entitled ‘Crisis or Coup?’ in which the anatomy of the 2008 financial crisis was analyzed in further detail and some conclusions drawn. These conclusions were drawn based on facts and actions, not opinions. It was obvious at the time that the USFed and our own government were acting not in the best interests of the people, but rather in the best interests of banks and large corporations. Crony capitalism, as it has often been called - where profits are kept and losses are written off or passed on to the ‘Plebeians’ of a particular society - ramped into high gear in the US. Remember the fact that the absurd financial structure that is in place was the ‘solution’ to a crisis, which had the fingerprints of the solution providers all over it.

Fast forward one year and the same mechanism is firmly in place again and working very well – this time in Europe. Again, the abuse of debt has been the main villain. Couple that to greed, avarice, and unlimited access to power and you’re going to have problems. EU2010 is no different than USA2008 on a fundamental level. The only difference is the consumer-driven side of the Eurozone didn’t cause problems first – the sovereign issues roared to the forefront.

And what is happening to those leaders in the countries that are balking what are essentially multiple coup d’ etats? They’re summarily dismissed. George Papandreou in Greece has been replaced by Lucas Papdemos, a rabid central banker (ECB). Silvio Berlusconi in Italy is out, replaced (likely) by Mario Monti, a guy who has all sorts of insidious connections to the Rockefeller/Rothschild global banking syndicate. Aka, the same syndicate that is gutting America through its creature from Jekyll Island, the federal reserve system itself.

So two countries’ leaders toppled, and what of Portugal? Interestingly enough, Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva has evidently learned how he is supposed to behave from the demise of Berlusconi and Papandreou. He is now a card-carrying water carrier for the syndicate. Check out his quote made on 11/10/11:

“The European Central Bank has to go beyond a narrow interpretation of its mission and should be prepared for foreseeable intervention in the secondary market, not as the central bank has done up to now,” Cavaco Silva said yesterday in an interview at Bloomberg headquarters in New York. He said government leaders are unlikely to move fast enough to find solutions.

“It has to be able to be a lender of last resort,” said Cavaco Silva, 72, who as Portugal’s prime minister presided over the 1992 signing of the Maastricht Treaty, which cleared the way for the euro common currency. “It has to be a foreseeable, unlimited intervention.”

The coup in Portugal has been effectively completed. Some people may question why I use the term coup d’ etat. The term essentially means takeover of a formerly sovereign nation in the context we most often see it in. Oftentimes, coups are military in nature with a rebel force conducting a coup to remove an existing government. Well, a financial coup is along the same lines where the control of a country’s financial system and/or its economy is taken from the people of that nation by a banking cartel or syndicate. The very creation of the EU itself was a mini-coup since those countries that entered gave up a large portion of their sovereignty and put their destiny in the hands of a regional government and central bank. These countries could no longer issue their own debt and when things got bad, then couldn’t maneuver, and are now at the whimsy of international banksters.

Don’t forget what Silva is really saying above, either. By making the ECB the lender of last resort, what he is advocating is that the ECB becomes owner of the failing countries within the Eurozone. This is precisely what is happening in America now: that the federal reserve is openly monetizing USGovt debt. Few take the next step and make the admission that in doing this, the federal reserve is becoming an owner of this country – and it is getting a larger share with every bond it buys. And all this happens with the blessing of the US Congress and various Parliaments in Europe. The dominoes are falling one by one into the complete financial and economic control of international bankers. These are men without a country, but men who seek to dominate all countries.

One thing forgotten in all this is that the USA is indeed headed for the second stage of its continuing financial crisis, this time in the form of a sovereign debt nightmare that will make 2008 look like a game of Monopoly. No doubt there will be calls for the federal reserve to again be the lender of last resort and another chunk of America will fall to the syndicate. These nasty cycles will continue until it is all gone. Sounds pretty gloomy doesn't it? Just look at what has happened so far and then ask yourself if we’ve turned in another direction or are just headed for more of the same.

At the end of the day, hopefully we will all come to realize that we can gripe all we want about what has taken place thus far and what is to come, but sooner or later we are going to have to own up to the fact that we allowed it. Bankers couldn’t have packaged hundreds of billions of dollars of junk mortgage bonds and leveraged it up 40:1 if people who had no business buying a house hadn’t done so. Sure the system enabled it all, but I have not heard a single case of an American citizen having a gun put to their head and being forced to buy a house or participate in some other sort of largesse.

We have allowed our elected officials to cede our national sovereignty to bankers while we argue about steroids in baseball, American Idol, and the fate of various Hollywood lawbreakers. We were so busy swiping our credit cards that nobody paid attention to the fact that our government was doing the exact same thing – on a grandiose scale, its ego writing checks that the people of this country can never pay.
We did it all voluntarily. So have the Europeans. Nobody was complaining when the welfare state was in full swing and sloth and laziness were incentivized on a regional scale. Nary a word was said when exceptions were made so that Greece could enter the EU in the first place. Nobody paid any attention when it became obvious several years ago that the numbers weren’t adding up. The whole EU was too busy partying.

I’d like to leave you with a quote from a wise man in American history – Thomas Jefferson:

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”

Startling isn’t it? Look around you; his worst nightmare is becoming our reality – on a global scale.

Until Next Time,

Andrew W. Sutton, MBA

Chief Market Strategist

Sutton & Associates, LLC


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Andrew W. Sutton, MBA received graduate honors in the field of Economics and is the Chief Market Strategist for Sutton & Associates, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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What follows is Obama to the UofMichigan commencement 2011. Which part of the paragraph isn't disingenous, out right obfuscation, or simple lie?

'First, American democracy has thrived because we have recognized the need for a government that, while limited [LIMITED!], can still help us adapt to a changing world. On the fourth panel of the Jefferson [JEFFERSON] Memorial is a quote I remember reading to Sasha during our first visit there. It says, "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but...with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance [ADVANCE] also to keep pace with the times."

LIMITED - At that time (but much less than even today), Obama spoke from the largest spending government history has ever known. It spends more, has more debt, and incurs greater deficites than any history has ever seen. As owner, the Central Bank oversees all of these.

JEFFERSON - thanks for the quote, Mr Sutton, sir - I didn't have the full extent of the bastardization of American government and culture that Obama's allusion to Jefferson in this context of LIMITED must likewise announce.

CHANGE - ergo; the only institutional change being advocated here is the one that sets up and funds i into perpetuity an unelected proxy for the government 'for the people' chartered by the constitution. All can see too that to neo Fed it is mandates that are important in Healthcare Reform not the issue itself. But lacking direct violation of the constitution, it can still be twisted and mocked beyond its truer recovery or rather its ability to promote its own continuance through time.

Some comments:

1) Since the legal framework Obama mentions must by 'reduction of choice' simply bilk the debtors and milk the 'in debt', EXCLUSIVELY, thus Argentina's economic solution announces the most dangerous economic thought on the planet. This is already playing out in municipalities across America like a leak in a concrete damn. Which state will announce dole first?

2) Which states will pick the dole states up. Imagine, revolution without moral mandate. It lacks Frederick Douglas, because there is no underlying social injustice. It lack the founding fathers, because they paid their way. Where does this bad boy go? And if it doesn't, how do good people live in a land lopsided toward inequity regards their better purposes?

Restated, if Fed cabal & friends thought it had it tied up, that's but a sore mistake. Likely result, something new (perhaps wicked) doth surely this way comes.

Only question, are better people going to ride that bull to whatever prosperity (or reduction of pain) can be managed or will this be mobbed? It can't stay where it's going. The apologist's next move will simply be to eliminate the apology altogether, and on two grounds. 1) they will underestimate the enslaved. 2) the apology itself will no longer be sustainable in that framework legaleze of the winners. The necessary words themselves will have be legislated away.

This then is straight up tyranny, and that will ring a bell, stirring terrible feelings of repugnance toward all that is federal in the deepest hollers of this country. Even yankee doodle will not come to the aid of such a federalization. As all know, especially in the south, when push comes to shove, his dandy is its antithesis. That self removed and then other storied 'yells' will surely be heard again.

Yet the academe has been rendered defunct if I read the academic president's arrogance correctly. But we are not school boys.

3) The point is - If the constitution is trumped past its Aristotlian substantial purpose to announce the new tyranny, so can someone else. There are other, more direct, ways to announce a coup, people. There is in fact a flaw in the overseer's take over agenda. If it is to open season (as in post constitution) (as in post American), then who wants it - under post chartered law, who will call the ball? This Obama wasn't even a fucking cub scout!

What says the military now? They were all out west right before the civil war, everybody knows that. The solutions start at home. Does this United States qua union have a date with the expenditure cutting thinker from Oklahoma and fantastic, rib exposing pain? If so, the Greatest generation has one last lesson to teach. It's twofold. The first says the truth regards surviving a Depression is a cold truth. The second says (in the earned pride of the survivors) We Fuck the Third World here. What has to be the difference between hardship undertaken via policy in America and the third world? The answer, unlike the termite blather of Obama, has to be teleos toward future prosperity.

Rocky Mountain state, Virginia has spoken - what is your quality, sir?
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