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This Silver Baby Deserves a Slap and a Rebuttal

IMG Auteur
Published : May 24th, 2011
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I came across a piece on this weekend. I felt it deserved a rebuttal. The piece was written by “Anonymous”. Man I wish this anonymous individual would put his name behind his statements so that his credentials and market “calls” can be independently verified. So as we have it, STRIKE 1 against this character who spews his/her missive against the silver manipulation theory.
So let’s dissect Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous’ missive to see if it has any credibility and or merit. Let’s start with this part of his rant:

“I'm tired of hearing about "manipulation." That's all these cheerleaders talk about when the market drops.

All these people make their living and their fortunes based on a silver boom. While much of their thoughts are constructive and informative, one has to be careful basing one's investment choices on the comments and perspective of those who profit from increased buying participation.

Back to "manipulation". None of these characters said "lighten up" when we reached 50 bucks. Despite silver being overbought, by various measures, to the degree I'd continually pointed out, raising caution (NOT that I was calling a top or suggesting selling everything, but I suddenly WAS suggesting not buying a stick more of silver at that point), these pundits NEVER say anything but "BUY."

Let’s see. By “characters” does he mean Bart Chilton of the CFTC who said on the record that he felt that there was manipulation going on in the silver market? I wrote a piece back in March in which I said that the silver manipulation complaints were worth looking into. In that piece I highlighted a New York Times piece that chronicled the whistleblowing efforts of Andrew Maguire which in turn led Bart Chilton to state on the record that he believed there had been “fraudulent efforts” to “deviously control” the silver price. He did not name any party. Soon after however, lawsuits were brought against JPMorgan and HSBC. Further lawsuits are being contemplated. As for this anonymous writer crying that he or she is tired of hearing about manipulation when the market drops better take a reality pill. Cries of manipulation have been coming since $5.00 silver and were always present during the rise up to the recent highs. Manipulation wasn’t the buzz word on the way down during this correction so much so that it was being openly discussed and argued during the days when silver was being suppressed and during the rise. The writer better check his facts on this one because he also failed to mention that the folks over at GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee) have been calling the silver market rigged since long before the metal started its bull run)

To the third paragraph of the highlighted statement above; “None of these characters said "lighten up" when we reached 50 bucks”. It would be nice to know who the characters that he is referring to are. Are they the “characters” who have been fighting the silver fight since the $5.00/ounce days or are they the characters that got on the bandwagon at $45.00 such as the “self proclaimed experts” that CNBC started trotting out once the price exceeded $40.00? The writer continues to indicate the he continued to point out how the price of silver was overbought and that he/she was raising caution. Again I ask, who is this masked individual claiming to have called the the intermediate top and suggested people should lighten up? This person also makes no distinction between what pundits he is referring to. Many of the pundits I follow and have followed personally for the last 5-7 years never scream buy. They simply set out the facts as to why silver is undervalued. The ones the scream buy are again the ones that find themselves on morning talk shows or who probably charge for subscription newsletters. Without any information these statements are unfounded.

This ghost writer then continues;

Now, after a huge drop, instead of saying "we should have advised, at minimum, caution", they angrily blame "manipulation", as if

  1. They never expected it, so just keep buying, and
  2. They never expected margin increases on $50 silver (granted fast and furious ones, but guess what else was fast and furious? Silver's rise.
  3. Investors that lost money on the drop, buying near the top on endless encouragement - hey, don't blame them for encouraging the buying - JOIN THEM - in expressing great anger at "the manipulators" (anger doesn't put the money back into your pocket).

Everyone expected a correction in the silver price. Anyone that didn’t was a fool. However, most of the real experts in the silver game are not into investing in silver for a 3 month flip. Most of the fundamentals in place for silver are longer term. Sure; if you are trading the metal then it would have been advisable, just like a stock, to take some off the table but if you are really in it for the fundamentals, then the longer term outlook should not be affected by the short term price fluctuations. What was a gold investor to do over the last 10 years? Throw him or herself over a bridge? The longer term fundamentals that suggest higher prices are in store for silver.

I’m curious as to why this writer doesn’t point out the significant distortion between the “paper price” for silver and the “physical price”, of which the latter is still commanding hefty premiums. I suggest the writer take a course between what paper vs. physical really means. Then again, we can’t check his “claims” because he doesn’t post any links and doesn’t provide his name. He just claims “after the fact” that he called it.

He says that investors never expected a margin increase at $50.00 silver. Silver investors DID expect a margin increase. I dare this individual to find one person that expected 5 margin increases in the span of 8 trading days.

This fool speaks as though silver has suddenly been found in droves or that there suddenly is no supply/demand issue anymore. He or she speaks as though the world has no more use for silver. Do us all a favour and review the data on above ground consumption and availability before coming off as though silver will never see $50.00 again. It is no different than stock market pundits calling for continued rises in prices. I ask; how many corrections of 10% or more have we had in the stock markets since the bottom in 2009? Then, you tell me if you sold on those corrections or if you used those opportunities to buy more stock IF YOU FELT that the market’s continued direction was higher.

Which brings me back to manipulation. One margin hike or two I would understand. 5 in 8 trading days done so swiftly as to take everyone holding a contract out of the game is unheard of. Tell me where the regulators were as the stock market was climbing insane amounts during it’s rise since 2009 almost on a scripted basis? Are you starting to get the picture? Then there is the curious case of the mysterious put options placed on silver that are still unexplained. Please read my post about suspicious trades that seemed to correlate perfectly with the margin increases and the prices needed for the trades to make money. How can one NOT suspect manipulation when such facts are staring you in the face? Was it manipulated? Who knows? Does something look fishy? Yes.

The writer then tries to draw some distorted parallel to Google. What?? Google? What does the price of Google have to do with the fundamentals behind silver? I sure as heck don’t know but let’s look at his/her reasoning. (By the way if this individuals silver knowledge isn’t by now in doubt, then tell me what more proof you need)

“Note that it (Google) had risen from 100 to 500 from 05 to 06, and then dropped from 500 to 300 in 06, a loss similar to the current silver drop.


Maybe a little, maybe to some degree. But maybe - and mostly, this is how the market works, overbought leads to corrections, regardless of "Duh Dollar," or what "Duh Dollar fundamentals say" (they dictate the longer term price direction and scope).”

For starters, as I made reference to above, the case for silver’s manipulation was being made and argued when silver was still being supressed at $5.00 an ounce. IF Google stock had spent years languishing at $75.00 when the fundamentals called for higher prices and then it finally broke out, the similarities could be made. But the writer is attempting to argue apples with oranges. This is where the writer loses even more credibility.

You can not draw a comparison between an internet company and a precious metal/commodity. Both of them work with different metrics. Google doesn’t need to worry about how many internet users suddenly use Google every year and fear that the amount of newborns entering the internet age is falling in line to how many users there are. Silver is a mined commodity and if you look at the stats I compiled in my report about why silver was still a good long term investment, you will see what I mean. Silver vs. Google? I’m still shaking my head.

This writer with no name or website concludes:

But I also realize the need to "think for one's self " and not become part of a herd - even an "anti-establishment" herd.

Like I said - when you've lost a substantial amount of equity, it doesn't matter whether it was due to investing in "widgets" or silver - or due to manipulation or not - it's just as lost either way.

Which brings me to my closing point. This individual appears to be someone who took out a major position in silver near the highs and is now kicking and screaming because their investment is underwater. This sounds like an individual who listened to the wrong people and bit off a little more than he/she can chew.

This individual comes on to the scene with a piece claiming this and that, with no backlink or website where one can verify his/her claims and comes on to the scene kicking and screaming like a little child without having grasped the fundamentals of silver investing. Not trading folks…INVESTING. – There is a huge difference!

He claims to have been a silver bull saying;

"Meet the new boss,

Same as the old boss".

Please don't think that Sprott et al are selfless, purists, crusaders for justice.

As silver becomes "an industry", they are merely "the new boss", seeking their turn at maximum gain. It's just "their thing", and they're going to promote the shit out of it no matter what.

I can be considered an uninterrupted silver bull since the late 70's with silver at 4 bucks, and again in the late 90's with silver at - - 4 bucks.

I realize the potential and invest heavily with long-term positions”.

Sprott has been a precious metals bull for as long as I can remember and has never waivered even when gold corrected during its massive bull run. Sprott isn’t in it to rip off some small time investors looking to invest in precious metals. And how can this character claim to be an uninterrupted silver bull since the late 70’s with “silver at $4.00” and again the late 90’s with “silver at 4 bucks” and then go off on a tirade when silver suffers it’s first correction since the bull market started? If he claims to be such an astute silver bull then he knows that these ebbs and flows come with the game. Can you tell us when in the late 70’s you are referring to because the late 70’s saw silver well above $4.00. (See table)

He says he realizes the potential and invests heavily with long term positions but then cries as he concludes his piece.

Again, I claim that this person is a bitten investor, not a long term silver bull as is claimed because if this person really was a long term silver bull and invested with long term positions then the “trade at $50.00” would not have mattered to him/her now would it? If this person is a real long term silver bull then this person should be “buying the f-ing dip!” instead of crying about a short term correction.

STRIKE THREE YOU ARE OUT. This person is either a long term investor and bull as claimed or got hoodwinked into entering the game at $45.00 and now feel the need to point the finger at someone. The story, facts and information doesn’t make sense. I point to the latter scenario. Someone who got shaken out, received a margin call or simply got spooked. Any longer term fundamental silver bull is not crying right now…they are buying.

Myself, as a silver bull for the last 10 years have used this dip to buy more physical not to bitch about the correction. In fact, I was hoping and waiting for the day, if it ever came, when I could buy more physical for under $35.00/oz.

I think in fairness, should publish this rebuttal so that readers can make up their mind and hear all sides to the story.

You guys know where to reach me…my email is on my website and is available to all that visit it. My views and opinions are also always made public.



Dan Dontrose




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