PART I - The Petro$ Imperative
with Special Guest
Author & Freelance Writer
& Gordon T Long & John Rubino
28 Minutes, 49 Slides
Oil has always been the global chess game of Geo-Political power. F. William
Engdahl suggests this is still the case but with some major modern day twists
such as:
- The Petro$$,
- The US$ Reserve Status,
- The REAL science of oil.
The source of global Geo-political tensions stem from the interplay of these
three tenets.
Since the US energy crisis of the early 70's, oil has only be traded in US
dollars. Those who have challenged this such as Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Libya's
Muammar Gaddafi were quickly removed from power. Iran's recent opening of a
bourse to trade oil in non US currencies is now under threat.
The issue in the middle east is not about capturing oil but rather the enforcement
of trading oil in US dollars to sustain the US dollar as the Global Reserve
currency. Any shift in this policy has profound implications to the US which
has over $6B US dollars presently held as currency reserves abroad.
But what if oil was in fact a renewal resource and was found to be leaking
from the core of the earth? What would that mean to the global balance of power
and the wealth of those controlling real global power?
- What if the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) was not a defensive
measure but in reality an offensive first strike preemptive nuclear weapon?
- Why are NATO weapons being placed in the former east bloc countries, which
are now part of NATO, and pointed at Russia?
- Why is Obama's Asian Pivot actually aimed at China and now seen as a threat
by them?
These and other questions are raised and answered in this fascinating dialogue
between F William Engdahl, John Rubino and Gordon T Long.
When you follow the money as these three do, these questions can be answered!
You may not like the answers, but you need to understand the Geo-Economic realities
at play if you are going to protect your investments.
Geo-Political events can quickly move worried markets..... and they normally
Video: PART I - The Petro$ Imperative
28 Minutes, 49 Slides